Luicario — Swaggymon: Lilura Flox

#swaggymon #pokemon #zoroark
Published: 2017-05-31 03:39:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 2412; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 3
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General Information

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Character voice ( Carolina Ravassa as Overwatch's Sombra)

Name: Lilura Flox
Age: 19
Birthday: Feb 21st
Sex / Gender: Female
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 143 lbs
Species: Zoroark
Special Traits: Shiny
Ability: Illusion
Nature: Impish
Characteristic: Strongly defiant
Hometown: Floaroma Town, Sinnoh Region

Sucker Punch [Egg move]


[Sucker Punch deals damage and has a priority of +1. However, the move only works if the target uses a direct attack in the same turn. If the target is not preparing an attack, Sucker Punch will fail. Pretty much Lilura's go-to move in a fight, since it almost always strikes first. As her father always said, he who gets the first punch in will also likely get the second. Sucker punch was inherited from her Absol mother, who generally gave it uses other than battling. As it turns out, it has gotten Lilura in trouble more times than it's gotten her out of it, as it's a move she's had her whole life and thus has to consciously prevent herself from using whenever she intends on simply throwing a regular punch.]

Flamethrower [TM]


[Flamethrower deals damage and has a 10% chance of burning the target. This move was incredibly explosive and had many negative repercussions whenever she used it, but she has gotten better with practice and a litle guidance. Now that she knows she doesn't need to burn herself out with huge bursts of fire, she lets out a smaller, more controlled stream of it. She still gets nosebleeds from overheating sometimes, but the headaches that once came with using flamethrower are a rare occurence now. It still activates automatically under extreme stress or pressure, and can cause her to blow out a small cloud of smoke when emotional, but overall, she has better control of the move.]

Detect [Egg move]


[Detect prevents any attacks targeted at the user from striking on that turn. It is identical to Protect. Another move inherited from her mother. This one comes extremely handy even utside of battle; Lilura has below average eyesight, and seeing in the dark is, ironically enough, difficult to her. Detect provides her with coverage for this flaw however, as it allows her to at least outline people and things around her, even from a distance. She used it way more during her highschool years, as it came in handy for little things like being able to see letters on a blackboard or properly play dodgeball. Using a move in a near permanent basis, however, proved to be exhausting. Nowadays, she moderates its use to when it's absolutely necessary to either read something that's far away, or recognize people or objects from a distance in dangerous situations.]

 Night Daze 


[The user lets loose a pitch-black shock wave at its target. This may also lower the target's accuracy. Havng practiced it a bit, Lilura now has a much better understanding of her signature move. She'll generate dark energy from her forearms and hit the ground, and a small dome of darkness will rise around her and the target; she uses the brief advantage of the quick change of light to strike the target with the same dark energy. Her hit aims for the eyes to attempt to lower their accuarcy, but she still must work on her aim, since the eyes are a pretty hard spot to land a long reach hit from. Using this move multiple times in a row can cause mild headaches and pain in her arms, so she tries to use it in moderation.]

 Hidden Power [TM] 


[Hidden Power inflicts damage using a type and power determined by the user's IVs. Lilura just recently learned this move, and is completely, 100% unaware of how to use or control it. It's a struggle to even trigger in intentionally; it seems to respond to emotions more often than not. Being type fairy, Hidden Power seems to try to imitate fairy wind, so a barely perceptible breeze will blow around her when it's triggered. However, the most interesting part is that she seems to summon little glowy purple dragonflies that dance around in the soft breeze. As of right now, they're absolutely harmless and will vanish if crushed, or after a short time of being cast. Lilura's gonna have to put work into figuring out how this move works if she wants to be able to use it in battle.]


  • + witty, creative, charismatic, passionate, honest
  • = self-confident, competitive, persistent, defiant, curious
  • - stubborn, hot-headed, unmotivated, brash, selfish, impatient

Lilura would best be described as a spitfire. She's a loud, brash, highly spirited individual who enjoys both good competition and good company. She's prone to picking fights, even when the other party has the upperhand, if it means defending herself, those she cares about, and what she believes in. She can be downright lazy at times, especially when she doesn't set short-term goals for herself, but one sure way to get her to do stuff is to make a competition out of it; Lilura enjoys winning, but she enjoys the thrill of competing in basically anything far more. She's a very honest individual; she could lie if she wanted to, but she simply feels guilty afterwards and would rather not. Lilura doesn't much like authority figures that give orders and expect everyone to follow them mindlessly, much like the current anti-movement, and will constantly ask questions and challenge her higher ups. Once she has a set goal, she won't stop until she achieves it, no matter how badly the tide turns against her. She tends to think of herself before others, which, unlike all her other flaws, she is very aware of and working on improving, little by little, but she'll still constantly catch herself doing things that affect others negatively as long as it turns out in her favor.

For all her flaws, Lilura does have some qualities that hopefully balance them out; she's a charismatic individual, who likes to joke around and make others feel good about themselves. She's good at thinking outside the box, and likes to express herself through painting and drawing. She's good at talking and getting others to see her side of things, even if she's not always the best at seeing things from somebody else's perspective. The fox pokemon is also an incredibly loyal and loving, caring individual once you've befriended her and earned her trust; she may even come off as protective of her friends at times. Overall, she is headstrong and not always easy to get along, but her heart is mostly in the right place. With a little patience and care, she'll stick with you through thick and thin, no matter how bad the circumstances get.


Lilura is the firstborn child to an Absol mother and a Zoroark father, and was born in Floaroma town in the region of Sinnoh. It was definitely and excellent atmosphere to spend one's childhood in. The flower fields were especially ideal for the energetic young Zorua, who seemed not to be satisfied until she had turned every rock within her reach upside down, smelled every flower, and investigated every little interesting detail there was to see. She was alway rough and tumble and tomboyish, and enjoyed roughousing with other kids her age. Kids with more... liberal parents, anyways. Sinnoh had always been known for its culture and myths, and people had recently begun shielding their anti-move views under the excuse of it being frowned upon by the gods. Lilura herself found it very silly, mostly because children don't really care what gods think they should do. She got hurt and hurt others on accident a couple of times, but as kids that simply got brushed off as an accident. Kids play rough, someone gets hurt. It happens. Besides some moves aided people on their daily lives; for Lilura, from a very young age, detect was such a move. She was a nearsighted rowdy kid who broke more glasses than her parents could afford, so she began relying on detect as her partial eyesight, and, eventually, went as far as using it near-permanently. This would later become the source of a seemingly permanent state of tiredness and occasional headaches. It was nice, though, to be able to have freedom to choose whether she'd rather deal with the drawbacks of overusing a move... or the drawbacks of wearing glasses.

Things weren't nearly as simple when middle school rolled around.

The anti-movement was still going strong, and many places were outright banning the usage of moves. She wasn't allowed to playfight her friends anymore. Pokemon that needed their moves to live more comfortable lives were made ashamed to have to do so. Lilura wasn't dumb; she quickly realized just how badly it was affecting them, knowing that moves were supposedly bad and not to be used around others. She didn't like it. The fox herself was constantly restless, constantly stressed, and considerably snappier than she'd ever been. Her favorite method of killing time and using spare energy was deemed "unsafe" and "wrong" by adults. For the rest of middle school, she ducked her head and agreed, to an extent; she continued to use detect, since it's a move that can be passed off as not being there. The constant social pressure, along with the exhaustion using the move all the time caused, eventually led her to stop using it, for a while. She noticed that her eyesight had gotten lazier from constantly relying on detect, too, which she used to further justify her lack of move usage as anything but submission, to herself.

Things changed again sometime in early highschool.

One night, Lilura and her friends were at a party of some sort, just having a few drinks and a good time, when the topic of move usage arose. Not one to hold back, Lilura ranted and explained that the governments of the world couldn't simply take away the biggest expression form of pokemon, and that it clearly affected everyone negatively. Discussions were had and opinions varied, but Lilura was surprised to realize just how many people her age agreed with her. And thus, Lilura set a plan in motion;Sinnoh was a region of many small towns and vast forest areas. Empty areas. Areas where adults didn't venture, since there was nothing to see. She and her closer buddies hatched a plan, and spread the word about a little secret fightclub.

The idea, surprisingly, took. Kids from within the highschool, and sometimes even from other towns and cities, came to the meetups. A schedule was arranged, so the practice sites would switch around and they wouldn't be found out. The excuse of a "study group" was made, so parents wouldn't ask where so many kids spent their noons. It was refreshing. It was thrilling. Lilura got to see more moves used than she ever had before. She saw pokemon truly shine as individuals. She saw the true beauty behind what was supposed to be a sin, forbidden by higher powers themselves. If such was the case? Then the gods were gravely mistaken, Lilura decided.

The fightclub not only raised everyone's spirits, putting them in a better mood in general; it also brought 'mons of around the same group together. Lilura exchanged words with people who she'd never have thought she would within the school, thus broadening her social circle. The fightclub got her back using her moves, too; she never went back to using detect as much as she did in her middleschool days, but she was able to rely on it in an occasional basis once again, which was a nice compromise.

Things ran well in the fightclub for as long as she remained in highschool. Accidents happened here and there; more than once, the club got almost discovered, but, at the end of the day, the kids always managed to cover up somehow. Lilura and her crew even taught younger people how to keep the club running; they knew that, as much of a blessing as it was, the club wasn't forever. College would split them apart, eventually; Lilura had always known she wanted bigger things than what Sinnoh had to offer, as much as she loved her little, flower-scented town.

Sinnoh, while a sight to behold and the best place for anyone interested in myths and legends, wasn't a place where Lilura felt she could stay forever. She was not yet sure she believed in the ancient gods spoken of so often, and that alone put her at odds with older residents. During her stay in highschool, she'd heard about the different cultures from all over the world, and she found herself most drawn to Kalosian people and their views. The youth apparently thrived there, and they seemed to be one of the most technologically developed regions of all. Lilura knew exactly where she wanted to spend at least the next few years in the moment she realized she was bound to find more likeminded people of around her age.

And so, the day came when Lilura and her crew graduated. One last meeting was had, at midnight, in the fightclub's favorite spot. Battles were had, thanks were given, and promises were made to keep the club up and running. And so, with a heavy heart, Lilura set for the place of her dreams; Lumiose city, in the Kalos region. Everything was loud and vibrant and new, and Lilura was quick to adapt. City life was vastly more interesting than she had ever imagined, and it would only get weirder from there, it seemed. An e-mail from Mr. Cool stoke  a chord; a movement to get pokemon moves to be accepted again? Lilura didn't have to think twice.

And so here she finds herself, in the heart of Kalos, part of an underground organization that promises to change the way things work.
Between managing her college life, adapting to the city's bright lights and seemingly nonstop chatter, and the mystery that is Argo Navis, the future, at the very least, is looking interesting for the young Zoroark.

Cafe Information

Cafe Affiliation: Cafe Regor

Cafe Proposal:
"If we're fighting to be able to use moves again, I want in! Lumiose is full of young and spirited people, and I woulda figured they wouldn't be nearly as restrictive with moves as they actually are. What's the plan of action? Surely it's not just big talk, right? We gotta show those politicians we mean business! When have they ever listened to speeches and peaceful protests, really? I hear you have a no-nonsense little faction... Regor, I think? That sounds like my kind of place! I'm ready to jump in whenever! Time to show these old farts that we're about more than just complaining >:3c

Fun Facts

  • Lilura rarely ever uses her illusion ability despite its advantages, and when she does, it's either to prank people or get a laugh out of them. Think Tonks from the Harry Potter series.

  • Back in her hometown, Lilura used to practice street art a lot. She never got in any real trouble for it thanks to her ability to either flee or use illusion to blend in, but she had a couple close calls.

  • On that note, she HAS used her tail as a large paintbrush before. She saw a smeargle do it once and thought it was neat.

  • Her favorite activity besides sparring, that doesn't involve sleeping in some way? Video games! Lilura loves them, and can get super competitive at them at times.

  • Lilura is nowhere near blind, but she SHOULD wear glasses to see. She however finds them to be uncomfortable and impractical, so she relies on detect to see better in the dark and also identify things that are far away.

  • Although it is probably a less impressive skill in the pokemon world, Lilura very much enjoys and is great at parkour!

  • Lilura speaks fluent spanish. In fact, she has a bit of an accent when she speaks in english; she also knows a little bit of french, but not enough to have a very long conversation.

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