LoreC10 — Italy Divided (v2.0)

Published: 2016-05-05 20:33:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 5994; Favourites: 48; Downloads: 29
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Description An attempt of remake of a previous deviation, alternate history background:

May 1951 (point of divergence): A new fastly grown Democrazia Cristiana’s big shot (let’s call him Rossi with a fictional name) is elected as prime minister, his secret plans are very clear in his mind since the beginning.

A few months later, June 1951, Rossi has secret meeting with stalin. He proposes to USSR leader a very persuasive plan to split Italy into north and south, dividing Rome into two on the tiber river. The first would become the republic of northern Italy, a democratic parliamentary federal republic, on the german model, with capital city, Milan, and federal units the regions, the latter would become the Democratic Republic of Southern Italy, DRSI, led, very important detail, by Rossi. In return for this political change and "for the division of Italian people" (official reason), Rossi asks back the Adriatic lands taken from Yugoslavia after the war, to be part of DRSI: Stalin accepts.

End of June 1951: the terms of the agreements are communicated to other Warsaw pact, everyone see it as a great thing, excluse for Tito, Yugoslavia refuses to give up freshly conquered lands, higher tensions grow between Yugoslavia and USSR

September-October 1951: however southern Italy is strategically too important for the global cold war which is taking shape, and USSR increases pressure on Yugoslavia to convince Tito to give back what Rossi demanded. As of agreement for the end of the year the splitting of Italy will be effective, USSR would like the Adriatic problem to be over for that date

November 1951: an agreement is reached between USSR, Rossi, and Tito, Yugoslavia will give up only Yugoslavian Julian March, the DRSI will grant the Slavic minority protection, consequentially, Yugoslavia will annex Bulgaria as its 7th republic, Bulgaria is forced to accept. Finally on November 21st 1951 the treaty of Belgrade is reached the territory changes will be effective on January 1st 1952, on the same date Italy will be split. With this treaty, Yugoslavia and future DRSI will collaborate in friendship for mutual defense.

January 1952: NATO countries are astonished even because the treaty was top secret until December 31st 1951, many of them don't recognize the new state 
USA and UK tighten the alliance with Northern Italy 

April 1952: France, who fears growing power and decreasing geographical distance of communist block (Sardinia is right under Corsica and not too far away from french Mediterranean continental coasts), believing that northern Italy was diplomatically isolated, invades it with little efforts, USA and NATO are shocked and declare war on France to defend NI, Rossi was totally aware of these possible reactions, thus he reassures USSR and Yugoslavia not to intervene at all in this war.

End of May 1952 - July 1953: France, advances in Italy, annexing Aosta Valley, part of Piedmont and part of Liguria, establishing the "région" of "Cisalpine" (capital: Turin), and creating the puppet state of republic of Genua. Nevertheless France, in a second part of the war is invaded from all sides: from the Atlantic by USA, from the English Channel by UK, from Rhineland by FRG and, finally even northern Italy recovers territories, with the help of NATO troops, which also attack Corsica and, then, Provence from Mediterranean. Paris falls in July 1953 and France surrenders.

September 27th 1953: (another) treaty of Paris, France has to give some alpine territories to Italy, a referendum in Alsace and in the french Department of Moselle must be held, the referendum question the people on two points, the first concerns the creation of a unified "Région" Alsace-Moselle/Elsaß-Lothringen with German as co-official language on the model of Alto Adige, the second concerns the annexation of this region to Germany, if the first question has a positive outcome, the second is rejected. Corsica is constituted as a separate state on dependence of USA, with the same status of modern day Puerto Rico, to fight communism better. France has to pay just a little amount of money to NATO states but can keep all its army with no limits.

September 27th 1954 symbolically one year later, treaty of Frankfurt on Main is signed, three years later than in our timeline, the ECSC is born, since then the process of european integration is almost the same of our timeline.

1952-1954: meanwhile southern Italy knows a very strict dictatorship which declares a ruthless war to Mafia and all the other organized crimes using methods, such as the death penalty for the guilts, that leads to high social tensions.

1954-1989 (in NI): the history of Cold War is, apart for this important deviation, the same, a lot of threats but no action "thanks" to the nuclear weapons. In Northern Italy peace and "armory" are restored, the Marshall plan and the european action lead to the economical "boom" of sixties, the boom begins in the same years and with the same dynamics of our timeline, even if NI starts from a lower economical level, caused by the french war, massive aids arrive so that the economical gap with our timeline is filled.

1954-1989 (in DRSI): even if southern Italy has a good advantage on northern Italy in terms of time (peace instead of war), this "temporal bonus" is employed in fighting Mafia, this action takes all the period that runs from 1952 to the beginig of the seventies, this temporal blink of around a decade, from (around) 1960 to (around) 1970, makes that many people from southern Italy, especially ex-Mafia but not only, abandon DRSI, emigration is allowed to everywhere, the favorite destinations are the Americas and northern Italy, it follows a period of stagnation both in economical and demographic fields. Finally Mafia is defeated, many of them have emigrated, some of them are died, killed by the socialist regime, a little part, having lost all their power, leave the criminal life and become normal citizens. The way to the economical growth is now open, meanwhile the world is beginning to experience global warming and climate change, the DRSI specializes in renewable energies and its research reaches some aims that, in our timeline, are reached only in years 2000, preceding of 20-30 year modern science and contributing to save a big part of ice and global ecosystems exporting its technologies worldwide, in NATO countries too. Together with alimentary and war industries, green energy industries let DRSI having an economical boom in the second half of the seventies, population, decreased a lot, starts to increase again, while many families emigrated in past years go back to DRSI, that still employ a socialist system, but is starting to open itself to Capitalism. People who are coming back from Americas had a contact with liberal and democratic societies and, even though the government demands them, in exchange of permission of entry not to mention those new ideas, it is inevitable that those ideas spread in southern Italy.

1989 (in Italy): the communist block has fallen, the socialist regime is shaken by people's revolution, lacking of exterior support the regime falls in October 1989, a new democratic government is elected in a relatively rich southern Italy, the new name is Republic of Southern Italy, the new state dialogues with northern Italy and finally on April 25 1990, symbolic date coinciding with the date of the liberation in WW2, treaty of Rome is signed, Italy is reunited, like Germany in 1989, the new state will be a federal parliamentary republic, on german model; the regions of Lazio and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, as well as the city of Rome, are reunited, great celebrations are organized in Rome, the new capital city, for the signature of the reunion of Italy.

1991-1992: Italy takes Serbian side in balkan war and pushes to make a free, peaceful and democratic federal state in Yugoslavia, Albanian parts are given back to Albania in 2006 and Yugoslavia joins the EU in 2007 (Italy is already in, the reunification has the same effect of Germany as for eec)

1995: Corsica is set free by USA since there is no more point in having it after the fall of Communism and joins EU in 2004

Italy is now (alt. history) a well balanced state under economical and demographical point of view in the European Union, 2008 economical crisis hits it less then in our timeline (as much as today France)
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Comments: 24

KediKotyalovsky [2024-01-22 16:23:02 +0000 UTC]

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StrikeEagle-15 [2018-03-17 03:40:08 +0000 UTC]

How big is northern Italy

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LoreC10 In reply to StrikeEagle-15 [2018-03-17 14:30:11 +0000 UTC]

under which point of view? 

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Gouachevalier [2016-09-10 10:54:48 +0000 UTC]



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LoreC10 In reply to Gouachevalier [2016-09-10 17:46:14 +0000 UTC]

Ups, I might have forgotten that  

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Gouachevalier In reply to LoreC10 [2016-09-10 22:25:47 +0000 UTC]

How do you think they've lasted this long?

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LoreC10 In reply to Gouachevalier [2016-09-11 16:46:26 +0000 UTC]


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Arminius1871 [2016-05-07 22:43:38 +0000 UTC]

Great to read and nice map! Lore btw. are you from North or South Italy?
Where beats ur heart?^^

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LoreC10 In reply to Arminius1871 [2016-05-07 23:05:33 +0000 UTC]

In this Timeline? try to guess and write me your answer in private note

By the way, did you like the detail of the referendum in the Reichsland??? ^^

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Arminius1871 In reply to LoreC10 [2016-05-09 08:03:18 +0000 UTC]


I like it, but how was the outcome?

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LoreC10 In reply to Arminius1871 [2016-05-09 13:16:09 +0000 UTC]

I wrote it in the text!  

Anyway, the first question, making an autonomous region inside France, it's positive, the second question, that this region would pass to Germania, has negative outcome, so Alsace-Lothringen becomes an autonomous, mostly german speaking region inside France, like Alto Adige in Italy  

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Arminius1871 In reply to LoreC10 [2016-05-09 13:47:13 +0000 UTC]

Hm still better than our timeline. But not enough

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LoreC10 In reply to Arminius1871 [2016-05-09 14:24:01 +0000 UTC]

I see...the problem is that none wanted to rejoin Germany after world war 2, to keep german culture, by contrast, someone did

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Arminius1871 In reply to LoreC10 [2016-05-09 22:07:42 +0000 UTC]


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MapLover11 [2016-05-07 19:27:38 +0000 UTC]


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LoreC10 In reply to MapLover11 [2016-05-07 19:55:23 +0000 UTC]


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R-R-Eco [2016-05-07 16:47:30 +0000 UTC]

Bella, mi piace che non c'è un mega-impero-globale-strapotente-emagaripurenazista. Una cosa più semplice e sobria, e pure abbastanza credibile.
(Forse) hai scordato che fino al 1954 Trieste era Territorio Libero amministrato dagli alleati, in uno scenario del genere credo avrebbe avuto importanza (o forse l'hai solo ignorato per praticità, non lo so).
Inoltre hai fatto confusione con le date nel quartultimo paragrafo (quello della riunificazione).

Comunque la cosa che preferisco è che la Francia ne esce male XD.

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LoreC10 In reply to R-R-Eco [2016-05-07 18:49:59 +0000 UTC]

Sì, beh, qualche volta bisogna saper essere umili
Ho tralasciato il "dettaglio" di Trieste poiché la zona A e la zona B ritorneranno rispettivamente al Nord Italia e al Sud, se proprio dovremo parlare di dettagli sbagliati ce ne sarebbe uno, anche abbastanza grossolano, ma un pochino più a sud  
Caspita hai ragione! Grazie mille, in teoria non sono dislessico ma certe volte mi chiedo se lo sia seriamente....  
ahahah, vive la grandeur de la France! Penso che a sto punto la quarta repubblica non cada per una guerra d'oltremare, ma per una ben più grave guerra sul suolo metropolitano XD

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R-R-Eco In reply to LoreC10 [2016-05-08 10:47:31 +0000 UTC]

Credo che gli alleati avrebbero tentato di mantenere il controllo del TL di Trieste più a lungo (o di cederlo per intero al Nord Italia).
Per l'errore più a sud, se ti riferisci alla divisione prematura di Abruzzo e Molise, non è poi terribile, quel confine già esisteva a livello provinciale. (O forse hai usato il confine Romagna-Marche post 2009, ma c'è la scritta sopra e fatico a capirlo ).
Tranquillo, tutti facciamo errori .

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LoreC10 In reply to R-R-Eco [2016-05-08 11:18:07 +0000 UTC]

perché? voglio dire se non ci hanno provato nella nostra linea temporale perché dovrebbero provarci in questa? Inoltre penso che con lo sfiorato intervento militare iugoslave e russo nel Nord Italia l'occidente voglia arrischiarsi in mosse azzardate ancora meno che nella ns LT, soprattutto in una zona che a questo punto sarebbe anche più vulnerabile...
no no, più a sud, molto di più, il "pochino" era un eufemismo ^^

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R-R-Eco In reply to LoreC10 [2016-05-08 11:55:03 +0000 UTC]

Il T.L.T. era "destinato" ad essere diviso tra Italia e Jugoslavia, l'intromissione della DRSI è un po' "fuori dai patti", passami il termine. Inoltre la DRSI mi sembra più filo-russa di quanto non lo fosse la Jugoslavia.
Poi non dico che la questione di Trieste debba portare a chissà quali sconvolgimenti (o debba per forza risolversi diversamente dalla realtà), semplicemente mi sembra una cosa "da menzionare".

Ancora più a sud? Allora non lo ve... aspetta, chi s'è fregato la Tunisia? XD

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LoreC10 In reply to R-R-Eco [2016-05-08 16:05:07 +0000 UTC]

mh, si forse dovrei menzionare che per quanto riguarda a la zona B la ReDIM è considerata lo "stato erede" della Jugoslavia, i diritti sono ceduti Italia Meridionale nel trattato di Belgrado 
In questa linea del tempo la Italia Meridionale è allineata con la Jugoslavia attraverso patti di mutua difesa dai tempi di Belgrado, inoltre mantiene una posizione filo-cinese in maniera di politica estera (commercio e relazioni con l'occidente) 

ahahahahah, finalmente l'hai trovato, non mi andava di disegnarla  
una cosa così  sarebbe meglio?

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R-R-Eco In reply to LoreC10 [2016-05-08 18:04:18 +0000 UTC]

Così la Tunisia è assolutamente sbagliata... dovrebbe avere il colore della Francia! XD

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LoreC10 In reply to R-R-Eco [2016-05-08 20:49:44 +0000 UTC]


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