SozinThis — TGL : Copperstreak

Published: 2014-02-16 00:07:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 1440; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 7
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Name Copperstreak
Past Names Copperkit, Copperpaw
Age 2 Season Cycles
Sex She Cat
Orientation Straight


Clan Airclan
Rank Queen
Apprentice none


Wary but Hopeful Copperstreak has lived through enough by now that she knows life is hard. Cats you love and thought you'd have by your side forever die... and that's just part of life but within that kittens are born and miracles happen. So somewhere between realistic and hopeful Copperstreak finds herself. She is wary of getting her hopes up and holding her breath for to many miracles but she holds fast to the knowledge that they can happen. They may not happen to her, for reason beyond anyone's control, but they do happen. this remains her fighting strength. Even if death is all around her and pain is immense, life gets better, life has meaning and miracles have happened. She can continue on, because she may be just one sadder part of a miracle. Of course, she knows she has already had her silver lining miracle... and that was the day her mate came back to her. . . because it was magical enough that they met and fell in love, tragic when he went missing... and she's at a loss for words about how blissful she is that he is back just in time for them to start a family together. 

Sweet Copperstreak remains good natured to this day. She's someone who will always listen to anyone's troubles and she see's the good in every cat. She always treats others with kindness and respect, regardless of whether some may think they deserve it or not. She values those who can be pleasant in all social situations and does her best to do that in her own social life as well. She knows that good communication makes a good tribe so she is always friendly to her tribe mates and goes out of her way to wish them a good morning. After all, you never know when that may just make their day. 

Loyal to a point of being Stubborn Now, mostly, Copperstreak is not a stubborn one. She finds herself easily going along with the best idea or thought. She doesn't hold on strong to her own opinions and tries to remain fairly open minded about everything. She also is not the type to hold grudges... so why it is she's stubborn about her loyalty? Perhaps it is because her unfaltering loyalty is something she prides herself in. This is to the point where if something is deemed as unlyoal she will be both stubborn and adamant in having no part of this. Now, that's all easy when you don't want to do the unloyal thing anyway but she has even been tested and proved stubbornly loyal. Falling in love with someone from another clan was not easy, but through sheer grit she never spoke more than a few words at a gathering or meeting of patrols... and she always kept it polite and at acquaintanceship level. Never more, that is, till she found the chance to be loyal to his clan, thus allowing herself to feel for him what she did. Of course, this is just to keep in mind as she is chewing a clan mate out for something that is unsafe. It's because in being loyal her clan mates safety and loyalty is top priority and half assed actions in either of those things was never something she'd allow.

Loving & Affectionate To those whom she loves Copperstreak is not one to think she has to be quiet about it. She is very vocal about whom is near and dear to her heart and loves to be both emotionally and physically close to those cats. She is quite the cuddly one indeed, and if you let her, she will lather you in affections be that as a friend, a lover or (recently) a mother. She see's no shame in public displays of affection and considers those who do see shame in them just shy and unsure. (because if you were sure of yourself and the one you loved you wouldn't be ashamed.) As well, just as she is not shy she enjoys the company of those who can express their feelings as well. She does not disrespect the she cats who flirt with her mate, as she is confident enough in herself and their relationship to know that it doesn't mean anything. She gives the she cats respect for having the confidence to do so, and if her mate enjoys the flirtation she lets herself enjoy his happiness. At the end of the day, it's her he's spending the night with. 

Selfless Someone better look out for Copperstreak, because she certainly isn't and since becoming pregnant, this is even more so the case. Still, since she was a kit with her sister, she has always looked out for those around her, gone out of her way to help them. She never cares about what it causes her, seeing cats smile she always believes is worth whatever pain it causes. She will always go out of her way to save those around her first, so perhaps that is why she is a good friend. 

Romantic Though she'd never let you know (she's way too embarrassed and feels that by saying it she's forcing someone to) she loves the cliche romances. If it wasn't embarassing to admit, she'd want to walk on the beach with her lover as rose petals were scattered at her feet and "this is the night" played in the background. It makes some cats puke, but it gives her butterflies just thinking about it. She always wanted some tom to sweep her off her feet like that, where she could pretend she's all dominant and don't need no man, but secretly, she's totally the submissive one just waiting to fall in to his arms and have him take her away. With the cats she was really close to, she use to always beg to hear about the love stories going on, because she couldn't dare seem that girly in front of everyone else. Mostly, that was just her sister she went to till her sister died in childbirth.... 

At least 10 lines long


The love Story

Brownfur and Needlenose where both good warriors, but they were better whenever they were together. From when Brownfur (younger than needlenose) became a warrior the two were joined at the hip and best of friends. Brownfur, beautiful as she was, had another tom court her of course but she fell for the sweet Needlenose despite his imperfections. To her, they were beauty, and matched her own insecurities. Where he was thought not the handsomest warrior, she considered herself not the greatest one. he taught her to be good at and take pride in what she did and she taught him to have confidence in his appearance. In all ways they were well suited for one another. 

The two tried for some time to start a family, but it seemed that life had other plans. For seasons they wondered if one of them was infertile, because no kits were ever born to their names. In the hardest of times, they wondered with anguish if other partners should be tried... so that they could still have a family even if the kits only had half their blood line. 

Then, just when they were at their lowest, Brownfur got sick. She was nauseous all the time and one very special trip to the medicine cats den revealed she was pregnant. It had finally happened to both of them. They had waited, they had stuck through it, and now they could have a family together. the medicine cat of the time warned them it could be a hard birth, but they were as happy as clams as they awaited the arrival or the new life. 

Much Anticipated Arrival

When Copperkit, and her sister Heatherkit, were born there was much rejoicing. Brownfur had a hard birth, but no complications seemed to impact either of the two she kits and their mother was fine after a few sun's of rest. The she kits where a dream come true and it seemed as if, for a moment, the whole clan was happy for the couple. Many clan mates came in and out as they complimented the blissful parents and cooed over the new arrivals.

As well, they weren't the only kits in the nursery at the time. Starclan had blessed the clan with a bunch of births all close together. Two other queens rested with Brownfur and they all took turns watching over the kits as they grew up. This meant a more relaxed time for the mothers, who could converse and share stories with one another. As well, it meant from early on both the she kits had friends to play with. Though they mostly hung out together they played with whomever wanted to join them. Eaglekit and Meadowkit, the other kits in the nursery at the time, played with the two she kits frequently and they had a grand time. The two other kits were not related, but were always together just like Heatherkit and Copperkit were. So between playing with one another or as a group of four the kits never got bored in their happy, care free life. 

Apprentice Life

Meadowpaw and Eaglepaw were ahead in age by a week or so, and had already become apprentices when Copperpaw and her sister received their apprentice names and their mentors. In this time though, with so much work and new things to learn, the sisters stuck mostly to one another, and let Eaglepaw and Meadowpaw do their own thing. this only increased when, only a moon in to their apprenticeship, their father was killed in battle. It was a sad day, and the sisters grew even closer to one another and farther from the other apprentices. Their mother was saddened by the death as well, but he died valiantly and the clan let him rest with respect. 

In this time, Heatherpaw and Copperpaw trained even harder. Copperpaw was getting stronger and faster, she could feel it. She loved hunting and trained vigourasely to please her mother. It was the only time Brownfur seemed to smile during the day, was when the sisters spoke of what they had done well that day. Copperpaw's mentor was proud of her work, and as the seasons changed even spoke of her getting her warriors name soon. Copperpaw insisted that she wait till she could get her warriors name with her sister though. Her sister, who worked as hard as she could, had a more strict mentor that clashed with Heatherpaw's shyer and more wimpy nature. Still, together the two she cats grew up and soon it was their time to sit vigil.

From then on, they'd have the names they would most likely die with, and they both felt as if they had already made a good name for themselves.

Copperstreak and Heathershine. 

New Responsibilities comes with Accepting Tragedies

As warriors, Copperstreak and heathershine had grown and matured into lovely she cats. No longer actively grieving for needlenose, Copperstreak began to reform friendships she had lost along the way. Mostly, this was with Meadowlark. Heathershine didn't do as well with making new friends, and instead remained exclusive to her sister which was just fine with Copperstreak. As the two grew Copperstreak began to like the life they had... everything was simple and easy. Their mother, during this time, passed away peacefully of old age and it was a death of which no grief came. She had lived a good life and both sisters felt she deserved to be with her mate once more. 

of course, as she cats start to grow they also start to mature in other ways. Meadowlark, to no surprise to Copperstreak nor her sister, started dating Eagle___ (?). As well, Heathershine began to grow more independent. Copperstreak liked the idea that her sister was slowly growing out of her shell, choosing to go off hunting on her own once and a while. It let Copperstreak not worry as much. How ever, for no real reason Copperstreak can think of, she began to feel uneasy about her sisters disappearances. They where getting longer, but she wasn't bringing back more prey. Copperstreak was worried that perhaps her sister was hiding a fragile injury or something that would stop her from being a warrior if anyone knew. Copperstreak couldn't have this, and it left her restless during the nights. She didn't want to find out that her sister, who was beautiful and kind and deserved nothing but happiness, was hurting somehow but on the other hand... How could Copperstreak protect her if she didn't know? What if another warrior found out first and they forced Heathershine to retire? Finally, Copperstreak could take it anymore, and followed her sister during a hunt. If she could see what was wrong with her ability, Copperstreak was confident she could fix it and then everything would go back to how it should be. yes, everything would be ok.

Of course, everything was not OK. Her sisters paws where not hesitant as they trekked closer and closer to the border. Copperstreak became more and more nervous, and more and more sure, that what she was about to see was not going to be her sisters bad hunting technique. No illness or injury was bothering her sister... No, her sister was lovesick.

As Copperstreak listened in, she began to feel sick to her stomach with what she was learning.

"Why can't you just let me be with you! I'm already pregnant!

"Shut up! You ARE with me aren't you? Isn't that good enough I put up with meeting you here?

"yes, yes I'm glad but Heavystep I- I- want to be with you. In your clan. In you're life. I worry about you day and night! I wonder if you're thinking of me and and you KNOW I can't raise our kits on my own! I'm not strong enough! I can't even hunt for myself! If it weren't for you bringing me prey you know I'd never bring anything home! Please- Just let me go home with you!"

Copperstreak's heart was her her throat, and she had to keep herself from crying out at how much she pitied her sister. her darling sister who had never thought herself good enough... 

"I bring you prey to keep quiet. That should be good enough darn it."

"Heavystep I-

"Say another word and I won't come back! You have angered me with your begging. Stop acting like such a wimp, you frusterate me. I can't look at you. I'm leaving."

He started to walk off and Copperstreak watched as her sister just followed him with her eyes.

"But- but I'll see you tomorrow... right?" 

Copperstreak said nothing, nor did she ever let her sister know that she had seen all that. Instead, both sisters padded home with heavy hearts and secrets burdening their minds. The next morning, as sunlight shown in with the start of a new beautiful day, Copperstreak mentioned to her sister that she knew she was pregnant. She asked who the father was and pretended not to hurt when, instead of coming to her for support, her sister said it wasn't anyone important and asked her not to question it.

Her sister was gone all that day, so Copperstreak spent the day with Meadowlark. In fact, as her sister began avoiding her more and more the larger her belly got, Copperstreak became better and better friends with Meadowlark, whose relationship with Eagle___(?) had ended for a reason Copperstreak had never asked. After all, she hadn't found that detail important with everything else that was going on. She just knew she was glad to have a friend, and that Meadowlark felt the same way. 

And then Eaglestar became leader. Copperstreak could hardly believe it, but the expression on Meadowlark's face said she shouldn't be surprised. With his leadership came peace in the clans and a new age for Copperstreak. Any day now her sister would give birth... but that was not what made Copperstreak paws so light. The sisters rarely spoke anymore.

No, it was the tom who had caught her eye at the leadership ceremony that put a spring in her step. She felt foolish and girly, but he made her heart race and her stomach feel alive with butterflies. He was older than she was, which was why she had never really noticed him before but she sure noticed him now. Age mattered not to her, she fell head over heels for him and didn't care she wasn't the only one. Tidalsplash was a charmer and had tons of lady friends. he had his pick of beautiful she cats, but still Copperstreak did her best to get close to him... and for some magical reason he took notice in her. Her, of all she cats. He said it was her innocence and honesty, and she replied there was no way she could be dishonest about how she felt. It was overwhelming. 

Then her sister died in childbirth. Copperstreak blamed herself, and wanted to be sad... But Tidalsplash was there as charming as ever and their relationship only flourished more. Copperstreak was different from the cat who had fallen apart when her father died, she had best friends, a charming tom who let her be his mate... and a clan she would die to protect. That wasn't to say she didn't grieve for her sister and her stillborns, but she did it with the knowledge that her sister could be happy with a place for her in Starclan. The only cat she blamed was Heavystep, who never even seemed to care when the death was announced at the next gathering. 

Still, life goes on and as summer turned to fall she soon found her and Tidalsplash talking about starting a family. though both of them were hesitant for their own reasons, they knew they could get through anything together and through some late night conversations... Soon she found herself pregnant. When she knew for sure, she waited eagerly for Tidalsplash to come from a hunting trip so she could tell him the great news. 

Yet he never came home... and leaf fall turned in to leaf bare... Her stomach grew larger and soon she found herself alone in the queens den. if it wasn't for her dearest friend Meadowlark she was sure she would never have made it through. Thoughts of being a mother without Tidalsplash beside her frightened her to her bones, but made her more determined. Her mate was gone, teh one whom she loved more passionately than life itself, and all he had left her with was a goodbye, a promise to come back, and a large stomach.

The promise wasn't true, but Copperstreak vowed to give the kits the best upbringing she could, to honour him if nothing else. 

Then one day there was yelling and calling. Copperstreak had been resting but Meadowlark had rushed in and told her she had to come out and see this. When Copperstreak asked what this was, Meadowlark only pushed her outside with no explanation. Due any day now her stomach was large enough that walking had become more of a waddle back and forth, but looking up... Seeing a group of warriors helping him home... There was no explanation or words for how she felt. There was no way to explain this miracle to her, and part of her thought that this was just like every other one of her dreams where eh came back to her.

Only when he saw her this time he was surprised too, for more than one reason. He was here, and when he touched her cheek she didn't wake up, but let herself fall in to it. In to his scent, which over time she had slowly forgotten and found herself believing that, just this once, the miracle had happened to her. 


Defense: ••••○○○○○○
Speed: •••••○○○○○
Endurance: ••••○○○○○○
Tactical Skills: ••••○○○○○○
Attack: •••○○○○○○○


Family Heathershine (deceased) and her Parents (deceased)
Relationship Status taken
Mate Tidalsplash
Kits COMING SOON to an rp group near you <3


 = Acquaintance 
 = Uncertainty 
 = Friend
 = Good Friend
 = Family
 = Crush
 = Love
 = Lust
 = Greatly Dislike
/ = Despise




 | Tidalsplash

" Everything is as I ever hoped it to be. I just- I started to think you where never coming back. I'm glad..."


At least 5-6 lines long

Art (c) SimplyNeon

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Comments: 12

Foxibau [2017-02-17 01:14:01 +0000 UTC]

We should bring her and Tidal back ;D 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to Foxibau [2017-02-17 01:14:29 +0000 UTC]

Omg I'd love to

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Foxibau In reply to SozinThis [2017-02-17 01:19:41 +0000 UTC]

That makes me so happy! We never got a chance to actually rp them more, 
or see their children grow up. I have a group that I'd like to suggest (Although It's not finished just yet)
Its Morning-Glory-Hills there is no restrictions on amount of characters, activity depends on your scheduled, 
and this way we can put them in as mates if you'd like. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to Foxibau [2017-02-17 04:01:29 +0000 UTC]

Ikr!?!? I totally was sad they never happened. I'll look at the group this weekend and do the app and maybe use rabbitstar design as their daughter this time? You did such great app art I'd love to use it again. 

 That would be awesome for them to be mates and get to rp with you I miss that so much! You probably can't start pregnant though can you? What's the rules on that because I know in their history we always wanted to start with him coming back after being lost for a while and her being pregnant

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kimchiitazztic [2014-02-17 02:13:37 +0000 UTC]

she is soo cuute >///<

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to Kimchiitazztic [2014-02-17 02:54:18 +0000 UTC]

thank you ~ <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kimchiitazztic In reply to SozinThis [2014-02-17 05:59:00 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RubyRose364 [2014-02-16 00:43:42 +0000 UTC]

This beautiful! she-cat!!! ;v; its so beautiful! how can no one comment on this pretty she-cat yet?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to RubyRose364 [2014-02-16 17:13:13 +0000 UTC]

<33 prolly because most people have already seen her. Neon's drawing got a few comments and she's a character I have used more than once in hopes of actually getting to rp with her but both times I tried the group died LOL (was one tgl when it first opened, so ya for second chances)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RubyRose364 In reply to SozinThis [2014-02-16 17:39:34 +0000 UTC]

haha but still! ;v; she so amazing -snuggles- well this time will go different! things will be alive! much alive!! hahah! ;3 this group got a lot of attention and i'm sure lots of people will join in on the fun this time

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to RubyRose364 [2014-02-16 17:41:15 +0000 UTC]

for sure.

 and I'll nag whiteh for rp's with tidal more LOL

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RubyRose364 In reply to SozinThis [2014-02-16 18:01:36 +0000 UTC]


XD lolz do it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0