▶ P R O F I L E ▪ 092
F I L E ▪ I N F O R M A T I O N _
Name: Eugène Guilbert
Rank: 172 < 102 < 092
Class: Engineer
Age: 31 years
Date of Birth: September 1st 1985
Height: 5'10" - 178 cm
Weight: 165 lbs - 75 kg
Languages: French and English
S T A T I S T I C S _
Strength: 2
Stamina: 2
Speed: 1
Dexterity: 4
Intelligence: 4
Defense: 2
Balance: 1
Ability: 3
(Total: 16 + 3 (*needs to be updated on the app))
W E A P O N S _
▪ None / whatever’s at hand
S K I L L S ▪ A N D ▪ S P E C I A L I Z A T I O N S _
▪ He has a knack for taking things apart, fixing and rebuilding them - he has especially had experience with things like phones, computers, household robots, hand guns and cars, but all things are worth being taken apart at least once.
▪ He generally has a great understanding of how programming works combined with a love for motors, things that move on their own, and gadgets.
▪ He has had military training and does know how to use a gun. Don’t expect him to, though, the noise those things produce is enough to knock him out shortly if he’s unprepared.
B A S I C S _
Living arrangement: HQ01
▶ A B I L I T Y _
S I L E N C E_
Effect: The ability allows the user to block out all sounds, including sounds not detectable to human ears. The effect of the ability is limited to the user and can only be extended to others through physical / skin-to-skin contact. When the ability is used, the user will not even be able to hear their own heartbeat.
Pros: Absolutely no distractions can be heard while the ability is used, and it would allow the user to avoid taking damage from high-pitched sounds or other sound-based abilities. It could be used to protect an ally from damaging sounds or alternatively be used against an enemy, but this would require close contact.
Cons: Complete silence can be very unnerving, and using the ability basically removes one of the main senses, leaving the user deaf and unable to react to any approaching danger they cannot see.
Using the ability for too long at a time (generally more than half an hour) will affect the user’s sense of hearing, make them react more strongly to sudden, loud noises when they turn off the ability, and extended usage can cause migraine. It is not an ability that is very useful in combat, if at all.
▶ P E R S O N A L I T Y _
[ Tidy ▪ Dedicated ▪ Hardworking ▪ Experimental ▪ Impatient (with other people) ▪ One-Tracked ▪ Moody ]
Eugène expects other people to care for the same things he cares about without offering others the same interest - at all. His field of interest encompasses little more than machinery and vehicles, and there is a good chance that he will simply choose to block out the sound if someone insists on telling him about things that are unrelated to these and his work. He is not of the most social kind and will not try to come off as otherwise.
He likes to experiment with new things and testing gadgets is always great. If the subject falls on something he is actually interested in, he will lighten up and chat away happily. But, most of the time, he will prefer to be alone and do his job. His mood depends greatly on how well his projects are processing, and he tends to become very impatient with others when he feels like he is performing poorly.
L I K E S A N D D I S L I K E S _
+ Gadgets, projects, big machines and vehicles in particular, science-fiction movies, Pepsi, cars, space
- Noise (almost all kinds of music included), big messes, headaches, people who waste his time, being poked
▶ H I S T O R Y _
Eugène was born in France and grew up in Nancy with his parents, his father a native and his mother born American. Basile and Mary Guilbert were both caring, but busy parents, and the boy went through several nannies in his early childhood, spending a lot of time on his own without ever being blessed with a second sibling. He unnerved several of his caretakers by being a particularly quiet child who could sit entirely still for long periods of time only to then break out into seemingly unprovoked fits of crying.
He was placed in École maternelle (pre-school) at the age of three. Here, he initially did not get along with any of the other children and mysteriously caused many other children to cry without doing much else than touching them. Now marked as a trouble-maker, the boy was again left a lot to himself. At 4 years old, he could often be found playing with building bricks, and through this medium he slowly made friends with other, quieter children. It was suspected more than once that he had trouble with his hearing, but when he was taken to a doctor, he always proved to be in perfect health.
It was not until he started in primary school that Eugène began to be able to grasp what made him different from the rest of his classmates. He was not able to control his ability and would at times sit dumbly as his hearing disappeared, making him miss half of the lesson at school. The concerned teacher contacted his parents, who made the boy attend extra classes. This continued for several years of doctor’s appointments, books and extra homework before he was able to turn it on and off at will. He still spent a lot of time alone, but now his time was not spent with bricks – instead, he began taking things apart. He was scolded severely once as his parents came home to find him surrounded with bits from their TV, and though it appeared that he did not really listen to their reprimands, this stunt was not repeated. In attempt to distract him from this destructive behavior, he was encouraged to start collecting toy cars. (These would also be destroyed with time, but at least the distraction proved effective.)
In 1996 he started in secondary school (Collége), 11 years old and friendless. He was signed up for sports, another attempt made by his parents to help him along, and he attended even if with little enthusiasm. His main interests had become reading – science fiction mostly – and learning as much about cars and motorbikes as possible. He joined a group of other boys from the sports team who would hang out after school and go to the cinema to watch movies, and then go car-watching by the highway. He slowly gained more confidence in speaking about things that interested him, something which began to show in his school marks: He improved in physics and math, but in many other subjects he continued to perform just average.
He entered High school (Lycée) in 2000 together with one friend, Luca, from his former school. By his third year, he was tired of studying – tired of spending his time on what he deemed ‘useless’ subjects and tired of having to listen to teachers talking and talking all day, tired of tests. Encouraged by Luca, he had paid attention in even classes he did not care for, and his scores improved greatly. Together, the two boys would spend their afternoons and evenings in Luca’s father’s garage, taking apart things and building other things, work that Eugène would have trouble letting go even after he’d gone home. He graduated in 2003 and after considerations, one of his first lengthy talks with his parents, and an interview of sorts with Luca’s older brother, he decided to enroll in the military.
After tests, signing up to the Engineering Arm (l'Arme du génie) and finishing the Formation Generale Initiale (FGI) (12 weeks course) Eugène continued his training with the 6th Engineering regiment in Angers and could call himself Private 1st class after 12 months of service. After having served his three years, Eugène left, despite having actually made a few friends. The practical experience and the opportunities the army had offered had greatly benefited him, but the constant budget cuts and the limitations were suffocating. He wanted to experiment more, and he needed more knowledge.
He returned home and began researching his options. Taking contact to his mother’s family in the States offered new possibilities. Eugène applied for college in America and enrolled in 2007, 22 years old. He finished his undergrad degree in 4 years and continued on MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), spending another two years on his master’s in Mechanical Engineering, all financed by scholarships and his parents, whom he had now not seen for several years. Despite his dislike for educational systems, he had come to enjoy his life there, and he had no intentions of returning to France. He had met like-minded people and even had a short-lasting relationship (that slowly faded back into friendship as his priority continued to be science and little else).
Perhaps he would have continued his studies, if an incident in one of the laboratories had not changed things for him. His ability was not of a flashy kind, and since his childhood he had not shared the details of it with anyone. With age, he began getting bad headaches after having used his ability for too long at a time, so he restricted it to about 30 minutes at a time and only when he really needed to concentrate on things… or when people insisted on telling him useless things about their holidays. Perfect silence allowed him to work with greater speed and precision, and he had gotten oddly used to that strange state of being after having lived with it all his life. He still was not able to restrict it very well, which meant that should anyone touch him while he was in silent mode, they would share the sensation with him shortly before he quickly turned it off.
The incident was caused by a fellow student, who was working on a project involving ultrasound. A power cut turned off the lights and caused minor confusion, but when the power returned, the unfinished machine was turned on as well. The result ear-splitting and painful and affected several students with the exception of Eugène, who eventually managed to turn it off. The student who had built the thing (basically a LRAD) barely kept his hearing, but he swore he had become entirely deaf the time Eugène grabbed his hand and pulled him over to stop the infernal sounds. Shortly afterwards he received a weird phone call. He was 28 years old at this time, when the strange person calling themselves ZERO contacted him and offered him to join the Agency.
[Age Meme ]
▶ M E D I C A L ▪ I N F O R M A T I O N _
G E N E R A L _
Blood Type: A negative
Allergies: None confirmed
Scars: Nothing unusual, only a couple of scrapes from his childhood and military time
He’s slightly far-sighted and wears either glasses or contact lenses most of the time, but he can function without.
P R O C E D U R E S ▪ D O N E _
▪ None
▶ M I S C E L L A N E O U S _
T R I V I A _
▪ All Eugène’s relatives on his mother’s side of the family suffers from varying degrees of migraine
▪ His interest in taking things apart and examining them includes all kinds of things, especially things created by others with extraordinary abilities.
▪ If he could get away with it, he would live in a garage or a laboratory, always wear overalls and only go outside when he had to. He CAN be seen wearing normal clothing, but it doesn’t happen often. The uniform is comfortable enough.
▪ He is still not at a point with his ability where he can stop ‘sharing’ – if you suspect him of blocking you out, one way to test it is to simply touch him. (At your own risk, of course.)
F A M I L Y _
▪ Basile Guilbert, Eugène’s father, a former military man and now employed as an accountant in a department of a larger corporation in Nancy, France. Never very good at showing affection, but always willing to support his son.
▪ Mary Guilbert (born Baker), Eugène’s mother, employed as a surgeon at Hopital Central, Nancy. She occasionally sends Eugène e-mails to make sure he is in good health. Like her husband, she can come off as rather detached.
▪ Rachel Anderson (born Baker), Eugène’s aunt and his mother’s sister, working as a nurse in Washington, USA. She is currently his closest relative, even if he does not frequently contact her. She is married and has 2 children who are both a bit younger than Eugène. (Phillip and Sarah, 25 and 22) [Simple ref]
R O L E P L A Y ▪ S A M P L E _
Eugène looked up with mild irritation at the person who was blocking the corridor. He was on his way to the lab, and even though nothing required him to get there fast, it was still a bother to find that he would have to interact with someone in order to get there. The woman did not seem to suspect that she was a hindrance, because she smiled and greeted him. “Do I know you?” he asked and slowed down as it was evident that he would not be allowed to simply walk around her without being exceedingly rude.
//Writing this was really hard wow I hope this is alright--- thank you to for making me super hyped about this//