Koilada — Wethu || Shujaa by-nc-nd

Published: 2019-01-26 01:52:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 2949; Favourites: 66; Downloads: 0
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EDIT [4/2/19]: Added her palette because the noise on the image would make it difficult to colour-pick c':


I caved to peer pressure 
I don't really have a specific lion style, and I didn't want to mimic TLK, so have this weird semi-realistic thing while I sort out how I'm going to be drawing all dem loins

 Relationship Tracker  ||  Roleplay Tracker        
[ Fire in my bones quakes, bending but it won't break 
Staging a revolting, quite as it's jolting 
Singular in motion, fighting but I'm frozen 
Shaking and it's shifting, falling as I'm lifting ]

                                                                       -- Fire in my Bones

-----| Basic Information |-----

Name: Shujaa

[shoo - JAH] - Swahili - "Hero/Warrior"


Species: Panthera Leo | African Lion

Age: 3.5yrs | Young Adult

Height: 52"

Weight: 286lb

Voice: Laura Dreyfuss

✿ Medium to low-pitched 
✿ Young-sounding
✿ Soft in tone
✿ Melodic




Bulky - even underweight as she is, it's still extremely clear that Shujaa is practically a giant, tall wall of muscle.
Underweight - her time as a rogue before joining Vimbue has left her with protruding ribs and a leaner-than-usual frame
Round-faced - Baby-faced and big-eyed, it may be hard to believe that this soft-looking lioness was actually a born warrior.
Plush-furred - Shujaa's fur is remarkable soft, more than would be expected from a hulking mass of muscle such as herself.
Scarred - A massive scar rests on her hindquarters with a smaller scar underneath, and the tip of her tail has been torn off.
Limp - Shujaa walks with a slight stiffness due to her injury, which makes it difficult to hunt quick or flighty prey or be agile.

Tribe: Vimbue

Rank: Newcomer [Aspiring Soldier]
Class: Nameless

Active Mandla: N/A
Scent: Water lilies

str: 5 def: 5 | int: 5 | wis: 5 con: 10 


-----| Personal Information |-----


|   | Neutral |      |   | Positive |      |   | Negative |


Shujaa has an extremely organised, practical approach to everything she does. This lioness is never without a 
plan, and lives her life under strict procedure and law, this makes her both extremely thorough and effective in 
most tasks she takes on. While she's still rather adaptable, Shujaa is mostly a creature of routine and prefers to 
follow things through to the letter. She values strategy and tactics above all, and is noted to have a remarkably 
perceptive mind.


This lioness' beliefs are an odd mish-mash of the Sky-Kin she was raised upon and Vimbue's Mandlas. Since the 
two spiritualities don't seem to conflict, Shujaa willingly decided to incorporate her new tribe's views into her 
own, believing that both her Sky-Kin watch over and judge her and that the innate body represents her essence and 
dictates her being. She is extremely fervent in her religions due to her experiences, and won't stand for slights 
against them.


Surrounded by a constant air of calm maturity, Shujaa is not a lion that displays intense emotion often. Her 
overall demeanour exudes a somewhat stoic composure, and beyond a few minor ticks, she is incredibly hard 
to get a reaction out of.



You'd be hard-pressed to find a lioness more loyal than Shujaa. Once she's committed herself to a faction and 
leader, she dedicates herself fully to them and is nigh impossible to sway. This is also true to individuals, as she 
holds those she forms a connection to dear, and may the stars help anyone who dares try to harm them. In a choice 
between her loved ones and her leader, however, she feels that her duty is to her tribe, and that takes precedent 
over all.


Due to her upbringing as a soldier, Shujaa is exceedingly dutiful and hard-working. Her diligence in her work as a 
warrior, protector, and service to the king are unbidden by all that may come against it, and her signature 
methodological mindset is most prominent in this trait. Her duty commands so much of her waking mind that she 
often finds little time for fun and games, enjoy them as she may.


Shujaa was once a General and boy does it show. She is a lioness that naturally exudes authority and dependability, 
and inspires loyalty in any who may be under her command. As a Nameless Commoner, however, this doesn't come 
as much in use unless her peers willingly look up to her, although her dependability is still second-to-none.



Born, bred, and raised as a warrior, Shujaa has little experience in situations outside of a military lifestyle. Due to 
this, she excels in methods of confrontation that require aggressiveness, strength, and a dominating personality but lacks 
in tact and skill when it comes to more delicate or emotional matters. She often reacts to situations too much like
a tactician over a strategy table rather than a helpful friend or family member. She gives pragmatic, tactical advice, and that
 is all. If you'd like a trained soldier, however, Shujaa couldn't be more perfect for your needs

 Martyr  To Shujaa, there is no more honourable a death than being killed in the line of battle, or protecting loved ones, her tribe, or 
her beliefs. Because of this, she often willingly throws herself into danger with little care to her own being when
the situation demands it. More than that, she wishes to atone for all the wrong she's done in her life, and dying a martyr's
death would be the perfect way to redeem herself in her Sky-Kin's eyes; this, however, does not mean she willingly goes
looking for death, though her daringness doesn't do her any favours.

 Guilt-Ridden/Atoner  Shujaa carries a constant, overbearing feeling of guilt and sorrow for everything she's done and the price she paid for it. 
Having committed many atrocities upon the gangs and bands she once terrorised and struck with religious fear for her 
Sky-Kin's disapproval, she internally demeans herself and sees little worth in her existence unless she atones for all she
did wrong. This has left her unable to take any sort of praise, reward, or any form of otherwise happy situations without
feeling inherently undeserving, as she has not yet redeemed herself in her eyes.

Pre-group History

[NOTE: I may trim this down. Not sure if the specifics of her birthplace are relevant beyond why she doesn't like Azubike.]

Shujaa was born beyond the reach of Wethu to the leader of a large nomadic group.

Five years before her conception, the nomads were struggling; the location they resided in was as barren as could be,
 harbouring little prey and even less water. Needless to say, the wasteland was a difficult place to thrive in, but the nomads
 were stubborn; they had survived upon those grounds for generations upon generations and were convinced that they would
 continue to do so. However, that year had been particularly rough, and it seemed that nomad after nomad was falling prey to
 death every time the leader turned his gaze.

Something had to be done.

So Shujaa's father, crafty as he was, devised a plan. He painstakingly gained the trust of two other nomadic groups in the 
area with gifts of his own prey and a lease of his tactical mind to give them an edge over their own rivals, then when he felt
 the leaders depended on him enough, he proposed something extraordinary: a merge.

Thus the trio of bands would come together under a council of three, certain that their gigantic pride could survive the scrub
 better than the others - more hunters in the field meant the likelihood of more prey, and a large army guaranteed that their
rivals could not compete nor complain when their own hunt was sabotaged.

But that was not enough for Shujaa's father.

They had improved dramatically, of course, but they could be thriving to an even better quality. So, he proposed a new idea
to his comrades, but the two council members, more placid and just souls, vehemently refused; but her father would refuse to
relent, no matter how many times he was turned away.

So he let his idea slip, a small rumour that quickly flourished among the coalition, and many lions, hungry and greedy as they
were, spent little time before loudly making their opinion known. It was a surprisingly short amount of time before the council
had a coup on their paws, and as they were snared then subsequently banished, charge of the Nomads was joyously placed at
Father's feet.

Thus, her father became the first Khan of the newly-dubbed Tsoliin Empire.

And it was then, four years later, that Kishujaa was born.

In the years since her father's succession, Tsoliin had evolved into what could only be described as a wasteland superpower,
 and their power was not utilised justly. Their massive army was not only applied for defense and war, but instead was put to a
 majority of use ransacking the neighbouring, smaller bands of nomads for their hard-earned food and goods. Once they had
 fought this regime, now they only submitted to it, paying their tax portions with little gall to help themselves. Anyone who
 refused the tax or broke Tsoliin's laws were punished; harshly. Torture and execution being the most common, next to life
 imprisonment in filthy, barely livable conditions.

This was the life Kishujaa was raised in, and it was the only life she knew. The art of battle became second instinct to her, 
trained from cubhood to be a strong, perfect heir worthy of her father's throne. With her Imperical heritage and masterful
tutoring, she quickly rose to the rank of General before her second year had passed, marrying her father's most trusted Second
 at his request.

Shujaa spend most of her time in the field with her troops, taking part in the mandatory taxing and punishing of the 
non-Tsoliini nomads with little remorse.

Then one day there was an uprising, big enough that most of the Imperial army was needed, and Kishujaa was on the front
 lines, commanding it.

Despite all her strategy and tactics, it was a crushing defeat, via the most shameful way a loss could be gained in Tsoliin's
 eyes - an ambush. The nomads had caught Shujaa, her father, and her guard on patrol, swiftly overpowering and killing all but
he. The general was left scarred, mutilated, and with a partially-crippled leg. The fact that she was not killed in battle only
exemplified her husband's shame, and now taking charge to decree that she was no longer worthy of Tsoliin's Khanship,
Kishujaa was banished into the desert to fend for herself.

Things were made worse when she realised that she was pregnant.

Shujaa, injured and with a now-stiff leg, found it hard enough to catch the speed-inclined prey that resided in the desert for 
her own meals, but when her cubs were born, it increased tenfold. She loved those cubs with all her heart, despite their 
father, but every day she returned empty-jawed to look in their hungry, withering little faces only proceeded to chip away at her
 heart. That had been how the nomads she terrorised felt, wasn't it? Then this was her retribution, her Sky-Kin
sought to punish her by forcing her to watch her cubs starve and die, just like the parents she stole from.

And so they did. The weakest starved, and the sorrow that filled her only made her more determined to keep the remaining
 two safe. So she took a risk, leading her cubs out from their den and into the desert, heading west where there was sure to 
be larger, slower prey that her brutish strength could take down. 

Her risk only took one more life, the middle-born cub succumbed to the sand - whether it was the heat or thirst, Shujaa didn't
 have a clue, all she knew at that moment that her oldest cub was her last chance.

The two eventually made it out of the desert and into Wethu. They found an area where African buffalo were plenty, and for a while, mother and son survived. Kishujaa grew closer to her only remaining child than she had ever been with another lion; he
was her heart, her stars, her reason for living.

But her Sky-Kin were determined to have him.

And they would.
For her son idolised his mother, and wished to be just like her. So one hunt, he trailed her in secret from their home to watch
 her hunt the buffalo. But he spooked a calf, which spooked the mother, then the entire herd. In the frenzy, he was trapped
 and wailed for his mother, but by the time Kishujaa reached the boy, he had already been taken from her.

Her Sky-Kin's punishment had been fulfilled. Or was it?

She now feared her Sky-Kin, for they may continue to take everything she may gain from her for all the atrocities she committed. The only way to garner their good graces was to atone for her actions, she came to decide.

In her short time in Wethu, Kishujaa had heard whispers of the tribes and so continued farther into her new domain in hopes
of seeking them out. For days she simply observed them, taking in their perceived workings and virtues. She supposed she'd
 fit best in Azubike, as they were so like her home, but her home was flawed, she'd come to realise, and the lioness held no
 eagerness to return to a life of brutality and survival; but what could she bring to Vimbue? Perhaps Azubike was the only
place that would welcome her.

The former general's doubt was vanquished, however, when she witnessed a soldier save the life of a Vimbuean youngster;
  that's what she could give Vimbue, that's how she could do good and redeem herself. Being a warrior was all she knew,
 and before that moment, she had never considered it could be used as a force to protect. 

She had found her way to redemption.

So, with this new resolution in-mind, Kishuja stripped her name, for its heroic meaning was not fit for a lioness who could  
not protect her own cubs, and headed for Vimbue, where she was certain may do some good for a change.

Shujaa approached a patrol when she arrived, making her desire to serve their king and tribe known. She was welcomed in
 as a Nameless, but the lioness had a fire in her belly - she would not let herself be such for long.

Shujaa would be a soldier soon enough.

Insert info about the Sky-Kin here.

Group History

Shujaa - Group History - Scarab Tracker-----

-----| Relationships |-----


Name [Mother; deceased], Name [Father]




Three Cubs [deceased]


Sexual Orienation:  Heterosexual
Romantic Orientation: Het
Type: WIP

Sexual  History: Non-virgin

Romantic Experience: Divorced

Turn Ons:
◆ ???

Turn Offs:
◇  ???

-----| Other |-----


                                                                                               Using her skills for good






                                                                                            ► Shujaa has a remarkably high pain threshold; meaning she has an extreme tolerance for excruciating amounts of pain.
                                                                                          ► She does not like the Azubike tribe as it reminds her too much of her birthplace, of which she wishes to distance herself from.
                                                                                          ► WIP

Design by Machati  

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Comments: 24

FrostedCow [2019-02-05 08:14:05 +0000 UTC]

Goodness gracious, where have you been hidin' your lions all this time?? ;o; I love her! I'm a huge fan of the soft tan, especially around her face!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JuxieGamerElite105 [2019-02-02 18:35:47 +0000 UTC]

Gosh i like it!
She looks great you should keep this style! Not TLK at all im trying to stray away but i seemed to of reach a midpoint!
Hope she has a good one in Vimbue

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Koilada In reply to JuxieGamerElite105 [2019-02-03 07:18:13 +0000 UTC]

Aha, thanks! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jaskuwka [2019-02-02 15:45:46 +0000 UTC]

How did you do that thing with the personality type? Making it transparent? It's a reall cool effect!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Koilada In reply to Jaskuwka [2019-02-03 07:17:41 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I selected the colour range (under Select on PS, and called Select Colour Gamut on Clip Studio, those are the two I use), set the fuzziness to 3, then erased it! C:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jaskuwka In reply to Koilada [2019-02-03 14:54:44 +0000 UTC]

Wow so that's how it's done dfghjkl thanks

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ovacalix [2019-02-02 02:25:31 +0000 UTC]

!!! I love her!  Can’t wait to see her in action 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Koilada In reply to Ovacalix [2019-02-03 07:17:57 +0000 UTC]

Aaaaa, thank you! ;u; <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kalypso-Santorini [2019-01-30 20:54:28 +0000 UTC]

OMG!!!! Look at her 😫😫😫 shes beautiful and I love her already!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Koilada In reply to Kalypso-Santorini [2019-02-03 07:19:01 +0000 UTC]

Thank yoooou~ <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NaamBread [2019-01-26 15:17:52 +0000 UTC]

oh man she looks awesome! can't wait to meet her!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Koilada In reply to NaamBread [2019-02-03 07:19:36 +0000 UTC]

Asfsdgdgds, thanks! I hope she gets to meet your bab sometime, too~ <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jaskuwka [2019-01-26 13:29:50 +0000 UTC]

I love her

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Siphiri [2019-01-26 03:12:20 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Koilada In reply to Siphiri [2019-01-26 10:23:18 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Machati [2019-01-26 02:17:37 +0000 UTC]

Wow, what glorious paws ♡♡♡

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Koilada In reply to Machati [2019-01-26 10:24:51 +0000 UTC]

Haha, I was expecting to have so much trouble with the paws, but I realised that they're pretty much just how I do wolf paws but flatter, so they came out better than I expected them to XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Machati In reply to Koilada [2019-01-26 11:02:08 +0000 UTC]

Interesting, they came out damn well with the simplest of conclusions ♡ 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Koilada In reply to Machati [2019-01-26 11:37:31 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, it's funny how that works sometimes <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FlamangoFeathers In reply to Machati [2019-01-26 02:43:44 +0000 UTC]

Aaahhh she’s gorgeous! I don’t know what you’re talking about, your lions look amazing!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Koilada In reply to FlamangoFeathers [2019-01-26 10:25:03 +0000 UTC]

Aaa, thank you <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Constellairis [2019-01-26 01:55:16 +0000 UTC]

Aww! Look at this heckin' cutie! I love the smoothness of the colours and lines. It gives them a very nice flow-y look!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Koilada In reply to Constellairis [2019-01-26 10:25:18 +0000 UTC]

Thanks Tuffy! ;u; <333

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Constellairis In reply to Koilada [2019-01-26 16:45:34 +0000 UTC]

It’s no problem at all! ❤️❤️

👍: 0 ⏩: 0