HypnoTeddy — The Siren's Song (Tranced-Wizard Tournament 5)

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Published: 2023-07-16 03:45:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 17451; Favourites: 91; Downloads: 9
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This is part 5 of a series. See part 1 here:

It was the morning of the second task, and ever since Mirabel had escaped her enchantment yesterday afternoon, she had been living in fear of Queenie, scared that she would once again be forced to become that lovestruck version of herself, lose sight of everything else that mattered. The worst thing was, she still couldn’t fully escape the enchantment. No matter how many times she told herself it wasn’t real, there were still those residual feelings for her, for that witch who had taken her mind without care for the consequences. Mirabel had told Cho everything, made her promise to wait outside her dormitory to walk with her, yet in a very uncharacteristic move, Cho was nowhere to be found. Mirabel had delayed as long as she could, but the second task would be starting soon, and she knew she would have to head off now if she was to reach the lake in time.

Mirabel leaves the Hufflepuff common room, and sure enough, her brainwasher awaits her. “Hi cutie! You missed our session last night. Time for a top-up! Amorus.”

Straight in with that spell again, of course. It seemed she knew nothing else. Fortunately, Mirabel was ready this time, and quickly drawing her own wand, she shouts the shield charm. “Protego!” The light sent from Queenie’s wand hits the newly formed invisible shield, bouncing straight back at the caster, who’s initially shocked expression quickly became a dopey grin.

Mirabel breathes a sigh of relief, seeing that the danger seems to have passed. “There, how do you like it?” She asks, not really expecting an answer.

However, the gorgeous blonde takes the question sincerely, replying with, “I feel incredible”, as she looks dreamily into Mirabel’s eyes. “If I’d known this was what it was like, I’d have asked you to charm me weeks ago.” Then, in a seductive tone, Queenie adds, “Please, how can I thank you?” She steps forward, forcing Mirabel to step back to avoid being nose to nose with the woman who up until moments ago had been trying to control her life.

Still though, despite it all, a part of her must still be enchanted, as the thought of having the blonde witch utterly hers to do with as she pleases causes her heartbeat to quicken, as she breathes that sweet perfume that she had become so accustomed to. “No!” Mirabel shouts, both to Queenie, and to that part of herself that wouldn’t stay quiet. “If you want to thank me, then leave me alone. You took control of me without thinking at all of what I wanted, and used me to get the clue for the second task, which we are now running late to.”

Queenie looks heartbroken, and Mirabel has to be weary not to look too long into those big puppy-dog eyes, lest she give in to that desire that was swelling within her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think of it like that. I thought we had fun, I thought I saw something in that head of yours, feelings for me, that you just weren’t ready to act on. I thought that if I just showed you a good time, I wouldn’t need spells any more. If that’s really how you feel though, then so be it. If you want anything more from me, it’s yours, of course.”

Mirabel sighs, unable to stay too mad at the tragic woman before her. “That’s just the enchantment talking, not you.” She points her wand again at the other witch, uttering “surgito”, the counter-curse to pull Queenie from her entranced state.

Queenie gives another sad sigh as she is freed. “No, it wasn’t. I mean it. I owe you, and I’d want to help you even if I didn’t. Maybe your feelings were never real, but mine certainly were. Good luck in the second task.” With that, Queenie walks grimly away, the human ray of sunshine that she usually was now smothered by Mirabel’s rejection.

Mirabel herself feels no better. She did what she had to, and she knew she was in the right, but this knowledge did nothing to remedy the pain in seeing her former love suffering, the pain made even worse by the confusing feelings she still held. She finds another path to the lake, so she doesn’t have to look upon that tear dampened face again, as she tries to recollect herself for what should be a great challenge.

By the time she reaches the Great Lake, the three other contestants and a huge crowd already await. Mirabel quickly gets to her spot, and as the final countdown begins, she forces herself to shovel down her gillyweed. The effects are immediate, and even though she studied them, experiencing them is another thing entirely. Webbing grows between her fingers, and between her toes, then she feels her neck begin to transform, as what could only be gills begin to grow. Then, a sudden panic, as Mirabel discovers she can no longer breathe.

Thankfully, the signal to start is given, and so she rapidly makes to dive into the water, where to her relief, she is suffocating no longer. The usually freezing lake is different too, it provides a warmth, and Mirabel comes to discover that she feels entirely at home in the lake, as if she had been born and raised within its depths. The witch quickly scans the surrounding waters for her fellow contestants as she gets her bearings, thankfully finding she can see as well as if she were still on land. She first sees Fleur, somehow still looking beautiful despite the bubble enclosed over her head. Then she notices a substantially less beautiful eel-like woman slithering by, presumably Delphi, under the effects of some partial transfiguration. Lastly, there is of course Queenie, also bearing webbed hands and feet, having stolen Mirabel’s own idea.

But there is no time for moping about this betrayal right now, Mirabel had to win, had to prove she can triumph against these narcissists and blood purists. One thing of note that Mirabel did notice in searching her surroundings was a rather lovely sound, that same song the golden egg emitted when she had finally heard it underwater. This sound had to be the mermaids, had to be the unknown goal she was seeking. Mirabel jets forward, finding that her lack of proper swimming experience is irrelevant, that her herbology had indeed paid off. The song keeps getting louder and louder, but even after half her time is up, she finds she is still yet to reach the source. The journey is not without danger either, hordes of grindylows and other ferocious creatures within the depths, the evasion of which costing Mirabel even more precious time. One particular grindylow horde in the distance seemed to be quite active, and Mirabel even thought she saw a glint of Fleur’s signature blonde hair. While Mirabel supposed she should be happy to have a rival out of the way, she can only feel dread, a shiver running down her spine despite the warm water surrounding her, as she ponders what creatures may end her tournament hopes, or worse. This was after all a tournament that had been called off after one too many deaths, and whatever safety precautions had been introduced, they offered little comfort in these moments.

However, no fearsome creature does strike, and eventually, Mirabel begins to see the first of the mermaids, gorgeous sirens that swam by with impeccable grace. The portrait in the Prefect’s bathroom could never do these creatures justice, their beauty was unlike any she had ever seen, except perhaps her Veela competitor. As she continued forward to the source of the song, greater and greater numbers of sirens surrounded her, yet they never impeded her path. Mirabel continued onwards, curious what this crowd of mermaids could have been surrounding.

Then she sees her, and all makes sense. Cho hadn’t abandoned her this morning, she had been taken. She was “what you'll sorely miss”. Now she floated there, still beautiful in some enchanted sleep, her body bound by a chain to a stone mermaid statue. Mirabel rushes forward again, with renewed vigour, but then comes to a shocked stop, as the mermaids surrounding her join in the song, the lyrics now perfectly clear, almost like a whisper in her ear.

“Ignore your friend

Her life won’t end.”

What was this? She had thought the whole point had been to find what they took.

“Come seek our song

Don’t wait too long.”

Well yes, she had been seeking their song for the past half hour or so.

“Before we met, your life was gloom;

But through our song, your heart will bloom.”

Mirabel nodded along to the music, a smile forming on her lips. She could feel her heart growing already, as another gorgeous siren smiled while she passed by.

“So come into the deep abyss,

And you will find the truest bliss.”

Yes, what was she doing just hovering on the spot? A feeling of incredible elation was growing by the moment, and a feeling of growing certainty in what Mirabel must do. Only if she obeyed those perfect words would she find the perfect bliss she had been promised.

And so down Mirabel descends, thoughts of Cho being quickly quashed. As if the school would ever put a student in danger. She was sure Cho would be fine, she would get help elsewhere if Mirabel didn’t reach her personally. Anyway, her current mission was far more important. Down, down, down she swam, following the heart of the tune, that point where it was louder than anywhere else, deep in the abyss. A structure that would usually be threatening, but with Mirabel’s new understanding of the world, was clearly a place of calm, a place of bliss.

The magnificent sirens follow Mirabel down, beckon her further into the depths, continuing their song all the while. The Hufflepuff now had a permanent grin plastered on her face, as all the worries of the tournament disappeared. Up until now, the tournament had been so difficult, fighting dragons and deciphering cryptic clues, but now, it couldn’t be simpler. She only had to listen to these gorgeous women, and do exactly as they said. A faint echo in the back of her mind said something about the limits of gillyweed, that her transformation would last only an hour, but this information faded from her mind as quickly as it had appeared. All that Mirabel needed to know, the Sirens would tell her. Anything else was irrelevant.

Mirabel kept swimming for who knew how long, until finally she reached the lake’s floor, which had stretched far deeper than she thought possible. By now, the mermaids had thinned out, but one creature floated at the base, somehow more beautiful than all the others. Could she be their Queen? Mirabel had no clue, but as this perfect creature locked eyes with her, she knew what she had to do. She swam right up to her new Goddess, silly smile still present, as she found herself pulled into a loving embrace, found out that she had somehow been fortunate enough to be blessed with her Goddess’s lips.

Mirabel could have stayed there for the rest of her life, a blissful thrall, wanting nothing more from the world. Her bliss was such that she began to feel lightheaded, all fading away but the one thing that mattered, the Siren responsible for this heart-melting song. She began to feel weak as this feeling of ecstasy consumed every facet of her being. She became unable to hold on, glad that her Goddess was there to hold her tight, to continually fuel her with love.

What Mirabel failed to realise was the second cause of her light-headedness, her rapidly depleting air supply, as her gills failed her, and her transformation faded away. She was on the edge of death, drowning without even realising, as the greedy siren had seen her opportunity to claim another victim from those arrogant humans who thought they could intrude on her domain, make her part of a spectacle in their games.

However, this was not to be Mirabel’s end, just as she began to gain some awareness of what was happening, began to pull away as she sputtered for a breath that did not exist, her saviour arrived, sending a jet of red light at the siren, blasting her away. She took hold of the other witch, rapidly ascending with her in hand. Mirabel’s vision had gone blurry as the gillyweed’s effects faded, but she suddenly found a bubble of air had surrounded her head, and as she took in the most wonderful breath of air she had ever tasted, she saw her saviour was that gorgeous blonde witch she had such confusing feelings for. It seemed Queenie had somehow braved the lake’s depths to save her, when she had so foolishly fallen under another’s control, yet again.

They rise to the surface, and while there are some cheers from amongst the crowd, it is clear that they are far from first place, having failed to recover their required targets, and having taken longer than the hour they were given. Mirabel was dragged to the dock by her saviour, and so was able to see a crowd had formed around Delphi, who had clearly evaded the siren song and so reigned victorious. Fleur sat on the dock too, wearing a pouty look of disappointment. However, a young girl who Mirabel had earlier seen chained in the lake was beside her now, indicating that she too had succeeded in the task. The large gash on her leg demonstrated that the grindylows had gotten to her, but the French witch was stronger than she looked, and must have overcome that obstacle.

After all that effort, it seemed Delphi and Fleur would be granted a huge advantage in the final task for their performance here, while Mirabel and Queenie would have little hope of winning. Mirabel had never set her expectations too high, but this was all a bit depressing. She tuned everything out, trying to get her breath back and come to terms with the fact that her foolishness with the sirens had ruined not only her chances, but Queenie’s too. For saving her, the Queenie was being punished, and nothing at all seemed fair. What was she thinking? They were sirens, had she learned nothing at all from Moody’s classes on resisting another’s control?

Mirabel continues down this path of self-loathing for a little longer, but breaking through her mental walls, she heard the sounds of growing cheers, and upon looking upon the crowd, it seemed Queenie was at the centre of it. Mirabel perked up, listening to Dumbledore, and found him declaring that although Queenie had not saved her intended loved one, she had indeed saved a loved one, and for that, she had received high marks. Not as high a score as Delphi, but she was in second place now, for her bravery at taking on such an unexpected obstacle.

Mirabel leapt up to congratulate Queenie, her sadness shattered in a moment. She ran up to hug her, and to both Queenie’s and Mirabel’s great surprise, she found she was passionately kissing the other witch, feeling that same love as earlier, yet now it was real. No magic, no spells, she truly loved Queenie, and finally understood that she had for quite some time. Once again, the tournament was rendered irrelevant, as Mirabel had the one thing she desired, the one thing she needed. She had her Queen.




This series is certainly not going down the path I originally planned. There is a lot more romance than I ever thought I would write, so I hope that is all still enjoyable, or at least worth sticking through to get to the mind control. Next part will be the Yule Ball, and I promise there will be love spells and potions abound.

Also, the actress I selected for the mermaid is Phoebe Tonkin, with a photo from her role in H2O: Just Add Water. The only reason I know about this series is for a mind control episode I rather enjoy, which can be found here: (www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pMIDC… ). There is a lot of mind control in the episode, but the first instance occurs at 8:35, and Phoebe Tonkin is mind controlled at 10:25.

As far as canon changes introduced in this part, the merpeople were changed from selkies to all female sirens for hypno appeal, and Fleur overcame the grindylows to setup for a more competitive final round. Any thoughts and feelings on the series are very much welcome in the comments below.

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LegoCityDude6181992 [2023-11-17 03:37:50 +0000 UTC]

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