IvyDarkRose — Umbra: Vi

#candy #damian #pop #umbra #candypop
Published: 2018-02-19 20:15:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 5369; Favourites: 66; Downloads: 9
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11/18/19: REF OVERHAUL, Info changed, art updated

Full Name: Vi Dollilah Lunscent


Full Name Meaning:


Vi- Meaning Lively 

Dollilah- Delicate Doll


Lunscent- Name combo meaning of Luna and crescent

                 Luna- Roman goddess of the moon

                 Crescent- meaning increasing, growing


Alias: Smol Fairy, Fairu, Fairy, Annoying Pixie, Pinkie (hates this one xD), etc 

Sex/Gender: Female 

Age: 24

Species: Human turned Iyufae*

Blood Type: Fully Iyufae consumed 

Body Type: Fit

Skin colour:pale

Hair colour:Hot Pink

Eye colour:green-teal mix


Weight: 139

Birthday:November 7th

Birthplace:  -Redacted- 

Attracted to:Both

Currently living in:Hiding in a forest




Occupation/s: Shopkeeper for the town nearby 


Type of Personality:

Vi is a bubbly, caring lady. Someone who enjoys having a ton of fun, preferring to fill her life with a happy onset. She tends to be very shy, very introverted and quiet; making her a great listener, but struggles with giving advice or comfort other than a tight hug. She panics on what to do to help cheer her friends out, putting herself aside for her friends and loved ones. When bored and hyper she tends to play little tricks, hiding something, moving things about, making jokes etc. Vi is a huge dreamer, rather a daydream to the point she is easily distracted and not focused.   


Likes: Mythology, Music, calming white energy, playing with her magic, Damian’s…. Hips

, Doodling and drawing, Dancing, helping friends out, swimming/water, contemplating, Thoth OwO, BD--, playing harmless tricks, GLITTER! 

Dislikes: Heights, watching anyone suffering, being a crybaby, getting burned, not being able to help someone, fear of disappointing others, confrontation, becoming depressed, spiders, clowns, mascots/people in suits, intense pain (IE broken bones etc) 



Romantic Relationships?: Damian




Father- Florian (deceased)

Mother- Lilura (missing)

Uncle- Novan

Iyufae Mother- Áine

Siblings- None


Friends/Allies:Victoria Lunalis, Mikhail, Aya, John, Jace, Jesterca, Morivin, Phoenix, Rose, 

Thoth (no matter how much he screams he’s not = D ) Her husbando (Damian ), Jinn, Drolsoir, Candy pop, the TEA, Verbugington, the twins


Neutral with: Isshi, TBA


Enemies: Night Terrors, anyone taking allegiance to Nights, The Hierarchy



[Basic Skills]

Strength:Physically speaking, she is no stronger than any human. 


flexibility : She’s quite flexible, making it easier for her to maneuver, even in a smaller size.  


Reflexes : She is quick to act if she can do so.


Speed: Faster than humans, but slow otherwise as she is not used to needing to be quick. 


Intuition: She has great intuition when it comes to subtle things. Knows if something is around even if she can’t pinpoint it. 


Agility: She has a good balance of agility to her movements.


Senses : Her hearing and sight are above average than a humans.


low light sight : She can see darkened caves, but not in total darkness


Heightened Empathy Sensing:She can feel others emotions by being around them regardless if they are hiding it or not. Though pinpointing them takes some concentration  


[Inhuman Skills]

Fae magic:This allows her to become a size of a fairy as well as use fairy based magic to a limit. 


Light Magic: This is her main source of her magic gifted and crafted when she became a fae type. 


Healing Hands: The ability to heal someone with her touch, using the light energy to heal someone. Depending one how much she needs to heal this can cause her own energy to be drained and take time to recuperate. 


Crystal Manipulation: Able to move and shift crystallize objects or in case herself/others to heal, capture etc.


Energy Orbs: These take the form of color light specs, they can be hardened into weapons or shields and then some. Her favorite thing to use these for is to have them take shape and move about. They can be a temporary sentient being if need be, but this is taxing to create and maintain.  


Crystal shield: With her orbs, she can quickly create a shield to protect or guard someone. These shields can vary in size and shapes, even hardness, with that comes there amount of strength as well. 


Energy Absorption: This one isn’t usually one she means to use, causing issues within herself at times. Though can be useful for taking a hard attack to lessen its impact. 


Crystalize attacks: She can make these into a weapon to fight with or a projectile to send at her attackers.  


Orb blasts: using the colorful orbs to blind an opponent or force them back in an explosion type of way. 



Flight:Self explanatory, however still learning this get use to flight haha.


Animal/Beast Intuition :Having a way with animals and beasts, able to get to them on a different level. Results vary on sizes and types. 





Weapons: Bag of Glitter (enchanted to be endless) , a backup Blessed Dagger in her boots.


Character Info:


VI grew up a fairly normal life, only realms and worlds to her knowledge were only in fairytales and in dreams. She would often spend her days with her head in the clouds, thinking of many things. Far off worlds, stories of heroes and villains, ancient cities, so on and so forth. Half the time she wasn’t fully aware of the world around her as she was so engrossed in her dreams and ideas. 


Once an adult with a stable income, she found a nice home far enough from the cities noises to be quiet and calm but close enough to not feel so isolated. The place was nice enough, had her basic needs and even came prefurnished with items from previous owners. Not a lot of it was reusable to its fullest, but felt delighted to have gotten free items in this small home.  


At time went on, she began getting odd dreams in her sleep, figures of people she’s never met nor recognized their voices; visions of strange places. She would wake up at random hours in a cold sweat, she determined that there was something wrong with the home that it had bad energy flowing through it. So she tried using a dreamcatcher with the help of sage to cleanse the home to help the nightmares. 


This seemed to help for a week or so, but then the nightmares came back stronger; each dream more vivid than the last one. Some not as bad as other but still just as bizarre than the ones she once had. She eventually chalked it up to too much of one thing or the other, the move, eating junk food, any thing she could think of to rationalize the dreams. 


These dreams seemed to follow with whispers and voices, again she would just follow each even to just imagining things from nerves or stress. To get her mind distracted she decided to fix up the home, and toss out any broken items and junk left from the old owners. 


Piece by piece she got the first floor all cleaned up, the next part was the basement; this one too some building up of courage. After much back and forth with herself she toughen up and went down, turning every possible light one as she could. The basement was even more cluttered, like a hoarders wet dream. Broken stuff, walls even some old items such a grandfather clock. 


With a frown, she sighs getting to work; wary however as she was worried to find a rat or animal hidden in the piles. With a good amount of the day chewed away, she finally gotten a good amount of the broken clutter cleared away while also finding some neat items scattered in the junk.  


Once nightfall hit, she felt it best to call it a night, leaving the basement as quickly as she has entered, waiting to exit the door even before turning off the lights. The home however upstairs felt colder, there was a chill now. She looked around, checking all the windows and doors. Nothing was open nor unlocked for that matter. 


Once more that night as other nights, another dream this one just a nonsensical; almost feeling as she was living in someone else’s shoes, seeing what they saw in flashes and in time lapses. She even saw her own home, seeing the basement briefly. At one moment there stood a figure, upon seeing him she knew he wasn’t staring at whoever she was in the dream but her own person. His face grew into a sinister smile, with a wave of his hand a grey mass clouded her vision, following the feeling of her body falling down. She woke with thud off the bed, shaken more than usual by this. Whatever just happened only made her wish to never sleep again, or dream at the very least. 


The rest of that morning she spent the entire time, staring into a cup of tea; thinking away and reliving the dream and events. All in a vain attempt to figure out what was going on. She even debated leaving for the night to sleep at a friend's place to see if it happens again or not. Her mind so wrapped on the small details. 


After way too long contemplating she finally throws her hands up, tossing it all aside. Things she just need to finish the basement, that's what this is all about. She made her way back this time less afraid and more annoyed. Even so, she turned on all the lights once more as the slight fear was still lingering in her mind. 


With this new found irritation fueling her along, she found herself in  fairly spacious room now; other than the bigger items within the room too heavy to carry upstairs alone. She stood proud of getting this crazy room cleaned. She looked about it once more, walking to the clock, curious to see if it still worked. 


She looked about its frame to see how should could check before trying to open it up, it threatened to open but didn’t budge much. She scowled at the thing, trying again with a bit more force, this cause it to woggle and nearly fall her way. She quickly shoved it back in a panic only that caused a leg to break in the back, sending it and nearly her into the wall.


She jumped back, hearing the old clock crash and break along with a good chunk of the basement wall. She stood there a good long moment before cursing, feeling horrible for breaking away the old clock. Before she could even assess the damage, something else caught her eyes. The spot in which the wall broke off was something quite odd, some kind of wooden panel behind the wall, it too broken in by the weight that pushed down on it.


She carefully stepped over it, looking into the dark hole. She pulled back, the thought of something could be in the wall. she quickly ran upstairs and got her phone to check in with. She took a moment, slowly shining the light in until she knew for sure nothing was going to pop out at her.   


Upon closer inspection, she found the hole in the wall was intentionally dug out. Within the hole was an old, dusty, brown box. She slowly pulled the thing out, blowing away any dust. She smiled, thinking this must be some kind of treasure; her mind went wild of what the events around such a hidden item would be. 


Once upstairs, she cleaned the box off carefully; noticing it was all locked up. She recalls nothing else in the hole, nor even seeing any kind of key either. Not wanting to break to open she just leaves it there on the table, making her way back to clean up the glass from the broken clock; the damage pretty severe to the poor old clock. She pondered if she should even throw it away or save it to repair later on.

After cleaning for what felt like the millionth time, she takes a moment to get something to eat and wash up. As she walks towards her kitchen she freezes, noticing something out of place now. She looks at the box, while still in the same place, untouched; the lock holding it together was gone completely, not even on the floor near it or anything. 


While she found this odd, the curiosity to know what was inside grow the best of her. She slowly opened the lid looking within to see just one single item within. She head tilts, wondering what it was, clearly some kind of jewelry given the metal and gem in the center.

She stared for a good moment before reaching in to pick it up. As soon as she did however, the gem reacted to her touch exploding into a bright light of colors; blinding and consuming her surroundings. Her eyes shut tightly, holding the gem even tighter; something in her telling her not to let go or something bad could happen. 


Within the moment the atmosphere changed dramatically, the surrounding air growing heavier. The ground under her feet no longer a carpet but a cold, muddy substance, wind chilled her bones. When she breathed in she felt only the need to cough out the air within her lungs, her eyes opening up to some dark, strange environment. Her eyes squinted as looking around this strange place, somewhat similar to her nightmares she had been experiencing; everything was too surreal, she felt the disbelief washing over her as the panic set in.  


She spun around looking for something to break this new reality, trying to break whatever hallucination she was having; refusing it to be anything else but a dream. She stumbled around feeling disoriented by the sudden change of atmosphere. 


She walked forward, trying to make something out, anything familiar so that she can get a bearing of this strange place.  Her mind spun around and around, her body feeling drained by the passing moments. She picked up her steps, walking faster into the unknown; the strange noises only encouraging one to speed off. 


Fear and anxiety was building up as she wanders around aimlessly too fearful to call out for help, any little noise startling her. Noises about only increasing, she swore she heard something snarl from somewhere. Her eyes quickly scanned about once more, backing away hastily. Ankle snagging, feeling herself fall, reaching out to try to catch herself only for her heart to lurch as she eventually met the ground far below her, pain shooting throughout her body with the wind being knocked out form impact.


Her teeth gritted, coughing heavily as she tried to gain back air into her lungs. Her entire form throbbing in pain, she tried to move, to get up but only was met with more spiking pains. She looks around with one eye open, grabbing a hold of her arm. Fearing the unknown around her, she tried to scooting herself forward to the nearby tree.  


After a long and painful moment of pulling herself over, she rested against the tree; feeling drained at the point. Softly whispering to herself for help, vision going, blurring in and out. In these blurs, colorful specs seemed to move to her, murmuring in hushed tones. She was able to make out a word or two, then there was a moment of silence before a different pain reached her senses, something biting into her flesh from multiple points. The bites burning into her, but unable to muster any strength to fight it away. Only thing she could manage was to scream, even then things started to fade in her mind; becoming clouded and tired. The last thing she heard was panic from around her, the clicking of metals and heavy steps before going out cold.    



“Hey hey! Look at this!”

“Don’t really understand things here still.”

“Why can’t I just save everyone from this ..pain.”

“Gladly throw myself into danger if it means saving my friends.”

“ I did nothing! You can’t prove it! >~> “ 

"Its .. too ..dark.." 

To Morivin:

“I am not a toy to be messed with…”

“Can this be the last visit? …”

“I owe you one…”

To Tips:

“So, can you show me more of your magic? OwO”

“ Look at all your kids! They are so cute! … one day I might have one.”

To Candy Pop:

“Please hang in there, I believe in you.”

“Remember all you’ve done, you can make it through.”

“Still just as Sweet I bet as before! ^-^”

To Damian:

“Stop trying to make me blush!”

“Do you have to leave again?”

“C-can you show me that dance again? >///> “

To Stigma:

“Can you just please calm down?”

“Must you be so hot under the collar? … Not funny..? Ok sorry ._.’ “ 

“ I still see you as a friend, even if you get mad at me >~>’ “

TO Thoth: 

“I know that was an insult, but you’re a funny one.”

“Can I have your jacket? : D “

“Aaaaw, you’re so adorable when you get mad OwO”

To Verbugington:

“Oi Oi oi! Are you listening!?”

“Why are you yelling at me! >8,I “

To Night Terrors:

“I rather not.. With all of you.”

“I will find a way to get rid of your evil…”

To Jace:

“You’re such a sweet boy, why have you chosen to follow him?”

“Would you like another hug?”

To Victoria:

“Hey, now you’re free to do as you please!”

“Soooo...what do you eat again?”

To Mikhail:

“I missed you my friend!”

“There is something about you sometimes that scares me…”

To isshi:

“....C-could you stop looking at me like that? You’re freaking me out…”

“ Can you at least put on a towel or something?! I am at eye level!”

To Tea:

“Mine! I shall share with NO oNE!”

“>3> Stop groping the lemons!”

To John: 

“You’re quite literal, aren’t you?”

“I like your style! Pretty cool.”

Character's soundtracks/themes:





-The story purposely ends on a cliff hanger OwO

-And i most likely missed something as always lol 

->~> SO many side ships .... 
-*Iyufae is the species that turned her before death

Vi Lunscent (the Smol Fairy) and artwork    

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Comments: 30

TheFiredPotao [2019-11-19 23:33:26 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DanceOfAngels [2019-11-18 23:45:29 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to DanceOfAngels [2019-11-18 23:50:02 +0000 UTC]

I has updated the smol fairu

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mama-Devil [2019-11-18 21:37:17 +0000 UTC]

EEEE ❤❤❤

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to Mama-Devil [2019-11-18 21:54:22 +0000 UTC]

Tis the fairu! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mama-Devil In reply to IvyDarkRose [2019-11-18 21:57:56 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to Mama-Devil [2019-11-18 21:58:12 +0000 UTC]

Did you see it TE DID YOU OWO

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mama-Devil In reply to IvyDarkRose [2019-11-18 21:58:49 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to Mama-Devil [2019-11-18 22:04:43 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mama-Devil In reply to IvyDarkRose [2019-11-18 22:49:48 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to Mama-Devil [2019-11-18 22:54:43 +0000 UTC]

ewe hehhehehe

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheCreepyPastaGirls [2018-02-26 00:27:24 +0000 UTC]

So pretty! Damian is lucky to have her!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mayonaka19 In reply to TheCreepyPastaGirls [2018-02-27 18:25:42 +0000 UTC]

She is beautiful 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

agma323 [2018-02-21 02:33:10 +0000 UTC]

She is super pretty!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to agma323 [2018-02-21 04:15:16 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! ^//w//^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

agma323 In reply to IvyDarkRose [2018-02-21 16:04:20 +0000 UTC]

No problem ma’m 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

xXLadycipherXx [2018-02-20 05:34:30 +0000 UTC]

Love it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to xXLadycipherXx [2018-02-21 04:15:23 +0000 UTC]

thank you >w<

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xXLadycipherXx In reply to IvyDarkRose [2018-02-21 04:26:05 +0000 UTC]

Anytime pal, youre welcome ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

xXLadycipherXx [2018-02-20 05:34:24 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JiinxRuTheAlien [2018-02-19 21:15:27 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to JiinxRuTheAlien [2018-02-19 21:38:52 +0000 UTC]

^////^ Yees

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Princess-Fakiru [2018-02-19 20:29:02 +0000 UTC]

She's cute!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to Princess-Fakiru [2018-02-19 20:29:59 +0000 UTC]

AH! thank you! >w<

xD She leaves glitter everwhere

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Princess-Fakiru In reply to IvyDarkRose [2018-02-20 04:47:38 +0000 UTC]

The one thing that never leaves no matter what.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to Princess-Fakiru [2018-02-20 12:52:11 +0000 UTC]

People will see it and remember the smol fairy x3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Princess-Fakiru In reply to IvyDarkRose [2018-02-20 20:36:22 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mama-Devil [2018-02-19 20:25:51 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

EvilCharlotte [2018-02-19 20:19:39 +0000 UTC]

I   l o v e    t h i s    b e a n -

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to EvilCharlotte [2018-02-19 20:20:03 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0