mariosonicfan16 — I Like These Pairings Ver 2

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I’ve already done this meme listing before. Seeing as I’ve expanded my interests in various series, I’ve decided to do a second version with a new set of pairings and couples

So here are more pairings and couples I like.

NOTE: Since this is tied to shipping, I’ve disabled comments to keep this argument free.

First version: Expanded I Support These Ships


Because It's Intriguing- Ellen Ripley and Corporal Dwayne Hicks (Aliens)

The second Alien movie is my favorite and the best of these films in my book.

After I rewatched it a couple times, I found myself more intrigued by the chemistry between Ripley and Hicks. Ripley is brave and not willing to go down without a fight as long as she protects the marines and Newt, and Hicks acknowledges that he sees how strong Ripley is. He has so much faith in her, he shows her how to use the weapons they have in their situation. And even as she was going to go to the hive alone to rescue Newt before it was too late, he believed in her even then, especially since she refused to give up on him as they were escaping before.


Because It's Hot and Sexy- none

On my first version of this meme, I listed a pairing, which was Peter Quill/ Starlord and Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy. If you want my reasons to why I ship it, just go to the first one.

Other than that pairing, I don’t have many other pairings I’ve seen in a series and like because it’s “hot and sexy”. Honestly, I don’t really find myself liking any ships because of that reason, and on the first version of this list, I listed more reasons to why I liked the ship I put in the category.

 So I’ve left this category blank to make sure that it’s got a fresh set for version two.


Because It's Reasonable- Lloyd and Kai (Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)

I came to support this ship because of how healthy their friendship and chemistry is. Sure, Kai was the one who really wanted to be the green ninja, but he really grew as a character when he accepted that destiny chose Lloyd instead of him.

And Kai cares about Lloyd’s wellbeing. He even states in season 5 that he promises to look out for Lloyd and always support him. In fact, it was season 5 that got me into this ship.

And I believe that it’s reasonable because of how strong their friendship is. They have each other’s’ backs and care about the other’s safety.


Because They Protect Each Other- Mike Wheeler and Eleven (Stranger Things)

Stranger Things is such a great show. I love these two characters, and I especially love their friendship/ forming relationship.

Mike becomes the first person to show Eleven kindness, and he understands that she has been through a life of hell back at the Hawkins Laboratory. He does what he can to protect her and defend her from anyone, even if he doesn’t have much power since he’s a kid like her, or no powers like she does.

As for Eleven, as she and Mike grow closer, she not only learns what real love feels like from someone who cares about you, but she also comes to feel real love and care for another. She has used her powers to protect Mike a number of times as well.


Because They Share Beliefs- Arthur and Molly Weasley (Harry Potter)

Okay. I know they’re married, and they have been married even before the beginning of the series.

But I really like this couple. They both love their family and their children, and will do anything they can to support their children even if they’re considered “poor” in the perspective of other wizards. And they even treat Harry as if he’s a part of the family because of how he is friends with their children.

Both Arthur and Molly stay as good people when the tension with Voldemort increases in the series, and they will not hesitate to protect their children and their children’s friends when they have no choice but to fight.


Because of Subtext- Kristoff and Anna (Frozen)

As overrated as it may be, Frozen is still a good Disney film and one I like. And I especially like Kristoff and Anna.

The subext I’ve seen in this ship is that when it comes to a relationship, it takes time to get to know the person you like and want to be with, as well as understanding what makes you different. Also, Kristoff isn’t royalty, but he is shown to be a kinder, more caring person because he has learned things through his experiences. He shows that wisdom doesn’t come with wealth and status, but through experience and understanding that everyone is different.

Another thing to add: since Anna is a princess and Kristoff isn’t royalty, they show that it’s not position that can lead people to forming a healthy relationship. It comes down to how well you know the other and how much you care about them and their wellbeing, which Anna and Kristoff show for each other.


Because It's Adorable- Sandbar and Yona (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

I really liked the season 9 episode that focused on these two. It was so sweet to see how they care about each other and have grown through their friendship, and I like the writers’ take on having them on the subject of a couple between two different races. Sandbar is a pony and Yona is a Yak, and even so, they show that they understand each other and respect each other.

All in all, adorable ship, and they’re both adorable together in my book.


Because It's Realistic- Romeo and Stella (MCSM Season 2)

Both characters start off as rivals to Jesse, and depending on the choices you make as the player, you can improve their connections to Jesse, and see more to their character.

I can see the two of them working as a couple, because they’ve both done things that they regret, both in their past and to Jesse. And they also claim to be strong and powerful, but deep down, they just wish to have friends and people who genuinely care about them.

For those reasons, I see this ship as not only one that can work out, but also realistic, because they can help each other find what they’re missing.


Because They're Alike- Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

Pinkie Pride and The Last Laugh are two of my favorite episodes of the show, and for both episodes, we get to see Cheese Sandwich and his friendship with Pinkie Pie.

They’re so optimistic, cheerful, friendly, and will do what they can to ensure that others are happy and smile. For those reasons, this is a pairing in which the two are alike that I support. And even in both episodes, they help each other smile and laugh: Cheese did that for Pinkie in Pinkie Pride, and it was vice versa in The Last Laugh.


Because They're Opposites- Discord and Fluttershy (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

Discord was already one of my favorite villains in the series, and I really like how it is through his friendship with Fluttershy that he begins to slowly redeem himself.

And I really liked their chemistry. They really are as different as day and night, but they understand each other and are like two peas in a pod. They were really adorable together, and I couldn’t help but ship them.


Because It's Canon- Shining Armor and Princess Cadence (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

A healthy pairing, and a powerful one as well. A Canterlot Wedding is one of my favorite episodes and one of my favorite season finale episodes.

I honestly find Shining Armor and Princess Cadence to be underrated characters since they don’t show up as often, even as recurring characters (at least in my book), but for what we see in their relationship and marriage, I’m glad that it shows that they love each other and that their relationship is happy and healthy.


Because It's Non-Canon- Beast Boy and Raven (Teen Titans)

I know that Beast Boy liked Terra (and I like Terra to). But I came to ship him with Raven instead because I liked their moments in the show. Beast Boy just wants Raven to smile and does worry about her when things aren’t going well for her. As for Raven, she does appreciate Beast Boy as her friend and that he cares, but she struggles to show it because of how her emotions are tied to her powers.

So yeah. I ship these two


Because It's Charming- Newt Scamander and Tina Goldstein (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)

The Fantastic Beasts films are pretty enjoyable, and Newt easily became my favorite character. But I also like his forming relationship with Tina.

Even as some friction forms when they first meet, Newt doesn’t mean ill will to Tina and is a kind person to her. As they work together in the films, their friendly alliance grows, and they even come to worry about the other.

This ship has charm, and I can’t wait to see more of it in the next film for these spinoff/ prequel series.


Because It's Crack- Rarity and Spike (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

I guess it is defined that way because Rarity is a pony and Spike is a dragon, but that’s not really why I like this ship.

I do think it’s pretty sweet, and I’ve seen that Rarity does care about Spike and appreciates what he does for her. And they’ve even had some rough moments with their friendship, but they still do what they know is right for each other and their friendship.


Because It's Hilarious- Mater and Holley (Cars 2)

Lots of people didn’t really like the second Cars movie. I’m one of those few who does like the movies and doesn’t hate the second film.

And I am also one of those people who likes the dorky but sweet moments these two had in the film. I think it’s a nice pairing, and I don’t hate it.


Because It's Tranquil- Gallus and Silverstream (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

They didn’t have many moments together in the show leading up to the ending, but for what we got, I thought it was very sweet. I especially came to shipping it in the episode What Lies Beneath.

Their moments together weren’t really super intense or scary, and rather sweet. Which is why I like this ship and consider it tranquil


Because It's Full of Emotion- Edward Scissorhands and Kim Boggs (Edward Scissorhands)

This movie is a train of emotions, but it’s such a great story.

And the story of Edward and Kim’s relationship was just as bittersweet. It’s full of emotion beyond any level I’ve seen in any pairing. Edward loves Kim, but given what he is and how the town was viewing him, he knew he didn’t have a chance with Kim, and even wanted to stay away in fear of hurting her. Kim came to love him, seeing that he’s not a monster on the inside because he is a sweet, kind, and innocent soul, but she knew that even after they admit their feelings for each other, fate would never allow them to be together.

Now this, this is a love that is worth looking into. Because it’s a great, bittersweet love story.


Because It's Unique- Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

I may not have enjoyed the episode Slice of Life, but I was intrigued by Lyra and Bon Bon. I found myself shipping them, and even wondered if they were a couple.

And what makes this couple unique is that the writers were so surprised with the reception these two got, they decided to make them a canon couple and propose to each other in the last season.

Normally, when fans want a pairing to be canon, it doesn’t happen. But with this pairing, it seems that with the positive reception and respect to the characters, the writers liked it themselves.


Because It's Cheesy in a Good Way- Mario and Peach (Super Mario)

A princess with the main protagonist is indeed a bit cheesy, especially if that protagonist is always saving her.

But for Mario and Peach, I find it cheesy in a good way. I’ve seen the hints that they do like each other, and they have helped each other. Heck, we even got Super Princess Peach, which is when Peach saves Mario.

So it is cheesy in a good way, because it’s not standard cliché with Mario and Peach.


Because It Happened At the Right Time- Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)

I love the Harry Potter series, and I love this pairing.

Ron and Hermione have been in the entire series, in all seven books (and eight films). They have grown up over the course of the series, and their friendship has grown along the way as well. I know that J. K. Rowling wasn’t satisfied with the two of them becoming a couple in the ending of the series, but I think it works great for them. I especially think it works best that they finally become a couple in the last book/ last movie. They have grown as the series has progressed, so the timing of them becoming a couple shows how much they’ve grown and how long they’ve been friends, because after all those years, they show that they understand each other.


Because They Work Best Together- Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper (Stranger Things)

I really love this show, and I love these characters. It’s clear that they were friends when they were younger, and I’ve seen hints that they may have feelings for each other.

And they really do work best together as a dynamic duo. They have shown how tough they are, how far they’ll go to protect the kids, and that they are not to be messed with. They get sh*t done and are not weak when it’s time to fight against the monsters or the bad guys.


Because It Has Great Potential- Vector the Crocodile and Vanilla the Rabbit (Sonic X)

When I used to like Sonic X, I really thought it was cute that Vector showed that he has a crush on Vanilla.

I really wish we got more insight on this ship, because, as this category it is in says, it has potential. Both Vector and Vanilla were very underrated characters in the anime (and even now in the games), and they already deserved more screen time. I would’ve loved to see more insight on their chemistry.


Because It Makes the Series Better- Jonathan Byers and Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)

I was really happy that Nancy and Jonathan got together in season 2. And I will admit that it does make the series better in my book.

I didn’t like Nancy’s relationship with Steve and Steve was unlikable for me in season 1. Nancy’s friendship and growing chemistry with Jonathan was better, because they understood that the mess with the Upside Down was far from over in the second season, and Jonathan understood that Nancy was still bothered by the events in season 1. And unlike Steve, Jonathan didn’t dismiss how Nancy was feeling and set to help her instead.

So I was really satisfied with these two becoming a couple by the end of the second season.


Because They Have No One Else to Love- Bruce Banner/ Hulk and Natasha Romanhoff/ Black Widow (The Avengers)

I’m a neutral fan of the Marvel movies, and I’ve seen most of the films (still haven’t seen Infinity War or Endgame as I put together version two of this meme listing).

And when I saw these two becoming a thing in Age of Ultron, I actually liked it. I was already liking a sibling like bond between Natasha and Clint in the first film, and seeing her bond with Bruce in the second film showed how much they didn’t know that they had in common.

And they really do have no one else to love who understands their feelings of being true outsiders. Bruce is still struggling to accept that the Hulk is a part of him, and he can control him and fight as a good guy, and Natasha isn’t proud of who she was before she worked with SHIELD and became an Avenger.


Because of Fan Art/ Fanfiction- Reginald and Isa (Minecraft: Story Mode)

I started to ship Isa with Milo, and then I came to also ship her with Reginald because a friend not only shipped them, but also drew some great fanart of them and had sweet story moments for them.

So yeah, while I do ship Isa with Milo, I also now ship her with Reginald, thanks to my friend XD


Because Not Enough People Support it- M. Jesse and Olivia (Minecraft: Story Mode)

So many people ship M. Jesse with Petra and Olivia with Axel. Me? I never came to shipping either, but I do respect that both are the more popular ships.

I came to ship M. Jesse with Olivia instead because I found it underrated. And I have a thing for some underrated ships XD


Because of Their Conversations- Sunset Shimmer and Sci-Twi (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)

The fourth film, Legend of Everfree, became when I started shipping these two. I already liked how Sunset helped Sci-Twi in the third film (even if I didn’t like Friendship Games), and even though Sci-Twi and Timber Spruce were becoming a thing in the fourth film, I came to like her with Sunset more.

Seeing how Sunset would always talk to her to not only reassure her and comfort her that it was going to be okay because she was there to support her, but also how much Sunset cares about Sci-Twi, it’s what made me ship the two of them together.


Because It Brings Out Their Best Qualities- Zane and PIXAL (Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)

Season 3 is my favorite season of Ninjago. I really like how through the relationship these two were forming, PIXAL grew as a character. She went on from being an assistant to a friend and ally of the ninja, and she continued to grow leading up to season 8 when it’s revealed that she became the new Samurai X.

Her relationship with Zane has helped her grow. She has grown to wanting to learn how to fight to defend herself, and help the ninja because they became her friends. As for Zane, he has already become human on the inside due to his friendships with the ninja. He also grows through his relationship with PIXAL, feeling new emotions and feeling more human as she starts to feel human herself.


Because They Forgive Each Other- Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

Both Sunburst and Starlight are two characters I like in the show. I love their moments together, especially when it can be awkward but sweet. And when the reunite in season 6, when Sunburst first appears in person to the audience, I think how they made amends and rekindled their friendship was on que to their personalities, and it didn’t happen right away. It took talking to each other to understand each other again and rekindle their friendship.

All in all, this is indeed a ship that I find likable because they have made amends.


Because I CAN- Morro and Skylor (Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)

I know. I know. It’s never going to happen because Skylor is with Kai and Morro is no longer in the series since he’s in the Departed Realm.

But I couldn’t help myself. A friend of mine said she ships them, and after looking into why she likes it, I began to like it myself. Two redeemed bad guys who were once the enemy of the ninja, and both realized the errors of their ways because they were taking orders from someone else. Morro realized he was blinded by jealousy and Skylor realized that her father never loved her like family.

I feel that if they ever got to interact, they would understand how the other feels, which is why even if it’ll never happen, I found myself liking this ship.


Original meme: 'I Support This Pairing' Meme Template


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