HypnoTeddy — The Yule Ball (Tranced-Wizard Tournament Part 7)

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Published: 2024-01-08 11:22:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 15076; Favourites: 36; Downloads: 1
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This is part 7 of a series. See part 1 here:

“Look, if there’s one thing I can say, it’s that you aren’t going to get anywhere just waiting for someone to read your mind and ask you out.” Cho had been expressing the trouble she was having finding a date to the fast approaching Yule Ball, and while her shyness was generally endearing, Mirabel was growing a bit tired of Cho’s dating troubles. Her incredible beauty and single status had of course brought an incessant swarm of boys out to ask her to go to the ball with them. Even Cedric Diggery, the Hufflepuff prefect, had asked the question. Unfortunately though, known only to Mirabel and Cho herself, all these options were quite invalidated by Cho’s attraction to the fairer sex. This rather limited her option pool, and keeping her orientation secret further complicated things.

“Ok, how about this. We have to start from somewhere, so if you could ask anyone at all, not worrying what they might say, who would you ask?” Mirabel looks to Cho, who evades her gaze, muttering the barely audible response, “Fleur?” Mirabel is rather taken aback, assuming for a moment that she had misheard, but seeing the look of something like guilt on Cho’s face, she suddenly understands. During that defence lesson on the imperius curse, where Cho had seemed just a little too happy throughout the experience, well it seemed she now knew the cause of that joy. “But Cho, she’s not a good person. She used me, took my mind, just to get an advantage in the first round. That’s what she does, she uses people.” Cho again responds with only a single word, “Queenie”, it being obvious what she was referring to. While her testing for mental enchantments had comforted her somewhat regarding the legitimacy of her friend’s relationship, she still held some residual distrust, and calling out people for using love magic felt like some pretty extreme hypocrisy on Milly’s part.

Mirabel winced. “That’s not the same though. Queenie always had feelings for me, I just didn’t know it then.” The Hufflepuff takes a breath in, and continues. “Anyway, it’s not about me. Cho, I know why you feel this way about her. I didn’t really get it during that defence lesson, but after what Queenie made me feel, I understand. But mind control isn’t something to just mess around with. If you give your mind to the wrong person, the consequences… just promise me you’ll be careful.”

Cho pauses, but after the moment’s hesitation, she gives a short nod, finally makes eye contact, and responds firmly, “I will”. Mirabel looks a little longer, not fully convinced, but realises ultimately all she can do is trust her friend.

After a moment’s pause, Mirabel returns to the topic at hand. “So Fleur, surely someone’s asked her to the ball by now?”

“Oh, plenty have asked, but she’s turned them all down. You asked me who I would pick if I didn’t have to worry about the answer. Obviously Fleur would turn me down.” Although Cho spoke in a matter of fact kind of way, it was clear to Mirabel that her friend was pretty upset about the whole situation. She pondered for a moment, and suddenly a grin popped onto her face. “What is it?” Cho asked, suddenly eager.

“Ok. Well it’s probably silly, and very unethical, but if you want, I can pretty much guarantee Fleur answers you however you want. Hold on just a moment.” Mirabel rummages through her bag, taking her time to give the moment some theatrical flair, before producing a small vial of pink liquid, one that was instantly recognisable to the Ravenclaw. “No way, Amortentia? But how…” “I made it”, Mirabel responds, cutting Cho off in her excitement. Those ashwinder eggs I found when I was trying to solve that silly egg puzzle, they gave me the idea. They were the first ingredients to this. I was just going to use it to have some fun with Queenie, but really, we have plenty of ways to do that. If you want it, it’s yours. After all, if anyone deserves the taste of a little Amortentia, it’s Fleur Delacour. She’s made half the school fall in love with her, you’d only be returning the favour.”

Cho was conflicted. These justifications felt fairly blatantly selfishly constructed, but whenever she tried to form counter-arguments, an image formed of herself held in Fleur’s arms, in blissed out oblivion. When she thought of that, everything else seemed fairly inconsequential. “Is it ok if I take the potion with me, but decide later?”

Mirabel smiles. She had figured this would be Cho’s choice, she knew it probably was wrong to mess with people’s minds, even if the person in question kind of had it coming, and so was glad to have Cho at least give it proper thought. They moved onto discussing other things, and so the dance grew nearer.

The day of the Yule Ball arrives, and in the end, the potion remains unused in Cho’s pocket, the witch remaining indecisive. Even without a date, she looked absolutely stunning, a gorgeous form-fitting white dress with a subtle floral pattern, jealous boys staring at her as she made her way to the floor, as unattainable as ever to them. Next to her, Mirabel and Queenie arrived arm in arm, wearing matching red outfits that perhaps looked a little ridiculous, yet due to a couple of love spells applied to each other prior to the dance, the duo couldn’t take their eyes off each other, much less consider what others thought of them.

The night began as one would expect of a compulsory school event, all complimenting each other on their looks, some sincerely, others hollowly. The dances started, most joining, having reasonable fun, despite the air of awkwardness that pervaded the room. That was all before Fleur entered the stage, and time stopped.

The part Veela, no longer constrained by the limits of her school uniform, managed to draw the eyes of the whole room, even Mirabel and Queenie tearing their eyes from each other as she strode past. Her gorgeous silvery grey gown enhanced her natural elegance further, so that she looked like a magnificent artwork come to life. For whatever reason though, she was partnerless, perhaps not wanting her perfection to be tainted by someone of lesser beauty, as any partner necessarily would.

With all eyes on Fleur, she gave a cheeky grin, then began to dance. She twirled around, her long blonde hair trailing behind her, seeming more radiant than ever. As she continued, her dance became faster and faster. People around her began to slow their own movements, as all their energy went into watching her increasingly hypnotic dance. Men and women alike became enraptured, with Cho in particular simply in awe. Every motion was so seductive, carried such beauty, such grace. Everything that made Fleur so incredible, multiplied tenfold.

People began to drop to their knees in sheer awe of her beauty, her Veela dance casting its spell across the entire room. One of her newly servile peasants held a rather expensive looking watch outstretched in his palm, seeming ready to offer far more if his Goddess requested it.

Cho knew she had to get Fleur’s attention somehow, couldn’t bear to remain unnoticed by her. Her mind was slow, falling under the power of her Goddess. She considers simply dropping to her knees, joining the others in blissed out oblivion. Surely she could do more though, had some gift she could offer, even if not worthy of her Goddess, then at least something that showed some portion of the extent of her love.

Then it comes to her, that love potion still in her pocket, the only way she could ever gain Fleur’s affections. Cho rushes to grab a goblet from the table, pouring into it some party punch, then tipping the entire vial of Amortentia in after. Quickly she dashes back to Fleur, still in an incredible daze provided lovingly by her Goddess. By the time she arrived, she had to fight through a swarm of worshippers, every teacher and student around having fallen under her power. Still Fleur continued that wondrous dance, providing Cho with all the motivation she needed to push toward her Goddess.

Somehow, Cho reached Fleur, and dropping to her knees like the good little worshipper she was, she put all her hope into Fleur seeing her, and taking just a sip from her offering. Then, beyond all odds, her Goddess turned to her. With that divine smile she always wore, she took the goblet from Cho’s hands, still keeping her magical dance going all the while. Cho could barely breathe as she realised what was happening. Had she made a mistake? Was it wrong to try and gain her Goddess’s love for herself? She was about to shout out, tell Fleur to stop, but already the potion had gone down her throat.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere changed. Fleur’s dance stopped, as she began to stare at Cho with a frightening intensity. The room began to awaken from their simultaneous trance, which was broken all of a sudden when Fleur made a rare departure from her usual grace, as she leapt upon the woman she had effectively just met, knocking them both to the ground. As the onlookers simultaneously awakened from their dazes, they were greeted to a pair of women writhing on the ground, locked in a passionate kiss, seemingly entirely oblivious to the world around them. Cho’s brain had overheated, no thoughts capable of forming, only registering that this was happening, this Goddess who ruled her mind was on top of her. She realised she was acting the rather poor partner, without enough mental activity remaining to even properly return the kiss, but even this was difficult to care about, as her every dream came true. After a sharp word from a rather embarrassed and confused  looking Professor McGonagall, who had clearly just been among Fleur’s frontmost worshippers, the pair were moved off the dance floor. With a mad grin, Fleur took Cho’s hand and rushed her back to her room in the Beauxbatons carriage, where she proceeded to apply every trick for wooing a partner that her Veela grandmother had taught her. Cho felt dizzy as she was whisked through the castle, as a small part of her fought back against the overwhelming love that just kept on building by the moment. It was of course futile, and without any time to speak a word, she found herself once more engaged in a passionate kiss with her Goddess.

After an utterly exhausting experience, Fleur finally allowed a moment for Cho to breathe, for her to say all that she felt. It was at this point that the Ravenclaw realised she was quite at a loss for words, despite her many fantasies about this exact moment. Fortunately, Fleur is able to fill the silence, her enchanting French accent filling the air. “Madame, I can’t believe I haven’t asked, but what is your name? Sorry about the way I acted, but I’ve just never met someone as beautiful as you, felt even close to this strongly about anyone my entire life. I don’t even know you, but I feel like you complete me, that I could never go without you again.”

Cho finds her heart sinking again, the roller coaster of emotions that she had been on seeming to never end. However, looking into Fleur’s pale blue eyes, she finds her mouth beginning to move, almost as if on its own. “My name’s Cho Chang, but you only feel this way because you drank a love potion I slipped you. I love you very much, but I don’t deserve you. I suppose I should go now.” Whether Fleur’s charms had forced the truth out, Cho wasn’t sure, but she was glad nevertheless. While she did feel some sadness at the hastened end of what she had known had been an unsustainable relationship, she was mostly relieved to no longer be burdened by the great lie that had brought it all about. One fantastic evening with Fleur was more than enough, and Cho knew she would cherish the night for years to come.

However, Fleur then did something very strange. Rather than hitting Cho, or fleeing from her, she went in for another of her divine kisses, which in her confusion, Cho was rendered entirely unresponsive to. “Don’t be silly, you gorgeous little thing. I have given others the gift of love for years now, but always it is unreciprocated. How can I be with someone, when I clearly can never match the feelings they hold for me? This is what I always needed, something that can allow me what I never had before, a relationship on even terms.”

Cho shakes her head, this couldn’t be real. “You’re only saying that because of the potion. There’s no way you could actually love me, of all people. Not Fleur Delacour, the most beautiful girl in the world, with the entire school at her feet. I’m sorry, but I have to go.” Cho stands up from the wonderfully soft bed that she was sitting upon with Fleur. Before she made a step though, she once again heard that divine voice, the voice that proved the woman she was with was indeed a Goddess. “You will do no such thing. Sit here, and make me the happiest girl in the world.” In her Goddess’s presence, it seemed Cho really couldn’t control herself, as she found herself falling back into the seat she had just stood from, getting lost in the pale blue orbs that Fleur so easily controlled her with. “Now, Madame Cho, my love, tell me all about yourself. I want no detail left out.” It turned out that being called ‘love’  was the last straw for Cho, and proved to extinguish any doubts she had about herself, about being anything in life except Fleur’s girl. She let her mind be flooded with bliss once more, words naturally spilling from her mouth as she told Fleur everything, resistance a foreign concept, the simplicity she’d always desired, now finally hers. Long into the night they talked, laughed, kissed, cuddled, and had an utterly romantic evening, completely lost in each other, sharing an obsession that blocked out all else.

It was with some surprise that Cho woke the next morning to see those brilliant blue eyes still staring at her, still filled with that same love from the night before. The amortentia should have entirely left her system, yet here she was, a scene from Cho’s wildest fantasies, now her reality.



(Coming Soon!)

I always thought Roger Davies was an incredibly lame pick for Fleur’s Yule Ball date, so hopefully this is a bit more enjoyable. (I’m sure many are asking who Roger Davies is, which is kind of the point.) With Fleur now part of a lesbain romance too, there are a lot of lesbians in the main cast, perhaps an unrealistic amount, but I’m going to call it an acceptable break from reality for the sake of hypno fetish content. I do hope none of the actions here felt too out of character. My original plan for this story was just going to be Mirabel making a hypno harem, but I then decided she had ethics and such, so I have had to be a bit more considerate in how to achieve hypno content. Hopefully it is believable that she would allow Fleur to potentially get dosed with love potion, and hopefully it also doesn’t seem too outlandish that this version of Fleur might have some fun with her powers at the ball. By the way, in canon, Fleur is never confirmed to be capable of a Veela dance, but I figured it would be more fun if she was. 

I intended to use an image of Fleur in her Yule ball outfit, but sadly everything was tragically low resolution, so I decided a picture of Cho in her outfit would still be fitting enough. Also, apologies for the huge gap between the previous part and this part. I’ve had this mostly written for months, but it would seem life gets busy. I could have actually posted the Yule Ball around Christmas, but it seems it was not to be.

Next up, we will finally arrive at the final task. I wonder what formidable creatures may await in that mysterious maze?

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Johnsteed7 [2024-01-11 15:56:53 +0000 UTC]

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JackFranks [2024-01-09 07:33:16 +0000 UTC]

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