As expected, Raph's Pokemon team is made up of what he think are cool Pokemon....except for one that he feels too embarrassed about (guess which one).
*Pyro (Flareon, Male)- To suit represent his "hot-headedness"
*Slash (Bisharp, Male)- To represent his Sais
*Torterra (Male)- To represent Spike/Slash
*Houndour (Male)- To represent both sides of Raph. One hand being ruthless, reckless, and viscous; and the other being a loyal and trusting comrade.
*Scizor (Male)- To represent Raph's determination for being a strong fighter
*Pipsqueak (Togepi, Male)- Probably figured out that's the Pokemon on Raph's team he feels the most embarrassed about (due to facts that it's cute and a Fairy-type).
The story behind this is Raph found an egg while looking for an canisters of mutagen, and instead of eating it, he decided to wait until it hatches (since he had no choice).
Soon or later, the egg hatched into a Togepi, and just like the one from earlier seasons of the anime, Raph was the first thing he saw, and got attached to him with love.
Raph dubbed Togepi by name of "pipsqueak" and tried ad much as he can to get rid of him, but he too fell victim to Togepi's cuteness and sweet-nature and kept him anyways.
In a way, Togepi represents Raph's heart, and according to it's Pokedex entry the first person it sees is promised to grant it's master love with internal joy and happiness (and that's what Raph is lacking).
Raphael belongs to Mirage, Laird & Eastman, and Nickelodeon
Pokemon belong to Nintendo, Pioneer, and Game Freak
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