JoJoesArt — Listen to your Heart

#brain #girl #heart #listen #love #mind #portrait #destinyblue #hearts
Published: 2015-12-16 21:20:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 48263; Favourites: 2456; Downloads: 0
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Description "The sound of our heart can only be understood,
if we turn down the screaming of our mind..."


This one was a major experiment and quite difficult to paint.. D: I wanted to try a new style here. It is quite a bit inspired by the style of the amazing DestinyBlue , whose art I adore!! ^^ 


In regards to the message I want to share my own story of how I came to being an artist.. and I hope it inspires some of you..

I basically grew up with a pen in my hand. I have loved creating ever since I can remember. But it has always been a hobby and I never really though about doing it as a profession.. 

When I grew older though and approached high school I started to upload my pictures to deviantart and step by step more and more people started appreciating what I did. That motivated me and I started thinking about doing art for a living. Many people told me, that I was crazy, when I told them I wanted to be an artist. "You will never make it!", "It is too risky!" or "You can never feed a family as an artist" were sentences I heard on a regular basis.

However, I continued to believe in my dream and got even more successful with what I did. At the same time though I finished my highschool final exams with 1.1, which is almost the best result you can get. People started telling me again, that pursuing the career of an artist would be stupid, as I could become a lawyer, a doctor or a manager of my own company.

After finishing school I went 2 years on a mission for my church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). This time was most precious to me and I learned alot about "listening to my heart". It became clearer and clearer to me, that I wanted to do something for the rest of my life, that fulfills me and enables me to inspire other people. So when I returned home (about 8 months ago) I finally decided, that there is nothing else for me to consider as my profession, but art.  

So here I am, a freelance artist of 21 years, living my dream. The last months have been crazy full with opportunities and my dream coming true step by step. I feel so blessed and thankful and I know that this is the right path for me. I hope to continue to inspire and help others listening to their hearts as well. I know there might still be tougher times ahead, but as long as I listen to what I feel, I know I will be guided through every hardship. Our hearts just don't lie!

Tell me about your stories! I would love to hear them!


Anyways.. I hope you people like the picture and more importantly: the message of it! Listen to your heart!

Your Jojoe

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Comments: 102

gelu007 [2024-02-02 01:20:55 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Jobove-Reus [2022-07-22 10:48:12 +0000 UTC]

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dj4life42 [2021-07-31 23:27:31 +0000 UTC]

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Famer17Music [2018-04-20 13:08:57 +0000 UTC]

Wonderful Artwork! FEatured on my YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrNsMU…

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Andersonblues [2018-03-03 02:20:08 +0000 UTC]

Bom trabalho, parabéns

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Charlene-Art [2016-02-03 06:29:33 +0000 UTC]

This is brilliant!

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AngelicPhantom [2016-01-19 08:49:33 +0000 UTC]

This is so incredibly beautiful. I'm currently on the journey of integrating mindfulness into my life so I can tone down the hell in my head and listen to the beauty around and in my.
Your art actually helps with that journey. Reminding me of beauty in places I forgot existed.

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Remusmdh [2016-01-15 06:22:45 +0000 UTC]

Normally religious... Themed reasons... Trip red flags for me. But you have managed to avoid the... I've had some very very bad RL experiences with... When the first death threats of your life are from local religious leaders, ones in positions of authority... And for just being different... Nothing like a love of fantasy and writing to get you death threats to change your feelings on people.

But in your case... You are what I view religion should be. About inspiration to be more, better, be all you can be.

My creative story is...  A long one.

Through out my youth my love of fantasy, telling stories, and then later sensual themes atop those, drew me hatred, punishment, etc.. Family, friends, school...  It was not until my late thirties that I ran into an online community that felt like home, family, and fitting in. From there dA and other places came. Due to PTSD and DID from the aforementioned sustained child abuse it took eight years of working on my writing to get where I am now. I am not professional grade quality yet, but I've watched the ability to finally write complete sentences, constructively critique the work of others, to forming complex plots that are character driven all come with time.

Your images have almost always touched something deeper within me, so just keep on doing what you do, I thoroughly encourage and support it, regardless of any religious or any other differences between us. Or maybe despite those differences? ahahaha

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JoJoesArt In reply to Remusmdh [2016-01-15 10:44:27 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for your touching comment! You are true: religion is supposed to be something inspiring, something that is motivating you from within to accept others as they are, to love them no matter who they are. Not something that motivates you to hate or not appreciate differences.

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Remusmdh In reply to JoJoesArt [2016-01-15 20:42:36 +0000 UTC]

Bingo. But that is not how it is usually employed and thus why the world is a lot of how it is *shrugs* Human failings. Thankfully we have strengths too. Like art.

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RJMayson [2016-01-13 00:17:10 +0000 UTC]

Can you make more tanned women images?

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Selfmoros [2016-01-02 04:17:34 +0000 UTC]

I love symbolic art.   

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pawprints1990 [2015-12-31 05:06:28 +0000 UTC]

This piece of work has a whole other feel for me.  I started hallucinating in 2009 but was too afraid to get help.  When people hear that someone hallucinates it is general associated with violence or psych hospitals and I didn't want any of that.  I kept quiet for almost four years.  In the time that I suffered in silence (well except for the screaming in my head ) I danced to blues music help drown out those voices.  Those beats became the thing that kept me going when my brain was screaming.  Once I finally did reach out, meditation and a love of self have helped center me.

To see something that (to me) looks like a heart beat becoming bright enough to dim the craziness of the mind...well it is powerful.  Thank you.

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Moonartic [2015-12-29 22:52:31 +0000 UTC]

Vielen Dank für dieses Bild und dafür, dass du deinen Werdegang als Künstler mit uns teilst!
Ich weiß, dass ich wirklich keine herausragende Künstlerin bin und dass ich einen sehr sehr langen Weg vor mir habe, bis ich da angekommen bin, wo ich hingehöre. Mein Verstand sagt mir, dass ich mich berufsmäßig nicht in die Ungewissheit der Kunstszene begeben soll, doch wenn ich tief in mich hineinhorche weiß ich, dass es genau das ist, was ich gerne machen würde...
Für 2016 habe ich mir einiges vorgenommen um diesen Traum eventuell zu verwirklichen! Ich möchte mehr Zeit und Arbeit in meine Bilder stecken und mehr Bedeutung - mehr Gedanken! Mehr üben, um auch selbst mit den Resultaten zufrieden sein zu können und einfach mehr Geduld, Liebe zum Detail, das ist das, was mir einfach fehlt!
Und meinen eigenen Stil entwickeln... völlig weg von den jetzigen doch sehr kindlichen Zeichnungen... Etwas komplett eigenes mit Wiedererkennungswert!

Je länger ich auf dieses Bild schaue, desto mehr wird mir bewusst, dass man sich wirklich häufiger von seinem Herzen als von seinem Verstand leiten lassen sollte... und zudem werde ich auch traurig, weil es mich so sehr an das Lied "Listen to your heart" von Roxette erinnert, welches eine sehr große Bedeutung für mich hat

Du und deine Schwester inspiriert mich so sehr mit euren Bildern und habt mich seit dem ersten Moment in euren Bann gezogen! Ich sage "Danke", dafür dass ihr eure Bilder mit uns allen teilt, dafür, dass ihr uns teilhaben lasst und dafür, dass ihr so viele junge und vielleicht auch unerfahrene Künstler da draußen inspiriert

Und vielen Dank für den Gedankengang, den du bei mir mit diesem Bild ausgelöst hast!

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JoJoesArt In reply to Moonartic [2015-12-30 07:44:46 +0000 UTC]

wow... Ich bin soo glücklich, dass dich mein Bild so sehr berührt und inspiriert hat. Genau das ist die größte Belohnung als Künstler! Gib nicht auf und geh deinen Weg! Mit Glauben und Geduld kann man alles schaffen!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moonartic In reply to JoJoesArt [2015-12-30 22:50:27 +0000 UTC]

Das hat es wirklich! Es ist einfach so toll geworden und hat so viel Aussagekraft, das ist Wahnsinn! Und ich kann gar nicht aufhören, es anzustarren <3
Und Danke, für die lieben Worte! Wo ein Wille, da ein Weg!

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MidnightTiger8140 [2015-12-21 02:42:05 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful work and message ^^

In my family, my mother and her grandmother are also artistically gifted. However, it's also been a "tradition" for the mother to discourage her daughter from pursuing art - they say that art can only be a hobby, but not a "real" profession.

I never really thought about making a living from art until one of my friends, who also grew up in a similar environment but is incredibly gifted as an artist, chose to rebel against that attitude. She has a dA account and did art commissions through high school. She studied photography and is now a professional photographer.

I don't know if I'll necessarily pursue art as my primary profession, but I have been studying to be an engineer. It seems that engineers have a creative streak to them, and each of us finds some way of expressing it. So I'll definitely continue doing art - I hope that I can maybe even find a way of incorporating it into my work as an engineer.

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skybackrider [2015-12-20 18:14:57 +0000 UTC]


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PrimordialNothingnes [2015-12-19 18:44:40 +0000 UTC]

`This is very warming and touching

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EBENEWOOD [2015-12-19 14:05:43 +0000 UTC]

So intense and Warm...Love the burning heart concept...

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aouk [2015-12-19 14:05:21 +0000 UTC]

I like it

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Stoshio [2015-12-19 03:43:46 +0000 UTC]

Really beautiful. Great work!

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VenomJoe66 [2015-12-19 01:03:30 +0000 UTC]

HOLY CRAP that's awesome!

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Arthur-Ramsey [2015-12-18 22:26:18 +0000 UTC]

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Ankelwar [2015-12-18 18:25:14 +0000 UTC]


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skadiwindtochter [2015-12-18 17:45:57 +0000 UTC]

I love the picture but I love your story even more
It reminds me a lot of my own, I always wanted to be an archaeologist and was always told that I was wasting myself and heading straight into a life of unemployment. But I think if we do not even try to make our dreams come true we will always regret the "could have been"s later on, so I am trying anyway. And thankfully my family fully supports me.
I wish you good luck and success!  

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Katastract [2015-12-18 17:43:54 +0000 UTC]

nice story, I know exactly what you mean Sometimes people get jealous that they can't live life the way they want to and try to carry people down so they can feel better about themselves. these are negative selfish and limited people who are insecure about themselves or are simply trying to protect themselves from any potential pain that might be inflicted upon them. e.g. leaving a job, people might see this as a direct infliction upon them where it is more about the person going out and doing what he believes in his heart. If we don't break this connection, pretty soon everyone is going to become part of this cycle. people have to control the type of energy they let into their lives, this is why surrounding yourself with positive people is important. Any things that are irrelevant are simply deleted from my mind since life is limited anyway. Darwin's saying is 'a man who dares to waste one hour of his life has not discovered the value of life'. nice story anyway

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Eif-ka [2015-12-18 17:14:01 +0000 UTC]

Woooo it's amazing *-*

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J-Tap [2015-12-18 16:23:08 +0000 UTC]

This is absolutely beautiful

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amod58 [2015-12-18 08:38:30 +0000 UTC]


really wonderful, a joy and a pleasure to watch such a beautiful picture!


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kaamkinoyat [2015-12-18 08:15:52 +0000 UTC]

Celebrate Christmas with Hoti sexy Celebrities

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MarikWarner [2015-12-18 01:32:47 +0000 UTC]

I instantly thought of "let your heart guide you,it whispers,so listen closely",ya know that emotionally scaring moment in A Land Before Time when Littlefoot's mother dies.My childhood tears aside great work I love the coloring

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caddman [2015-12-18 00:58:43 +0000 UTC]


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spidermaster14 [2015-12-18 00:44:05 +0000 UTC]

This makes me feel things. An excellent piece!

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Moonlight-Night1290 [2015-12-17 23:55:55 +0000 UTC]

this is so cool!

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Chaoswolfstone [2015-12-17 23:09:54 +0000 UTC]

beautiful job

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Vaughanp [2015-12-17 21:15:35 +0000 UTC]


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Shimazun [2015-12-17 20:32:54 +0000 UTC]

It's beautiful!

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SnowFairy22 [2015-12-17 19:49:54 +0000 UTC]

This is just pure beauty and talent! It may have been difficult, but perfection takes effort, and look at the outcome!

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MinervasMuse [2015-12-17 19:49:03 +0000 UTC]

Did you go through any formal training for your artistic abilities or was it all through your own studies?

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rchella [2015-12-17 18:17:42 +0000 UTC]

whoa the light reflection is so great ! light heart <3

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Gansde [2015-12-17 18:01:57 +0000 UTC]

Wundervolle Umsetzung einer inspirierenden Idee.
Einen Moment des eigenen Bewusstseins so darzustellen hat viel für sich.

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Lizard2002 [2015-12-17 17:16:13 +0000 UTC]

I can see the inspiration from DestinyBlue, yet it still hold all your unique artistic qualities. (Brotherhood is still my absolute favorite )
A very wonderful story of following your heart. I am in no way a talented artist or photographer, but following your dream/heart is something I understand. I have always felt my calling was to be a loving caring wife and mother. After 10 years in the retail/sporting goods/firearms management business, my husband and I made the decision that what ever hard times were to come (financial, health, life..) we would make it. Near the end of those 10 years our prayers were answered with a son we named Elijah, and a job for my husband. Now here I sit at home enjoying cartoons with my four year old son and not a want from the world. Our Father has provided a wonderful life filled with understanding and love, that is something that will never be forgotten. 

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Tiisa [2015-12-17 16:19:22 +0000 UTC]

Wow super schöne Idee und eine tolle Umsetzung!

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MethusulaComics [2015-12-17 13:57:15 +0000 UTC]

beautiful work.

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Martynes9N [2015-12-17 13:21:04 +0000 UTC]

I thought of a song named that way amazing artwork

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Moltenkitty [2015-12-17 08:39:29 +0000 UTC]

Quite inspiring story.. thanks <3. Haha I see you were inspired by I love this even so more <3 Glad to see a person from you lol! It's been a while

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TheHamzan6 [2015-12-17 07:54:51 +0000 UTC]

Powerful, silent words described by a beautiful picture.

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DeadCobra [2015-12-17 07:18:02 +0000 UTC]

Very great

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evgeniyfill82 [2015-12-17 06:16:43 +0000 UTC]


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