Martechi — Vanguard Mothership Tutankhamun 004 - Contribution

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Published: 2021-03-21 23:28:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 24148; Favourites: 191; Downloads: 85
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All Terran powers are compelled to contribute to the efforts of the Frontier Vanguard, both by their duty to the Terran Mandate and the chance to benefit from the spoils. For all the misgivings they may have towards the cause, none would risk the chance to abandon it and see others succeed without them.

The powers of the Terran Mandate each provide the best expertise, resources, and material they have to offer, at every stage from conception and construction to the operation of the Mothership. Depending on its focus and assignment, the distribution of support may vary, but nominally at least, all contributors are equal.

While the construction and operation of the Mothership demand much direct cooperation, there always remain some compartments and crew divisions firmly in the hands of individual factions and nations. Because of this, officers of the Frontier Vanguard require as much political and diplomatic cunning as military discipline to navigate the complex web of feuds and loyalties between the Mandate powers.

Terran Mandate Frontier Vanguard


The voyage of a Mothership is the highest cause of the Frontier Vanguard and the ultimate reward for years, even decades of work spend in planning, development, and construction. The launch of just a single vessel of such magnitude demands the work and dedication of millions. Only a fraction of those involved with the project will have a chance to serve aboard.

During the development and construction of the Tutankhamun, the Frontier Vanguard played a vital administrative role, coordinating and planning the work of all contributing Mandate powers and ensuring compatibility between systems and components. The Vanguard also provided a great number of specialized systems, including secondary communications and sensors, laboratory equipment, water circulation systems, and computer cores.

For those who are chosen, service aboard the Tutankhamun is a high honor and will likely continue until the end of their professional career. While assignment to the mothership is temporary for the personnel of the Mandate powers, the Vanguard crew is usually permanently stationed aboard.

Between the many nations represented on the ship, and their shifting feuds and loyalties, the core crew of the Frontier Vanguard is expected to always act as mediators, regardless of personal conviction. To this end, officers of the Vanguard adhere to a strict code of fielty to Earth alone, that is rooted in the sentiments of the old Terran Resistance.

The accommodations, services of the Frontier Vanguard form the basis of all common spaces aboard and are surrounded by the more specialized compartments of the Mandate Powers. Like the ship as a whole, these interior spaces are furnished in a neutral, utilitarian style, which is often personalized by civilian contractors and vendors.

More than just a military station, the Mothership is a permanent home to much of the Vanguard personnel, which is most obvious in the design of the Vanguard quarters. Comparatively spacious and highly customizable, these rooms are designed to offer a measure of privacy and reprieve from duty. High-ranking officials, officers, and experts are also afforded additional spaces for extraordinary work.

While by no means luxurious, these quarters clearly show the Mothership is more than an ordinary, military vessel.

Nusantara Regency


The Regency has a vested interest in the Mothership Tutankhamun, as its pioneering mission to settled worlds offers a great chance of interaction with new civilizations.

As the sole Confluence Tyranny taken over by humanity rather than destroyed, this power harbors a unique interest in extraterrestrial species and technology. In this position, the Regency has always stood alone and continues to be regarded with suspicion, even open hostility by the other powers.

Despite providing substantial contributions to most areas of the Mothership and the largest non-vanguard portion of the crew, the Regency remains largely isolated. The heart of its operation aboard is the engineering section of the furnace, resembling a fortress of armored bulkheads and closed-off compartments.

From there stretches a network of maintenance conduits and companionways behind the walls and between decks of the entire ship, allowing Nusantara crews to move and work unseen. Even their crew quarters and accommodations are distinct, resembling more the alien architecture of the Regency.

The specialized research and development divisions of the Nusantara Regency are among the most closely guarded areas of the ship, with an entire special forces attachment dedicated to their protection. Their contents and projects are the subjects of much speculation.

> Hull Frame & Keel

> Structural reinforcement fields

> Inertia cancellation fields

> Artificial Gravity Systems

> Engineering

> Maintenance Management

> Research and Development

> KOPASKA Special Forces

> Regent Illuminate Drop Troops

> Nusantara Phalanx Recon Company

> RSAF Black Knights Special Ops & Ceremonial Sqn

> 111th Early Warning & Surveillance Sqn

Allied Powers of Pan-Europa


The second most prominent supporter of Tutankhamun's Mission after the Nusantara Regency are the Allied Powers of Pan-Europa. As one of the only Mandate powers maintaining diplomatic ties to some extraterrestrials, Pan-Europa seeks to seize the opportunity to expand its contacts and influence among them.

While most official activity of the Pan-Europeans is concentrated around the ship's specialized systems and arrays in the upper castle section, they mingle often with the Vanguard crew and are seen in all common areas. Their relationship to the remainder of the crew is somewhat cool, as the Allied Powers tend to view others with some condescension, likening the general distrust of extraterrestrials to petty superstition.

The Allied Powers notably maintain and protect the embassy sector, housing the only free community of extraterrestrials aboard. In this highly restricted and secured area, a unique mix of Terran and extraterrestrial design and culture co-exist. Almost exclusively Pan-Europeans enter those well-guarded compartments.

> Intercom and Communications

> Computing Systems

> Onboard Data Web

> Sensor Systems

> Communications Department

> Info- and Cyber Operations

> Diplomatic Corps

> Astrocorps Marines

> Nordic Unionist Pioneers

> 53rd Spartans Astrofighter Sqn

> TA-51c Immelman Tactical Recon Sqn

> Jagdgeschwader 73 Steinhoff

> 8e Escadre de Chasse Astrofighters

> F7 Skaraborg Aerospace Fighter Wing

Celestial Empire


The Celestial Empire is at its most cooperative when engaging in missions with the Frontier Vanguard. While the dragon's nation is usually highly reserved and scarce in its interactions with other Mandate Powers, the interest in new systems and Lifeseeder artifacts changes that disposition considerably.

Cooperation between the Celestial Empire and the other powers is still limited largely to official capacities between officers on the Department level and the noble caste of Celestials. The majority of celestial commoners live and work entirely sequestered from the rest of the crew, in quarters forbidden to outsiders and the naturally isolated machine rooms of the drive cores and primary engines.

However, the gates of the imperial sections are opened on a semi-regular basis for a plethora of official functions, festivals, and ceremonial interactions, allowing a mingling between celestials and the rest of the crew in a strictly regulated circumstance. Some of these festivities and functions extend to the civilian sections of the Tutankhamun and attract a great deal of attention as cultural events.

The only section of celestials permanently forbidden to the rest of the ship is the Machinist Lodge in charge of interstellar transitions. Elusive even among celestials, the machine masters therein guard the secrets of their Lifeseeder technology with their lives.

> Construction and maintenance of the drive cores

> Xenoarcheological research department and archive

> Machinist Lodge of the Caste

> Drive Core Engineering

> Interstellar Transition

> Blue Banner Soldiers

> Imperial Hunters

> Red Banner Taikonauts

> 44th Golden Banner Void Hunters Sqn

> 7th Dawn Strategic Bomber Wing

British Dominions


In their continued effort to advance their influence beyond Sol, the British Dominions have increased their contributions to the Tutankhamun considerably over the course of its development process. Beyond offering considerable material and expertise during the construction, the Dominions provide personnel and connections to the logistical and supply divisions of the Mothership.

The Dominion's interests have less to do with the Tutankhamun's mission specifically and more so with its general role of importance in the Frontier Vanguard and therefore the Terran Mandate. It is their full intention to use the voyage as an opportunity to prove the Dominion's growing reach and strength.

After having a considerably smaller part in previous efforts of the Frontier Vanguard, the Dominion pioneers are still regarded as newcomers by most other powers and have yet a position to earn. This sentiment is very much present in many interactions between the pioneers and the rest of the crew.

Aboard the Tutankhamun, signs of the British dominions are ever-present, ranging from stamps on widely used equipment to posters, souvenirs, and music in the civilian sectors. The British Dominions are very keen on making their presence known and it is felt throughout the vessel.

> Hull and Armor

> Citadels and Shelter

> Secure Compartment Gates

> Transport Systems

> Procurement and Logistics

> Supply Department

> Orbital Special Operative Troops

> 43rd Royal Expeditionary Force

> 909th RAF Expeditionary Aerospace Wing

> No. 18 RAF Pegasus Heavy Support Sqn

Union of Terran Free People's Republics


To the Union of Terran Republics, participation in voyages of the Frontier Vanguard is as much a contribution to the Terran Mandate as a means to further national interests of their own. On all Motherships, the contributions of the Union have been always part of larger strategic and political plans, the goals of which were at times pursued particularly aggressively, including the use of a Mothership as an inadvertent quasi-military asset for the union's offensive movements.

The Union's presence aboard is divided between the secretive military divisions operating experimental equipment and weaponry, and the common crew fulfilling its ordinary duties alongside maintaining a strong visible presence on the ship. Similar to the Last Commonwealth, members of the Union commonly wear insignia and parts of uniforms of their respective nation in combination with the vanguard-issue designs. Union culture has a strong presence in certain common areas and their quarters.

There is a distinct adversarial relationship between the crew of the Union and the divisions of the Celestial Empire, which is felt by the rest of the ship. Groups of the two are seldom seen close together and cooperation is kept to a minimum.

> Primary Power Grid

> Heat Sinks and Distributors

> Experimental Energy Lance Suites

> Specialized Weapons Divisions

> Damage Control Management

> People's Liberation Army Expeditionary Force

> PLA Corps of Engineers

> 994th Mechanized Company

> 124th Transport Division (12 Sqns)

> 107th Flying Fighters Division (3 Wings)

Last Commonwealth of Terra


The Last Commonwealth of Terra has little interest in Tutankhamun's mission beyond pushing the frontier of the Terran Mandate closer to the borderlands of the Confluence. With the current shifting of the Commonwealth's focus away from the Mandate, even a withdrawal from the mission was reportedly considered but ultimately rejected as too drastic a measure.

In its contributions to the Mothership, the Last Commonwealth considers the voyage of the Tutankhamun a military expedition, and the personnel was selected accordingly. While the people of the Commonwealth mingle with the rest of the crew occasionally, many ad-hoc common areas of theirs are found close to the ship's artillery batteries and fire directorates. Especially gun crews of the Last Commonwealth are closely knit units and at times adversarial to outsiders, particularly those of ideologically opposed powers of the Mandate.

The proud tradition of the Last Commonwealth is often displayed by its crew in insignia and uniforms of their homelands, worn in combination with vanguard-issue equipment.

Areas of the Mothership dominated by the Last Commonwealth are claimed as "extended territories" and easily distinguishable by flags, banners, and signage. Among their own, the Commonwealth crews even practice their own criminal persecution and disciplinary measures.

> Ship's Artillery Weaponry

> Emergency Power System

> Secondary Compartment Armor

> Specialized Weapons Divisions

> Manufacture

> Spetsnaz

> 32nd Cosmonaut Infantry

> Siberian Mobile Artillery

> Anatolia Janissaries

>1102nd Composite Aviation Regiment (5 Sqns)

> 003rd Muscovite Winter Interceptor Sqn

> 486th Khazak Urashal Gunship Sqn

> 203rd SAR "Aegean" Command Sqn

Terra de Santa Cruz


The followers of the cross aboard the Mothership Tutankhamun form a complete diocese led by a bishop of the Holy Church. Divided into warriors and clergy, this small society strictly follows its tradition within the confines of the Mothership's operation and command structure.

Quarters and accommodations are not specific to the followers of the cross, who have taken up lodgings in the ship's standard sections. The sole common space of the diocese is taken up by several small chapels and a single cathedral, around which most life outside their duties revolves.

The crew hailing from Terra de Santa Cruz specializes in maintaining life support and the onboard agri- and horticultures, mixing these duties with a monastic tradition. This is true for all duties fulfilled by the followers of the cross. The most notable divisions outside these basic systems are the clergy's Xenobiological Research Division and genetic laboratories, which conduct most of the scientific work in these fields aboard.

When followers of the cross venture out into other common areas, they often maintain a distant but peaceful relationship with members of other Mandate powers, though they lean heavily towards the puritans. The biggest tensions exist between them and the people of Nusantara.

> Life Support

> Habitation Modules

> Onboard Agri- and Horticulture

> Water circulation and filtration systems

> Bio-Automata Hives and Drones

> Xenobiological Research Division

> Genetic Laboratories Division

> Bio-Fabrication Manufacture Division

> Seven Cities Conquistadores

> Saint Patroclus Biohazard Unit

American State Fleets


The State Fleets of America always take pride in their contribution of high-tech components and highly trained personnel to efforts of the Terran Mandate, including those of the Frontier Vanguard. However, growing sentiments against the mission assignments of the Tutankhamun caused a significant decrease in support for this particular voyage. While the crews provided to the ship are still substantial, there is a definite jaded sentiment among them, as official support for their contribution will be minimal unless a monumental success is achieved.

The American quarter aboard the Tutankhamun resembles a planned maritime city, following similar blueprints to a residential-type carrier of the Atlantic fleets. Comparatively small and focusing heavily on common areas, it offers little luxuries and attractions in the eyes of much of the rest of the crew. While the core of the American crew is fiercely entrenched in there, the rest is considered far more out-going. Particularly the hangar crews maintain a good relationship with all forces of the Mandate, overwriting every difference with a common warrior-spirit.

> Synthetic Automata Hives and Drones

> Industrial Robotics

> Hangar Crews

> UAV Command

> Lousiana State Marines

> Rhode Island Fleet Commandos

> 34th Flying Fiends Fighter Sqn

> 80th Juvats Fighter Sqn

> 494th Rocketeers Astro Navy Sqn

African Mandate League

22 000

The Mandate League of Africa is as volatile a power as the continent it represents. The most influential and stable nations represented by this supranational institution are in constant flux, which can at times create considerable unrest among its people. However, those who signed up for the Tutankhamun's voyage take fierce pride in their own skill and history.

Coming from some of the harshest environments and warzones on planet Earth, everyone working and fighting with the Landfleets of the Armored Corps is a hardened veteran and skilled like no other.

The different groups and formations, some of which predate the collective assignment to the Vanguard, have some feuds and rivalries among each other, as well as with the rest of the crew. Their loyalty to the Terran Mandate is undisputed, however, and they are seen with much less suspicion than the people of Nusantara or even the Allied Powers.

Several landship- and deck crews of the planetary fleet permanently live aboard their vessels, keeping little contact with the rest of the ship during transit. Trips to the common areas of the rest of the crew are treated more like shore-leaves than the norm.

> Planetary Operations

> Armored Corps

> Savannah Shipbreakers

> Abyssinian Grenadiers

> Ashanti Imperial Marines

Condominium Antarctica

2 500

The presence of the Condominium Antarctica is acknowledged by the Frontier Vanguard in no further detail beyond its mere existence. Separated from the rest of the ship and crew by multiple non-habitable sections, Antarctica maintains a completely autonomous facility of unspecified scale and purpose.

While official information on the facility is redacted, it clearly encompasses advanced research programs, as well as a military wing operating special forces units and at least one Omega Flight squadron.

> Paratechnological Research

> #004 Omega Flight Sqn

FULL CODEX ENTRY: terran-mandate.fandom.com/wiki…

Terran Mandate - original project by Martechi

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Comments: 35

mectel2005 [2021-05-03 00:25:42 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to mectel2005 [2021-05-25 14:04:52 +0000 UTC]

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pry-eyes [2021-04-08 11:51:11 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to pry-eyes [2021-04-09 07:29:23 +0000 UTC]

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Varunas12 [2021-03-26 10:29:00 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to Varunas12 [2021-03-26 12:09:49 +0000 UTC]

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Varunas12 In reply to Martechi [2021-03-26 14:54:54 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to Varunas12 [2021-03-27 12:34:47 +0000 UTC]

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Varunas12 [2021-03-26 10:24:42 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to Varunas12 [2021-03-26 12:13:43 +0000 UTC]

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Varunas12 In reply to Martechi [2021-03-26 14:56:11 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to Varunas12 [2021-03-27 12:37:34 +0000 UTC]

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wellis [2021-03-24 08:24:03 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to wellis [2021-03-24 09:14:01 +0000 UTC]

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wellis In reply to Martechi [2021-04-03 11:24:20 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to wellis [2021-04-04 17:15:59 +0000 UTC]

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PrimaryCommander2045 [2021-03-22 22:02:51 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to PrimaryCommander2045 [2021-03-23 07:02:32 +0000 UTC]

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SFeather2022 [2021-03-22 14:11:24 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to SFeather2022 [2021-03-23 07:02:42 +0000 UTC]

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Gromgorefiend [2021-03-22 13:46:03 +0000 UTC]

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Cerkiew15 [2021-03-22 07:41:32 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to Cerkiew15 [2021-03-22 11:31:54 +0000 UTC]

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AGiLE-EaGLE1994 [2021-03-22 05:03:41 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to AGiLE-EaGLE1994 [2021-03-22 11:33:23 +0000 UTC]

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AGiLE-EaGLE1994 In reply to Martechi [2021-03-22 12:31:59 +0000 UTC]

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darklord86 [2021-03-22 03:35:20 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to darklord86 [2021-03-22 11:33:33 +0000 UTC]

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darklord86 In reply to Martechi [2021-03-25 06:50:29 +0000 UTC]

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warrior31992 [2021-03-22 01:33:16 +0000 UTC]

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Terranallias18 [2021-03-22 01:03:18 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 2

Martechi In reply to Terranallias18 [2021-03-22 11:37:06 +0000 UTC]

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Lazor11 In reply to Terranallias18 [2021-03-22 03:37:37 +0000 UTC]

The sun motif makes me think a restored Imperial Japan.

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Kellkrull87 [2021-03-22 00:32:49 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 1

Martechi In reply to Kellkrull87 [2021-03-22 11:34:31 +0000 UTC]

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