FirstAidKittens — TGO - Jet Reff Sheet [ New ]

Published: 2012-11-12 22:05:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 3759; Favourites: 88; Downloads: 28
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>> Jet's Reff sheet was in real need of some updating. The old version will be moved to scraps. <<
PLEASE READ: ( and yee, I was going for a more childlike look with this style XD Want to try to show her more vulnerable side, since she really had no physical strength or weapons, and overall just needs somebody to lean on for that support <3 Also, hopefully the TGO admins don't mind me making a new deviation for her updated Reff; I wanted a dated version of the other one up on dA, since I've already had cases of art theft with it. And if I re-posted the artwork, the date would be later than that of it's actual posting, which makes me feel a bit iffy, since the original drawings have already been stolen before ;n; Thank you!)

Name: Jet Marrow [ Jet ]

Age: 2 Years [ Young Adult ]

Gender: Female

Breed: Sokoke Cat [ [link] ]

Chaw: Elite

Magic: [link]

Job: Dancer

| Bronze Earing | Jet's earing is always worn on her left ear, and she never takes it off. It's the only accessory she owns that she wears absolutely full-time, and she hangs on to it because it was the only thing her parent gave her when they sent her off. She used to have two, but she lost the right one when she fell out of a tree quite a while back. She's had her earings since her childhood when she received them as a gift from her mother.
| Bell Belt | One of her favorite moves when dancing is moving her hips. Jet enjoyes the flowing movement, and her large plume-like tail makes it seem more graceful than her moves really are. After finally earning enough schillings to commission some equipment after moving out from her home with her family, one of the first things she got was a belt with three bells attached. She now wears it around her hip, giving a nice jingly sound when she dances. She had it custom made, and she is very protective of it. You rarely see her without it; to her, it symbolizes who she is as a dancer. Without something this unique, she would simply feel like a wanna-be, and it would crush her spirits in a heartbeat if she were ever to loose it.
| Anklets | Rarely Worn | These anklets aren't your average steel clasps. Attached to the smoothed surface, Jet's tied very small, soft-sounding bells. They aren't nearly as loud as her belt, and usually just add soft accents to the music of her other accessory. She only wears these when going out to dance on the streets and make money, since wearing them around to do daily chores is often a bit too much tinkling, even for her, without the smooth flow of a dance, her ankle bells turn from music to noise.

Faction: None currently. Jet used to fantasize about joining a guild, until she realized how much trust she'd shatter going by an alias. Because of this, she puts aside her aspiration to stand against the Empire to instead work on building friendships.

Home #: East Quarter , House F15

Schillings: N/A * Banker *

| Singing | Although quite shy and elusive about it, Jet has a very sweet voice when she wants to. She enjoys singing whenever she can get alone and when summoning her magic, signing a soft lullaby is the only way for her to perform her arts. But because she knows there are better singers out there, when in front of others her voice falters, and if this happens when she tries to cast a spell, it usually blows up in her face or simply sputters and dies. This leaves her vary wary of using her abilities, and isn't the type to go around putting others to sleep for her own amusement.
| Climbing | When she’s not dancing, there’s usually a pretty good chance she’s up in a tree somewhere. Jet somehow developed her love for climbing way back when she was a small kit, and the she-cat has always felt safe and at ease up in trees. She’s also known to have a bit of a habit of staying up there for hours, staring into the sky and day-dreaming about an endless sea of topics. She considers it her get-away, and rarely shares her favorite trees with other cats.
| Drinking | A skill she's not proud of. She never tells it, but occasionally demonstrates it during long nights at the tavern when she's in a particularly adventurous mood. Jet is gifted at holding her liquor, downing ale without developing the slightest wobble in her step. Of course, even she has her limits, but most of the other cats around her are too drunk by that point to remember her stumbles the next day.

| Dis-Trustful | Kind | Headstrong | Graceful | Naïve / Playful | Flirtatious | Secretive |
| Distrustful | Jet isn't very good at making friends. She's confident as can be while dancing, but the second the music stops she feels awkward and out of place, never really knowing what to talk about. After having had troubling experiences in her past with other cats int he taverns coming onto her, she's very wary of friendly felines, especially toms. She aspires to make many companions, but yet giving them a chance requires more patience than the marbled she-cat has at times, so she'll usually just keep her distance.
| Kind | Despite any snarky remarks when irritated, deep down she always really does care. Jet is a lady, the type of lady who sways uneasily at the sight of blood, and flinches when people yell. She looks for the best in things, and if she can get over her initial wary outlook on everyone around her, she'll always be there to help them out whenever they need it, and Jet sometimes find herself fantasizing about being able to cast healing spells - not that she'd enjoy using magic.
| Headstrong | This trait almost always gets her into trouble. Sometimes the she-cat just can’t get still when something is going on; she feels the curious need to always stick her nose in places it doesn't belong. What makes her headstrong, however, is once she finds out she doesn't belong somewhere, she’s even MORE compelled to mess around. When frustrated, she won’t take no for an answer, which has gotten Jet stuck in a sticky situation countless times before. Some say she gets this from her father, but one thing is for sure: It will probably never change.
| Graceful | Although she's untrusting and wary of others, it all melts away the moment she dances. She is still feminine and graceful, and always will be. In fact, she needs to be, being a dancer and all. Jet can be quite anti-social, yet as mentioned before, when she’s dancing everything simply flows and clicks into place, and suddenly she just doesn’t care anymore and goes with what she’s doing. She moves and flows with her music, batting her eyelashes and acting like more of a girly than anytime else. She can be a bit shallow sometimes and sees herself as beautiful, but really this only enhances her effort towards moving with more graceful steps than most.
| Naïve / Playful | She’s still very young, and because of this, Jet rarely passes up on a friendly game of something as long as it doesn’t involve people she doesn't like. She’s a terrible team-player, and likes to fly solo, but she still enjoys the concept of fun when she’s not in a snappy mood. Jet doesn't always compose herself very well in social situations, either. Sometimes she’ll make inappropriate comments or not fully understand the gravity of some situations. Combined with her headstrong trait, the sokoke dancer can sometimes be a real hassle and very skilled at getting into all kinds of trouble.
| Flirtatious | With feminine charm at her disposal, Jet can often act more provocative than she realizes, but only when she dances. She feels no shame in getting up in other cats' faces during her smooth moves, and tossing a wink their way. She can sometimes be a bit of a diva outside of her career as well, but for the most part, her flirtatious side is only shown while on the dance floor. After her moves have ended, she reverts back to her self-reserved self. Flirty or not however, Jet dreams of only true love, no flirting required.
| Secretive | This personality trait doesn't need a lot of explanation, since it's already apparent that the marbled Sokoke cat would rather keep to herself and away form others whenever she's not on the dance floor. Whenever somebody discovers the scars on her once smooth paws, she becomes very flustered and hostile; she likes certain things to remain nit he dark to others. Her smidgen of vanity leaves her scrambling to keep her reputation intact, and the thought of others knowing her deepest secrets and having their outlook on her change is more than enough to keep her lips sealed.


“Ugh, no no no! You’re doing it all wrong, you have to move like this.” The dark tabby she-cat swayed her hips gracefully in a simple move, her tail sweeping across the ground behind her in a graceful movement. The smaller feline beside her attempted to mimic the small phrase, but it was sloppy and about as elegant as a beetle. The kit threw her paws up in exasperation. “This isn’t working, I stink at dancing!” She whined. The mother stepped over, placing a paw on the young child’s shoulder. She leaned down, her green eyes meeting Jet’s round blue ones. “Come on, sweety. You’ll get it if you keep practicing! Now come no, let’s try it again.” But they had been practicing for hours. Jet was one to exaggerate, but saying her paws were sore was an understatement. The kitten’s paw pads were cracked and bruised from constant jumps and tumbles and falls and slips. Her pretty fur was a tangled mess, and she felt emotionally drained as she glanced up at her mother in despair. Jet’s mother, Shyla, was one of the prettiest dancers in the village as far as the kit was concerned. And yet nothing disgusted her more then the thought of becoming just like mommy. “B-But, I don’t want to be a dancer,” Jet shuffled her paws uncomfortably with a sniffle. Maybe if she acted extra sad, she would get a different reaction this time. But she would have no such luck, for out of her mother’s mouth flowed the same response she would always receive: “Psh! Don’t be silly Jetta, of course you want to be a dancer! You look just like your mother, you’re beautiful, and I’m going to teach you to move beautifully too, I promise!” And with that Shyla ushered the smaller she-cat off to practice more until dusk.

As Jet grew older, her father passed away. Without anyone else to supply for her and her daughter, Shyla was forced to work the streets again, and at last Jet found herself alone at the household. She would rub her paw-pads ruefully, constantly double-checking just to make sure they weren’t still aching from practices weeks ago. With this sudden independence and gaps in her sessions came something else. A prickle of need for something….else. The brown she-cat figured it out, and her jowls slipped back into a grin. Rebellion. She needed to do something that she knew would drive her mother crazy. Why not? It wasn’t like she was here to stop her and direct her to her room to dance more. The young feline rushed to the window, pulling up the glass and slipping outside into the midday sun. The door was unlocked, but going through doors ruined the effect of sneaking out. She moved through the streets, avoiding the main squares because she knew somewhere her mother would be performing. Jet paused in front of the Tavern. Hmm, she wasn't allowed in there. A little peek couldn’t hurt…right? She pushed her way inside, blinking up at all the taller cats she had never seen before, bustling about, laughing, chatting. It was overwhelming, and suddenly she felt like a little kit again. A little kit who was terribly out of place here. She halted in horror as a few toms hushed and glanced her way, one of them letting out a guffaw. “What are you doing here? Don’t you kits know where you don’t belong?” the scruffy tom cat chortled. Looking back on it, Jet knows the cat probably meant her no harm and was simply curious, but nevertheless, that night Jet had dashed out of the Tavern so quickly, she wasn’t even looking where she was going until she was stopped brutally by a wall of fur. Fur just like hers. Crap, she raised her sapphire gaze to see her mother. There was no way out of this mess. Jet simply bit her lip and hung her head quietly, trying not to think of the vigorous dance routines she would be forced to run tonight.

After her mother passed, Dancing was the only thing Jet knew how to do. She needed nobody but herself and her moves, scrapping by with her well-callused but scarred paws and swift feathery tail. Her moves were even smoother then Shyla’s, but her blue gaze lost a lot of it’s warmth. She was self reserved, sometimes catching herself rubbing her paws when she zoned out, getting lost in thought. Jet felt like she had sold her soul and her body for the entertainment of other cats, and as optimistic as she tries to be, it was hard not to look at dancing like some twisted form of art. She wasn't doing a service to help cats like the guards and such, she was simply just another pretty face. She could be the stupidest she-cat in the catacombs and it wouldn't matter with the job she had. But Jet was never a quitter. Every day she would put on that pretty smile, and every day she would make well-earned schillings to help her get by. Who knows, maybe she’ll even start having a little fun. After all, there’s still a few taverns she hasn't peeked into yet.

* Heart Chart Pending *

Mother - Shyla [ Deceased ]
Father - ??? [ Deceased ]
Siblings - Not Applicable

Additional Info:
Jet's pattern is perfectly symmetrical on either side of her body.
This dancer is terribly afraid of long coats and confined spaces.
If she had her way, Jet would eat fish very single day.
Jet's whiskers are always completely white.
She secretly enjoys squishing bugs.
She can only ever preform Magic while singing or humming.
Because she's shy with her voice, her Magic often rebounds in her face, making her wary of using it.

Roleplay Sample:
The salty tang of the ocean rode on the breeze, making Jet’s whiskers twitch eagerly as it reached her small, pink nose. She was almost there, and oh, how she loved the smell of the ocean! The marbled Sokoke had been dancing in the streets all morning, and she had made a good amount of schillings in return for her efforts. Her bright blue gaze had shone at the dawning realization that she wouldn’t have to do some extra hours at the tavern tonight, and the cat’s first thoughts were immediately that this nice summery day should be spent well. After all, the leaves were slowly starting to turn golden, and no way Jet was going to let summer become fall before she got in one last nice long trip to the beach.
Stepping out onto the sand, it shifted comfortingly beneath her paws, sliding her forwards with graceful ease. It was as if the shifting ground did half the job of walking for her, although not always in the direction she wanted to go. But the hot pale dirt below her, the cool blue waves ahead, and that calming breeze simply everywhere…who couldn’t smile? Purring quietly to herself, she lounged against a log of pale driftwood, and started humming a quiet tune to herself. It seemed she was alone for the time being, and she wasn’t all that sure what to do with herself. From the start, Jet was always a very social cat. She enjoyed chatting with others, gratefully taking compliments from the toms and occasionally slipping out a flirty line in return. It was her element, her job basically relied on her being able to catch a cat’s eye- and hold it. And there was more ways than one to do that. Of course, the marbled she-cat’s most preferred method was simply a display of raw talent, rather than shameless flirtation. But she seemed to have enough talent to get by, and this thought made her chest swell with pride for herself, which didn’t happen as often as it probably should’ve.
Sitting up, she flicked her long, Elite ears. She felt compelled to go for a swim and cool off, but she couldn’t help but feel nervous, with a slight twinge of something else. Loneliness? No, no that couldn’t possibly have been it. But even Jet Marrow could see the logic behind having others around while out no the water. Cats got dragged away all the time, and even though her movements on land were quite graceful, the Dancer wasn’t as good a swimmer as she’d like to be. Sure, she could hold her head above the water, but she fatigued quickly with the paddling and kicking, and so she found it much more relaxing to just entertain herself in the shallows. Something that also grew a bit harder to do by yourself. She huffed, frowning slightly and glancing around. Wasn’t Jasper Beach usually supposed to be full of cats? Especially on such a nice day like this? It was just past noon, in fact, it was probably closer to mid-afternoon with all the time she’d already spent sitting around.
But as hard as she was finding it to amuse herself, the sokoke couldn’t complain in the least. Even if it wasn’t fun, It was still so nice and so peaceful; a brilliant change from the bustling tavern. Yerck, the simple thought of it brought the smell of alcohol on the rank breath of drunken toms back to her nose, and she wrinkled it in distaste. Suddenly, the strong but salty smell of the ocean was all that much better. Getting up completely, she stretched her arms above her striped head, her belt tinkling quietly in protest to her stretch. Dropping her arms down to her sides, she decided why not go for a slight walk. It wasn’t all that often anyways that she got to explore Jasper Beach, and knowing your way around never hurt, right? The sun-warmed sand shifted beneath her darkly furred paws with every step, harmonizing with her faint belt. Jet’s jowls pulled back into a grin; she ruefully wished she could be this lazy more often!
[ Taken from an Rp for tGO with ~IcyReflections ]


Art / Character © *KitsaniCat
The Grimalkin Oath © *Kelvali And ~Fates-Exile
Original Application : [link] Edited Nov 12 2012
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Comments: 43

cookiesarefun [2013-06-05 01:30:27 +0000 UTC]


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IcyReflections [2013-05-14 12:20:42 +0000 UTC]

So uh...
Ive admred ur art for a long tim now.
And I would like tots love to RP with u sometime and b lyke ur new BFF.
I hav a tom named Misto and hes super cute. Can I draw ther kits? :3<3

Never again. XD That was really difficult to type like that. Why do people seriously do that?
It is so much easier to type like a normal person. Geesh.
But no seriously- I can't wait to RP with Jet again. I love her so much .xDDD
And I miss talking to you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FirstAidKittens In reply to IcyReflections [2013-05-17 21:30:56 +0000 UTC]





And bawwwh' Icy, I miss talking to you so much too <333 Our skype brainstorming and Misto/Jet roleplays were just ohmygoodness ;u; I miss them 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IcyReflections In reply to FirstAidKittens [2013-05-17 22:48:22 +0000 UTC]




We r lyke ttly bffs now.
u can draww my charctr Misto and Jet now. He is lke rly handsome. And good wit the magicks.
They r so cut togethr omg. <3

<3 But no seriously.
It really takes more effort for me to type like that. XD
My brain hurts. I need to go read a literate book now to regain my confidence in written language. ;u;

And me too, Kit <3
I hope things are going well for you! I can't wait for summer when we can catch up.
And yes! Thank you SO much. I sent you a thing on Skype actually XDD
I really wanted to write up something for him and Lana later this week after I finished taking my last finals (JOY TO THE WORLD). I just wasn't sure if we were going to have them room together yet or not. x3 I figured they would because time has passed since then and it seems to make sense that the gypsies would leave while all that shit with the kingdom was going down. But Misto couldn't live with himself, knowing that he and his family were fleeing from danger and he was leaving Jet behind to cope... So he hopped off the wagon and booked it back home. xP *plays the dramatic scene in head and swoons* lmao.

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FirstAidKittens In reply to IcyReflections [2013-05-18 00:12:04 +0000 UTC]

Lol! XDD Your confidence in the written language, yes <333

And ohmygoodness, is he actually - overwhelmed by feels and drowns -

If there was any way we could, we should try and rp him leaving his family and then hopping off his wagon and coming back, just oh my gosh yes XD I love Misto so much, he izz so hanzome omgz <33333

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IcyReflections In reply to FirstAidKittens [2013-05-18 00:57:19 +0000 UTC]

I was going to do a short story x3
I wanted to have him have a heart-to-heart with his mother and she basically leaves it up to him whether he wants to stay or not. But we could RP together xD

We can have Jet maybe coax Misto into the conversation with his mom and maybe his mom can meet her or something. She can see the future so maybe she can have a vision that Misto will leave but she'll keep it to herself and let him decide on his own.

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FirstAidKittens In reply to IcyReflections [2013-05-18 01:37:03 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh, If you make a short story I'd read it in a heartbeat <3333
S'up to you whatcha wanna do Icy, your characters hehe C: Either way I'll read whatever you write XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IcyReflections In reply to FirstAidKittens [2013-05-18 01:53:54 +0000 UTC]

I think we should just finish up the Limits thing because that is the turning point when Misto realizes how much he loves his new friends in addition to his family and decides that it is time for him to do his own thing rather than supporting everyone else. I think we should just establish that Jet is there for him if he needs a shoulder for support or a home to protect him.

But a lot of the internal stuff, I don't think we can do a back-and-forth RP with. It is a lot of Misto just trying to contact his grandfather's spirit for guidance and then explaining to his mom what he is going through and how much he loves her but also how much he wants to live his own life.

I certainly don't want to make this one-sided or anything. XD I LOVE rping with you and Jet but it just seemed like there is only so much we can do with Jet and Misto. I mean, we can do the RP that takes place AFTER he leaves. I had a scene in my head for that too. lmao.

I imagined it was raining and he jumps from the wagon and runs through the mud and thunder to Gweillan and knocks on Jet's door and he is totally drenched and when she answers he asks her if she is still cool with letting him stay.

That might be nice though.... To see what both cats are feeling at the prospect of losing their BFF.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FirstAidKittens In reply to IcyReflections [2013-05-19 02:25:46 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, that one would be best left written to you ;D You should totally consider writing it all out though, it sounds like a beautiful scene I might be tempted to try a hand at drawing if you'd be alright with it, that is hahaha <3

And Yes! Limits! Do you happen to still have a link for the TGO proboards? I can't seem to find it D':

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IcyReflections In reply to FirstAidKittens [2013-05-19 13:03:55 +0000 UTC]

Thanks Kit.
I am really eager to get writing again. It's been such a long time since I wrote in that particular fiction style. X3 I want to get 'warmed up' before the groups start opening again. Right now, I am just used to writing lab reports and research papers. So I will have to switch gears and start reading novels rather than textbooks to get the juice flowing again. lol. Thanks though! I am glad you are interested. :3 And oh man! You'd really offer to do that?! ;u; I of course wouldn't tell you not to because I love the way you draw Misto but if it is too much you don't have to. Oh man. lol. You're so nice to me. I hope you like your birthday present. xD I put so much effort into it because you are always doing such nice things for me. I put aside study time for you, pal. I love you THAT much.

I sure do~ /suchadork /hasitsavedintoolbar


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mahboi18 [2013-05-11 19:09:03 +0000 UTC]

could i use this ref for 3d? i'll credit and link of course.

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FirstAidKittens In reply to mahboi18 [2013-05-11 22:34:37 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry, but this particular drawing has been stolen a few times so I'd rather not lend it our for references, sorry D:
Thank you so much for asking though <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mahboi18 In reply to FirstAidKittens [2013-05-12 23:11:27 +0000 UTC]

It's okay. I understand. I hope those assholes pay, though.

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xHalfaLife101x [2013-04-15 18:06:01 +0000 UTC]

When tGO re-opens and is revamped I'd ADORE to rp her and raac (my little gods obsessed now older tom) and maybe have some loverly plots

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FirstAidKittens In reply to xHalfaLife101x [2013-04-15 18:27:53 +0000 UTC]

Haha I've actually been working at Jet's new app XDD I'd loev to rp some time, that would be fun heuheueh

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xHalfaLife101x In reply to FirstAidKittens [2013-04-15 18:54:22 +0000 UTC]

yes, yes it would. I have to redo Raac's as well.... hopefully today xD

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zeus-thighs [2013-01-03 08:30:08 +0000 UTC]

Wow, this is a beautiful character. I absolutely love her design.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FirstAidKittens In reply to zeus-thighs [2013-01-04 04:02:18 +0000 UTC]

Awwh, thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

jealousapples [2012-12-29 18:47:21 +0000 UTC]

she's gorgeous! <333

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FirstAidKittens In reply to jealousapples [2012-12-29 19:00:05 +0000 UTC]

THank you! x3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jealousapples In reply to FirstAidKittens [2012-12-30 03:54:02 +0000 UTC]

np <333

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xAkatu [2012-12-20 22:33:20 +0000 UTC]

She's so cute!!!!! QuQ may we rp?

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IcyReflections [2012-11-14 22:51:41 +0000 UTC]


She looks so cute in this new style <3
I love her eyes- they really do look bright and pretty with an 'innocent' quality to them. ^^

And ugh! DX
Sorry about the art theft!

OMG! >c
Seriously people, wtf?!

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FirstAidKittens In reply to IcyReflections [2012-11-15 01:53:10 +0000 UTC]

Awwwh, thanks Icy <333
Since I found that the more I roleplayed her, the less flirty she was outside of her dancing, I figured I may as well build on her naive outlooks as her personality, with the way she sees others as scary and not to be trusted and such <3

and LOL yeah, the tracing was SO blatant, it was just...sad x'D I just pointed out to them that I seen their deviation and I knew it was traced, and they took it down as soon as they saw my message without saying anything *rolls eyes* lol whatever though <3 Easy fix, so long as they learn.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IcyReflections In reply to FirstAidKittens [2012-11-15 02:55:41 +0000 UTC]

No problem, Kit. ^^
I personally have also been trying to go with an 'innocent' or naive look with Lana but a less
'cutesy' or 'cartoony' look for Misto.
I feel that he doesn't look developed enough... I dunno. He just needs more personality to his design, in my opinion.
I have to make him look more masculine rather than just a cat I scribbled. XD
I seem to do a great job at drawing in a roundish and cute manner so it fits the young, timid Oshe and the bubbly and energetic Lana but I don't think that my usual style suits Misto.

I personally see Jet as beautiful, like your original picture, but I don't see her as 'flirty' by any means.
I mean- she'll tease sometimes but I really just see her as- 'unsure'.... Like, she KNOWS she's pretty and can use her looks to her advantage... But at the same time, she doesn't seem comfortable with that knowledge and tries to be more than 'just a pretty face'. I think that this take on her is actually a good thing because it leaves so much room for character development and makes Jet a really interesting character who is willing and able to mature. So yeah XD I like this road that you are taking with Jet. ^^ I can't wait to RP with her more in the future <3

Well, at least they took it down.... It isn't right that it happened in the first place but at least they didn't make a big deal about it.

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alixseven [2012-11-14 18:18:46 +0000 UTC]

Gah she's sooo pretty <33 Currently trying to get back in with Belle, after things have settled down in real life and I've been missing tGO a lot ;D If I get it I need to rp with Jet one day. I NEED TO.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FirstAidKittens In reply to alixseven [2012-11-15 01:51:02 +0000 UTC]

Awwh', thanks!

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Lightningflash-55 [2012-11-13 22:32:43 +0000 UTC]

aww, the headshot is so cute!

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FirstAidKittens In reply to Lightningflash-55 [2012-11-15 01:50:47 +0000 UTC]

thank you C:

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Lightningflash-55 In reply to FirstAidKittens [2012-11-15 03:36:16 +0000 UTC]


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EternalStarTrail [2012-11-13 01:10:38 +0000 UTC]

Jet looks very beautiful in this new style :3

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FirstAidKittens In reply to EternalStarTrail [2012-11-15 01:50:39 +0000 UTC]


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EternalStarTrail In reply to FirstAidKittens [2012-11-15 02:37:13 +0000 UTC]

No problem.

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Riveriia [2012-11-12 23:23:03 +0000 UTC]

Awww Look at how adorable she is!!! THAT SWEET LITTLE KIT FACE IN YOUR BUST SHOT!??? WHO CAN POSSIBLY RESIST THAT!? I know I couldn't xDD. I love all the quirkiness that you've given her, like how she secretly enjoys squishing bugs xDDD. Like... I can so imagine Jet holed up in a tree using her little thumb-dew-claw to squish ants and beetles as they walk along the branch with a sort of sadism that is rarely matched by her fellow felines. And poor Jet has magic disabilities xDDD lawlz. Everything about her is adorable.

And sort of badass too, when you think about her backstory and the badass way she dances. I like the extra scarred pads that you put there. And the placement thing, too. You put a lot of cool extra stuff on this app XD

By the way, have I ever mentioned that I've always adored that little neck stripe that looks almost like a collar? As well as the dottie freckles and everything xD

Bet you can't guess who my favorite character of yours is, huh?

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Lightningflash-55 [2012-11-12 23:19:53 +0000 UTC]

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Lightningflash-55 [2012-11-12 23:19:03 +0000 UTC]

You have your own icon now? No way! :iconjetmarrowplz:

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Adelza [2012-11-12 22:40:19 +0000 UTC]

Wow she looks almost childlike to me for some reason. Maybe it's her eyes or something. I really like this character, do you think we could rp sometime?

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FirstAidKittens In reply to Adelza [2012-11-15 01:50:33 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, yeah that's what I was going for! C: And I'm already in my max number of roleplays for now, but we should definatly rp sometime ^^

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Tekaramity [2012-11-12 22:21:44 +0000 UTC]

Ohhhh, goodness gracious scintillating shimmering soda pop sparkle. O___O LOOKIT THAT CUTIE JET MARROW!! *w* LOOKIT 'ER!!! *grabs, huggles, and keeps forever*

Kit Kit Kit, yowza, just how much more amazing will you become w/ your bipeds? Jet's lookin' so stellar here, from both sets of elegant paws to her torso top and ah ah ah ah ah cutest face, cutest face!! >w< Wow wow wow. Those rich eyes fill my heart with love, peace, kindness, security, and hope. We don't need no stinking politicians; we've got Jet Marrow to bring us hope and change!! And, hee, her hoop's pretty cute here too. ^-^ Has she lost a lotta weight, though? Looks a tad rail-thin, almost unhealthily so. o.o'' Keep scarfing down as much food as you can, Jet! Dancing's an exhausting business. z.z;;


Love you hug you thank you praise you applaud you!! *tackle roll huggles all day*

Or some junk~

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KalCity [2012-11-12 22:06:53 +0000 UTC]

Did she... get smaller? Oh my god, she's so CUTE now!

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FirstAidKittens In reply to KalCity [2012-11-12 22:09:05 +0000 UTC]

Loool XD My last drawing of her didn't really show her more childish personality, and the more I roleplay her the more dependent she's become on others she trusts, so yee <3 Thanks! o3o

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KalCity In reply to FirstAidKittens [2012-11-13 12:18:42 +0000 UTC]

It's kind of sad though... I mean just look at her sad face! ;A; She's so vulnerable and I want to hug her and protect her.

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FirstAidKittens In reply to KalCity [2012-11-15 01:46:32 +0000 UTC]

Hehe...mission accomplished then |D

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