2/3 for BeachBumDunkin
Link to import sheet: Anana Anamerk 404 Nicknames used (literature only):
Link to (hunting/fishing/exploring) journal: Anana Anamerk 404 | Tracker
Faction: PB
Relevant Items/Companions/Traits: Elemental Sight
Link to tribe benefits (if part of a tribe and utilizing tribe benefits): Tribe Points Catalog
Defects/Health Issues: none
Item Being Applied if any: none
Link to import sheet: Hokuikekai 1928
Nicknames used (literature only):
Link to (hunting/fishing/exploring) journal: Sequoia 1928 | Tracker
Faction: PB
Relevant Items/Companions/Traits:
Link to tribe benefits (if part of a tribe and utilizing tribe benefits): Tribe Points Catalog
Defects/Health Issues: none
Item Being Applied if any: none