Reichtangle: Meine Liebe! (My love!)
Reichtangle: Meine Liebe, where are you?! (My love, where are you?!)
Reichtangle: Oh, there you are!
Reichtangle: Guess what, meine Kornblume?! I believe we have a künstler in the house! ( Guess what, my cornflower?! I believe we have an artist in the house!)
French Col. Empire: …
Russian Empire: …
French Col. Empire: Is that your husband?
Russian Empire: Yes.
I drew this during the day, but since my scanner doesn't work, I had to follow a process with the images.
1. Take the pictures with my phone.
2. Upload the images through (13 images at the same time and separately).
3. Copy and paste the images to MsPaint after they were downloaded,
4. Check the sizes of the images.
5. Upload them to Paint Tool Sai.
6. After placing the images on Paint Tool Sai, I made the black boarder.
7. I got rid of the different sizes and edges of the images.
8. I later added the colors, the letters, and the bubbles.
9. I go back to MsPaint and I add the text.
The reason why I took a long time to post this was because I was doing something during the day and I was not working on the process. But, now it's done. I hope you guys like the comic.
- Lisa M. Spisak 2019
Oh, I want to make the French Col. Empire a fine lady.
EDIT: I can't put "künstler" because the "u" has two dots.
EDIT: German words translated to English:
"Meine Liebe" - My love
"Kornblume" - Cornflower
"Künstler" - Artist
Fun Fact: The cornflower or the Cyani flower is the national flower for Germany.
- Lisa M. Spisak 2019
EDIT: If you're wondering why the Russian Empire is blushing at the bottom, he is not entirely embarrassed. He is proud.