mariosonicfan16 — I Support These PLATONIC Pairings Ver 2

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I’ve already done this meme listing before. Seeing as I’ve expanded my interests in various series, I’ve decided to do a second version with a new set of pairings.

So here are more pairings that I like PLATONICALLY

First version: I Support These PLATONIC Pairings


Because It's Intriguing- Ice Bear and Chloe Park (We Bare Bears)

These two are somewhat polar opposites. Ice Bear is quiet and rarely speaks, while Chloe is more enthusiastic and talks a lot more. But what makes their friendship so intriguing is that even if they’re so different from each other, they are still close like siblings. Ice Bear has shown to care about Chloe’s well-being and puts her safety over his own when they get into trouble.


Because It's Sweet- Anne Boonchuy and Sprig Plantar (Amphibia)

Two of my favorite characters in the show, and I like their friendship. They both find their first real friend in each other, and even if they are so different from each other, their enthusiasm and love for adventure makes them peas in a pod. In addition, Sprig’s caring personality grows on Anne, and she becomes selfless like him. It goes to show how their friendship is not just sweet, but they also grow because of the bond they’ve developed.


Because It's Reasonable- Discord and Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony Friendship is Magic)

Discord is the master of chaos, while Pinkie Pie is the crazy one out of the Mane 6. I can see why some people would prefer to ship them together over shipping Discord with Fluttershy. I do think that other than Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie is the one of the Mane 6 Discord could’ve been well connected with. I can see them getting along as friends.


Because They Have Similar Desires- The Cutie Mark Crusaders (My Little Pony Friendship is Magic)

The friendship between the three fillies is strong. Their determination to earn their cutie marks have helped them all grow as characters through their misadventures. And even after they gain their cutie marks, they continue their misadventures as they continue to help other ponies understand their own cutie marks.


Because They Share Beliefs- Grizz and Ranger Tabes (We Bare Bears)

Grizz is protective of his brothers, while Tabes is determined to help any forest creature in a time of need. They’re both tough as nails and don’t like going down without a fight, always putting those that they care about before their own safety.

It’s clear that Tabes is the one that Grizz hangs out with the most, but I like the idea of these two being close friends because of the shared caring aspects of their personalities.


Because of Subtext- Zane and Nya (Ninjago)

The nindroid and the only girl on the team. Both of them are pretty smart, and they’re pretty much relied on the most as opposed to the rest of the ninja. Zane is the analytical one who is the wisest, while Nya is the handy one with the gadgets and in combat.

I’ve seen some people ship them, which is why I’m more neutral on them. I find their friendship admirable because of how important they’ve become to the team, even if they don’t realize it or feel that they matter to the team. It’s clear that their friends can’t cooperate or move forward without either of them.


Because It's Adorable- Panda and Charlie (We Bare Bears)

I really love the dorky moments these two have had throughout the series. Even if they’re somewhat different from each other, they understand each other still, which is why they’re close friends. And I can see why people ship them, but I find their friendship adorable and like them as friends.


Because It's Long-Established- Cole and Jay (Ninjago)

These two have been best friends since the series first began. They’ve even faced friction in seasons 3 and 4 because of the love triangle between them and Nya, but they valued their friendship and each other more, by ending the fight themselves and letting Nya take the time to choose for herself.

So many fans ship them, and they are a pairing that I can see working either way as friends or as a couple. But their friendship has been strong and realistic throughout the time in the series, which is why it’s one of my favorite fictional friendships I’ve come across in any series I’ve enjoyed.


Because They Have Similar Traits- Rainbow Dash and Applejack (My Little Pony Friendship is Magic)

I’m aware that it’s been left to the audience to decide if these two really have become a couple or not at the end of the series.

Even before the series came to an end, I’ve always been in between the idea of these two paired together. I do like how they are both the tomboys out of the Mane 6 and are loyal to their friends, and even if they don’t see eye to eye, they still value their friendship and each other and have gotten along throughout the series.

I like the idea of them being close like sisters, which is why I like their friendship. But I also see them as a couple working out as well. I just like them together platonically personally.


Because They Have Similar Burdens- Sunset Shimmer and Sci-Twi (My Little Pony Equestria Girls)

Now, while these two are my most favorite pairing in the Equestria Girls spin off series, I also do admire their friendship. They are a pairing that I both ship and like as friends.

In terms of their friendship, yep, they do have similar burdens. Both have been corrupted by too much magic, were friendless for a while, and feel guilty for their actions while they were corrupted. They connect well because they have that kind of understanding, something that makes them feel a little left out as opposed to the rest of their friend group.


Because It's Canon- Sonic and Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog series)

I think these two under this category is pretty self-explanatory. They are best friends, close like brothers, and I admire how they’ve been best friends for a majority of the Sonic series. I don’t think I shall go on about this


Because It's Relatable- Unikitty and Hawkodile (Unikitty!)

Whenever I’ve seen these two interact in the spin off cartoon, I like to think that they have that kind of big bother, little sister dynamic going on together. Hawkodile is clearly protective of Unikitty, and Unikitty cares a lot about Hawkodile. Which is why I think their friendship is one that I think a lot of people can relate to. You can be different from a friend, but it takes understanding them to show that you know how to make them smile.


Because They Help Each Other Grow- Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony Friendship is Magic)

Many people weren’t too happy with Starlight being added to the main cast. I for one was interested to see how she was going to redeem herself and where she would fit in as Twilight’s student, and I was impressed with her development and arc. Starlight struggled to understand friendship, but she took the chance to learn when Twilight offered it to her, and since Starlight confirmed that she wanted to redeem herself, she has grown throughout her time in the series. She has even been there to help Twilight grow, reminding her when she’s strayed from what she believed in and pulling her back when she has lost hope.


Because They're Loyal to Each Other- Mike Wheeler and Will Byers (Stranger Things)

As great as Stranger Things is, I think one thing that is often forgotten in the story is the friendships between the characters. While I do ship Mike with Eleven, I do also admire the friendship he and Will have. It’s clear that they worry about the other and will protect each other, after all the crap that the Upside Down has thrown at them and the rest of the group. But even through all of the hard times that they’ve endured in seasons 2 and 3, they are still loyal to each other and hold their friendship to each other valuable.


Because It's Hilarious- Mao Mao and Badgerclops (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart)

So many people have come to ship these two. I’ve seen the reasons, but for those reasons, it’s why I like their friendship and don’t ship them romantically.

These two butt heads sometimes, arguing like an old married couple at times. But even so, they still cooperate as a team when it comes to fighting monsters or villains, and they still value their friendship. They’ve had some hilarious moments in the show, which is why I like their friendship.


Because It's Tranquil- Eleven and Max Mayfield (Stranger Things)

I was happy that Eleven and Max became friends. It was already a good call on the writers to introduce another girl the same age as the guys into the group, but the forming friendship that these two got to have in season 3 helped them grow closer. They don’t have to feel left out in a group consisting of mostly boys, and when they get to hang out, they get to be themselves and explore new things.


Because It's Full of Emotion- Sam and Josh (Until Dawn)

Most fans of the game liked the idea of these two paired up. Even if I don’t ship them in a romantic setting, I still liked their friendship that they formed.

They were both distraught over the disappearances of Hannah and Beth, so prior to the main plot of the game, they became closer with each other, trying to help each other through the hard times that they had to deal with because of this loss. And even after the reveal that Josh was trying to terrorize everyone as revenge, Sam still knew that he was mentally ill, and that he needed help. Even if she felt betrayed by how he tried to prank her back when she wasn’t a part of the twins’ disappearances, she still didn’t hold a grudge towards Josh, and was saddened to hear that he got dragged away/killed by the Wendigo.


Because It's Unique- Jesse and Radar (MCSM Season 2)

Regardless of which gender Jesse is when you play season 2 of MCSM, I loved the forming connection between these two. Whether you can pair them romantically, as friends, or even like siblings, I found their forming friendship unique. Radar is thee new intern while Jesse is the famed hero. Depending on the player’s choices, Radar can gain more faith in himself and prove his worth, and Jesse can see Radar growing as a character, but even come to care about Radar as a friend and not just as their intern.


Because They Respect Their Differences- Master Frown and Brock (Unikitty!)

I’ve seen these two argue like an old married couple, which is why some fans have come to ship them.

While I find it reasonable to see why others ship them, I like their friendship better. These two don’t always see eye to eye, and Master Frown is a common grouch while Brock is lazy yet humble and sweet. Even so, they get along as roommates and as friends, because they understand how they’re different from each other.


Because They're Yin and Yang- Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy (My Little Pony Friendship is Magic)

The confident tomboy and the shy but sweet girl. Both are the pegasai among the Mane 6, and they are polar opposites in terms of their personalities. Even so, they have that yin and yang friendship dynamic, because they understand the other and try to push the other to grow. Rainbow Dash tries to encourage Fluttershy when she is holding doubts on what she can do, while Fluttershy reminds Rainbow Dash that the ponies they care about come first.


Because They Work Best as Friends- Leonard Hofstader and Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory)

When I first got into the show, I was easily amused with the humorous moments that these two have. Even if they struggle to agree with each other over anything, in addition to how they struggle to socialize with other people, they’ve taken the time to understand each other and care about one another. It’s why they work best as close friends indeed.


Because They Don't Work as Enemies- Sonic and Knuckles (Sonic the Hedgehog series)

Ever since Knuckles has first appeared, and regardless of what part of the Sonic series a fan likes, these two have always had that friendly rivalry dynamic between each other. They’ve had their share of fights and arguments, but in the end, they are loyal to each other and work as a team when they fight Eggman or any other baddies.


Because It Has Great Potential-Lloyd and Nya (Ninjago)

When season 9 took place in the series, I thought it was great to have Lloyd and Nya separated from the rest of the ninja. I was always curious to see how they would cooperate with just each other as a team and without the rest of the ninja. I think there is still more potential to what they can show in their friendship, but for what we got in season 9, it came to show that they care about each other and wanted to help the other get through the mess that the Sons of Garmadon had put them in for the 8th and 9th seasons.


Because They Can't Trust Anyone Else- Captain Grime and Sasha Waybright (Amphibia)

I like Grime, and Sasha is honestly a character I’m a little more neutral on because of how toxic of a friend she was to Anne and Marcy, yet she shows that she does have a soft side because of how she cares about Captain Grime.

And with what they are going through in the second season, Grime is a wanted criminal, but Sasha is still loyal to him and wants to keep him safe. She even acknowledges that she truly sees him as a true friend of her own, which gives him back his motivation to be the baddie that he wants to be.


Because of Fan Art/Fanfiction- Sonic and Princess Elise (Sonic 06)

I’m one of the few who has never hated Sonic 06 or Princess Elise. While I no longer play the game, I still like the friendship that Sonic and Elise formed in the game. And even after the scene where she revived him, I didn’t come to hating the potential relationship they were forming.

Honestly, I’ve seen some cute fan art here on DeviantArt, where it portrays some “what if” scenarios where the events of Sonic 06 weren’t erased, and these two continued to be friends. It’s nice to see some other fans not shed the typical hate the game and/or Elise got, and instead make some nice friendship art pieces of them. I like them as friends, and I feel a sense of happiness when I see fan art pieces that portray them as friends.


Because Not Enough People Support It- Bill and Beverly (It)

So many people ship Beverly with Bill. I’ve got to be one of the very few out there who not only ships Beverly with Ben instead, but still supports the friendship she had with Bill as well. Bill is the one other than Ben that Beverly most connected with in the Losers Club, so we can’t forget their friendship aspect as well. The fact that Bill cares about Beverly and doesn’t want her left out of the group is how she has become close with the others.


Because of Their Conversations- Cole and Nya (Ninjago)

While I do not like the idea of these two being a couple, I still like the friendship dynamic between Cole and Nya. Nya was the one to encourage Cole when he got turned into a ghost, both believe in the other and know how valuable they are to the rest of the team, and even with the love triangle between them and Jay, they still held their friendship towards each other and Jay valuable. Even after Nya got back together with Jay, she still cares about Cole, Cole still respects her choice, and they are still close friends.

This goes to show that it takes talking to each other and understanding the other that friendships can truly work out, regardless of what hardships they’ve faced.


Because It Brings Out Their Best Qualities- Jack and Nurm (MCSM Season 2)

Jack and Nurm’s friendship can work either way as them as a couple or as friends. I really like how through their friendship, they understand each other. They’ve gone through the burden of losing Vos and Sammy prior to the second season’s events, and the involvement they find themselves having in the second season, becoming friends with Jesse, Petra, and the others, they cooperate great as a dynamic duo of their own. Which is why I think these two bring out their best qualities in each other.


Because It Benefits the Series- The Young Six (My Little Pony Friendship is Magic)

In terms of the Young Six as a whole group, while I do ship Gallus with Silverstream and Sandbar with Yona, I like the friendship between these six in general. Having these characters added to the main cast, it really did benefit the series. Season 8 wasn’t a favorite among many, and season 9 had its ups and downs. However, many people were intrigued by the addition of the Young Six, including myself.

I liked it when this group got their times to shine. Even though they’ve all come from different ethnicity groups, the fact that they’ve formed their friendships with each other and are another embodiment of the Elements of Harmony shows that people can get along with each other despite their differences.

You can’t build walls and judge people based on stereotypes. Learn from interacting with others. And the Young Six show that lesson through their time in the show.


Because I CAN- M. Jesse and Petra (MCSM)

Ho boy. I’ve been given the boot by some hard core Jetra fans for not shipping these two romantically. But just because I find the pairing overrated and don’t ship it, that doesn’t mean that I don’t like the friendship between them.

Jesse and Petra do get some on-screen chemistry, and the player’s choices can strengthen their friendship, which is why I like their friendship and like how they understand each other in the end.


Original meme: 'I Support This Platonic Ship' Meme Template


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All characters belong to their rightful owners

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