k-times-two — Rawst - No, not the Berry

Published: 2012-07-15 05:35:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 2020; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 11
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Description Soooo yeah. Once I thought this kid up I couldn't resist.

Also wings are fun. If hard.

NAME: Rawst
POKEMON #: 635 - Hydregion
GENDER: Female
ABILITY: Levitate
AGE: 19
HEIGHT: 5'11"

DragonBreath: One perk of being a dragon? This right here! Rawr.
Frustration: Currently QUITE powerful, as Rawst has few friends/is still hung up on Petaya.
Double Team: She can be quite quick on her feet when he wants to be.
Assurance: Perhaps a hint at her past life... 

POSITIVE: Loyal - Dependable - Resourceful - Independent
NEGATIVE: Distrusting - Clingy - Moody - Cold

Rawst is, for the most part, a rather quiet and restrained gentleman. What was once a jovial humor has turned dark, and she isn't above the slyer tricks if she feels they are deserved. Unamused is basically her base mood. She is curious, and adventurous, if she has the motivation to be active, or any reason to burn energy. Basically, she is a person in mourning, and she isn't great at letting her feelings out in a productive way. Were she ever to overcome the blow that Petaya's death was to her-- or when she may forget it in the moment-- her humor would start to clear back up, and she'd be more outgoing and talkative. Generally she isn't all that introspective, projecting her feelings onto the world around her.


It had taken all the poor Minun's smarts, a great deal of her bravery, and all of her reserves of strength and cunning to find it. A rare berry even in the hands of humans, her grandmother had always told her it was one of the sweetest berries in existence. It was unheard of in their clan to find one, and likely the same in any other Pokemon groups. A Watmel berry!

It had taken her ages just to find out where humans might keep one. As a kit, she'd always been attracted to the city, despite her mother's warnings. 'You'll get killed! Or caught!' But--well, she never had. Besides, the city was full of so many interesting things. And so long as you stuck to the shadows, avoided the Murkrow, you could find some pretty neat stuff. She'd even figured out what those spray-bottle thingys the humans always had on them were: they were like Oran berries! Human oran berries, for the human pokemon. This discovery had only expanded her adventures in the city... and when she found something worth taking home, she did. She hid it from her mother, of course-- she'd throw it straight into the sea. Instead, she took it to her secret base. A little nest of her own, in one of the trees north of Slateport and just south of the Trick House. She'd squirreled away all sorts of nic-naks up there. Potion bottles, useful and used, threadbare scarves, Heart Scales, even an Azurill doll she thought was being held captive by the humans. Which, it was, but she hadn't realized it hadn't ever been alive until she'd gotten well out of the city. That day was also the day she truly discovered the market.
What wonders! This place-- although, admittedly, hard to hide herself in-- had everything! From food, to toys, to those weird human oran berries, to the human spheres of imprisonment (as much as she didn't particularly care about her mother's opinion on towns, she did stay away from those), to anything a small backwater Minun could ever imagine and far, far more. Including, of course, berries.

Normally, she would have left good enough alone. For most of her childhood, she left the marketplace only for when she was feeling particularly bulletproof, or when it was too crowded for a 'lost' little Minun to be noticed. But she was growing up, and she needed a sweet berry. Something of legend, something to show she wasn't the pathetic little weakling they all thought she was. To show... to show she was a woman. And she'd needed it fast.
In retrospect, it was simply too easy to toddle along after some Trainer like a slow pokemon. And then, soon enough, there it was. The Berry stand. Filled to the brim with column by column of berries, arranged in order of... color, it seemed, and then-- there, that's it, the big round one. Pink and green. Sweet and bitter. She had to admit bitter wasn't her favorite flavor, but this wasn't for her. She snuck up, put it on her back, and scuttled out of there like a madman. It was slightly harder getting out of town without the scavengers noticing her, but she managed it.

And now... now she had it. She had it! The Watmel berry, in her paws. She wondered if that many people would even know what it was. Perhaps, if they didn't, she wouldn't be bothered on her way... of course, it was a rather large and unique berry... Well she didn't care. No, not really. It wasn't for them. She went up to her base, pulling out one of the heart scales. If she was really doing this, she may as well go all-out. She shoved the scale into the Watmel. Surprisingly, it sliced in easily, wedging itself nicely in the berry. Maybe that would be useful later on for cutting it... since it did seem to have quite a hard shell. She scampered down from her hideout and back towards the grassy bar in the ocean that she and her people called home.

As she made her way through the brush, she saw the looks she got from the guys, the girls, the elders. The guys were disdainful, the girls slightly curious, and the elders incredulous and some of the more well-informed ones looked quite disapproving. She didn't care. She hadn't gotten into any trouble, really, what was the harm? Thank goodness she didn't run into her mother. She really needed to break it to her that she was moving out. Not that she wouldn't help out and all but-- haaa, well, if all goes well, she'd have someone to move out with.
She looked around as she walked. No, no; not there. She never was in her parent's den except in the middle of the night. Hardly a decent time for a visit. She... she might be down at the shore. She seemed to like it. From what she could tell, she always seemed to be headed off to the beach when she wasn't doing something. So she padded over to the shore, and apparently it was a day the gods had given her luck for.

For there she was.


Truly, one in a million. No other Plusle could be as beautiful, as unique, as radiant as her, and still be more beautiful than that on the inside. Her fur shined in the sunlight, like it did every day, as brilliantly as the light dancing on the water she was so drawn to. Deeper and more genuine in hue and color she may have been in the fur, but what was infinitely more valuable was her genuine heart, if she was a little bit hasty. Still, her heart outshone any faults. Obviously, she had been the object of many a gaze, especially as her male peers grew up--and as she did... But no matter. She would not be deterred by more strapping males that tried to woo her. Males with more too offer her and offspring surely and far more food for her and certainly more security...

She turned back. Why had she even concocted this stupid plan? One Watmel berry wasn't going to win the girl's heart. She'd be lucky if it wasn't rotten, but the best she could do was provide a nice meal for her. She could leave it at Petaya's parent's den...

"Rawst?" And there was that voice, sweet as... Well, sweet as this berry was rumored to be.
"U-uhm, hey, Petaya," she said, turning back around, the berry in her paws.
"What's that? I've never seen a berry like it, before," she said, sauntering up.
"It's a Watmel berry. I, uh, know you like sweets, so I thought you might like it..."

Impossible to believe it had been two years. For two reasons, as well: they had seemed to fly by, and of course, who would have thought that she would end up with a girl like her?

She sighed in contentment, having woken up slightly earlier than Petaya did, as was her habit. The den-- once a dumping ground for any cool thing she'd ever found-- had slowly been tamed into a suitable living arrangement. A team effort, really, and besides, they had to be ready for the kits when they came. Idly she brushed Petaya's fur, her cheeks... Today was a day she'd need to go into town and gather supplies, though.

Though the eldest in the clan didn't exactly approve, they couldn't refuse her results. Rawst always brought back more than enough food for just her and Petaya, even in spite of the pregnancy. They may not have liked it. But the clan was definitely benefitting from the surplus of food. Besides, Rawst wasn't being idiotic and bringing other people into what she did. The Minun had been at it for years. She was practically an expert. And another pokemon along was only a liability.

With a sigh, she inched out from her spot beside Petaya, making sure she was supported before slinking her way towards the exit. She did need to make every trip count, of course, and on her gathering trips she liked to leave as early as possible. It... also motivated her that Petaya always pestered her about tagging along. Since she slept in late regularly, it was usually far more easy to slip out while she was asleep. She'd never say so to her, but she was simply too good-hearted. For she had seen what the humans did with shiny pokemon--putting them on show, gaudy ornaments and neck torture devices. They lusted for the sparkling fur. Rawst would never let them take her. Some of the humans were worse than others, this was true: had Rawst not found her heart a home in Petaya, she could have easily considered running off with one of the nicer humans.

But these were musings for an elder Minun. Rawst was not one of those yet. Hopefully, she would be someday. For now? Time to find food. She trotted in the underbrush alongside the road to Slateport, heading south. Here, the humans seemed very averse to travelling. Perhaps it was the thick trees-- for a human, it would surely be a hassle, but for a mouse? Easier than lazing in a summer breeze. Although you had to know where you were going. She was about to slip into the back alleys of the city, when, in the corner of her eye, she saw something glimmer. With a quick glance over her shoulder, her jaw dropped. She saw the love of her life, right in the middle of the road, looking around curiously.

"Petaya!" she whispered harshly, unable to catch her attention. She just kept going... did she even know how dangerous this was? "Petaya!" she cried, her hiss evolving into a bark as she scampered out into the road, ears out and alert, looking around to see if any humans were nearby. For the moment, none, and yet... this was dangerous; a common road. They was lucky it was early in the day.

She looked at Rawst, her face lighting up. "Rawst! I'm coming with you." Her tail wagged, the red plus swinging back and forth.
"No. No you are not coming with me," she hissed, her ears folding back. "You need to go back."
"But I want to see the city," she said. "You get to see it every week and I never have even once. You tell me so many stories..."
"You can ask me anything you want to about it. At home. It's too dangerous."
"But I'm sure you can show me the right way to do this. I got up just after you left and followed you--"
"Petaya. Go home. If you'd followed me, we wouldn't be on the road now." She practically growled out the next words in an unwilling compromise. "The day isn't a good time. There are humans around and they have powerful pokemon in their slavery, and maybe another time but now--" She stopped, as Petaya pouted but nodded.
"Fine," she said. "But you owe me a trip into the city."
He nodded grimly, anything to get her out of here. She nudged Petaya back homeward. "I can take you tonight, if you really wa--"

"Is that... Oh wow, it is sparkling! Look, Kip, a Shiny!"

The couple's heads flicked around at the same time, their gaze meeting a trainer of some sort, a kid, with a Marshtomp at his side. The kid's eyes flared as she immediately grabbed one of those spheres-- something with a black top-- and lobbed it at the shiny Plusle. It opened, and the red fur became a glow as her eyes opened wide in fright. "Raws--!" And then she was gone, a red arc that had disappeared into the sphere rocking back and forth on the ground. It wasn't long before the arc of red light reappeared, Petaya re-materializing and latching as fast as she could onto Rawst. "N-nnngh..." It seemed the effort of escaping the prison had already put a toll on her. Rawst spun to face the human and growled, as menacingly as a Minun possibly could.

But all that bravado was for naught. With a single Mud Shot, the Marshtomp nearly knocked Rawst out, sending her skidding to the side of the road, before proceeding to shoot Petaya with the same attack. She fell to the ground, shrieking.

With barely the energy to move, all Rawst could do now watch watch the proceedings, trying to writhe as little as possible.

She was beaten. Again and again. The human sent his 'Kip' at her ruthlessly, since the first try at capture had failed. Somehow Rawst knew this, although it broke her heart to know her torture would continue. She was helpless, too: using Helping Hand or Fake tears, crying at her to get up, Rawst, please, get up Rawst--
For far too long this went on, until the human decided to try again. Again, Petaya managed to escape, gasping in shock as she emerged from the prisonsphere. The human frowned. "Must need to weaken it more... Kip, use Take Down!"

Instead of throwing yet another jetstream of mud at the Plusle, the Marshtomp changed its stance. With a grunt, it began running towards her, tackling her and landing fully on top of her. An audible, if small, crunch was heard, and suddenly things were quiet.

The Marshtomp lifted himself up slowly, looking downward in confusion. The Plusle wasn't fighting back-- not that she had much anyway, but usually, Pokemon didn't like being the receiving end of a bellyflop. He stood up, staring at the prone form of the red-and-cream rodent. Petaya didn't move.

The human sent another sphere at Petaya, but this time the sphere didn't even open, hitting Petaya with a dull thump. "What is that supposed to mean?" the human said, disgruntled.

Rawst looked on in shock. Petaya was never so quiet, unless she was asleep... but she suspected worse. With her last bit energy, she crawled closer to her love... passing the 'Kip'... collapsing at her side. She wasn't breathing.

And then the next Rawst knew, she was dissipating into a beam of red energy, losing consciousness as her brain dissolved into the light.

Perhaps, with time, it would have been possible for the Minun to heal. With a caring, loving trainer... with a place to call home, the chance to move on...

But that was not what she got. The next time she had her consciousness, she found herself in one of the human-prisons for Pokemon... and the human who had ordered the killing of... Rawst's fur spiked. In a fit of rage, she became a rolling ball of devastation, using Electro Ball for revenge, and additionally ravage the interior of the Pokecenter.

He had made some serious progress until she was stopped by a Blissey that worked at the center, who essentially just hugged onto Rawst until she stopped. Her trainer, frightened but awed by the Minun's power, decided to try and tame the best.

It didn't work.

Every time she was let out, Rawst unleashed a fury on everything and anyone near. Her rage didn't seem to fade. And thus the Trainer gave up, and traded Rawst away to Unova for a Tynamo. This trainer happened to be a breeder of Electric pokemon in Unova (a lot of easy money, that, since Elesa and her crew could pay quite the pretty penny). Upon seeing the Minun's destructive behavior, the breeder knew that something had to be pacified in the little rodent.

He remembered a letter he'd been sent, from Professor Fennel, about some sort of dream project. Perhaps... perhaps that would allow the Minun a place to cool down...?

And thus begins our adventure.

She does view Petaya's death as her own fault. Though he wants to never be opened up to that pain again, he is more than slightly codependent in tendency and yearns to have someone to lean on.
Rawst is too young-- and the wound far too deep and fresh-- for her to realize that things will get better if she just keeps on living.
Like many others in her clan, she was named after a berry. A blue one, since she's a Minun. Ironically, she hates rawst berries, since she dislikes bitter tastes.
Inspiration for her came from looking up Bulbapedia's Pokemon by Color list. It's the shortest list of all the pokemon I can find, so it's easy to look at your choices there. I knew exactly what her shtick was going to be the second I saw Minun next to Plusle (they're both categorized as yellow, according to the games).
Unsurprisingly, Rawst has a distinct hatred for battling and that whole gambit. Especially when things look like they might turn for the worse. While she normally won't battle, she isn't afraid to intervene if need be.
Rawst was essentially taken as a "consolation prize" by the trainer.
Petaya was Hasty, part of the actual reason why things turned out as they did.
As of this writing, I have absolutely no idea how playing Rawst will turn out. Haven't roleplayed a 'troubled male' before. Or, for that matter, anyone in grief.
If you look reeeeaaal close you can see the 'memory' of Petaya, since it haunts her so. I couldn't help myself she's such a part of her character
Her coloring is slightly off for a Hydreigon; it's a darker blue of the hue of Minun and Petaya's shiny redstuff.

A Lazy Heart Chart:
= Hates
= Acquaintance
= Friend
= Bro
= Crush
= Love

Lord - - fav.me/d57v5pz
Karp - - fav.me/d5219v1
Aldrich - - fav.me/d53z1wz
Benji - - fav.me/d52bfc8
Cherry - - fav.me/d51vgbf
Mina - - fav.me/d577fzf
Mollie - - fav.me/d57z98g
Montgomery - - fav.me/d55y623
Florence - - fav.me/d570pqb
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Comments: 3

scilk [2012-11-19 03:57:16 +0000 UTC]

aww awesome, you're in EOD too! XD Hopefully I'll see you around sometime (when I start doing more art for that group... >_>) Love your character! His wings and outfit are way cool!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

k-times-two In reply to scilk [2012-11-21 02:29:11 +0000 UTC]

Honestly, I need to be more active in the group. I like Rawst so much but I don't do anything with him.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

scilk In reply to k-times-two [2012-11-21 22:21:29 +0000 UTC]

same here... >_>

👍: 0 ⏩: 0