LADAlbarran2001 — Lurdusaurus

#africa #african #dinosaur #dinosaurs #draw #drawing #niger #paleoart #prehistoric #elrhaz #lurdusaurus #ouranosaurusnigeriensis #elrhazosaurus #lurdusaurusarenatus #elrhazformation #ouranosaurus
Published: 2020-05-09 02:06:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 4450; Favourites: 180; Downloads: 9
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Description A lone Lurdusaurus passes near a herd of Ouranosaurus that have finished drinking water in a nearby river, ready to continue their migration, but this giant is accompanied by a pair of Elrhazosaurus that prowl near the colossus. This scene is set in the Elrhaz Formation, located in present-day Niger Africa, 112 million years ago.
Lurdusaurus was a very rare iguanodontid, because despite its few remains it is known that it had a longer neck than the rest of its close relatives as well as short legs added to a somewhat bulky body, and because it is known that during this period the Ecosystem was a swampy place it is suggested that this animal may have had a lifestyle similar to a hippopotamus. While Ouranosaurus is a member of Hadrosauroidea, but for many years it was classified within the same group of iguanodonts, the most characteristic feature of this animal is its peculiar dorsal candle, quiet: this is the shape of its sail since it was known he found: lh3.googleusercontent.com/prox…

Un solitario Lurdusaurus pasa cerca de una manada de Ouranosaurus que termiaron de beber agua en un río cercano, dispuestos a continuar su migración, pero este gigante es acompañado por un par de Elrhazosaurus que merodean cerca del coloso. Esta escena se ambienta en la Formación Elrhaz, ubicada en la actual Niger África, hace 112 millones de años.
Lurdusaurus fue un iguanodontido muy raro, pues pese a sus escasos restos se sabe que poseía un cuello mas largo que el resto de sus parientes cercanos así como patas cortas añadido a un cuerpo algo voluminoso, y debido a que se sabe que durante este periodo el ecositema era un lugar pantanoso se sugiere que este animal pudo haber tenido un estilo de vida similar a un hipopótamo. Mientras que Ouranosaurus es un miembro de  Hadrosauroidea , pero por muchos años se le clasificó dentro del mismo grupo de los iguanodontes, lo mas caracteristico de este animal es su peculiar vela dorsal, tranquilos: de este se conoce la forma de su vela desde que se encontró.
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Comments: 12

DinoDilopho [2020-05-13 17:27:04 +0000 UTC]

Great work making a little know dinosaur look so majestic and powerful!

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grisador [2020-05-09 22:39:47 +0000 UTC]

This animal also thought to be semi-aquatic too; unironically, meaning it definetly spent its time on the same territories with Spinosaurus, I wonder an adult Spinosaurus could considered to attack one, as we know some spinosaurids are certainly brave enough to go after medium sized prey; like the case of Siamosaurus with Sauropods

*Or a Suchomimus; But Aegypticus might've seen the Last remnants of this species 

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LADAlbarran2001 In reply to grisador [2020-05-10 18:31:23 +0000 UTC]

Due to its size, it is likely that Spinosaurus has hunted this animal on certain occasions, although I think that fish were more their specialty, but if it is curious how animals of this period (both a predator and a herbivore) have developed underwater adaptations. Although as you say, it is possible that Spinosaurus has only seen the last Lurdusaurus

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grisador In reply to LADAlbarran2001 [2020-05-14 18:49:05 +0000 UTC]

To be really honest I did not expect Spinpsauridae 'Inner Group'' Spinosaurinae (Spinosaurus closest relatives) to show direct and validated evidence for Generalist Carnivore behaviore; yet we have at least two Spinosaurinae, İrritator and Siamosaurus that have shown clear-cut evidence for this particular situation. 
▪In the case of Siamosaurus, appearently; there are several instances of isolated tooth crowns from Siamosaurus have been found; in direct association with sauropod remains, indicating possible predation and/or scavenging, from the Sao Khua Formation of Thailand. 
Source's: www.sciencedirect.com/science/…
▪In the case of Irritator; apart from the Famous irritator teeth on large pterosaur case; www.nature.com/articles/430033…
there is a recent study established The Spinosaurinae being the Apex Predators of their ecosystems; directly based on this unique spinosaurid !
The researchers established that the diet of spinosaurines in these types of environments include large pterosaurs, terrestrial and aquatic crocodyliforms, and (Terrifyingly!) juveniles of their own species(!), turtles, and small to medium-sized dinosaurs. This would have made spinosaurines apex predators within their ecosystems
*I particularly found this study as a massive stepping stone for Spinodauridae & Spinosaurinae
To be short (sorry about the extensive cases ) Spinosaurus Aegptiacus definetly showed a behaviore far much more equavilent to Crocodilians with elongated snouts /such as Orinoco Crocodile and False Malaysia Gharial/ and Bears; rather than extremely specialized animals. 

So; in a speculative scenerio; where a Hungry 15.5 - 16.5m Spinosaurus encountered a lone, isolated Ludusaurus on a Mangrove/Marshland Swamp - or directly at river, the result wouldn't be pleasing for the Iguanadontid
Maybe the First Spinosaurus directly compete and consume the Last Remaining and Stagnating Ludusaurus'es that occupied the niche before them; sounds dramatic  

*In addition; Both Mawsonia and Onchopristis were massive multiton animals; if a theropod could hunt them; it would be extremely illogical/paradoxical to assume it couldn't hunt other prey with similiar size

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malevouvenator [2020-05-09 15:53:36 +0000 UTC]

Me encanta este dinosaurio! Hace años hice un igaunodontido evolucionado parecido a este que adopto la vida anfibia.

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LADAlbarran2001 In reply to malevouvenator [2020-05-10 18:28:44 +0000 UTC]

Nostradamus (? c:

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malevouvenator In reply to LADAlbarran2001 [2020-05-10 20:09:47 +0000 UTC]

Lo puedes ver en mi galeria xD

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kaijusaurusG2k [2020-05-09 12:06:41 +0000 UTC]

Tiamat lol

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asari13 [2020-05-09 11:12:10 +0000 UTC]

nice art

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LADAlbarran2001 In reply to asari13 [2020-05-09 15:43:32 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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kevinobill [2020-05-09 02:15:57 +0000 UTC]

A new Iguanodonts?

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LADAlbarran2001 In reply to kevinobill [2020-05-09 15:43:23 +0000 UTC]

It's been a while since it was discovered

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