LuckyLadyXandra — Savory the Arco Iris Butterfly

#arco #butterfly #character #drawn #fan #fc #free #hand #iris #oc #rainbow #saffron #savory #sonic
Published: 2022-01-12 14:15:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 7224; Favourites: 36; Downloads: 3
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Credits: Savory is mostly based on the character Shaiapouf, sometime referred to as Pouf, from the anime Hunter X Hunter, based on the manga by Yoshihiro Togashi, but he’s also based on being a kind of Shaiapouf x Meurem fankid which is why he turned out with green skin and partially magenta colored eyes. I was reading way to many ship fanfics when i designed this guy, and I dont even like Meurem. But i thought giving him the same skin color as Shaiapouf would make him way too similar, so green it was.

Concepts: Basically my own sort of Mobian Version of Shaiapouf, but with a different personality and backstory altogether. Some of my Mobians dont look like Mobians though, so i know his looks can be confusing. But so are Shaipouf’s because he’s not really a butterfly—he’s a kind of monster ant, and the only reason he looked human was because the monster queen ant has the ability to pass down genetic traits of whatever animal she ate to her offspring, so you can tell she she was eating a lot humans at one point. I still dont know what she ate that gave Shaiapouf his lavender colored skin though, but we do know the wings came from ingesting a butterfly.

I love Shaiapouf even though he’s terribly flawed and obsessed in a way that he cant change and it destined him for failure, so i wanted to make a character after him, in some way. Of course, My character won't be exactly the same as Shaiapouf. But his looks, color palette, abilities, manner of dress, and butterfly-ness are all aspects inspired by the character Shaiapouf. However, there is a huge difference in personality and purpose--this Mobian-counter version of Shaiapouf is only loyal to himself and revels in being beautiful and rare and being surrounded by beauty. There is no king for him to follow--not that he would--and there is no monster ant hive mind programming in his genes that enforces his loyalty. He is very individualistic and in fact, wants to be his own king. His utter selfishness might make him more of a villain than Shaiapouf was, especially after the point where he decides to turn on his own butterfly kind for his own selfish needs. I basiclly made this guy to be a bad guy for Saffron My monarch Butterfly 

Just remember Sonic already lives in a world of mixed up designs, so i do think that leaves some wiggle room for Mobians that are much more stylized than the canon style.

If youre interested in learning about Shaiapouf’s character or are just a fan of HunterXHunter or just like anime in general. here’s a 28 minute clip about the kind of character he was. youtu.be/UzAkIuGlpsQ

Setting: An AU, in which the world is moreorless based on Sega's modern day version of earth but a bit larger to accommodate more continents. Most of the Sonic characters come from the Sega games and are still the same people we know and love, and a few of the comic characters have been refitted to fit into the modern day Sega setting of the games. Mobians vary from simple to complex designs and are broken up into categorized groups and subgroups. Insect Mobians, like butterflies, are in the arthropoda group and rank as one of the smaller populations.

Name: Savory the Butterfly

Real Name: Unknown, but a rumor once said his real name was possibly Shaiapouf

Gender: Male

Species: Arco Iris Butterfly (A species I created)

Ability Type: Flight

Hair/Fur/Skin: Pale yellow blonde hair with the secondary color being bright green/has a puff of pale green colored fluff on his chest/ Pale green colored skin

Eyes: Magenta colored with a ring of light orange coloring

Wings: Rainbow colored with black lacing and a few white heart shaped spots bordering the sides. The backsides of the wings are dark purple

Distincitve Features: This species is named for its rainbow colored wings and other colorful features such as having a secondary color in their hair and in their eyes and can have skin in almost any color.

Height/Weight:: 4'9''/Light weight (Most insect Mobians usually have lightly structured bodies)

Age/Birthday: 27/Unknown but it was celebrated on the day he was found, March 24th (Aries)

Birthplace: Unknown

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Affiliations: Mostly bad ones

Occupation: Thief, criminal, and mercenary for hire

Romantic interests: None, but it was thought he may have had an interest in a particular monarch butterfly. The theory has since been dismissed.

Rivals: Anyone who gets the better of him

Relatives: Left his foster parents behind when he left his colony.

Likes: Classical music, violin music, reading, mirrors, fancy clothing, treasures

Dislikes: Snow, rain, large bodies of water, Ugly people, most other butterflies--at first

Favorite Food/Drink: Only the finest food and drinks

Hobbies: Wants to play the violin but lacks the patience to learn, also wants a beautiful and lavish garden but without the work of creating it. He also enjoys reading.

Skills/Talents: Savory is one of the few Mobians born with powers, most of his seem to be body manipulation/modification powers as opposed to the more familiar elemental manipulating powers.

Special Items/Weapons: Will soon own the mystical Hypnodellion

Weaknesses: Like most flying insects, he is a poor swimmer. Large, broad wings have the potential to drag him down under the water. He also fairs poorly in very cold weather. His arrogance and tendency to overestimate himself have also proven to be effective weaknesses. Once very angry, he becomes short sighted. One of his powers also puts a strong mental strain on him, making it a double edged sword.

Personality: Savory is far more than just vain and arrogant. He is a narcissistic, self serving cad who only cares about himself and getting his end game, which is to have a home as fabulous and lavish as he is, so he will do dirty work for the price of gold, jewels and gems, good money, and if the situation is right he'll even do it for revenge. Already surrounded by ill-gotten glittery goods, there is almost an element of greed to his gold and gem hording. Savory likes to think of himself as elegant and refined and most of the time, he certainly pretends to act the part, but there's nothing elegant or refined about the sneaky, underhanded tricks he uses. He is somewhat clever but gives himself way too much credit and his cleverness is ultimately trumped by his arrogance and anger which, when once at a certain point, causes him to loose his cool and to start thinking irrationally. He cares little for others.

Theme Song:  Emperor's New Clothes by Panic! At the Disco--  youtu.be/lFjAkGSGgvw
What can i say, the lyrics were fitting--not too sure about the beat but it does sound fitting for a villain, doesnt it?

Background Story: Savory grew up in a colony of mixed butterfly species, though he was not born among them. A wondering member of the colony found his cocoon and brought him to the group. He eventually emerged from his cocoon and much to the colony's delight, their new member was an exquisite and rare, almost extinct, breed of butterfly known as an Arco Iris butterfly. Savory grew up on compliments and unearned praise. Though he was taught life lessons on treating others with respect and politeness, it was the compliments and praise that stuck with him the most.

Obviously, since he was the most unique and special butterfly among them, he grew to feel like things such as work and sharing were beneath him. He had a completely swelled head even before he was a teenager. It soon began to cause trouble. He wouldn't share, demanded things, wanted unearned special privileges, didn't want to do work. It was quite troubling. As he grew, so did his narcissism. Eventually a young group of teens confronted him, all of them sick and tired of his arrogance and snobby attitude. The arguing nearly broke into fighting, but the responsible adults broke up and seperated the group.

Even though the incident was instigated by the others, Savory was given a talking to about how he had a hand in it as well, by looking down on them, by demanding things of them, by refusing to share and refusing to help out. It wasn't right to start a fight, however, they had every right to be unhappy with how Savory constantly behaved and treated them. He may have been quite an individual but he was still part of a colony and quite frankly his attitude was the sort of thing that gave all butterflies a bad stereotypical name as vain and egotistical pompous snobs. Savory took great offense to basically being told he had a shitty attitude and his snobbery was rubbing people the wrong way. Of course, as a narcissist, he didn't see it their way, and chalked all this hostility up to sheer jealousy.

The truth was, most of the adults didn't appreciate the way Savory treated people, but they tolerated it since he was one of them. But the stones had been cast, the five teenagers and Savory held on to their hostilities even if they were told to control their contempt for each other. Try as the adults might to keep the peace, the insults and jabs began, more on Savory's part now. So naturally, the resentment did not die down and another altercation sprang up, this time in a full on fight, which, having no experience and being outnumbered, Savory lost, and was most indignant about it. Why, he was so angry, he just up and left the colony! It was clear as day that no one was ever going to fully appreciate his beauty and magnificence, so he would look out only for himself from now on.

It was on these travels that Savory discovered he was even more special than he realized as he soon found that he had powers, too, which in this AU, there is a slim chance of a Mobian being born with them. As he traveled, he sometimes ran into unscrupulous hooligans, which he used to practice and train his abilities. These special abilities would help him in his next goal--to acquire a house as magnificent as he was and fill it with beautiful things. As he grew, he realized mercenary work paid well. At least it was not everyday, common menial work. And so it came to pass that a "client" promised him a large and grand house set in a clearing in a beautiful forest as payment for a job well done if he could steal and deliver powerful government information. Which with the help of his splintering ability, he did. He gave little thought to what this could mean or if it could even start a war; all he wanted was something for himself, as usual.

So he managed to aquire this grand house, named Grand Oaks Hall. The setting around his new home was beautiful and very private. The next step was to fill that grand house with beautiful things, and so he began to do mercenary work as basically a bad guy for hire, for payment of gems, jewels, money, treasure, and once in a while he would do it if it ment he could get even with whomever he was thinking about at the time. But mostly he wanted the granduer of his home to match his own beauty and specialness. There was no such thing as too much. Along the way, Savory acquired a taste for reading and music, and even wanted to play the violin--the most sophisticated instrument he could think of, but his impatience to learn how to perfect the skill of playing such an instrument keeps him from taking up lessons. Likewise, he desired a magnificent garden, but didn't want to do the hard work of creating it.

One fateful day, Savory was hired to go to one particular city to meet some unscrupulous characters to plan a heist. The area was unfamiliar to him. He found himself in a little country hamlet just outside a modern town. What he could not have foreseen was that an unusually early winter occurs in this region every seventy years, and this was a seventieth year. It was early October and was evident that Autumn had been completely skipped over. It was frightfully cold, and Savory knew he was in trouble when it began to snow. But the real danger was in the blizzard that had started up. Lost in a flurry of ice and snow and wind, he fell to the earth below and nearly froze to his death. As the cold seeped into his bones, his beautiful hands and arms became ugly and bitten by the frost and soon the rest of him would be so as well. He quickly lost all consciousness.

When he came to, he realized someone had pulled him out of the snow and into a nice warm house filled with gorgeous flowering potted plants. His savior turned out to be nothing but a common, ordinary, everyday, run of the mill monarch butterfly Mobian. Rather than being grateful, his resentment at having being saved by another butterfly Mobian started to flare up. Savory had grown a habit of resenting other butterflies even if he didn't personally know them. That monarch butterfly was Saffron, and in his over enthusiastic eagerness to meet another butterfly, overlooked any instinctive feelings he had telling him something was not quite right. Savory's unfriendly demeanor was met with warmth, sweetness, and friendliness--almost too friendly. Savory realized that Saffron was not only a bit smaller but considerably younger. He was fairly attractive, but that's not unusual for butterfly Mobians. Dazzled by the brilliant rainbow hued wings, Saffron's amazement and compliments actually softened Savory's demeanor since it had been awhile since he had been properly praised and admired by another butterfly like that.

As Savory rested up from his near death experience, he saw Saffron display some unusual abilities. He was able to disperse some kind of energy from his wings which had a healing effect on Savory, restoring his frost bitten patches of skin and blackened fingers back to their beautiful glory. Just as interestingly, Saffron could manipulate plants and help them grow. Even in this awful early wintery bluster, his home was filled with fragrant beautiful blossoms. Even though there was a frightful winter going on outside, Saffron created Spring inside this little house. It was the kind of garden Savory had wanted for his own home but didn't have the patience and dilligence to create it. Then a terrible, awful, wicked thought occurred to him; if he could force Saffron to come with him, he would not only have a live-in servant to keep his own home clean, but he would have the perfect gardener on hand to make the outside of his home as beautiful as the inside, and always have a ready source of food on hand, since most Mobian butterflies naturally gear towards plants for food whether it is harvested pollen, fruit, or vegetables. Saffron's healing capabilities were just as valuable a skill. With that skill, Savory figured he would be able to stay strong and young looking forever!

It was hard to read Saffron's level of intelligence, so Savory decided to first try some simple trickery and feigned gratitude and friendliness, declaring that for saving his life they were now friends forever, since that seemed to be what Saffron wanted to hear, and it made his face light up to here such a declaration. But not so much the next part; as friends forever, Savory insisted on Saffron moving in with him right away. That made him hesitate, but it was the next lie that nearly got him; for saving his life, they would be like brothers from now on! That struck a cord with poor Saffron who had longed for a family for his entire life. If only....if only he hadn't already settled down here. He had wonderful friends here--his first friends. People who treated him well and looked out for him...Saffron couldn't imagine leaving them behind after being part of their circle for this long. But..a brother? A real brother?

Fortunately, Savory's over eagerness overstepped its boundries, when it turned from "We're going to be brothers!" to "Why, we can even be lovers if you like--I don't mind!" If that wasn't a big enough red flag, the attempt at inappropriate touching and stroking made Saffron's mental alarm bells go off at full force.

At that moment, Saffron couldn't keep fooling himself that there was something very crooked, something malicious going on with this person. Savory knew he had blown his chance, right when he had the little idiot in his grasp. He saw the blizzard outside had subsided, and in his overeager zeal to get what he wanted, decided that he could just take Saffron with him by force.

Saffron was nearly panicking, trying to figure out what to do know, having realized he had inadvertently brought danger into his home. While he was scrambling for what to do, Savory grabbed a kitchen chair and brought it down as hard as he could against Saffron's back. Savory then dragged the barely conscious monarch outside into the freezing cold and took to the skies with his new treasure. But Saffron snapped out of his stunned state and began to kick and thrash about and scream for help. All the noise alerted Dot the ladybug and all his other friends and neighbors. Since most insects can fly, they were able to catch up with Savory and fight him off enough that he let Saffron go. With his shoulders and upper back injured, Saffron had to be rescued from the fall and brought down to safety. As he was taken to safety, his friends fought off Savory, even as the blizzard started up again. They were able to get the upper hand and landed enough blows to knock the wicked rainbow butterfly out long enough to throw him out of the area.

Savory was pretty angry at his defeat, and that anger made him even hotter to take what he wanted. He was going to get even with that worthless little monarch by forcing him to work as a slave for the rest of his life! As he headed off to warmer areas to recover, Savory kept thinking on how he was going to take Saffron's powers and make them his own. Naturally, a narcissist will stew on their defeat and humiliation, so even days later, Savory kept pondering about the situation and eventually realized why stop at one when he could fill his house with pretty young servants? Preferably they would all be butterflies with some sort of special extra skill like Saffron's earth and sun powers. But that would be quite a search since it's a rather small percentage of Mobians who actually are born with extra powers.

Savory took to reading and researching about slavery and how to control people. Unfortunately, emotional and mental manipulation was a long process. And so he switched to researching about mind control and hypnotism, and after pouring through countless books, he finally found what he needed; a beautiful little treasure known as the Hypnodellion! A golden medallion with a special jewel, said to hold the power to bend the will of others to it's master's desire. It was said that no one could resist it's power.

Savory knew he just had to get his hands on that awful little bit of treasure! Once it was in his grasp, he would be a very powerful, very unbeatable force! With it, he could create and control an army of servants and fighters and make powerful people bend to his will if he really wanted to! It was only a matter of time now before he tracks down that medallion! Then that worthless little monarch and all his ugly little friends are going to be sorry!

*****Savory's Abilities:**************************

Only about two or three in fifteen Mobians are born with powers. Savory was born to the minority of that equation. His abilities are a little strange as they are hard to put into any single category but most of them involve using his own body as his fighting element instead of a natural element such as fire or water powers, So his category would technically be body manipulation powers. In most cases, this is a sub element to earth powers since a living body of flesh contains earth elements such as iron and calcium and phosphorous, etc.

~~Splintering; Some Mobian insects have the ability to shrink down to size, but Savory has a somewhat different ability; he is able to break his body apart into precisely 55 small butterflies. This makes it easy for him to escape most dangerous situations or sneak by undetected. With this same ability, he can also create a tiny clone, or several tiny clones of himself to serve as spies as opposes to breaking his entire body apart into 55 miniture butterfly versions. A few pieces are easy to control in a long distance range, but in his splintered form the 55 butterflies tend to stay within a certain amount of distance of each other. Since Savory can regenerate from a single surviving butterfly, it just might be that the long distance between his butterflies affects his mind more than his body, or perhaps it's just a natural swarming behavior to stay together in the face of danger.

~~Self Regeneration; with the ability to self regenerate, you can destroy a few--or even a pretty good handful--of butterflies when he is in his "splintered" form and he can still reform fully in tack. It would take destroying or damaging a good 90 % of the butterflies to have a visible effect on him. But he can regenerate from a single surviving butterfly. He would be very weak without all 55 butterflies as they are all pieces of his body, but he would still survive. So it would take promptly destroying each and every butterfly to destroy him in his splintered form. Regeneration is a form of self healing so he can heal from most injuries relatively quick--not instantaneously but still fairly quick.

~~"Poison" Scales; though named as such, they are not really poisonous but they a highly effective eye and throat irritant that was once thought to be a defensive trait from a time before Arco Iris butterflies evolved into their Mobian forms. These powdery irritant makes breathing difficult if you swallow enough of it.

~~Sleeping Silk String Attack: Spitting silk string is a common insect ability pertaining to moths and butterflies and nearly all spider arachnids are able to do it, but it's not seeing as a power, more like a natural ability. However, Savory's silk string has the added ability of making people drowsy if he can spit enough of it into his opponent's face. The drowsier they become the harder it is for them to focus enough to fight. If he can spin an entire cocoon around an opponent, they will sleep, trapped inside until an ally can break them free. Otherwise they will stay trapped in sleep until they simply waste away. (Both Moths and butterflies have these string spitting abilities as children; but moths tend to retain their silk spitting abilities as they grew, Butterflies tend to lose them. Savory is one of the few who retained the ability.)

~~Illusionary Deceit: Otherwise known as Savory's Illusionary Disguise ability. This one falls more along the lines of a mental power. It is the power to cast an illusion over himself to appear and even sound like someone else in order to deceive his target. However casting the illusion costs a mental strain and Savory has suffered severe headaches for using this power for too long and so he uses it sparingly. It also backfires on him on other ways. His illusionary disguises are created through memory so it's all too easy to create an inaccurate disguise and there's incorrect mannerisms to account for especially if all Savory has to go on is a memory of a person instead of actually knowing how they act and speak and react to things. But it usually works well enough for a fast little trick. A long running deception, however, is much harder to maintain. Savory, in his spoiled and egotistical view of himself, has decided that the damage this ability causes isn't worth attempting to use for a longer running scheme.

****Savory's Species:*****************

Arco iris butterfies are a fictional species created by me. The words Arco iris translate as "rainbow", referring to the rainbowed color in their wings. Arco Iris butterflies are exquisite both for their beauty and their rarity, said to be virtually extinct due to breeding difficulties and sterileness. It has only been in recent years have modern day scientists gathered together the resource and funds to make an effort to save this species of Mobian Butterfly. If Savory were much less self-centered, he could join the program and help solve the breeding problem and could even be recognized as a hero for his efforts in saving his species. Except he's not going to do any of that. He enjoys being special and if there were more arco iris butterflies around, then he would be much less special, wouldn't he? Arco Iris butterflies only have color on one side of their wings, with the other side being nearly black or very darkly colored except for a heart shaped spot near the tips. When completely relaxed and folded down, the wings resemble a black cape of sorts. When unfurled and upright, their brilliant, shimmering rainbow hue is exposed.

While most butterflies have a naturally set color palette, Arco iris butterflies are known for being very colorful--one can have lavender skin while another will have sky blue skin, sometimes their skin will even have different tones of color. They often have a second color naturally woven into their hair, and most famous of all, they have a second ring of color in their eyes.  

  Savory the Arco Iris Butterfly belongs to me.
 Arco Iris Butterflies with two tones eyes, hair, and skin are a concept i created

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themaskedfurryy827 [2023-02-25 16:53:37 +0000 UTC]

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Marvyn1990 [2022-12-03 23:44:07 +0000 UTC]

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