IncredibleIntruder — Hex Appeal - Zombietwink62

#bedlah #bellydancer #brainwashing #dancer #djinn #femdom #genie #haremgirl #hexmaniac #hypnosis #hypnotic #mindcontrol #shantae #smoke #danceroutfit #spiraleyes #femsub #haremoutfit #hypnoticdance #sequinland #shantaehalfgeniehero #hexmaniacpokemon
Published: 2021-10-17 13:25:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 39289; Favourites: 236; Downloads: 27
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Here is the finale of the Hex Mayor/Spiral Genie saga, as told through images and tales by Zombietwink62 and myself.

(If you wanna read them all, check those out in order:   

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Corrupting Sequin Land through the arrival of a character from a different game altogether, adapting it for rather kinky reasons was quite fun. It all originated from an earlier version from Zombietwink62, which saw itself getting tweaked and then drawn as while it was supposed to be a one-shot...it just became its own thing in 5 chapter (6 if you count the crossover with Doku the Blue Scorpion). However, all good things should eventually conclude and thus here is the last target of the Hex Mayor as Sequin Land will not be the same now...well, this version anyway.

If you enjoy their work, do know that Zombietwink62 has set up a tip page which you can visit...and get some sweet stuff through it too: ko-fi.com/zmt62

And if you enjoy my own material, do know that I have a Patreon/tip page in which you can get an enormous amount of freebies, including stuff not on DA or any other site: www.patreon.com/incredibleintr…

Now read on the finale and enjoy.

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                                                                                        THE SPIRAL SULTANA

To say that the Sequin Land Sultana wasn't entirely beloved would be underselling it.

Her very hands-off approach, her laxism on several decisions of those working under her and her lack of direct results over serious problems made it so that very few liked her reign. The constant pirate attacks, the fact that she did not try to do anything to stop the Ammo Baron's invasion which was worsened by punishing the one who did try something, her lack of support for their local guardian genie...the list was long as she was outshone in a great many ways by Shantae herself. The hard-toiling half-genie was close to the people, fought for them and was a shiny, bubbly sight while the Sultana was almost never seen, ever in her palace living in luxury and surrounded by guards. While not a bad person, she also wasn't entirely good either as she had no control over the situation whatsoever, which made her look incompetent.

Those critics, however, became worse upon the arrival of a new person in Scuttle Town, a merchant who received her authorization to peddle her wares, all the forms being filled and the gems paid in advance for the legislation. Some kind of maniac about hexes, weird magic and the like, an odd person on paper as the Sultana had yet to meet her. Seeing what had occurred, she kinda wish she had done so as this woman from a far-removed locale had seemingly gathered quite a following, essentially gaining the status of mayor from Scuttle Town, dislodging the buffoon that was easily manipulated. It could perhaps be a good thing, yet the way the port town obsessed about spirals, about how the new Hex Mayor had actually dealt with Risky Boots once and for all, actually safekeeping their borders and seas, making it so the town hadn't burned in months was a bad look for the Sultana. Part impressed and threatened, she wanted to know just who she was dealing with under the auspice and context of a friendly meeting, a subordinate to another as the Sultana was indeed ruling over Sequin Land, which Scuttle Town was part of.

Having summoned the rather prestigious and result-minded woman, the Sultana awaited, ambiguous about whether or not to imprison this person under the suspicion of thwarting and undermining her authority. It was indeed strange that someone like her could actually solve problems which had been going on for years, especially since she was indeed a skilled arcanist of unknown spells and curses, which might indeed explain the whys and wherefores of such results. As such, she had multiple guards located in her vicinity, ready to arrest her at any time should the need be there. The temptation was great, for the Sultana did need to show who was in charge, though if proper respect would be given then perhaps indeed things could proceed smoothly from here on out.

Escorted to the throne room, the Hex Mayor appeared as this woman with pale skin, a rather drowsy look on her face and with long, purple and messy hair. Wearing a turban, a face veil, an open bolero vest upon a tight top, detached sleeves for her arms and tights for her legs, she wore the spirals she seemed to adore not just on her chest piece, but also in her eyes as they were lazily spinning around in a continuous fashion. Upon her hip was attached a golden lamp with a spiral upon its side, the only other notable accessory she wore beside some few smaller golden adornments, her appearance both pretty and yet not quite arranged well-enough to meet royalty, which did grate on the Sultana's nerves somewhat. This was not a good start.

“You wanted to...meet me...your highness?” the Hex Mayor said, her voice slow and a little dull which made it seem like she was half-asleep, barely able to concentrate as this vexed the ruler of Sequin Land, something that she did not seem to realize...or care about. “I actually wanted to...meet you...what a great surprise.”

“Oh, and what for, pray tell?” the Sultana asked, certainly not amused by this as this summon seemed to coincide with designs and plans, with desires that this newly-appointed mayor seemed to have. Perhaps she was being a bit unfair, acting upon prejudice and a certain anger that was unbefitting of her, but something was decidedly off about this woman, especially with that lamp that she brought along. “You have taken the role of a man I've trusted for years, going against the proper channels and regulations to obtain this position...and you have repainted, retooled the town without due authorization. Those two items are but the start of a list of grievance I have, so whatever it is you wanted to meet me for better allocate for those transgressions.”

It was actually true, a legit way for the Sultana to vent her anger upon this intruder upon her lands, her people. However she was, the Sultana was ever good at being “legit” in her own way so as to keep herself official beyond her bloodline and title. However, this did not seem to really bother the Hex Mayor who simply smiled in a way that seemed creepy below her veil as she observed the crowd around her. “So I can do...this~” she said, placing her hand upon the lamp she brought along with her as some smoke came pouring from its tip, beginning to invade the room with swirly and deeply purple gaseous obstruction. It made everyone cough and try to ventilate themselves, making it so none could see the mayor nor anyone else for that matter. “Prepare yourselves...to be absolutely charmed...by the spirals...my genie...and myself~”

The smoke twirled and created a small vortex which eventually coalesced into a figure that many recognized and had even dreamed about: Shantae's. The half-genie, however, had dropped the first part of her title to become a powerful, seductive being reshaped by the will of her owner as she had spirals in her eyes too, a large braided ponytail with messy spiral strands of hair sticking out, golden jewelry and a top upon which could be found golden spiral shapes. Her legs, however, were absent and replaced by a translucent tail connected to the lamp as the smile beneath her veil was akin to that of the Hex Mayor, showing a similitude between them both as she bowed before the Hex Mayor before speaking. “You have summoned me, mistress, your spiral genie,” she said in a tone that was a touch drowsy, but also enthusiastic as everyone's eyes were set on the bronze-skinned beauty, both in disbelief and fascination as there was something off and yet entirely right with this version of the guardian genie. “What is your wish?”

She had actually corrupted Shantae and transformed her into a genie, which explained the rise in power and popularity of this intruder, this invader as the Sultana rose in indignation, her own fears confirmed before her very eyes as the guards close to the two guests in the throne room were exactly where they needed to be. “For disrupting the peace and stability of my sultanate, you shall be imprisoned!” she shouted, indeed afraid but also seeing that this was actually necessary for things to perhaps return to how they were. “Guards, arrest this woman!”

“Genie...I wish for you to spread my potions...everywhere in this room~” the Hex Mayor stated, looking at Shantae and then at those who did threaten her with spears and other such weapons, making it so there was confidence in that slow tone of hers, a well-honed spirit beneath this aloof exterior. “I want this to be done...peacefully and...pleasantly~”

“As you wish, my sumptuous mistress,” Shantae answered with drowsiness, though not without reverence or the same speech impediment as the Hex Mayor. With one quick snap of her fingers a good amount of glass vials appeared as they floated above the ground, trapped within a glowing luminescence that kept them above ground as they were all heart-shaped, entrapping bubbly and colorful liquid of either green, blue or pink colors. With another snap of her fingers, they then shattered to the ground, fumes beginning to amass in actually visible ways as the Spiral Genie then went on to dance, spinning her hips in wide circle to push out air in order for all of this to be spread around. Too dumbstruck and surprised by this, the guards could not have reacted in time as even though a few were close, both in terms of initiative and proximity, the content of those vials went on to fill their nostrils and their fate was then sealed. “It is done.”

The Sultana could scarcely believe what Shantae had accomplished in the span of a few seconds as she witnessed her guards dropping on their knees one by one. They seemed dazed, any possible threat they could muster or suggest being entirely removed from the equation as they inhaled these fumes near-willingly now, causing them to smile as heart-shaped spirals formed upon their eyes. Their weapons dropped to the ground as they stared at the objects of their fascination, lovestruck and entranced as the terrifying new power of the once-half-genie had multiplied due to the Hex Mayor, the lamp attached to her hip being an intimidating gilded relic for the legitimate ruler of Sequin Land. Shantae had ever been a mighty warrior, capable of felling tanks even without her djinn power and using only her hair...but this was on another level.

“How dare you...a stranger in our lands, stealing our customs and all that you fancy...” the Sultana spoke, indeed seeing a vastly more imposing menace than anything she had ever seen, the threat of assimilation over destruction, to replace and corrupt everything as opposed to simply wiping it away. The few low-key moans and sighs of the guards told of how deeply enchanted they were as Shantae had kept on spinning her hips until now, that dance of hers certainly not helping matters as she had ever been a very beloved icon of both her hometown and this land that she was governing. Even she had to admit that Shantae was indeed very alluring, a mixture of adorable and sexy that few could resist and seeing her like this, with spiral in her eyes proved tempting despite her attempt to self-deny this appreciation. “You have no appreciation for what we are, so you change it to suit your whimsy. You are a villain and I shall not give in, so do your worst!”

“On the...contrary. I really do...appreciate it...and want to preserve it...from danger...” the Hex Mayor said as her voice seemed to make it so the guards focused intently on her as they drank of her curves and her pale skin. With Shantae by her side, the Hex Mayor was not just invincible, but now possibly further protected as she could probably command those men and women to just capture the Sultana and be done with it. Thanks to the design of the room, with the throne being in an elevated position atop a small amount of stairs the fumes didn't reach the Sultana yet...or perhaps it was by design as the Hex Mayor kept on smirking beneath her veil, looking at the ruler of this land. “It is you who...does nothing...to keep it safe...but allow me...to show you what...I've seen in a dream of mine...that will demonstrate my love...for Sequin Land.”

Two clap of her hands and, as if everything had been planned, Shantae went on to wiggle her hips as music began to fill the throne room, a slow and yet wild tune with notes that kept on stretching in length, something to dance to as both the Spiral Genie and her owner's hips began to glow, an energy link beginning to connect between those two as the Hex Mayor loosened up and just as Shantae went on to bump one hip to the side, so did hers as this was a duo without reserve, with no warning as the melody playing was one well-known in Scuttle Town, its unofficial anthem in a way. As the two stood, it was rather clear that it was Shantae who was in the lead here as the first few moments were asynchronous, with the Hex Mayor following in one or two seconds later until they were perfectly-timed together, with both ending up moving their arms before their chest, clasping their palms together.

“This came to me...in a superb fantasy...and I want you to see...just how much...I can make things better...” the Hex Mayor said as while she moved she could concentrate on her speech, Shantae taking care of the rest as they swung their hips wide, from left to right in a way that demonstrated how nimble and smooth they both could be, the Spiral Genie's magic ensuring that the Hex Mayor would not only be able to perform such feats, but to look splendid as well while doing so. Their skin tone was in light contrast, olive against pale, but their ensemble and their fixation on spirals joined them together much like this performance as both stepped forward to get closer to the Sultana, their eyes both in the direction of this ruler backed in a figurative corner. “You just gotta...trust me...and listen very...carefully...”

The way this intruder spoke made it unfortunately all too easy to follow a certain rhythm, as if everything began to match up to the Hex Mayor's voice including the Sultana's senses. There was a certain magic in the air, created by this altered and enslaved Shantae as they began to gyrate their hips and to flutter their stomach, this duo showcasing a mastery of their body and of the language of sensuality, making it near-impossible to just avert her gaze. It was also very difficult not to notice a pattern emerging, upon their body but also everywhere else as if manifested by their will, their presence, their desires...and perhaps even hers as well as the Sultana stared more without truly wishing to, but also because there was an underlying and indescribable envy lying beneath all that she thought. Her previous admittance of finding Shantae attractive, something that she could definitely see reflected in others, had rendered her susceptible to the charm cast by those two as spirals appeared on their top, then in a transparent though barely visible way in the fumes below. There was a stage that had been set, with supplicants buried beneath a scent of near-imperceptible colors, all heart and submission to their fate as the Sultana tried to speak, yet the words died in her throat as the music drowned sound and initiative beneath strings, drums and cymbals.

“There is no shame...in finding someone beautiful...no matter their background. Aesthethics...is to each individual...wouldn't you say?” the Hex Mayor spoke and right there her voice seemed a little clearer as the gyrations turned into hip circles as her hands and arms rose above her turban-wearing head, palms still clasped as if they were holding something. Her stretched-out form was indeed magnificent, her pale skin a delight beside Shantae's own magnificence, that braided purple hair swishing as little loops and curls began to shape themselves in spirals too, mimicked in the hair of the Spiral Genie's mistress as the hip circles began to diminish, the flutters dying down as they went on a lower tangent, as if basking themselves in the fumes. Their knees bending, the Hex Mayor went on to place her weight on the tip of her toes as heels appeared to help her, Shantae's genie tail swishing around nearby to delimitate their performance as the fumes went on to sway aside while they moved their gaze again toward the Sultana, going on to perform hip drops in opposite directions, with Shantae using her left side while the Hex Mayor went for the right, all in a difficult yet sexy position. “I love...spirals...they are never-ending...pulling the gaze in...such a pretty pattern...You must have...witnessed it too...”

Each hip drop seemed like a hammer hitting the anvil of her mind, softening her stance as if things weren't so bad, forgetting things that mattered with each supple and generous hip and rear motion such as the fate of her guards, how she was supposed to defend herself, how this usurper had corrupted Shantae...it mattered little now until the spirals pulsated with each drop, things slowing down and went on to glow as the patterns, the loops started to spread even further. The throne room was being invaded, until she began to see this phenomenon as something less negative and more enticing despite her reservations, like guests from someplace she didn't understand, following the mayor of Scuttle Town. That creepy, drooling smile of the Hex Mayor, accompanied by the one on Shantae's face, made her focus wither away until it seemed like all that really was going on, her own lack of thoughts excluded, was the dance and melody that was graciously offered to her.

“Ruling is so...difficult...stressful...demanding...I know it...and so do you...” the Hex Mayor explained and the Sultana was much more perceptive now, unwittingly seated back on her throne and yet vaulted forward as if trying to get closer, relaxed and twisted as if the spirals were draining her of all energy as both Shantae and her mistress went on to rise up from their risky positions, the hip drops turning into particularly fast and tantalizing shimmies as they adjusted their stance so that they would be at an angle, making it easier for the Sultana to stare at them. Their shoulders joined in at first in rotation, their arms freed and then snaking away with beckoning fingers, their upper torso slow and methodical, isolated as if snaking their way around in figure-eights while their hips and waist went overboard in little quakes. New spirals appeared until they began to converge slowly, to mesh and divide in a psychedelic display that went on to become all the more overwhelming as they both changed the speed and motions of their upper and lower body: shimmies of the shoulder to make their chest bounce while their hips went for slow figure-eights. Perfect synchronicity, an overwhelming talent clasped in two beauties as the Sultana was near-mindless now, accepting what was happening as she was powerless before them, as she always had been. “Wouldn't it be nice...to feel peace...to have purpose...without having to worry...without fear...sounds good, doesn't it?”

The Sultana couldn't see much beside loops that sucked everything, both metaphorically and literally as she wasn't in her palace anymore, nor was she sitting on any concrete. Her thoughts were muddied by seduction and hypnosis, by powerful hexes and magic carried on by those two as she had been drooling for a little while, her eyes mimicking that powerful and appealing pattern for quite a while. Thoughtless, drained in a way, she was at the mercy of those two as the fumes began to thicken and to gather into clouds of smoke, twirling around in their neon-colored allure into spirals...until they all coalesced toward the Sultana's nostrils and mouth, invading her body and mind right here and then. Swallowed, it caused no pain nor harm, yet it was overpowering and far too strong an effect as the powerful narcotic and aphrodisiac qualities of the potions turned into once-mist had been inhaled and then treated by her own spirit and body, which made it so her trance added one more effect to the mind-numbing and suggestible traits that had installed themselves in the Sultana's brain: infatuation.

It wasn't entirely immediate even though it was sudden and massive, as the Sultana coughed a little as the glow of those potions pulsated within her before dying down, assimilated by her entire being. At first heart symbols began to pop up and pervade the spirals before they all changed to that iconic shape, spiral hearts spinning as they expanded and retracted while the dancing duo went on to lift their arms and then set them behind their head, rising up as they seemed to grow larger, taller, like goddesses looking down upon the ruler of Sequin Land and then she knew she was in the presence of her betters. They were so lovely, so arousing that the last few original thoughts she could possibly have were that she understood what her guards had been thinking and seeing them as those colossi of beauty swaying these mountainous hips made it so the spiral in her eyes turned to hearts too as she began to smile in a wide grin, accepting of her seductive and charming fate.

“Let me grant you... that wish...let the Spiral Genie give you...what you've always wanted...” the Hex Mayor stated with utter confidence and charisma despite the slow pacing of her words, her voice an echo of multiple whispers all centered on the Sultana as the ruler had unwittingly gone to her knees, a supplicant much like the guards that had the duty to protect her...though from what she wouldn't know at this point. The only things of particular awareness, that were worthy of attention, were the Spiral Genie and the one who made the Sultana bask in such otherworldly loveliness, their luscious and sublime flesh, those divine curves and everything about them rendering her mindless, helpless and powerless...and loving it. All spirals converged into a singular background of a tunnel of spiraling hearts which was unending, the path to salvation as the Sultana was convinced, words being communicated ripe with hidden meanings that only she could decipher, a sacred relationship between her and the two goddesses of magic which had come to her land to grant them all such wondrous gifts. Hips were rolling, bellies as well in a loop of flesh stretching in and out, navels on display and showcasing chains and gems swinging hypnotically that the Sultana accepted with all of her heart, now adoring those two more than anything that existed. A tingling jolt ignited desire within, the smoke coursing inside her flesh and soul coloring everything that she was as she had been conquered peacefully through the desire to worship, to please. “And let us take care of Sequin Land...go to your rest...leave yourself in our palm, in our grasp...and live forever in bliss...”

She wanted this to happen so much, the Sultana nodding feebly as she couldn't feel her body or anything, like a spirit trapped into place with a heat and energy that permeated her entire being as if she was not of flesh, but of thoughts...and entirely centered around those two. The smoke swirled and swished, a maelstrom inside herself as eventually she was becoming one with the gaseous substance, the only elements left being those heart-spirals eyes assimilated into the smoke which circled around as the Sultana was half-gone into a trance of ecstasy and worship. The Spiral Genie and the ultimate mistress shaped her as they gyrated their waist, pulling invisible strings as the final destination was where paradise could be found: inside the magic lamp. She had become part of Shantae and basked in the potions, turning into a charmed spiral entity, hypnotized and adoring, devoted and obedient as she rose in the air and was progressively sucked inside the object held on the Hex Goddess. The golden artifact held her in thrall, then as she became a spiral the Sultana was absorbed by the object, removed from the way as the fumes were gone with her. The performance was over, leaving the vestments of the previous ruler freed into the illusion of eternal paradise behind as the music ceased, the Spiral Genie bowing before her mistress.

“As you have wished before, I present to you Sequin Land, my mistress,” Shantae said as she removed the vestments of the previous Sultana beside a few trinkets of symbolic importance, jewelry and accessories that might be of interest to the ex-mayor, soon to become something grander and worthier of her being. Bowing, the Spiral Genie then hovered beside the throne, solemn and yet with a smile on her face as she was eager to see the next step for herself. “Welcome to the throne, my mistress and sultana~”

A no name, then a maniac of hexes, a shopkeeper and then a mayor...and yet her ascension was kept ongoing as she went on to move up those stairs, each step an important one as she picked up priceless jewelry and wore it as her genie went on to change the patterns upon them to spirals as befit who she was. The guards were already standing at attention, their focus and duty rewritten as they were waiting to kneel in front of an important moment in Sequin Land history. A small chuckle, almost hesitant and yet of amusement as the one known as the Hex Maniac and then Hex Mayor sat down...

And thus began the reign of the Spiral Sultana.

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Comments: 8

Jumppy1 [2021-11-05 00:56:23 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to Jumppy1 [2021-11-05 12:48:04 +0000 UTC]

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LittleRed11 [2021-10-24 20:19:06 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to LittleRed11 [2021-10-25 03:12:56 +0000 UTC]

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Daybreaker7 [2021-10-17 18:39:47 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to Daybreaker7 [2021-10-18 13:09:14 +0000 UTC]

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kaaslave [2021-10-17 15:31:49 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to kaaslave [2021-10-17 17:09:53 +0000 UTC]

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