Rindalia — [TTC] ***** 'V' Leroux

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Name: XXXXX ‘V’ Leroux
Birthday: November 17th - Scorpio
Height: 6’ 8” (He’ll insist over 7’ with his horns)
Gender: Male
Species: Eldwyrm
Occupation: Glassblower / Stained Glass Maker
House: Valerian


Type: Primordial - Once every 48 hours they can drink blood to enhance one natural ability for 5 minutes. These Eldwyrm have the unique ability to pick up a second, weaker element that does not have to be related to the first. This second element can be only one of the four primary elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) and is the most affected by whether or not that element is present to be manipulated.

Level: Royal - Royal users are not "royal" themselves; rather, they're at an elite enough level that they're among the strongest magicians you'll normally come across. They are often hired as advisors or guards with many looking up to them. A royal user can maintain their magic expertly and are a force to be reckoned with.

Main Element:

Preferred uses: 

Half Dragon Form: Provided there is any amount of moisture in the air or if there is roughly a mouthful of liquid available V can loose blasts of super chilled fine mists that can cause 2nd degree frostbite. With larger supplies of liquid V can create frozen shards in shapes he chooses, usually preferring something dense and razor around the edges, sharp and hard to break. Also chilling his own skin to degrees that can cause a burning sensation.

Dragon From: Frost Breath much colder than that of his half dragon form, resulting in 3rd degree frostbite and tissue death. He can use it sparingly in this form and prefers instead to use claw and fang to fight. If required he can release a liquid nitrogen type substance through his fangs, causing extreme pain and tissue death in his opponents.



V is always after a good time, excitement, adrenaline and anything to stave off boredom. He’s loud, cocky and cares little for rules and those that enforce them. He is a pleasure seeker, pure and simple whatever form that might take, and sometimes no matter who that might bother.

On the flip-side, he also enjoys a good laugh, and bringing that laughter to others is probably one of the best feelings in the world to him. Unfortunately, his mood changes quickly so you never know what side of him you might be dealing with moment to moment.

His actions are never done with malice or the intent to harm others, although his lack of awareness may make it seem as though he is being hurtful on purpose. He is usually the first to sniff out trouble, or, if not, he’ll be on the front lines to get into it.

His personality might be best described as ‘hectic’ or ‘erratic’.

+ Energetic
+ Adventurous
+ Good-natured
+ Passionate
= Absentminded
= Intense
- Impulsive
- Insubordinate
- Erratic
- Self-indulgent

Likes & Dislikes: 

    ·         - Snakes

    ·         - Rain and Thunderstorms

    ·         - Music


    ·         X – Feeling out of Control

    ·         X – Rejection | Criticism | Anger

    ·         X – Superiority or Elitism

    ·         X – Being alone for too long




For several generations and more the Leroux family tree had been carefully tended through arranged marriages and impersonal, selective breeding, the family all sharing some variation of red eyes and hair and each bearing the gift of elemental flame. That was until V was born. Where the family had expected fire red, to live up to their prestigious line and name, they found a baby with wisps of aqua blue hair and bright azure eyes. With his mother dying during childbirth, the reality of her adulterous affair wouldn’t have to go public and therefore spare the family from shame and scandal, but that left the child.

While the Leroux family was not wholly without compassion, they kept the babe, leaving him to the servants to raise. As he grew rumors of his parentage and potential father became numerous to the point that V finally learned of his birth at the age of ten. Asking questions or insinuating his place in the family only earned him ire and pain until the curiosity and desire to belong was silenced with a violent hand brought to bear by his own grandfather the man loudly blaming V for killing his daughter each and every time. Other than those moments V was only ever allowed to roam the sprawling estate left to his own devices, treated by the Leroux family like an unwelcome stray animal at best but never able to leave lest he let out their secret.

V discovered quickly that his loneliness could be countered with attention, a discovery that quickly devolved into the boy getting into all manner of trouble and causing more than his fair share of damage to the property. After all, even negative attention was attention and they -had- to acknowledge him, even if it was simply to punish his behavior. The servants however were marginally kinder and he spent his days getting as many laughs as he could muster.

Once he was considered an adult, V was given a paltry amount of money, no small amount of threats to keep his mouth shut and removed from the estate, once again left to his own devices, only this time the whole of Skyhold would be ‘home’

Just as soon as he could manage he would slip from the Eldwyrm home at any given time to explore and wreak havoc on the nearest towns, thieving and stirring up what trouble he could to his great delight. Humans were so slow on their feet and quick to fluster, making for a rousing chase here and there, he was slower on two feet than four, but they never could quite catch up to the man.

But the need for the ‘new’ wore just as fast and boredom got the better of him, that was until The Travelers Castle and the Residents within made themselves known to the Eldwyrm. They were -much- more interesting and seemed to get their noses into all sorts of trouble if the spreading word was true.

V had had enough of Skyhold, it was time to try something else, something exciting.


Character Trivia: 

    ·         Hasn’t given anyone his first name in over a hundred years, refuses to give or speak of his last name, will -only- answer to V

    ·         Consistently lies about how he got his scar

    ·         Never really acts with the intent of being malicious, usually it’s just a lack of awareness.

RP Preferences: Lit or Semi-Lit, at least a paragraph in response given and received. Discord preferred over all, Google docs is next preference.

Time Zone: MST || UTC-7 Availability usually best on the weekends or weekday evenings.

Comfort meme: Here

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