Quetzalcoatlkinga — EBC - Rose the Deceptive Draught

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Description Name: Rosé Krasí
Nicknames: Ro, Rosie, Pinkeye
* A rosé is a type of wine that incorporates some of the color from the grape skins, but not enough to qualify it as a red wine. It may be the oldest known type of wine, as it is the most straightforward to make, and is characterized by its pink color, ranging from near-white to true pink to near-purple
* Krasi - Greek word for wine, and the surname of his former owner

Age: Born July 7th, 41 BC, currently 6 months

Scent: Rose petals, raspberry juice, and mist

Current Rank: Rogue Cub
* Previous ranks: none

Gender: Male

Orientation: Eh he’ll find out later

Species: 50% Sand cat, 50% Caracal

Build: Lean and slender, Ro is the epitome of grace- at least, that’s what he would have you believe. Lanky and slender, long-legged and long-tailed, with curled ears like devil’s horns and fluff all over, the truth of the matter is that he is nowhere near as elegant as he badly wants to be- and his ambitions are outmatched only by his ability to trip over his own paws and go sprawling. Metaphorically or otherwise.

Voice: Antony Del Rio, as Kyle from She-Ra. High pitched and a little hesitant, prone to shoving his foot in his mouth- or screeching when he (often) makes a mistake

* Dominant: cream fur, long tail, large ears, striped tail, chin marking
* Recessive: spots, pink eyes, ‘eyeliner’ markings, hair fluff, mane markings, mane-like ruff
* Carries: grey fur, red eyes, short tail, three-toned fur

[Playful, Quick-Thinking, Mischevious, Capricious, Dishonest, Insecure, Vain]

• Playful - “Come on Chardonnay, I’ll race you to that clearing- and if that cat’s still there, we can go throw pinecones at him!”
• Rosé can turn anything into a game and takes very little seriously. From a leaf in the air to an unwatched barrel, a new cat or his sister’s tail swishing enticingly in front of him, he has no problem enjoying life and finding the fun in even the most difficult situations. He is also not above exploiting this and cheering up his siblings when they’re down or sad with an ‘innocent’ game and pretending not to understand what upsets them- even while insisting the whole time he doesn’t.

• Quick-Thinking - “What? Oh- no no no, see, this isn’t your earring, this is one I picked up from a trader-“
• A conniver and a sly little creature, Rosé is always looking for an opportunity, whether to make a quick score or simply get ahead in life, and is adept at making fast choices that pan out in his or his sibling’s favor. There is rarely an opportunity he is not ready to exploit, and even more rarely a situation he can’t find a lead in, and he loves nothing more than turning on a dime and surprising cats with a sudden success where previously the odds were not stacked on his side.

• Mischievous - “Ooooh, that looks super important... let’s go take it!”
• His talent at finding an opportunity for trouble is outmatched only by his desire to cause it or cannonball into what’s already there. Rosé adores with all his heart and soul a good prank or the backlash of one, and finds trickery a wonderful game to play on any unsuspecting dope he can dupe into it. He is not malicious and does not intentionally hurt people for the fun of it, but inconveniencing or annoying them? Oh, absolutely- and if you want a moment’s worth of peace, it’s far better to steer clear of this little terror before he decides that you’ll make a great target.

• Capricious - “Oh Merlot, that is so last week. Time to move on- y’see, I’m already working on this-“
• A creature of whims and impulse, he flits from concept to task like a butterfly to flowers, never staying and never putting any great effort into a single thing. What catches his attention is often arbitrary and may not make a lick of sense to anyone outside his head, and what causes him to drop something may be even more random. Why he does what he does may be a mystery even to himself, and to be honest, he rarely cares about such; he’s usually far too busy sticking his nose into his latest and greatest ideas.

• Dishonest - “Of course I didn’t take this armor piece. I found it in the stomach of a killer boar that was rampaging across the countryside! Until I beat him, of course.”
• Truth is subjective, unless you’re Rosé, in which case it’s pretty well the opposite of what you’re saying. He almost never says what actually happened and is truly terrible at changing details or simply exaggerating things to sound more dramatic or exciting. After all, why tell a boring storing when you could tell an exciting one- that the exciting one is false doesn’t matter in the slightest to him, and he will absolutely lie to someone’s face for the fun of it, even when he doesn’t have to. And, in fact, would benefit by telling the truth.

• Insecure - “Psh, no. I don’t care what they think. I’m just as good as Merlot and Chardonnay... of course...”
• A classic case of middle child syndrome, Rosé often feels as though he is neither as capable as his younger brother, nor as friendly as his older sister, and rather desperately searches for a way into the limelight while asserting that he is every bit as clever and talented as his siblings, if not more so. Flattery will puff him up to the point of blindness, and attention is his greatest reward. He longs for adulation and praise, hoping to satisfy the little child in him that forever feels shunted to the side in favor of others, and ignoring him will only make him redouble his efforts to get a reaction, as he has long since discovered that negative and positive attention are opposite sides of the same coin and still forms of attention.

• Vain - “Oh come on, you just wish you looked as good as me. I know it and you know it; it’s okay, you can just admit it, I promise I won’t think any less of you for it.”
• Hey, he looks good and he knows it, so sue him. Well aware that he is spectacular, brilliant, and overall just awesome, Rosé is a puffed up cat in a tiny little body, walking with a swagger and never entertaining the slightest doubts about himself... at least, not around others. Insults or assaults to his appearance- or even abilities- will quickly earn his ire and a very personal attempt at getting back at them because how dare you sir he is perfect.

Overall Impression:
• To strangers; Rosé is trouble, without question. Fast-talking and nowhere near as smooth as he thinks he is, he’ll rob you blind the moment your back is turned, or insult you to your face and bounce away cackling. Clever and unpredictable, he has no trouble with getting into trouble, and saying or doing whatever he needs to get back out again. He lives his life hopping from fire to fire and crashing into pans along the way, with a maniacal grin and a quick tongue to keep things from getting too boring. What prompts him is a mystery to most, and likely to remain such, but what thing is certain; wherever he goes, headaches are sure to follow.
• To family and friends; He actually does have a gentler, caring side, and looks after those he cares about, but he is still a con man at heart and most of his attempts to help involve trickery or deceit. That being said he is ferociously protective of his siblings and for anyone who attempts any sort of harshness with them he will make absolutely sure they regret it; after all, he is the only one that gets to pick on his siblings! Deep down, he’s grateful for Chardonnay and Merlot in his life, recognizing that without them, he would be very lonely... and sometimes, it does shine through. For a second.

Born the middle child in his parent’s litter with his siblings Chardonnay and Merlot, among the vines of a sprawling, wealthy vineyard, Rosé and company were hardly the first kittens to be had there- but their pretty coloration and appeal as identical triplets led to their owner choosing to keep them together as a matched set. They grew up together as closely as berries on a vine, sprinting through the fields together and playing among the equipment curiously at nights, usually left to themselves and their games- with one major exception. Perhaps wishing to avoid unpleasantries, the cubs were given nothing but grape juice from a very young age and, when tantrums were thrown for adult drinks, strictly taught that they could never drink wine until they came of age.

Wine was for adult cats, and that was The Rule; and while they may break many other rules, this was one the cubs would hold to.

One day, though, a wine-tasting party grew a bit out of hand, and when the flames began spreading among dried straw and dried vines, the children, separated from their parents, panicked and fled towards the forest. After stumbling through the dark for longer than any of them liked, and hopelessly lost, they eventually found an half-ruined house, abandoned years ago when empire attacks became too severe to turn a profit. With grapes and small fields run to riot and quite a lot of equipment left behind, the siblings realized they had the makings of a very decent vineyard on them- and it would be a shame not to use it.

So the siblings settled in, happy to live a life free of annoying humans that insisted on petting and squishing them, or parents that had no time for them, free to make their own choices and play as they saw fit. And of course, they played at growing grapes and making wine as their owner had done! ...results and their edibility would vary, of course. And when that grew a bit too boring, well...

There were all sorts of Rogue tribes around, and they were not prepared for these three.

- Maenard - Caracal, mother, alive, City Pet
- Dionysus - Sand cat, father, alive, City Pet
- Merlot - Littermate, older brother, alive, Rogues
- Chardonnay - Littermate, younger sister, alive, Rogues

- Despite being identical in all but eyes with his siblings- and going along with their schemes for greater reward- in private he will get so salty when anyone mistakes him for one of his siblings because excuse you?! How could you mistake his magnificent visage and brilliant wit for Chardonnay, or even Merlot?!?!
- Is obsessed with the idea of making a flower-based liquor. Will randomly munch on flowers he finds in the fields like a little weirdo
- Pink is his absolute favorite color
- He actually has ocular albinism, giving him his signature pink eyes; he is vulnerable to sunlight and bright lights as a result, and far prefers sleeping through the day and working at night. As a result he hates the sun with a passion, and is absolutely not a morning person
- Keeps a raccoon pelt he stole found as a security blanket
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MartasRolePlaying [2021-11-25 08:08:26 +0000 UTC]

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