For Scarlet-Wings-Kaili's "If i could" contest.
Click here to see the contest and criteria
Contest Theme: Make art about a "silent voice" or in other words, something you want to tell the world but can't have the courage otherwise.
I chose to make art about a “silent voice”
Something I’ve always struggled with in life is my low self esteem. I constantly live in fear of what others think and fear I’m never good enough, as if I’m always inferior to people in every way. It’s almost as if I’m chained up, being dragged further and further down with every negative thought and action. Only my friends are keeping me up. If It wasn’t for them, and if they weren’t there in my times of need and just left me alone, like the girl in the picture, I would probably drown in my own negative thoughts and emotions, pulled further and further by the chains that are my insecurities until one day I fear I may never be able to return.
And Scarlet-Wings-Kaili I have a personal story that goes to this that I will message you privately as I don't want to have that in the description, which is why the previous statement isn't that great and kinda vague. -_-
UUh, i'm not happy with this image in any way because it was super rushed so bad but at least i finished something