This superspecies was said to be associated with abnormal seismic activities, especially the mysterious collapse of the Arc de triomphe in 1968. Reading the records of such seismic activities, Monarch tracked down the titan and found that many systems of archipelago were home to him. This superspecies was later dormant in an isolated ecosystem in the heart of the Java Sea, the Mondo Island. Monarch decided to contain and closely monitor the titan before it becomes active and starts his path of destruction once more.
The superspecies possesses a pair of muscular, enormous legs, which depict his bipedal posture. Besides, he also has a long, sharp tail. A single row of dorsal spines is running from the back of his head till the two-third of his tail, with three pairs of similar dorsal spines located at the two sides of the torso. Adding the similarity of the shape of the skull of the titan, it is suggested to be the closest relative species to Titanus gojira.
The only differences compared to Titanus gojira are the number of fingers and theorized diet. This titan may consume radioactive energy as well as minerals.
This superspecies has most part of the dorsal side, the ventral side of the tail and the claws covered in minerals and ores. Such structure may provide the titan protection and durability.
The long tail is also believed possible performing slashing and whipping attacks, given the flexible tail can elongate when force is applied and its tip is knife-shaped. However, some scholars in Monarch containment team of this titan also theorizes the tail can support the titan doing a kangaroo kick attack, which his weight is not accounted for.
The protrusions at the lower jaw and the slender fore legs are believed evidences to the burrowing habit of the titan in an attempt to explain the destruction of buildings with unknown reasons and abnormal seismic activities.
Aside from physical strengths, the superspecies seemed also capable of releasing heat blasts of extremely hot gas from his mouth. This ability would be another common features between this titan and Titanus gojira, which they release radioactive heat ray.
This titan was believed to be first discovered by a Skull Island expedition team in 1967, which they witnessed him battling with Kong, a member of the Titanus kong species. The bipedal titan somehow escaped from the field.
The containment site for this titan also shares similarities to Skull Island, where the most apparent is these places are isolated by a thick wall of storms and electric field. This could be the reason for the few sighting reports of this titan.