KoriAnelise — DNA App: Gemini

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Published: 2021-06-22 04:10:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 17121; Favourites: 76; Downloads: 7
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*Most of Bio Not Up to Date

                   “And men said that the blood of the stars flowed in her veins."-C.S Lewis, The Silver Chair

                                                                                        B A S I C S

  • Name: Elianna Renee Gates

  • Nicknames: Ella, El, Ellie, Gem/Gemi (used by Kon), ma chérie (used by her Father).

  • Alias: Gemini

  • D.O.B.: June 10th

  • Gender: Female

  • Eyes: Light Yellow

  • Hair: Brown, Thick, Wavy, Goes til lower back 

  • Height: 5'4

  • Weight: 120 lbs

  • Species: Astrology Magi

  • Citizenship: American and French (Born in France, currently resides in America)

  • Ethnicity: American/French

  • Sexual Orientation: Straight

                                                                                       B A C K G R O U N D


  • Jayda Gates: Mother-Alive

  • Cameron Gates: Father-Alive-Member of the JLD and eventually the JL

  • Cadi Gates: Younger Sister-Alive

  • Darla Tae-Gates: Grandmother-Deceased

  • Cressida C. Chesmore: Not technically related, but Ella's sees Cress as her older sister and considers the girl family.

  • Damian Thorne: Not technically related, but Ella met Damian through Cress and they have grown close ever since. Ella considers him part of her family, and her, Cress, and Damian make an awesome little trio.

  • Alistair Lynch: Not technically related, but Ella sees Alistair as a Father figure, seeing as though her biological Father lacks in his role at being a Dad. Upon meeting Ella, Alistair could see right away that her relationship with her father was strained at best. Angered by the fact that none of the other JLD members seemed to notice, he takes Ella under his wing and treats her like his own. Ella calls both Alistair and Cameron 'Dad', though Alistair feels like Cameron most certainly does not deserve the title. 

Hometown: Rennes, France (Currently living in Jump City) 


Ella was born in a small community called Astraea, located in Rennes, France. Astraea is a very closed-off and small community, population settling just about under 100. Most people when they hear of Astraea don't even believe it to exist--to them, it's more like an urban myth/legend. The people of Astraea keep to themselves, only leaving when necessary, and going in disguise when they do. 

Being one of the lucky souls to be born in Astraea, Ella's childhood was very much so different than most kids. Instead of spending her days sitting in front of the TV, or going to the park with her family, Ella was learning the basics of her magic. Each member of her small village was granted the powers of a constellation that best suits them. Ella was bestowed with the rarest/hardest to get signs: the Gemini. People who get the powers of the Gemini are few and far between; for example, Ella's Grandmother, Darla, is the next Gemini before her, putting a good 50+ years between them. 

Because there was only one other person like her there, Ella's magic took her a lot longer to learn than any other child in her age group. But, that didn't really bug the girl--seeing as though she had the abilities of the most powerful sign, and they didn't. Training with her Grandmother would sometimes prove difficult; Darla was in no shape to spar, so having El test out her abilities was a bit tricky. Cameron, Ella's father (and Aries) was the brunette's sparring buddy most of the time, and occasionally her mother (a Libra). 

For most of her childhood, until she was about eight, Ella's father had always been there for her, especially when it came to her powers. He was always the most patient out of any of her family, including her Grandmother, and he always listened to her frustrations about feeling like an outsider; different from everyone else. But, once her Sister, Cadi, started showing the first signs of her own magic, it was like her Father had moved on. He started spending all his time with the Gemini's little sister. At first, it wasn't that bad; it wasn't like he dropped everything and ran right away. But, over time he would train with her less and less until her Mother was her only sparring partner left, all in favor of helping Cadi. 

She wasn't stupid, she knew that someone as young as Cadi would require more attention than her, especially when the young girl didn't exact;y have a grapple on her powers yet, but it wasn't like ger Mother completely forgot about her as Cameron had. Because of this, Ella had started to resent her little sister, and the longer she got more attention from her father the more Ella's resentment grew. Deep down she knew it wasn't fair--it's not like Cadi could have predicted this would happen when she was a mere 4-year old and experiencing her first flash of magic, but Ella couldn't bring her self to care. The sting of neglect hurt too much. 

Jayda, Ella's mother, had seemed to notice the sharp downturn of her daughter's mood and started to try and spend more time with her eldest than before. Being a Libra, Jayda had the abilities of a healer so the brunette thought that teaching her daughter about some of the medical abilities she had would be a good bonding experience; and it was. Ella immediately took an interest in the medical field, and not just the magic that her mother had. Many days would lead to Jayda coming home and seeing Ella practicing things like stitching, bandaging, and wound cleaning with her supplies and test dummies. It always brought this warmth to her heart, and often times she would put all her stuff down to help and correct Ella when needed as she practiced. 

For a while, nothing changed. But, when Ella turned eleven, her Grandmother passed away. Ella, having a great connection with the woman, was hit hard when the news came. But, it didn't destroy her as much would one assume. You see, Darla was the only other Gemini alive in Astraea, and once she passed away, that mantle fell onto Ella. It felt like destiny had slapped her in the face; to make her Grandmother proud and be the best magician she can. To make the legacy of the Gemini's proud of her. 

Ella began to train even harder, many times overworking herself to the point of collapsing (a bad habit she still has to this day). But, she didn't just train with her powers. Ella had also started to acquire skills ranging from gymnastics, medical knowledge, and combat. She had an easier time getting the other signs to show her their skills; she was the sole living Gemini after all. 

Life was good for a while, Ella had finally felt like she had found her place. 

It didn't stay like that for long. 

Her parents wanted to move to America. Apparently, there was this team; the Justice League, that her Father wanted to join. He had been talking about leaving Astraea for a while at that point, saying something about using their powers to their full ability; to use them for good instead of staying here, isolated and away from the rest of the world. It's just that Ella never thought they would actually follow through with that--I mean this was home, how could they just pack up and leave?

But, she was twelve, she had no say in what happened.

Moving to America was...stressful. Things like moving there legally, getting citizenship there, and all these other things that made Ella's head spin were said between her parents a lot. They weren't even allowed to enter America until Ella was practically thirteen. After the year-long wait, the Gates were anxious to get settled in. 

They ended up moving to a small waterfront town called Happy Harbor. She wasn't sure what drew her parents there exactly, but she thinks it might have something to do with the size of the town. It seemed to be pretty small and tight-knit--just like Astraea. 

Her father had ended up taking on the role of Aries; protector of Happy Harbor and member of the Justice League Dark. Ella couldn't even tell you how that happened, she tried not to focus on her father that much anymore. So, when he came home one day, approaching her and her mother about something called the 'Teen Titans' Ella was shocked, to say the least. Though, she supposes the only reason Cadi wasn't chosen to join was that she wasn't exactly a teen yet. 

If Ella had been given the choice of whether or not she wanted to join, she would have said no. She didn't want to be a part of some stuck up superhero team; she just wanted to focus on her magic. But, it wasn't like her father ever really cared about what she wanted. 

So, within the next week, Ella and her family were making the long drive down to the tower. This team was supposedly there to help her grown into her own person; give her an identity, a new family. Which was scary, because her family was sitting right here in the car with her. 

The initial meeting with the team was awkward, there was this tense feeling in the air that Ella wasn't able to shake off. It seemed like the whole team, Kory and Dick especially, were all sending disapproving glares at her father when he wasn't looking; and their gaze softened every time they looked at her. She couldn't figure out why until later that night; she wasn't just joining the team, she was moving there. She still had her room at home, but her full time one was now in the tower. 

It took a while, but by the time Ella was around 14.5 she had finally found her place among the Titans. She still talked to her mom--and even Cadi now too on occasion, but never in a million years would Ella move back into her old Happy Harbor room. The Titans help her find a true family, one that didn't have a neglected father, and little sister that you could never be as good as. 

She had made her debut as Gemini with the team, and in doing so, finally felt like she lived up to the expectations she put for herself; be the best Gemini she can be. 

Magic Lore: 

Ella's magic is centuries old, and from many lectures from her Grandmother and Father about it, Ella has learned that the magic she beholds is from the stars and constellations in space. No one truly knows the origin of the Zodiac based powers, seeing as though the magic is subject to evolution and upgrades. While the actual abilities never technically change, their delivery does. Hundreds of years ago, the astrological magic was very reliant on verbal chants and magic circles. But, in present-day, Ella is able to use all of her abilities without having to chant any phrases or use them through a magic circle. 

Ella wields the magic of the most powerful sign-the Gemini. Those who are born in the window of the Gemini are few and far between in the linage of inheritance. Those who are given the abilities are said to have been chosen by the stars and constellations above-meticulously chosen based on sheer potential and strength to withstand the powers. The powers of the Gemini are the hardest to control, seeing as they are the only sign to have abilities reflectant of their own emotions. Gemini's are the most subject to power outbursts and losing control.

Being the last living Gemini, once her Grandmother died, Ella was forced to train herself on how to properly use her abilities. But, Ella had to find out the hard way just how hard it was to control the magic of the Gemini. 

                                                                                        A B O U T

Location: Titans Tower, Jump City and The House of Mystery (Occasionally London, England with Alistair)  

Occupation: Astrology Expert and Resident Magician

Alignment: Neutral Good

Powers and Abilities:

  • Energy Manipulation: Gemini's are almost always very hyperactive and moving. Because of this, Ella is able to extract and insert energy from any source (a living being, or electricity). Ella can mend and move the energy around however she wants and she can use it in a few ways. Ella can use it to attack (it's pretty raw energy, leaving her opponent to receive volts of electricity) she can use it to boost herself or other's energy (as well as drain energy), she can use it to deflect. This means the energy can as some sort of shield for her, and lastly, she can use it to build small structures and objects (though this is a skill she is still trying to get the hang of).

  •      Minor Super Strength: This ability ties into her energy manipulation. Ella can use the energy in her, and around her, to add some extra force to her attacks. Though she can't do this all the time, seeing as though it requires her to extract energy from a source, which is usually herself.

  • Energy Tracking: If you are a person that Ella is close to and or has drawn energy from, then she can track you quite easily. The energy a person holds in them is sort of like a fingerprint to Ella; unique to everyone. So, Ella is able to use her powers to locate where she can sense a person's energy. She can't see the person or what they are doing but she can give a location. 

  • Duplication: Gemini’s are usually twins, so Ella can make copies of herself to attack/confuse the enemy. She does have a limit on how many she can make though. It usually lands between 10-15 depending on the day and her strength. She is able to give her duplicates specific goals and commands.

  • Astral Projection: Ella has the ability to disconnect her consciousness from her physical body. While she is separated from her body she can’t use any of her other powers (with the exception of flight) against the enemy. Ella mostly uses this ability on stealth missions to get close to spy on the targets.

  • Flight: Ella is able to fly through the air much like a few of her other teammates. This ability is pretty self-explanatory so I feel like I can just leave it here 

  •      Minor Super Speed: This can only be used while she's flying. This is one of her natural abilities, something she doesn't need energy to be able to do. She is nowhere near as fast as superman or flash, but this ability does give her a nice boost or head start on her opponent.

Limitations and Weaknesses: 

  • Loss of Concentration: The less concentration Ella has when she uses her powers, the less control she has. This factor really fuels her fear of losing control and hurting innocent people around her. She has yet to experience what it is like to lose control of her powers due to a lot of serious training, but the fear still lives in the back of her mind.

  • Overpowering Negative Emotions: When Ella is struck with emotion that she cannot handle or take control of, it's almost like her powers are dialed up to 11. The power most affected by this is her energy manipulation, oftentimes she will accidentally send out waves of energy, washing over everything around her (which is something she can't do when her powers are in check). This doesn't happen very often, things as crying and mini-breakdowns won't be enough to trigger this power. More so unbearable grief and loss. 

  • Doubting Herself During Missions: This is definitely the weakness that Ella faces the most. Even though she would rather be in charge of a mission so she can make sure she keeps everyone safe, that means that everyone's life is in her hands. And this leads to her doubting if she can do it and her working herself up. She is extremely good at hiding it though, putting on her game face during missions. The one person that can really break that facade is Robin.

  • Inability to use her arms: Ella's energy manipulation deeply relies on her use of her hands. This is how they pack the big punch they do. While it is possible for El to use her powers while her hands are tied, they are exceptionally weak and won't do much of anything to the bad guys.

  • Inexperience: Ella hasn't been in the hero game for a long time prior to joining the team. Ella doesn't so much as make many rookie mistakes, but some of the situations she's put in are ones she isn't mentally or physically prepared for. This really kicks in when innocent people are badly hurt. Ella often freezes up and is unable to do anything.

  • Isolation: Essentially, Ella's powers thrive from the energy that comes off the people around her. While her body can store a certain amount of energy, Ella does have her limit. Being away from any other life form for an extended period of time can serve to have a very negative effect on Ella. She'll become very weak, and slowly lose the ability to use her powers until she comes in contact with an energy source again.

  • Overloading Amount of Energy: While Ella's abilities thrive off of energy, she can only take in so much at a time. It's not so much that being around people for too long will overload her, Ella's body knows when to stop extracting energy from other's, it's if the energy is forced into her body ex. someone electrocuting her. If Ella takes in too much of this electricity she could explode in a burst of energy (she technically wouldn't explode, but she would be forced to expel the extra energy from her body, most of the time in an explosion looking burst-think Jon Kent's solar flares) 

  • The Astral Plane: When Ella enters the Astral Plane she essentially is leaving her body behind. Her body is limp and lifeless and completely defenseless. Ella has to rely on her teammates to make sure her body stays safe, seeing as though if she can't return to her body she'll be stuck in the Astral Plane forever. 

Personality: Ella is a very talkative and extroverted person. She's not afraid to jump into a conversation or start one. To people who don't know her, Ella might come off as bossy and authoritative. She is definitely someone who needs things to be done a certain way, and that can sometimes cloud her judgment. But, she's like this because she cares about everyone around her. Being in control puts her to ease almost as if she only trusts herself with big tasks. Because of this, she has been dubbed the 'mom friend' by almost everyone she knows. Ella is the one to give an intense stare that scares you out of saying no. She is also one to fuss over injured people. Along with space, Ella has a fascination with the medical field. So, she is usually the one to take care of injured team members until they reach the cave.


  • Huskies: She has one at her house named Dumpling.

  • Meditation: It helps her to get control of her emotions. Her Grandmother taught her this trick.

  • Tangled (the movie): This is the one movie she would play over and over again when she was little. She’s always loved Rapunzel and it helped that Flynn Ryder is pretty handsome~

  • Volleyball: She used to play on her old school team before the Titans. Sometimes, Damian will use the game as a 'training exercise' to cheer Ella up.

  • People doing her hair: She thinks it feels nice and she loves to have her hair in different styles.

  • The Outdoors: When Ella was younger she would always go on hikes with her Dad and Sister and because of this, nature has a special little place in her heart.

  • Space: Ella could ramble on about space for days. She is obsessed with all things astronomy! Once she gets going about space, she never stops.

  • Medical Shows: Since she is too young to actually be a doctor or nurse, Ella copes by watching doctor show, after doctor show. They're partly the reason why she never sleeps at night.


  • Mornings: She’s a night person~ Most of the time she is up stargazing and meditating.

  • Running: She’s a good sprinter, but when it comes to long-distance running you can count Ella out.

  • Staying Still: Ella has always been someone who is constantly moving. Whether it’s wandering her house for no good reason or bouncing her legs up and down in class.

  • Not Talking: Ella is the type of person who rambles about anything and everything on her mind without even really noticing she’s been talking for forever.

  • Being Alone: Ella is very extroverted and she feels drained and tired when she’s alone and isolated from people. She would much rather spend her time coming up with new inside jokes with her friends.

  • Combat Fighting: While Ella can most definitely hold her own in a fight, she isn’t very fond of hand to hand combat. She would much rather use her powers to take the enemy out, but she understands why it’s important to train without her powers.


  • Studying Astronomy/Space: Ella will frequently find herself wanting to learn just about anything and everything about space. She isn’t exactly sure why but something about it is just so intriguing to her. She has studied all the constellations and she knows just about everything you can possibly know about Zodiac signs. On the off chance that Ella wants to study something other than astronomy, she has peeked at some facts and myths about the planets and NASA. The only other person that Ella can truly talk about space to is her Grandmother Darla. They share the same fascination and spend most of their time together talking about the endless abyss above them.

  • Dancing: If Ella isn’t cramming a ton of facts about the stars into her brain, then she is most likely busting some moves to some of her favorite songs~ El has been dancing for as long as she can remember and she doesn’t see anything changing anytime soon. She sees dancing as an amazing stress reliever, and she really truly feels like herself when she’s dancing. Some of the styles that she has taken part in consist of- Hip Hop, Jazz, and Lyrical.

  • Calligraphy: Ella has always had stellar handwriting, always legible and never chicken scratch looking. Using this to her advantage, Ella got into calligraphy around 7th grade. At first, it started out as something she would just do in her free time, but once high school rolled around she jumped into calligraphy class over a normal art class. -she is so the girl who had the pretty, very extra and extravagant looking notes.

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Status: Taken

Love Interest: 

  • Superboy (Kon-El/Conner Kent): Kon and Ella had first met during 'Reign of the Supermen'. Ella was in Metropolis trying to figure out what really happened to Clark, and where all these new Supermen were coming from. Clark was her Father's best friend, and Ella found out through her sister that the man was not dealing well. Homelife was....less than pleasant. After fighting off the Eradicator with Superboy, they stick pretty close together throughout the rest of the events-whether it was by coincidence or not. Ella had taken one glance at the clone and immediately recognized that was pretty good looking for a kid 'his age'. It was hard to tell if the feeling was mutual; the boy of steel was a helpless flirt-but Ella got her answer after defeating all the Darkseid minions via a kiss. Ella kept her relationship with Kon a secret until he decided to join the Titans-although she was pretty sure Damian had found them out the second Ella returned from Metropolis.

  • Robin (Damian Wayne): Throughout the two Titan's movies these two played a very 'will they won't they' type of relationship. While they're personalities sometimes collided, Ella and Damian seemed to get along just fine. For a little while, Ella had thought that the Boy Wonder was quite cute, and Damian had felt the same way. But, their relationship had never really grown from a small childish crush. Once Damian found out about Ella and Kon, Damian shoved his feelings for the magician down until they eventually weren't there anymore-replaced by feeling for a certain empath.


Best Friends: 

  • Damian Wayne: Putting aside the little romance thing they had, Ella and Damian are an unexpected duo. They have very contrasting personalities, but the team believes that is why they get along so well; they balance each other out. Ella is always there to try and cheer Damian up (even if it doesn't work most of the time) and Damian is there to be Ella's rock; someone she can always rely on to be honest with her, painfully so sometimes, and there to lift her confidence in herself. While they do get into disagreements, it's not as often as one would originally think. Ella is used to Damian's blunt and broody nature, so she knows to not take some of the more insulting things he says to heart. And Damian can see right through Ella's little bright and cheery facade; to the hurt and damaged girl abandoned by her family and dumped into this new one. 

  • Donna Troy: These two became fast friends. As much as Ella loves Raven, she missed having someone she could gossip, shop and just do girly things with. Of course, there was always Kory, but it just wasn't the same as doing it with someone her own age. So, when Donna joined the Titans the two girls bonded almost immediately. Ella would say that overall, Donna is her #1 best friend. Yes, she close with Damian, but with him being so closed off, it was easier to get closer with Donna. Donna, El, and Conner often hang out together, and Donna claims to be 'the best third wheel you could ask for.'

  • Aiden Swift: Aiden, after getting to know the girl a bit, quickly became El's ride-or-die best friend. While she loves Donna and Damian with all her heart, El and Aiden's personalities just seemed to click exceptionally well. For a while, El was more-or-less just a person for Aiden to rant to, the magican not yet being so confident in the fluency of her English. But, the more they started to hang out, the more comfortable El grew around the blonde. While they're relationship started out a bit rocky, Aiden being one of the first criminals Ella ever fights, once Aiden left the life of crime behind, they became fast friends. 


  • Leiko Ara: These two met at a party held for those who succeded in completing the task of taking down Gentleman ghost (DNA Chapter 1&2). At the party the two got along pretty well; their personalities are quite similar and they were both scarily bored by all the serious boring grown-ups around them. But, something Ella didn't know about Lei at the time was that she's not exactly a hero, more of a freelancer doing things only for her personal gain. When she first found this out her and Lei battled it out, but over time Ella has learned that the freelancer usually has something to offer in turn of getting whatever artifact she wants. If the information Lei is offering is something Ella really wants/needs most of the time she'll take Kitsune up on her offer, letting her walk away with whatever it was she wanted. 


  • Raven 

  • Jaime Reyes

  • Damian Wayne

  • Terra (before she betrayed the team)

  • Rosemary Young (They had a bit of a complicated relationship-going from disliking one another-to tolerating each other-to acquaintances)

  • Open for connections!


  • Koriand'r

  • Dick Grayson

  • Aries (before the Titans)

  • Zatanna (post joining Titans-she was called in to help Ella with her powers, and ended up taking the girl under her wing as her protege)

  • Cyborg

  • Clark Kent

  • Open for connections!

                                                                                        T R I V I A

  • Quote: “And men said that the blood of the stars flowed in her veins."-C.S Lewis, The Silver Chair

  • Theme Song: Train- Drops of Jupiter

  • Food: Kjötsupa

  • Drink: Water with Strawberries and Lemons in it, and any kind of smoothie.

  • Color: Yellow

  • Animal: Husky and deer

  • Languages: Fluent in English and French

  • Voice Actress: Grey DeLisle (Ex. Thundercats, DC Showcase: Green Arrow, G.I Joe Resolute)

Template was made by: hlwar  
Cressida belongs to s3rendip1tous  
Damian and Alistair belong to Raven-In-The-Storm  
Rosemary belongs to Triskata  
Lei belongs to Oath-of-Oaks  
Aiden belongs to The-Hayda  
Ella belongs to me
DC Universe and its characters are not mine 

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Comments: 9

bananamarioslamma234 [2021-09-30 15:42:09 +0000 UTC]

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JennyMarionette [2021-06-22 19:41:41 +0000 UTC]

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KoriAnelise In reply to JennyMarionette [2021-06-22 19:56:55 +0000 UTC]

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AustinsART03 [2021-06-22 05:13:43 +0000 UTC]

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Crystal119 [2021-06-22 04:16:29 +0000 UTC]

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Batdeku76 [2021-06-22 04:13:01 +0000 UTC]

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Batdeku76 In reply to KoriAnelise [2021-06-22 04:16:48 +0000 UTC]

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