HypnoTeddy — The First Task (Tranced-Wizard Tournament Part 2)

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Published: 2023-04-10 23:42:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 14867; Favourites: 60; Downloads: 6
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This is part 2 of a series. See part 1 here:

The month after Mirabel had been selected had been nothing like she’d ever experienced before. Usually keeping to her small group of close friends, and being otherwise unnoticed, she was now the talk of the school, having near unanimous support among the students of Hogwarts, who all just wanted a win for their school, even if they didn’t know the witch personally. Mirabel couldn’t say she minded her new fame, although she feared she wouldn’t be able to live up to expectations, not next to the three confident witches she was up against. Still, the most she could do was try, so Mirabel took anyone’s advice she could, training up in useful charms, and even growing a few plants that she thought might be able to support her.

Although Mirabel had been planning to compete in as fair a manner as possible, she was also helped along by a little advice from one of her favourite teachers, Professor Grubbly-Plank. The Care of Magical Creatures teacher was often quite by-the-book, but it seemed even she had been swept up in the competitive spirit, and so Mirabel was lucky enough to find out that for her first task she would be facing one of nature’s most ferocious beasts, the dragon. Mirabel had protested that being told this was rather unfair, but had been assured that the information had already been leaked to the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students by some other less than impartial staff, and that being told this was in fact much fairer. Still, Mirabel didn’t really buy into this explanation, and it was only a sense that she would be betraying her school that kept her from telling Queenie immediately.

Ultimately though, the whole affair still didn’t quite sit right with the Hufflepuff. Three of the students knowing about the first task while only one didn’t seemed less than fair, so she sought out her American competitor, attempting to do the right thing and balance the playing field. “Hey Queenie, could I speak to you for a moment?”

The blonde girl turned round to meet Mirabel’s eyes, wearing the same brilliant smile that she always did. “Sure, that would be a welcome change. The other two are acting like I don’t exist. Delphi’s always been weird like that, but the last few days even Fleur’s keeping to herself. Probably thinks I’ll find out her strategy or something. Not that it matters, she’s not as great at keeping secrets as she thinks.” With that last sentence, Queenie smiled to herself, seemingly enjoying a joke that Mirabel was not privy to. “Sorry, I was rambling, what did you want to say?”

Mirabel didn’t really know how to respond to all Queenie said, so instead, she just continued with what she’d planned to say. “Right, so, the first task. Everyone knows except you, so I figured, well, it’s dragons. We have to steal something from them.”

Mirabel expected Queenie to be at least a bit shocked, but instead, the cheerful woman merely laughed. “Thanks for that, I’ll make sure to prepare accordingly.”

“Who told you?” Mirabel confusedly asks, when it is obvious that Queenie has learned nothing new from this conversation.

“Oh, everyone really. As I said before, Fleur is easier to read than she thinks, and that goes for plenty of others too. Anyway, I should get going, I won’t forget what you’ve done for me.” Mirabel is about to query the witch further, but she’s already walking off, still giggling to herself. That interaction certainly wasn’t how Mirabel expected things to go, but at least her conscience was clear.

The day of the first task had arrived, and Mirabel was heading down to the Quidditch pitch, towards her inevitable draconic encounter. However, on her way, she finds herself bumping into yet another of her rivals, the seemingly supernaturally beautiful Fleur Delacour.

“Oh, mind where you are going! I don’t have time for… Oh, it’s you.” Fleur is wearing a very sour expression indeed, perhaps resenting Mirabel for her poorly hidden crush. Despite Fleur’s treatment of her, Mirabel can’t help but blush, something drawing her towards this woman that she couldn’t explain. Yes, beautiful didn’t begin to describe her, but still, when Mirabel was around the silvery-blonde haired student, she almost felt like she was no longer in control of herself. Her mind became a fog, and even getting out simple sentences became a great struggle. As a result, she merely stood dumbly, until Fleur continued to speak. “Ah, I understand now. You’re not an idiot, well at least not merely an idiot. You’re just like all the boys who see me. I have a feeling that you might have a preference for the fairer sex.”

Mirabel’s blush deepens even further, and despite herself, she finds she gives a slight nod, physically unable to keep secrets from the enchanting witch. “Well then, I think we may be able to come to a mutually beneficial arrangement.” Fleur merely smiles, not elaborating further. Just when Mirabel finally finds it within herself to ask what Fleur is talking about, an unexpected and incredible thing happens. Mirabel suddenly finds Fleur’s soft lips against her own, an incredible kiss that floods her mind with bliss. Her life up until now had meant nothing, not compared to this one perfect moment. Mirabel didn’t know what to do, so she merely let Fleur work her magic, the moment feeling as if it stretched into eternity, as she experienced every facet of Fleur’s being. Her divine touch, her glorious scent, the indescribable taste of those perfect lips. Mirabel had experienced crushes before, but for the first time, she understood love. One all-consuming emotion of great purity, rendering all else irrelevant. This love was all that mattered, Fleur was all that mattered.

The kiss finally ended, and Mirabel was left with a dumb grin as she looked upon the love of her life. Then her love began to speak once more, that gorgeous accent of hers reaching not only Mirabel’s ears, but also her soul. “Mmm, you are quite the kisser. Now, my love, you’re going to do exactly as I ask, aren’t you.” Mirabel nods once more, vigorously this time. Of course she would obey her love.

“Good, I knew I could count on you. Now, I don’t know how much you know about the upcoming task, but we’re going to be facing dragons. However, which dragons we face will be determined randomly, and this is where you’re going to help me. No matter which dragon you receive, you will offer to trade with me. Winning is irrelevant to you now, there is only pleasing me, so you will do this to make sure I win.” Again, Mirabel nods her head. While moments ago, bringing the riches that came with the tournament to her muggle parents would have meant the world to her, now she had only one love, the Goddess that stood before her. Fleur’s happiness was Mirabel’s happiness, so of course she would do anything in her power to bring the Beauxbatons student victory.

“What a good girl you are.” Fleur pulls Mirabel in for a hug, again momentarily wiping the witch’s mind clean of errant thoughts, as she felt the statuesque witch’s body pressing against her own. The moment is only brief this time though, as Fleur steps away, now looking as if she is focusing on something else.

“Well, I shouldn’t delay any longer, the task is beginning soon. I’ll see you there, remember what to do.” Before Mirabel could respond, the love of her life had disappeared, leaving her with her new objective, one she would focus on with all her heart. Mirabel heads over to the tent, to wait for the task to begin, a blissful smile now permanently plastered on her face.

From that point on, it was all a fog. The head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, Ludovic Bagman, explained what all the students already knew, before holding out a bag for Mirabel to dip her hand into. Curiously, she descends her arm into the bag, coming out with a tiny little version of what was surely intended to be her opponent, a Common Welsh Green. While it was still of course quite ferocious, being a dragon, there was something almost cute about the docile little thing, as it let out a tiny roar that sounded almost like a song. After, it seemed to get tired, simply relaxing in Mirabel’s palm, looking about ready to go to sleep. The other champions similarly grabbed their own dragons, although there was only one champion that Mirabel cared about. As it happened, Fleur drew a creature that even as a miniature looked vicious, breathing fire everywhere it could. Mirabel knew this to be a Hungarian Horntail, the most dangerous of all dragon breeds. Fortunately, the miniature’s flames looked to be harmless, not scorching Fleur’s perfect skin, but there was no question that Mirabel couldn’t allow her love to face this beast in the arena.

“Fleur, let me swap with you.” Mirabel blurts out the words suddenly, but holds off on elaborating, intuitively knowing that she should not openly reveal her new feelings for the other witch. The baffled Ludo tries to intervene, approaching the pair to explain. “I’m afraid there won’t be any swapping of dragons, those are the…” Ludo suddenly stops in his tracks, simply staring at Fleur, wearing the same dumb grin as Mirabel. “You know what, if you both agree, then go ahead. It’s another layer of strategy, isn’t it?” The former quidditch player walks off, seeming to dreamily float across the room, as Fleur smiles her divine grin, and Mirabel trades without another thought. The miniature dragon she had been handed was now trying to nibble her fingers, but pain can’t really touch her, not when Fleur is so close.

Tragically, Fleur eventually has to exit the tent, proceeding onto the Quidditch pitch to face her dragon. Mirabel finds herself filled with worry, but there is nothing she can do. She can only have faith that her love will continue to be as perfect as she always has been. One by one, the contestants enter the ring, until only Mirabel remains. At Ludo’s indication, she too rises, trudging slowly forward, as the enormity of the task she has before her begins to creep in through the cracks of her love-drunk mind.

As she enters the pitch, she sees it, the 50-foot-tall beast towering even in the huge stadium. Beneath it is its nest, and sure enough, Mirabel could just make out a glint of gold, the false egg that Ludo had instructed them to snatch. The Horntail would treat the egg as if it was its child, and Mirabel as a kidnapper. While vicious at the best of times, the maternal instinct of the creature was what made it truly terrifying, a threat that could easily be deadly if Mirabel did not have a plan.

Fortunately, this was not the case. Ever since Mirabel had known what she would be facing, she had been considering ways she might be able to thwart the creature. A dragon’s spell-proof armour left few weak points, and so the witch knew she would likely have to somehow hit the Horntail’s eyes if she were to opt for a direct confrontation. This seemed far too risky and inconsistent an approach, so instead, she had played to her strengths. The dragon was beginning to notice her, so the Hufflepuff waited not a moment longer, shouting the incantation for the summoning charm. “Accio cabbages!” At once, some vegetables that she had hidden by the stadium begin hurtling towards her rapidly. “Depulso!” With a second cast the banishing charm sends the greenery right at the dragon.

At first, the beast simply looks confused. Why had this intruder launched what looked like soft green rocks towards it? The dragon ignored the cabbages, and began to step towards her tiny prey, her throat lighting orange in what could only signify the lighting of a fire she was about to spew forth. Then suddenly, the cabbages came to life, ferocious teeth being revealed as they leapt towards the closest thing they detected, in this case the Hungarian Horntail. Mirabel’s expertise in herbology gave her knowledge of hundreds of potentially deadly plants, and these Chinese Chomping Cabbages were no exception. They began to chomp at the dragon’s feet, approaching from all sides, drawing the beast’s attention away from Mirabel, giving her just the opportunity she needed to advance.

Mirabel scurried up the rocks towards the golden egg as quickly as she could, knowing the dragon would not be distracted forever. Sure enough, she could feel the heat of its searing fire-breath as several cabbages were incinerated. The witch dares not look back as she climbs up the pillar the nest sits upon, finding the danger surrounding her had given her strength she didn’t know she had, allowing her to rapidly reach her goal. She quickly snatches the egg, taking the moment to finally steal a glance back at the dragon. Unfortunately, it appears all her cabbages are up in flames, and with the egg in her hand, the dragon is bearing down upon her with a speed she did not know possible. Mirabel runs as if her life depends upon it, leaping through an exit from the stadium as she is chased by a stream of fire. The door shuts behind her as a staff member locks the dragon away, leaving Mirabel exhausted as her adrenaline finally begins to level out, and she is left lying on the ground, a slight smell of singed robes in the air, as it becomes evident just how close her call with the dragon truly was.

After quite some time, Mirabel finally rises, and realises in a panic that she doesn’t know what happened to Fleur. She rushes back to the tent, and is overcome with relief to see her beside the other champions, looking as beautiful as ever. “How are you, Fleur? No bruises upon your perfect form, I hope?” Perhaps the Hufflepuff should have been more cautious in hiding her feelings in front of the others, but it already required maximal restraint to not simply kiss her love there and then. The other champions laughed at her, but she didn’t care. All that mattered was what Fleur thought…

Then the French witch joined in with the laughter, her melodious voice driving a stake through Mirabel’s heart.




Trying something a bit different and doing a multi-part story. I wasn’t originally planning on a longer story when I wrote the first part, but I had a few ideas for a continuation, so figured that I may as well. As a result, the first part is quite structurally different, and gives information on the other competitors that otherwise wouldn't be known. It is all stuff that you'd know if you know Wizarding World characters though, so you’ll probably be spoiled anyway.

I’ll do around 6 parts in all, going through the school year, as Mirabel finds herself getting into hypnotic encounters with her fellow competitors. I have a rough plan of events, so I hope you all look forward to seeing how it goes, or at least enjoy the hypno scenes, which are of course the main purpose of all this. I realise this part became quite a bit longer than I intended, but I want to make sure I have a hypno scene in each part.

Apologies if the characters aren’t much like their in-story counterparts, I have realised that it is difficult for me to write a character that was created by someone else. Also, I didn’t write in Fleur’s French accent, as I find it can be a bit distracting, and I don’t really know how. If someone does want to RP, that should still be possible, although that is not really how this story is designed. Thoughts and criticism welcome, I know my writing isn’t anything special, but I enjoy making these stories, and I hope at least some of you enjoy reading them too.

If anyone is curious about changes to the canon introduced in this part, I think there is only Fleur’s initial dragon choice, and Grubbly-Plank replacing Hagrid as Care of Magical Creatures teacher.

Lastly, a special thanks to PuppetPosting  for looking over everything, and suggesting a couple of small changes.

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JackFranks [2023-10-26 16:37:45 +0000 UTC]

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SlytherinDylanSmith1 [2023-05-11 20:50:37 +0000 UTC]

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