Comments: 23
dholms [2013-02-17 19:46:20 +0000 UTC]
i voted for Obama. i voted for him twice.
i'd vote for him and third time.
and i'm from alabama.
yeah. i'm surrounded by a tea party nation.
don't care.
cool work.
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richardcgreen In reply to dholms [2013-02-17 23:27:20 +0000 UTC]
Ditto ~ I think he's one of the most
inspiring politicians to come along in a
long while. Too bad he's so hindered by
the Right...I'm glad you took the time to
read what I had to say under Party Disloyalty!,
dick g
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Myronavitch [2012-08-07 13:50:31 +0000 UTC]
I couldn't agree more with your political comments, but one can't help bur wonder where we would be if the other idiot would have won.
Nice image.
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richardcgreen In reply to Myronavitch [2012-08-07 15:30:08 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for getting back, Myron. I think you
are confusing this mid-term election for a
bonafide Presidential Election. The election I'm
referring to here is a Congressional Election ~
Senators and Representatives are elected, AND
because of Obama's so-called presumed incompetence
(during a whopping two years in office), he's deemed
incapable of changing things, AND people will
virtually change political parties overnite, ie
Republican, and fill both chambers with Republicans,
which is pretty much what happened, making it that
much more difficult to get his programs through.
Whew. Hope that explains it. dg
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Myronavitch In reply to richardcgreen [2012-08-07 18:48:14 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I was confusing what you said with the Presidential Election in this coming November. Thanks for clearing
that up to me.
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aegiandyad [2012-01-15 15:50:38 +0000 UTC]
It doesn't matter who you vote for... the government always gets in! But this is an enjoyable piece of fine art in its own right.
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richardcgreen In reply to aegiandyad [2012-01-16 14:15:08 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for commenting. I was just telling my
son the other day if, knowing what I know now,
if voting is really worth the effort...which of
course in NO effort. They're all millionaires,
they know the Middle Class is going away, and
keep on doing nothing about it.
Don't get me started!!!
dick g
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richardcgreen In reply to Wytherwing [2011-10-21 19:35:11 +0000 UTC]
I agree on all counts. Wish I had the time and youth to
sit in on Wall Street Demos. Maybe it's time for a
REALLY smart INDEPENDENT candidate to step into the ring.
Although, I can hardly believe I voted for Ross Perot once!
Like you say: It's all bullshit...and I feel justifiably
LOST: regards and thanks:
Dick g
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sonrouge [2010-10-26 14:54:10 +0000 UTC]
Obama hasn't been able to fix everything in two years because he's been too busy making everything worse.
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GeistWerk [2010-10-18 19:16:40 +0000 UTC]
amazing, I love it
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richardcgreen In reply to GeistWerk [2010-10-19 14:47:02 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much. I really like your name and 'avatar.' Ghostworks....brilliant!!!
I shall have to see you work now. IF you speak German, please write me a little
in German.
Dick Green Eden Prairie MN USA
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richardcgreen In reply to GeistWerk [2010-10-21 14:47:24 +0000 UTC]
Also, dank für die Worten aus Deutsch. Die Sprache gafallen mir immer.
Können Sie auch espanish sprechen? Es ist nicht mir nötig das Sie mir anworten;
Ich weiss das Sie sehr beschäftigt sind. Bis später, dann...
Dick G
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GeistWerk In reply to richardcgreen [2010-10-21 15:18:46 +0000 UTC]
Si, hablo un poco Espanol tambien. pero solo un poquito.
your german is really good! where did you learn it?
nein, ich bin nicht wirklich beschäftigt ;D
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richardcgreen In reply to GeistWerk [2010-10-22 14:05:13 +0000 UTC]
Das ist sehr nett von Ihnen. Ich bin Berlitzschuler!!!
The Europeans are always way ahead of us in knowing languages.
The vast majority of US citizens know one language, and that
one, very poorly, oftentimes. I fell in love with Spanish in 9th
grade...and didn't stop there, but took much French (most of
which I've forgotten) and married a Mexican woman, and in the
early 90's began to learn German on my own.(from the deluxe Berlitz version)*
Hey! Thanks for writing!!!! Saludos a todos!!!
Dick Green
*German is BY FAR the most difficult of the languages,for me anyway.
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Campo-Diaz [2010-10-18 17:39:00 +0000 UTC]
Encontrar el equilibrio es difícil y más si te ponen obstáculos continuamente. Lo que si se encuentra fácilmente es la estupidez humana.....
¡Precioso trabajo!.
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richardcgreen In reply to Campo-Diaz [2010-10-19 14:44:29 +0000 UTC]
Si - estoy de acuerdo. Puedes leer otros comentarios,-arriba- y las respuestas mias...pero
a fin de cuentas, el estado de 'politics' en este pais (y otros) es avergonzoso - en
la miseria, abismal etc etc. Y lo malo es: LO ACEPTAMOS!! Lo que nos hace(n) falta son
líderes con un cierto brillantez, sesos, sabiduria y paciencia de sobra. Lo que tenemos
es una sarta de individuos quienes piensan solamente en si mismo - y lo logran por
maldiciendo a los demas candidatos, hasta las mejillas, los caches(?) Estoy, tristemente,
empezando a preguntarme: Por qué votar?
En la pintura, la parte de abajo, representa (posiblemente) las ruinas, los escombros de
un sistema roto, difunto - con la necesidad de cambiarse. Pues, deséanos la buena suerte!
Gracias, una vez mas...
Richard G
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richardcgreen In reply to FractalEyes [2010-10-18 14:52:01 +0000 UTC]
I know it may sound terribly unfair, but my son and I have concluded that anywhere
between 60-89% of Americans, ARE JUsT BASICALLY STUPID and/or totally IGNORANT and
UNINFORMED. I do believe you and I ARE in agreement: Obama really needs more time
to even BEGIN to fix the mess this country is in. It may in fact take a number of
really intelligent leaders to help us now. I could go on forever on this...but for
now: thanks for the comments; they are appreciated.
Dick Green Eden Prairie MN USA
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sonrouge In reply to richardcgreen [2010-10-26 14:51:02 +0000 UTC]
You know, insulting the people who vote for you isn't a good way to earn their votes, especially when your side was doing similar stuff when Bush was in office.
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richardcgreen In reply to neurotype-on-discord [2010-10-18 14:53:18 +0000 UTC]
I hear you too. And love your response. Let's hope for the best.
Thanks for writing...
Dick Green Eden Prairie MN USA
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