When: May 21, 2018
Where: Avonturia De Vogelkelder Den Haag, The Netherlands
Once you set out to photograph a Laughing Kookaburra full-frontal, it's like they know and do everything they can to make sure you don't get that photo.
When I finally got the photo I intended after a lot of trouble, it was like they knew they didn't have to anymore, so they made it easy.
That's when I decided to take advantage after all, and photograph another pretty one just how I like to see them best
Species: Laughing Kookaburra (Australische lachvogel)
Latin name: Dacelo Novaeguineae
Originates from Oceania.
Current status: Least Concern
Did you know:
…The Laughing Kookaburra is the largest member of the Kingfisher family, and best known for its laughing call.
…Laughing with it, or at it, is believed by the indigenous people to put a curse on you.
…Due to fish being its main course, it tends to reek of the smell.
© Mouselemur’s Photography - Portegiesje
I love it when you love my work, but please, if you want to use it in any other medium, ask my permission first.
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