Despite actually being on holyday I couldn't but upload this quick doodle of Rowdy Roddy Piper facing off against a bubblegum-dispenser. Contrary to common sense and popular belief this picture is not a reference to the 1988 movie "They Live"! This actually is how Roddy Piper reacts every time he steps into chewed gum on the sidewalk. In 1998 he actually kicked over a bubblegum-dispenser behind Hell In A Cell but the incident stayed unnoticed due to being overshadowed by the Undertaker throwing Mankind off the damn thing through the Spanish announcer-table. The drawing however also carries a deeply political message. The contrast of them' damn capitalists charging tree fiddy for one bloody bubble-gum and a famous person like Roddy Piper having already resorted to chewing off his own rear due to a lack of gum and probably due to that one Loch Ness Monster meme being danker than his bubblegum one symbolizes the continuously growing gap between rich and poor that can by now even consume the asses of the outskirts of the upper class.