The cyclots have a round head, a strong, flexible body, and thin, pointed paws.
And, although their appearance is similar to a cat's, they have no kinship with them (if only because they appeared on another planet).
Cyclots can purr as cats, the structure of their perceiving organs (nose, eye, ears) is just as close. Cyclots have a similar reproductive system. Cyclots can not be intersex and sexless.
The skeleton of cyclots is similar to the cat's skeleton, although it has some differences. The main such difference is the skull - it is round, the teeth are poured into the jaw. They also have a different structure of "fingers" - they simply do not exist, when walking, cyclones rest on support claws. The thorax is prolonged, in it not 12, but 14 pairs of ribs. This is due to the fact that cyclotons do not have digestive organs, and the brain is in the rib cage.
And there is one more feature - cyclotons have one more type of bone tissue - "double". It consists of a fine grid. It can straighten or very tighten and change its density from very soft to extremely hard and durable. Of this tissue consists supporting claws and mouth with teeth. For example, when the cyclot is walking, the double tissue is compressed, the supporting claws are solid, and if the cyclot, for example, wants to take something into its paws, the net expands and the claws can flex. With the "soft" mouth, the cyclot depict emotions, and the "hard" mouth protects the eye from damage.
I did not really think about the arrangement of organs, there are many shortcomings.
Main features:
The eye is located in the head, the brain is shifted to the rib cage. There are no digestive organs, their place is occupied by a system of organs capable of processing solar energy.
Their mouth is actually a large eye socket. Two eyelids have become a bone of the jaw, but they are composed of a double fabric.
Cyclots have two types of vision are eye and echolocation. Echolocation is provided by a rapid oscillation of the muscles on the neck, similar to the vibration of the string. Echolocation helps them not only to "see" them with a closed mouth. Cyclots have only one eye and their vision is "flat", they can not determine the distance to objects "by eye". And so, at the moment when they need to know the distance of the object, they create a sound wave and, analyzing the echo from this wave, determine the range with accuracy.
Cyclots can distinguish colors, although they do not distinguish between shades of red. The cyclots have well-developed night vision, although it is still worse than the cat's.
Description of species:…
Cyclots [closed species] by me