Serenade-The-Wolf — [IV] Vestele

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[Medallion ]


Name: Vestele

Nickname(s): Ves

Age: 2 years 10 months (Young Adult)

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Orientation: Straight

Species: Wolf

Breed: --

Height: 31”

Weight: 115lbs

Build Description: Vestele is mostly average in build for a female, leaning more toward a willowy and tall physique. She sports long legs that carry her in a graceful, methodical gate everywhere she goes. Her mother used to joke that she was never clumsy, even as a pup. She is covered in an assortment of dark-colored fur, ranging from muted greys to fathomless black. Her eyes are a soft lilac color, just like her sister’s. 

Scent: woodsy, pine needles, tree sap, rich damp earth

Mutation: --

Pack: Aramourn

Task: --

Rank: Tier 0 - Initiate 


--- Parents: Mohan (Father) [NPC] | Catina (Mother) [NPC]

--- Siblings: Big Brother Twins - Jadean and Kostas, Littermates Noelle Eira, Little brother - Agnarr

--- Extended Family: OPEN


Strong-Willed/Independent - Vestele is a strong-willed individual, preferring to lead her life according to her own wishes and opinions. She doesn't have a problem answering to any mistakes she's made either. She doesn't often ask for help, and instead prefers to figure out things she doesn't know or understand on her own. 

Snide/Witty - A lover of sarcasm, Vestele has always been known for her snide comments and witty remarks, with little to no worry or any consequences to them. She doesn't mean any harm by the things she says. Her sense of humor is simply how she prefers to deal with life. 

Poised - Vestele carries herself with an air of level-headed composure. She is rarely overly emotional, holding herself together with all her might no matter how difficult the situation may be. This trait she learned from both of her parents, seeing no reason to present herself in an unsettled state. She does, however, seem to empathize with those who are easily upset, offering her time to lend an ear. 

Proud - Hardly ever will you find Vestele in a befuddled state, both emotionally and physically. She takes pride in her appearance, keeping her coat neat and clean unless it is simply impossible to take the time to groom herself. She also takes great pride in making a lasting impression (whether good or bad) on others, giving the sense that she has a spirit that cannot be broken. 

Enigmatic - Vestele has never given up important information about herself easily. She prefers to keep her true thoughts and feelings to herself, putting on whatever reaction she deems fit for the situation. She doesn't consider herself to be devious, but she will not rule out lying if she feels it will protect her. She doesn't like sharing emotions she feels make her vulnerable, so she's been known to cover them up with reactions that are not exactly true to the way she really feels.  

Calculating - A natural observer of the action, Vestele likes to take in all possibilities before making a decision. She is always watching, even when she doesn't appear to be, observing from both afar and up close. Despite this, she has no problem involving herself in the pack. Just know she's always listening and watching, paying attention to the details. 

Blunt/Outspoken - Though she is not forthright with her vulnerabilities, Vestele has no problem speaking her mind. She doesn't bother herself with the thought that her opinions might upset others. She simply speaks the truth when necessary, believing it has more power than close bonds with others. 

Spiteful - Vestele never forgets a wrong. She might appear to have moved on and forgotten, but it's always in the back of her mind. Depending on the circumstances and the severity of things, she might even seek revenge, but never with haste.


Vestele was born, along with her littermate Eira, to their parents Mohan and Catina, a pair of quick-witted, ruthless individuals that already had a couple of pups from a previous litter. They were like soldiers for their parents, and were expected to fall in line as such, no matter what they were asked to do. Despite their rather opposite appearance, both Vestele and Eira found common ground in other areas of their life, particularly their growing dislike for their mother and her abusive treatment of her children, though there was certainly no true love for their father either. No happy endings in this Den of Vipers. During their adolescence, their father died, leaving the pups to the mercy of a now even more bitter Catina, who was nursing her last litter. Left by her mate, for it she did see Mohan’s death as abandonment, Catina became even more distant and cold, snapping at her children for seemingly nothing, taking her anger out on them. Knowing her treatment would only continue on to their younger brother, Vestele and Eira concocted a plan to put an end to this violence. They ended their mother out in the wilderness, away from the rest of the pack, and when they returned they said Catina had a hunting accident. There was nothing to be done to save her.

Now, living with this secret, Vestele can only hope no one should ever discover her true nature. The nature inherited by Catina herself. 

Personality Type: Commander - ENTJ-A


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