IncredibleIntruder — Genie, Potions and Spirals - Zombietwink62

#brainwashing #charm #djinn #dominance #femdom #genie #hexmaniac #hypnosis #hypnotic #mindcontrol #pirate #risky #riskyboots #shantae #spiral #submission #yuri #spiraleyes #halfgenie #femsub #charmmagic #hypnoticspiral #hex_maniac #shantaehalfgeniehero #hexmaniacpokemon
Published: 2021-06-07 18:37:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 59819; Favourites: 278; Downloads: 50
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The Hex Shantae train just keeps on rolling.

Zombietwink62 and I are on a roll right now with this idea, producing content as if we were a spiral factory. What was supposed to be merely a one-shot, a small collaboration seems to have grown into something more as this is the third illustration they have produced in a few days...with possibly more to come. And, of course, I wrote a little tale to continue this trend.

After the beginning   and then the reader-insert follow-up 

Mature Content

, it is time that those two dealt with one of the nastiest piece of work in all Sequin Land, someone whom the previous mayor couldn't quite deal with, yet the Hex Maniac certainly can: Risky Boots. The Spiral Genie, the newest mayor against the Queen of the Seven Seas...with hypnotic results!

If you enjoy my work, before you start reading, do check out my Patreon as there's literally a bunch of free material (all of it in fact) that you can see there, including NSFW not found anywhere else: www.patreon.com/incredibleintr…

And now, let their encounter be told.

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                                                                                                PIRATES AND POTIONS

It had been a while since Risky paid a visit to Scuttle Town.

To be known as the Queen of the Seven Seas required to be indeed spread vastly and widely in one's activities, which meant that she did have to roam around in her vessel from time to time. Attacking merchant ships, pillaging other coast towns and cities, being a general nuisance...it was a lot of work, but also a ton of fun for the pirate known as Risky Boots. However, she did have a nemesis to take care of and a certain habit that she wanted to indulge in, attacking and burning Scuttle Town for old time's sake. They couldn't quite get comfortable yet and she had to remind them that she still existed, but she also wanted revenge for the umpteenth time that Shantae defeated her again, the pesky half-genie always foiling her plans. It was a whole thing and as someone with impulses fit for a queen, she simply had to go ahead and indulge herself some more.

The Tinkerbats prepared the cannonballs, managed the ship as they even manned the helm as her trusted, yet still kinda idiotic crew could definitely find their way to this place that they had assailed so many times. She had them draw her a bath in order for her to be presentable, as she knew for a fact that despite her terrible reputation, one she had worked hard for, she was also known as a knockout beauty and this mixture of fear and appeal suited her quite nicely. As such, she needed to be clean as a whistle in order for people to gaze in terror and awe at the coming of the great Risky Boots. Getting in her tub, the water was at just the right temperature as she sighed in contentment, trying to see just how she could ruin some more people's day later. A blockade would be nice, but lengthy and boring. An alliance with other enemies like the Ammo Baron could yield good results, yet he was a buffoon and she did not work with unworthy scum. Perhaps she could trick Shantae again into finding relics and magical items for her for a much more nefarious and ambitious plan...but it had been done to death already. Craving some originality, she pondered hard as she lightly scrubbed herself, taking her sweet time until she heard a small bit of commotion outside, on the deck of her ship. Getting out of the tub quickly, she dressed herself in a flash and picked up her weapons as she wondered just who would dare to assault her of all people.

The answer to this was a mystery, yet thankfully there seemed to be no damage. No ship in sight close by, nothing set on fire, no immediate presence that needed to be dealt with. Part of her almost thought that the Pirate Master had come back somehow, but this was folly as both Shantae and herself had dealt with this malevolent and tyrannical being. Inspecting just what had happened, she quickly realized that none of her Tinkerbats were actually being very mobile, none of them actually working or keeping themselves busy in any way. “You men better go back to your stations quick, or else...” Risky said out loud, certainly not appreciating when they were slacking off before a burning-and-pillaging expedition. While they were mute and certainly couldn't respond, what alarmed her a bit was the fact that they did not react in the slightest, not even turning their head toward her or get startled from her words and presence. She inspected them and soon found a pretty obvious sign that they were under some kind of spell, their normally large yellow eyes now showcasing multiple symbols. Some had heart-shaped pulsations kept ongoing as a loop, either green or blue, while others had spirals kept ongoing as they were in some kind of trance. “Who dares! Show yourself and face me right now!”

Unfortunately for her, she'd get exactly what she wished for as some tendril of purple smoke shot out from her own cabin, aimed toward her body as it stretched out and then coiled around her in a fashion not dissimilar to that of a snake. It looked ethereal, translucent and as Risky realized a little too late that she had been caught, she tried to fend it off and break that hold, yet it proved surprisingly sturdy. It was obviously magical in nature due to the sparkles upon its form as she tried to hold her ground with all the strength she could muster, yet it proved futile as she was lifted off the ground and then brought back to her cabin with swift efficiency.

“You coward! Without your spell or your magic tentacle, you'd be sorry!” she said in reaction, hoping for a fair fight or, better yet, one in which she'd have the advantage. Whoever caused this was a potent spell-caster and perhaps someone with a grudge, making her think that perhaps the Hypno Baron was behind this given all that she had seen, yet the heart-symbols definitely weren't part of his arsenals or methods. “Give me back my crew right now!

These complaints fell either on deaf ears or were simply ignored as she was brought inside her own cabin now, her feet not touching the ground as she was quickly put on a seat. Before she could attempt to move out of the way, though, the appendage went on to loop itself around her shoulders and waist, essentially acting as rope to capture her. Again she struggled, though it proved fruitless yet again as Risky was at the mercy of whoever had decided to attack her like this.

“What do you even want? Revenge? Gold?” Risky asked, irritated and angry, the lack of answers grating on her nerves as she followed the trail of that elusive purple tendril, only for it to lead to a dark and unseen corner of her own quarters. “Answer me, dammit!”

“It is for neither of those options...Queen of the Seven Seas,” a voice came from the mysterious unseen portion of the cabin, one that wasn't there prior. Risky did not recognize the mellow, calm and certainly eerie tone there as two figures revealed themselves. The first one was indeed a stranger, a woman of long purple messy hair, pale skin wearing a bolero vest, a translucent facial veil, a tall turban, tight sleeves and cutaway leggings alongside a tight top with golden spirals upon it, all purple in color, with a rather classy amount of jewelry. Her eyes were bright and green like the emeralds she wore, yet the sparkle of those precious stones saw their glimmer somehow stolen by the ongoing spirals flowing and looping through those peepers of hers. “I feel like we needed to...have a little chat.”

“Funny way to have a talk, capturing me and my crew,” Risky scoffed, actually kinda respecting the methods here though certainly not the person, this odd being and her lack of an expression due to those uncanny eyes and her veil barely hiding her mouth and nose along with her slovenly expression. Beside her, though, was someone Risky knew very much about as Shantae revealed herself, clad differently from prior. Her hair was braided, for starters, as she wore tight blue sleeves attached to cuffs and snake loops made of gold alongside a blue tight top attached to a gold ring hugging her upper abdomen, coupled with the same golden swirls as the one who accompanied her. Gone was the red and black, as her pantaloons were purple now with silk adornments, veils of the same blue as her top and sleeves, yet one particular detail was that she had no legs but a full-on genie tail of smoke, which was exactly what had been coiled around her. It seemed to stretch to infinity, yet as Risky followed its trail it led to a magic lamp attached to the belt-like accessory of this stranger, making it so Risky connected two and two together as she realized that Shantae had the same spirals inside blue eyes, just above her own blue facial veil. “So you captured Shantae and turned her into your hypnotized genie slave? Not too bad. So...I'm not going anywhere, talk then or just get out of my way.”

“I am the new mayor...of Scuttle Town...and I would like it if you left it alone,” the spiral-eyed stranger said, her voice slow and annoying to Risky Boots. Both her and Shantae looked at the Queen of the Seven Seas, standing tall over her which aggravated the proud pirate as this seemingly naïve request was ill-timed given her actual plans. “We just remodeled a few buildings...and painted gorgeous spirals everywhere...so it would be a shame for you...to burn it all down.”

What annoyed Risky more, though, was the fact that Shantae hadn't said a word since the beginning, merely staring at her with those weirdly magnetic eyes, pulling her gaze in those endless blue, the spirals eternal and infinite and yet hearing such a polite yet firm demand made Risky snap back to reality as she spat on the ground in front of the stranger. “I do what I want, girl. I'm a pirate, and you can't just expect me to bend over and let you do what you want because you asked nicely,” Risky answered, her tone full of disbelief and spite as she had worked hard to get this kind of freedom to act however she wants. Given what had happened to her crew, she felt a similar fate might be in store for her, but she wouldn't just keel over and give them what she wanted. “Beside, you stole my prey from me. I wanted her to become my slave, to be defeated by me, not by some random girl coming out of nowhere!”

“I had to try...my Spiral Genie, if you please...we need to take care of her,” the stranger said as Shantae clasped her palms together before her chest, bowed and then went on to lift them up above her head, resulting in the spirals on her top to start spinning somehow, accompanying those in her eyes. She then began to dance, yet this time it wasn't entirely playful, but full-on sensual and sexy this time around as she shook her chest while she shimmied her hips, all while she looked down at Risky straight in the eyes. It was both expected and unexpected that she would dance, this being her whole motif and methodology, yet the approach was all different and that made it feel mesmerizing to Risky. “Do enjoy yourself...”

That voice had already grown faint as somehow Shantae's mixture of adorable and sexy seemed to ignore the former and focused far more on the latter as Risky couldn't quite get her eyes off of her. She knew it was some sort of enchantment, some kind of hypnosis, yet it was too interesting to look anywhere else as Shantae's gaze drilled into hers. The spirals went on and on, going deeper and lazier still as the full-genie made her breasts move enticingly due to the trembling of her hips below, her bejeweled navel ring swinging back and forth because of those motions. As much as Shantae could dance very well, it seemed more intimate and powerful this time around, making Risky half-forget herself as her body tried to fend off that tail, yet her attempts were feeble because her mind was elsewhere: inside the spirals.

“Do not worry...about anything. We will do you no harm...far from it. If we wished you dead...you would be...but that is not what we are about,” the stranger said, her voice a little far as if it was an echo that became slightly louder and quieter, transported by the spirals as Risky couldn't quite look anywhere else now, the sheer appeal of that Spiral Genie keeping her somewhat pacified despite her fiery disposition. The stranger had actually moved behind her, whispering to her ear as she placed her hands carefully on the Queen of the Seven Sea's shoulders, holding her still through a gentle touch rather than a forceful push. “We only want people to be happy...for them to find their purpose. For you to steal and destroy...you must be quite unhappy...looking for some treasure to fill...the void in your soul...”

Those words meant nothing to her, just noise, yet her mind drank it all up as Risky stared even deeper at Shantae's own hypnotic dance, the charming performance absolutely claiming her attention and diminishing all mental and physical efforts. It was bad, a dim awareness in Risky telling her that she couldn't just surrender like this, but whenever those kind of thoughts were away she felt nice and calm, relaxed and aroused as those shimmies turned into mayas, vertical figure-eights and then hip drops, as if that waist, midriff and those hips were hammers on the anvil of her mind, soft blows meant for her to drop her guard. There was an unique kind of euphoria, a siren call that she had to resist and yet it was an increasingly arduous task as she gritted her teeth unconsciously, a sure sign that she was fighting with all her might...for all the good that it did.

“I feel emptiness within you...a push to all who would get close...you are hurt...but we can heal you,” the stranger continued, extrapolating hard as she knew next to nothing about Risky Boots, yet she kept on talking as her Spiral Genie continued her dance. Both their expressions were a mystery, their eyes still swirling about as Risky's shoulders were massaged, making her relax even more as her sitting position got slightly limp despite the coils around her. Her breathing was calmer, more controlled and in the tempo of the breasts swinging left and right...left and right...left and right...just before her eyes. “No need to fight...no need to rebel...just look at the beauty before you...at the spirals~”

This she could silently agree upon as Shantae seemed all the more exquisite in this ensemble, the genie tail surprisingly suiting her very well. Her curves and allure were being enveloped in spirals now, a lazy one in the background covering and swallowing every minute details. Her treasure pile, her tub, her map...everything. It made her feel immensely fascinated, her own thoughts beginning to trail away as she was losing this fight, that calm and mellow voice losing its irritating edge in her perceptions and turning into something more agreeable. Her tension went slack, her body limp and right there her mouth began to hung half-open...which was exactly what this hypnotic duo were aiming for as a mysterious vial was opened, some of its liquid content poured inside Risky's mouth.

“Swallow this...and know eternal joy...” the stranger said as she returned before Risky, standing right next to Shantae as a heart-shaped vial, with a heart-shaped stopper, was seen in her hand. There was a green liquid sloshing inside as Risky couldn't help but do as she was told, drinking down what had been offered to her as the potion went down her throat, warming it up in a fuzzy way. “Very good...Now gaze at me too... if you please~”

The voice of this woman, which had been so nerve-grating before, grew once more in terms of allure as Risky couldn't quite avert her gaze from Shantae as the Spiral Genie kept on dancing...yet her attention nevertheless tried to give the stranger some space and it hit her like a ton of brick: she was gorgeous. Her heart began to beat a little more rapidly as Risky noticed the spirals on her top too, moving slowly and alluringly, that green and deep gaze drawing her in while her pale flesh was almost glistening, sparkling in pure beauty as there were so many things to enjoy visually about this unknown woman. Her bare midriff with its jewelry, those large breasts, that mysterious aroused expression beneath that veil, those thick thighs and these large hips...she had never noticed how beautiful she looked, completely amazed and mesmerized now as if it was love at first sight, which made her feel aghast in just how much her perceptions had changed...and how much she loved it. Yet as she did so another vial had been opened, leading to some more liquid being poured inside her throat again, which she swallowed down immediately as a reflex.

“What you are missing...is love. We shall make you...have a reason to exist...beyond pillaging,” the stranger said and yet as her beauty was made all the more magnificent, something else changed too as Risky also gazed down at Shantae as she rolled her stomach and she was instantly infatuated to an insane degree with the Spiral Genie. That olive skin, that braid of hers, her hourglass figure and those lovely spiraling eyes all captured her heart as she realized that Shantae was actually touching her, keeping her in place with her wondrous tail as it made Risky shiver in place due to elation and excitement, arousal and entrancement. Then, Shantae got closer to the stranger as they helped Risky witness them both, with Shantae stopping her dance as she held another heart-shaped vial, this one with pink liquid inside. “And that reason...will be us two~”

She felt a warmth in her chest and belly, the two charm potions that she drank gurgling and being magically-processed as her infatuation became lust and adoration, making it so those two women became her only focus. A small tidbit of her brain recalled how her Tinkerbats had been showcasing spirals and heart-shaped loops in their eyes as she now understood why...and how great it felt. She was anchored to those two, attuned to their overwhelming beauty as soon the spirals in her eyes turned also into heart-shaped symbols, a silly grin appearing alongside drool as the background, anything that wasn't related to the beautiful stranger and the gorgeous genie turned into pulsating purple and pink hearts. It encompassed them both as they did nothing, Shantae's dance not even continuing and yet it was still fresh in her mind, still obsessing her as she drank of their curves, their form, their appeal, their audacity to become entirely a slave to those growing feelings.

“We are slowly becoming...your utmost priority...your everything...” the stranger continued, leading this dominance of Risky's senses and growing sense of belonging to those two, the hypnosis and charm potions combining to make her feel weak, powerless and yet very much enjoying it. The heart-shaped pulsations were akin to spirals, never-ending as they went deeper and deeper still, leading her through a journey of love and surrender, of submission to the Spiral Genie and the mistress of this magical being. She felt as if she too was bound to a lamp as well, yet it was attached to those two in a metaphorical sense, as if she'd be rubbed the right way and she'd obey all of their wishes as Risky had lost completely and utterly. This fact never dawned on her, this defeat not feeling like one as she felt happy and content, inhaling the spirals as if they were perfume as everything inside her seemed to go on spinning and throbbing, making her forget herself entirely in favor of those two. “Accept this...with your whole heart. You love us deeply...and then deeper...and deeper...as if you were pulled in by both our beauty...and the spirals...the two being...the same~”

This was a revelation, the spirals symbolizing them as of course her Tinkerbats would fall for them much like she did. Their creamy, smooth and luscious skin, their exotic appeal, their half-naked allure and the sheer confidence that they put on display, all accentuated by the spirals in their eyes which joined in her infatuation as she stared deeper. There was nothing else but them, nothing to feel but arousal and a growing devotion as each passing second made her feel crazy for them, wishing to enjoy the taste of their flesh, the pleasure of their company and to listen more to that voice guiding her, soothing her as Risky Boots was but a shadow of her vain, greedy and proud self. To see her eyes, her composure and her grin would be akin to see someone so absolutely enthralled, lost to herself and to lust that she had become a different person...which was entirely the plan of those two.

“You love us so much...that you'd do anything for us...including letting us hypnotize you...shaping you to our will,” the incomparable turban-wearing lady said, Risky no longer seeing her as a mere stranger, but as one of the love of her life. While she did indeed have a flirtatious and teasing side with Shantae, those feelings were magnified as the Spiral Genie had claimed her entirely, the fact that she had been mesmerized no longer an obstacle to be overcome, but actually a great boon from the two most beautiful people in the entire world. “Let us guide you...give you better purpose...as you abandon yourself to our care...and to our needs~”

By then, Risky barely heard much of anything, overpowered and overwhelmed as they made her drink of their love potion again, this time with her being half-aware of it as she obediently gulped it down. Both vials were soon empty and the Queen of the Seven Seas got hit by an immense wave of arousal, her spirit in tethers and yet held together by the proximity of these two, her mistresses. She admitted to herself that she was hypnotized, that she was charmed as she enjoyed it thoroughly, never wishing for it to go away. At this point, it was as if she had been merged with the spirals and those heart-shaped pulsations, resulting in her seemingly melting down and then getting twisted, becoming her senses rather than them forging her entire being. Illusions of those two dancing, of Risky indulging some more as soft whispers were blown in her ears made her shiver in delight until eventually she felt the release of some pressure as she was lifted up and then put down on the ground, on her knees.

“And now the moment...you've been waiting for...where you submit to us...” the mayor of Scuttle Town said, Risky finally admitting this title in her head as it had been inserted in her psyche, yet another was beginning to blossom, on the tip of her tongue and on the forefront of her mind. She looked up and they were akin to giantesses, towering over her with their beauty and power, with the allure and their hypnotic wiles as she felt wholly inferior to them, but also protected by the knowledge that they existed. “You will give us everything...your minions...your ship...your title...your mind...your heart...and in return we will let you love us...worship us...become our slave...doesn't that sound...wonderful?”

It did. I truly did for Risky as she was too far gone, the potion seeping through her body and her mind too warped by spirals as she was left uncoiled, free of her movements and yet this was but an illusion as she was under their complete control. To Risky, it was as if that genie tail never left, nor would it ever as she responded, understanding all too well that they required an answer from her as she was attuned to them, their relationship as mistress and slave was about to begin in earnest. “I'll do anything for you two...name it and it's yours...please, my mistresses!” Risky said, begging as this was uncharacteristic for her, yet she was changed as she had a mighty need and no power, her whole philosophy invalid when it came to those two. “All that I have...all that I am...it's your, forever.”

Just saying this felt ecstatic to Risky Boots as eventually both the mayor and the Spiral Genie came closer, putting their midriffs right in front of the pirate-slave's face as their bejeweled navel ring seemed shiny and precious to an even greater degree now. “Very good...as a reward...we will allow you to polish our midriff and our rings,” the mayor said, already instilling the fact that to worship them, to see this as a reward and not some humiliating punishment was one of the first step to total domination as their goal was met: Risky Boots most certainly would never attack Scuttle Town ever again. “Do it with your lips and tongue...slave~”

She saw the opportunity and took it as Risky gently pressed her lips against their stomach, the supple and soft flesh surrendering to the pressure of her affection. Each lick and kiss permeated her with the spirit of submission, of this being a reward as this was exciting, arousing, making her breath feel ragged and her heart beating faster as the Queen of the Seven Seas had been defeated, that title but artifice as opposed to her real role in life: a slave to the Spiral Genie and her mistress, a servant to the whims of the two most lovely women to ever exist. Being on her knees in front of them was her natural place, what she never knew she was striving for as everything else was a blur as more commands and triggers were poured into her subconscious...and she welcomed them.

Soon, Risky Boots had turned from the greatest threat to Scuttle Town and Sequin Land to one of its greatest ally. Pirates who would try to steal her title or harm the coast of these precious lands would be defeated by her, any merchandise that her mistress would require would be sought and then gifted to her, her ship being one both for battle and for trade at the whims of the one many began to call the Spiral Mayor. For these actions, she was rewarded by visits from the Spiral Genie, with further inductions and worship were granted to her. Soon, she even changed the name of her crew so as to become the Spiral Pirates, drawing that lovely symbol on her sail for everyone to witness. A shadow of her former self, Scuttle Town would no longer burn, finding itself a new protector as Risky Boots was an obedient slave to those in charge, enamored and hypnotized beyond belief.

She had found her true role in life, finally.

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Comments: 10

LittleRed11 [2021-06-10 18:49:57 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to LittleRed11 [2021-06-13 00:31:22 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

irontale96 [2021-06-08 11:29:38 +0000 UTC]

All of the stories come together so nicely, just magical, loving it <3 Hex can’t be stopped now!

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to irontale96 [2021-06-08 21:08:48 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

nyro1 [2021-06-07 20:25:46 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to nyro1 [2021-06-07 20:26:17 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Z-62 [2021-06-07 19:33:18 +0000 UTC]

thanks again for the feature ! this is one of my favorite pieces by far ~

👍: 1 ⏩: 2

irontale96 In reply to Z-62 [2021-06-08 11:28:45 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for your masterful pieces ❤️

👍: 2 ⏩: 0

IncredibleIntruder In reply to Z-62 [2021-06-07 19:34:26 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Z-62 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2021-06-07 20:07:48 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0