KatArtIllustrations β€” 'The Great Food Fight of 1975'

Published: 2005-09-20 05:29:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 5268; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 1518
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Description Cassy waved her hand in the air as high as she could... Professor Slughorn didn't look at her straight away (mostly because he was trying to ignore the fact that for the first three quarters of the lesson she'd been flicking through her Potions book scratching each picture and sniffing it) so she tried to make her hand even higher which resulted in her sticking her tongue out, after all, it does help you concentrate.
Lily exchanged a glance with Remus and rolled her eyes, she then noticed James ogling her way and decided to glower instead. After all, it was James bloody Potter's fault Cassy'd drunk half the maple syrup bottle at breakfast this morning before anyone else noticed.
Slughorn sighed, "What is it Miss Meadowes?"
Cassy grinned slightly manically, she and Slughorn did not get along, she didn't like his morals one little bit, so she liked to mess with him, "When you said that we should get that thing over there with the stuff on it, did you mean the thing that, y'know, that had the stuff with the..." she mumbled a little, "...over there last week....?"
Professor Slughorn blinked and Cassy gave him a frustrated look, "Well, do you?"
"Get out of my classroom Meadowes, and you can leave 5 points behind for you issues with authority."
Damn, plan backfired. This was the first time she'd actually had points docked, usually she was just sent out. She got up and gathered her things. Sirius was sniggering on the other side of the room, James was next to him aiming a paper aeroplane at Snape's quill, which was scribbling quickly in his Potions textbook.
"The only issues I have with authority is the authority his big fat arse has simply because of its sheer size and weight!" Cassy muttered under her breath as she passed Peter on her way out.
Peter snorted loud enough to make most of the people in front of him turn around.
"What?" he said and looked over his shoulder too
"Smooth move Wormtail"
"That will be enough Ladies and Gentlemen..."
Cassy stopped out in the corridor, "Stupid Moustache Man... heh heh, Moustache Man, sounds like a facial hair trimming company... They need a theme song!"

That was how they found her about 15 minutes later when class had finished.
"Nahnah nahnah nahnah nahnah, MOUSTACHE MAAAAN! Nahnah nahnah nahnah nahnah, Moustache Maaaaaan. Moustache Maaan, Moustache Man, Moustache Maaaaaan..."
Lily jabbed James in the ribs sharply, "All blame falls on you, Potter."
"Gah!" James clutched his ribs and raised his eyebrows, "Like it rough do ya Evans?"
She slammed her heal on his toe, grabbed Cassy by the arm and dragged her off down the corridor to their next class.
"Tata DARRRLINGS!" Cassy called back at the Marauders with a wave and a wink.

James took off his glasses and cleaned them with the bottom of his untucked shirt, "Why is it, that whenever Cassy does something Lily doesn't like, it's always someone else's fault? Namely mine... like all the time..."
Remus smiled, Peter shrugged
"Oh but you're just so blameable Proooongsie!" Sirius said in a high squeaky Lily-imitation voice, he then tapped James on the nose, batted his eyelashes, and pranced off down the corridor flinging his arms around.
James glared after him, "Pansy bastard."


"Now class, I feel the need to emphasise the importance of your upcoming OWLs..."
"Quite right, old bean!"
"...and the while I am to understand that Herbology is not considered throughout the student body a particularly important subject when it comes to study..."
"Quite right, old bean!"
"...IT IS still going to effect your collective grade on your end of year re--"
"Quite right, old bean!"
"--port. MISS MESDOWES!"
Cassy dropped the terrible British accent she's been saying 'Quite right, old bean' in and blinked innocently, "Yes?"
"One more word and you can leave the greenhouse."
Cassy nodded and looked down, Lily shot her a suspicious look, James looked over to make sure there was enough distance between him and Lily so that when Cassy was kicked out (and she would be) Lily couldn't reach him to hit him because it would no doubt somehow be his fault.
Lily looked over just when James was looking her way and glared furiously, "I'll show Potter to stare at me, stupid creepy stalker git!" she muttered under her breath, and in a fit of complete and utter unLily-like immaturity, threw a dirt clod at him while the Professor's back was turned.
Cassy burst out laughing and fell to the ground holding her sides for fear of them splitting.
Cassy stopped laughing and stared for a second, before she burst out laughing harder than before. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA soooo funny, heeheeheeheehee, cos... HAHA, not actually... hehhehheh, me who...HAHAHAHAHA!!"
She managed to make it to the door and stagger outside sniggering.
Lily glared at James and mouthed the words, "SO dead!"
James sighed and silently vowed to never again let Cassy eat sugar again.


By lunch time the sugar seemed to have worn off, though that could have been because James had to call in a favour on Cassy by pleading with her outside the Great Hall to cool it for his own well being.
"Hellooo Sirius!"
Sirius raised his eyebrows, "Uh... hi.. girls...?"
Britney and Chrissie giggled and ran off to their seats on the Hufflepuff table.
"What do you suppose that was about?" Sirius asked looked somewhat perplexed.
Lily raised her eyebrows at Cassy and Cassy snorted and had to take a long drink of water to stop herself having a laughing fit... stupid sugar.
"I do believe Pads, that they may just fancy the pants off you." James said with a grin
Cassy grinned, "Sirius Black discovers the almighty power of The Facial Cheekbones! Dum Dum duuuuum!"
Sirius looked over his shoulder at the girls, "What do you think's wrong with them then?"
Cassy lost it and Lily slapped James over Remus, who was sitting in between them.
"OW! Damn it Evans that hurts y'know!"
Peter offered Cassy more water, but she was laughing too hard to extend her hand to actually take it.
Remus mumbled something that only James and Lily heard on either side of him. James laughed and Lily smiled
"What?" Sirius seemed to be getting rather worried...
"It's funny cos it's true!" James laughed, that made Lily laugh, but she stopped abruptly when she realized she was laughing at something James GiantEgo Potter was saying.
"What? What's so funny?" Sirius pouted, "I'm always left out."
"Oh you are not!" Cassy said and forked the sausage on his plate, "All lies!"
"Oi! Gimme back my sausage!"
There was a pause where everyone looked at Sirius before James, Lily and Remus burst out laughing. James fell off his chair into the isle between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, and Lily waved her hands around.
"Ew ew ewwwwwww!! That's degusting guys!! Stop it! You're ruining my fragile mind!!"
"Lily's mind is fragile? Oh come off it." Peter said, "What's so funny?"
Cassy raised her eyebrow at the sausage and then at Sirius who looked just as confused.
James pointed up at Remus from the floor, "Him"
"You had better give Padfoot back his sausage Cassy, Brit and Chris will want to kill you for it and he'll need it later at this rate."
Cassy looked at Remus, at the sausage, at Britney and Chrissie (who were looking their way with several other students to see what the noise was about) and then at Sirius, and back to the sausage.
"AAUUGHHH!!!! GROSS!!!" she flung the sausage back at Sirius who ducked and it hit Jeremy, a Hufflepuff 7th year, behind him.

Now Jeremy wasn't about to let a couple of little 5th year Gryffindor's hit him with metaphorical unmentionables and get away with it, so the second the meatball left his hand and sailed towards Peter, there was a cry of "FOOD FIGHT!" and it was on.


"I'm sure you all thought that was terribly clever didn't you?" muttered McGonagall at the doors to the Great Hall after what would come to be known as 'The Great Food Fight of 1975'. She pointed her wand at the group, each completely covered in food, "Scourgify."
"I plead the fifth!" Cassy said, when the others all looked at her funny she frowned, "What? I heard it on American TV once..."
"Trust Muggles" Peter mumbled
"The entire school now has collective punishment now, I hope you're satisfied!" McGonagall shooed them out of the Hall and moved onto cleaning up the next group of Gryffindor's behind them.
They wandered out the front doors, heading to their next lesson, Care of Magical Creatures with Professor Kettleburn.
Cassy was skipping next to them and humming that song again, James and Lily were at each others throats about something or other, Sirius was still looking confused, and Remus was explaining the whole sausage thing to Peter.
Jadea Crouch matched past and slammed her sounder into Cassy's, on purpose of course, "I swear to Merlin someone is going to murder that girl one day!" Cassy muttered

Eventually everyone had filtered out of the Great Hall and the whole class had made their way down to where Professor Kettleburn stood waiting.
Sirius was looking less shocked now, Marlene McKinnon came up behind him and shoved him in the arm, "I hope you know I got gravy all through my hair because of you Black! ...it was awesome fun! Do it again!"
Sirius smiled, "Limited shows only I'm afraid"
Marlene winked and went back to her friends
James elbowed Sirius in the ribs
Cassy was still humming but she sort of slowed the pace down to give that McKinnon girl a strange look before she continued at normal speed.
"Now listen class, I'm going to call the roll because I'm not having anyone skip my class because of the display in the Hall earlier!"

After getting about halfway through the roll and having Cassy scream "THAT'S MEEEEE!!! Oh, no, sorry..." after almost every name, (and when he actually got to her name she looked around, over her shoulder and under a rock before saying, "Hey, that's me!")Β Β Professor Kettleburn gave up and began the lesson.

"Now, Fifth years, for your Care of Magcial Creatures OWL, you need to demonstrate how to feed and clean out a Fire Crab without sustaining any serious burns. Fire-Crabs look like a tortoise with a jewelled shell which can shoot fire out of its rear end."
James and Sirius snorted, Lily rolled her eyes, Cassy faltered in her humming and attempted to cover up her laughing with a coughing fit, Peter wrote it down, Remus nodded – who doesn't know that anyway?
"Fire farting!" James sniggered under his breath
"IT IS CONSTANTLY in danger of being killed for its shell," Professor Kettleburn continued loudly, "Which unscrupulous wizards will use as cauldrons. The Fire-Crab is native to Fiji, where there is a coastal reserve set aside for its protection."
Cassy put her hand in the air, "Professor, can you wear them as hats?"
"Are you sure?
"I'm warning you Miss Meadowes."
Cassy pouted and went back to humming, a little louder then before however.

It was only a little later in the class when Professor Kettleburn frowned and turned around to see who was humming, he looked straight at Cassy who stopped just before he did, "Yes?" she said
He narrowed his eyes at her and went back to explaining how the OWL would work, Cassy stated humming again.
Professor Kettleburn spun on her, she stopped and Sirius started humming instead.
"What?" said Cassy
Professor Kettleburn looked around for the cooperate, when he looked at Sirius, Sirius stopped and James started. This caught on to most of the class by the end of lesson, where upon Professor Kettleburn was glad to be rid of them before he lost his mind.


"Now that's what I call FUN!" James said with a manic grin
"Marauders, we need to plan things like that more often!" Sirius agreed
"What? Like next lesson we get each student to say "chop!" when Professor Flitwick calls the roll, then when the last student's name is called the whole class yells "Timber!" and we all fall out of our desks onto the floor?" asked Remus sarcastically.
James and Sirius looked at him excitedly
"NOoo! I was being SARCASTIC!" Remus said, "Guys, just no."
They moped all the way to the next lesson and only cheered up when they sat down and discovered they were learning colour change charms and perfecting summoning charms this lesson for their OWLs.
Lily was just thankful that this was the last lesson of the day and that they would all be safely back in the Common Room after this where Sugar-High-Cassy could be kept under control. She looked over at Cassy who was sitting next to Peter, she had drawn a smiley face on a piece of parchment and was now talking to it. Ok, at lest the sugar was wearing off now for real.
"Lily" Cassy said, "Say hi to Bruce!" she held up the parchment.
"Hi Bruce" said Lily, "Nice to meet you."
Lily would be damned if she was EVER going to let Dorcas Meadowes drink half a bottle of Maple Syrup ever again. Certainly not after today's events.

She made a mental note, 'Maple Syrup: BAAAAAAAAAD!!!'
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Comments: 100

Lains-San [2011-09-19 21:06:56 +0000 UTC]

ahhhh, can you post it back up somewhere? Pleaaaase?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

KatArtIllustrations In reply to Lains-San [2011-09-20 02:23:39 +0000 UTC]

i will when I get the time. Im really busy though :S probably next year when I'm not studying anymore

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Polli1 [2011-06-14 22:56:09 +0000 UTC]

I. Love. This. EPIC WIN!

Of course, I love most of you stuff.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

xAimezx [2010-12-29 18:56:40 +0000 UTC]

I've been wondering where your Cassy character came from (I was beginning to think she was an OC) until I read the bottom! Dorcas Meadowes! Brilliant! When I write Marauder Fanfiction (which I always do when I'm going to write HP) Dorcas usually ends up being a side character of some sort. I hate to say it but I just can't get used to writing her name! But this is a great abbreviation of it! For some reason I always pictured Dorcas as very mild and reserved, but this is a really original take on her, I love it!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

KatArtIllustrations In reply to xAimezx [2011-03-15 00:11:11 +0000 UTC]

I couldnt imagine her being mild.. my theory is she had to have done SOMETHING outrageous to have Voldie kill her himself!

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Nayhenanochi [2010-01-04 16:21:39 +0000 UTC]

hahahahaha, only Cassie would think to wear any kind of magical crustacean on her head!

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KatArtIllustrations In reply to Nayhenanochi [2011-03-15 00:11:17 +0000 UTC]

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obsessiveness [2009-06-04 02:23:21 +0000 UTC]

Ha ha so funny I love Cassy!

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CalicoCooper [2009-05-19 19:13:51 +0000 UTC]

I Remember this!! I fell out of my seat a few times while reading this!! HAHAHA

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Allyrah [2008-12-26 01:37:17 +0000 UTC]

Haha, this is great! I love it! Cassy is the best! And aww, poor James, haha.

I can't believe you came up with all of this, it's hilarious! I was laughing so hard at this! Awesome!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

KatArtIllustrations In reply to Allyrah [2009-02-28 14:06:58 +0000 UTC]

glad to hear it, i love making people laugh

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creativespirit23 [2008-05-13 21:53:14 +0000 UTC]

my favorite fan fic of all time

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

KatArtIllustrations In reply to creativespirit23 [2008-06-17 05:11:10 +0000 UTC]

Awwww thankyou!!!

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MissPadfoot713 [2007-12-23 06:22:29 +0000 UTC]

who carez if u know who cassy iz or not, itz still fuckin HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!

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KatArtIllustrations In reply to MissPadfoot713 [2007-12-23 06:28:26 +0000 UTC]

Lol I'm glad you liked it

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MissPadfoot713 In reply to KatArtIllustrations [2007-12-23 20:37:53 +0000 UTC]

iz there another 1 like it?

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KatArtIllustrations In reply to MissPadfoot713 [2007-12-24 04:38:05 +0000 UTC]

Its a spinoff of that story on Quizilla you wanted the link to. There's another 100 and something like it

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MissPadfoot713 In reply to KatArtIllustrations [2007-12-24 04:49:47 +0000 UTC]


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Trashflowers [2007-06-14 00:41:30 +0000 UTC]

"Jadea Crouch matched past and slammed her sounder into Cassy's, on purpose of course, "I swear to Merlin someone is going to murder that girl one day!" Cassy muttered"
... If only she knew...
Happiererer note: I so less than 3 DT I just read it again don't know how many times that makes. At least three. Your writing and art are both so amazing. I love drawing and such, but I only wish I had the patience with it that you obviously do. That's why I do photography. XD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

KatArtIllustrations In reply to Trashflowers [2007-06-14 12:53:10 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I'm doing a little photography atm too

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Muse21 [2006-12-10 17:37:02 +0000 UTC]

Love these things. Don't crash of compliment O.D. but I'd love to know were these are. I found them on Quizzilla and I'd like to know if they're anywhere else.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 2

Muse21 In reply to Muse21 [2006-12-11 01:09:02 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow... I really lazy and it's a big site... would you mind giving me a link? I'd be so greatful. Really I would.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

KatArtIllustrations In reply to Muse21 [2006-12-10 21:07:06 +0000 UTC]

I've started re-posting on HPFanFic.com, but not much is up yet

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BobOfMassDistraction [2006-09-21 13:01:05 +0000 UTC]

wait, wait, wait! Sammy or Andrea (SakuraYumeKo) read this and didnt tell me?!?!
*stalks off to have words with them*
*snorts* Fire farting...

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KatArtIllustrations In reply to BobOfMassDistraction [2006-09-21 13:16:43 +0000 UTC]

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BobOfMassDistraction In reply to KatArtIllustrations [2006-09-21 14:31:48 +0000 UTC]

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CheshireKitties23 [2006-08-11 17:10:57 +0000 UTC]

Maple syrup is bad, considering the last time I made my neice drink that stuffs.. she got such an adrenaline rush, she ended up crashing her bike into a wall.. head on.. of course it wasn't MY fault.. I just told her I'd give her fifty cents if she did it..
anywho... I love your writing. It's remarkably good! Keep it up! I look forward to it.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

KatArtIllustrations In reply to CheshireKitties23 [2006-08-12 00:06:06 +0000 UTC]

HAHAHA Thats hillarious! Thanks! Im glad you liek it

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CheshireKitties23 In reply to KatArtIllustrations [2006-08-12 02:54:06 +0000 UTC]

*agrees with Hiddenrevelation*.. DT was an AMAZING story.. I do believe it made me teary eyed.. on several occasions(this is of course coming from someone who cries, no matter how many time she sees it, EVERY time old yeller dies... I can't help it..) You're an amazing writer. Fortuna will be awesome too, without a doubt.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

KatArtIllustrations In reply to CheshireKitties23 [2006-08-13 06:19:39 +0000 UTC]

Ive put Fortuna on hold till my yr12 is over, but i HOPE iit will be even half as well recieved as DT once its done

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hiddenrevelation [2006-05-19 04:09:36 +0000 UTC]

Wow...I just read this again. Had me laughing my ass off for quite sometime until I started sneezing...anywho...I miss DT...Oh well, I've got my own stories to write, damnit. I just miss reading good ones.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

KatArtIllustrations In reply to hiddenrevelation [2006-06-21 11:55:59 +0000 UTC]

Fortuna will be up eventually. But i dont think its going to be as good as DT. Fortuna is far more sadistic

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hiddenrevelation In reply to KatArtIllustrations [2006-06-21 20:49:38 +0000 UTC]

Oh come now, so's the new one I'm working on (sadistic), but yours is much better than that so Fortuna's got to be great!

That obviously made no sense, but I don't care... :rolleyes:

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KatArtIllustrations In reply to hiddenrevelation [2006-06-22 06:28:14 +0000 UTC]

I dont want everyone to be dissapointed is all

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hiddenrevelation In reply to KatArtIllustrations [2006-06-22 14:54:47 +0000 UTC]

Um, hellooooo? It's you. They won't be disappointed. Trust me.

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KatArtIllustrations In reply to hiddenrevelation [2006-06-23 14:02:57 +0000 UTC]


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SakuraYumeKo [2006-05-16 16:43:16 +0000 UTC]


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KatArtIllustrations In reply to SakuraYumeKo [2006-06-21 11:56:12 +0000 UTC]

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SakuraYumeKo In reply to KatArtIllustrations [2006-06-22 06:58:43 +0000 UTC]

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OfTheNight [2005-11-26 06:18:09 +0000 UTC]

LOL that was so funny! I couldnt stop laughing when Cassy kept on saying "Quite right, old bean"
I miss DT to, it was awesome, as is your artwork! *goes to read DT again* Ahhh, good times... Keep it up mate! I S2 EMOTICONS!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

KatArtIllustrations In reply to OfTheNight [2005-11-26 11:32:34 +0000 UTC]

heeheeheehee, "Quite RIGHT old bean!!"

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junglemist [2005-10-30 05:48:40 +0000 UTC]

AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWEEEEEESSSSSOOOOMMMMEEEE!!!!!! i've read all your other DT things on Quizilla, and i loved them! i was just wondering if you were going to write any others? it would be so awesome if you did! ninjaeat:

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KatArtIllustrations In reply to junglemist [2005-10-30 06:11:45 +0000 UTC]

Yeah at some stage

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Celeserenity [2005-10-25 17:08:58 +0000 UTC]

I don't know your character of Cassy and I APSOLUTELY ADORED this piece! Please tell me where I can get more Cassy!

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KatArtIllustrations In reply to Celeserenity [2005-10-25 23:07:39 +0000 UTC]

Well, it's being re-edited ... again... so I guess if I must I'll post the URL in here sometime...

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MrsPadfoot [2005-10-15 04:24:33 +0000 UTC]

Awww, I finally got around to reading this and it reminds me why I feel in love with DT in the first place

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KatArtIllustrations In reply to MrsPadfoot [2005-10-16 10:20:49 +0000 UTC]

Heeheehee I missed writing it.

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erika-aka-bob [2005-10-11 05:29:10 +0000 UTC]

haha thats friggin awesome I read all your DT on Quizilla and I MISS it!!!! Its the best series I've read so far and your seriously talented girl you know that right? Writing and drawin... gah I can't do either x( Ah well haha keep on writin hunny!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

KatArtIllustrations In reply to erika-aka-bob [2005-10-16 10:20:30 +0000 UTC]

At lest I'm not one of the people I'm jealous of, they can act, sing, dance AND they're nice people THEN they complain they can't draw *pouts*

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erika-aka-bob In reply to KatArtIllustrations [2005-10-17 23:23:17 +0000 UTC]

Haha the people I'm jealous of are nice, good athletes, good at school, and just to top it off they're good looking too! I mean, come on!!!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

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