My entry into a contest to design a Sea Scuttle for Project Perditus on instagram. Check out Project Perditus and the other contest entries:……
Challenging the adage "Jack of all trades, master of none", the S. Cephalosphyrna (hammerhead sea scuttle) is a master detritivore that employs active filter feeding, suspension feeding, and bottom feeding to great effect. Additionally, lateral swimming lobes and posterior uropods grant the ability to swim in order to seek out richer feeding grounds, which in rare instances include the bacteria-dense waters near hydrothermal vents. Due to its enhanced motility it occupies environments common to perculid scuttles as well as those usually inhabited by armaturid scuttles. The distinctive shape of the head is actually formed by a pair of specialized appendages that serve as sensory arrays with the "hammer" portion housing a network of electroreceptors, and antennae branching into several feeding "arms". The electroreceptors allow the hammerhead scuttle to sense approaching predators and may facilitate intraspecies electrocommunication. When threatened, specialized glands situated on the scuttle’s ventral side discharge a substance that is both toxic and foul tasting to most would-be attackers. This natural defense is advertised by aposematic coloration, making the S. cephalosphyrna a striking inhabitant of the oceans of Perditus.