SozinThis — Thaddeus

Published: 2015-03-02 19:51:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 2024; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 2
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Sozin and Thaddeus Gem Tracker

Updated July 15 / 2015, please look through for all his new stuff there's quite a bit.

New art by Copperhaven  

Name: Thaddeus

Gender: Male / Tom Cat

Age: 3 years

Region:  n/a : Follower

Element: Steam & Mist

Amount of Ability Stones: 6

Which Spells: (Which spells they possess due to the obtainment of ability stones)

 Sleep || Steam and Mist || 1/5 || Description - The user creates a hot, warm gas that can cause surrounding cats to become drowsy, lethargic, and even induce sleep for short periods.

Cloak || Steam & Mist || 0/5 || Description - Purely defensive, this move does absolutely no damage to the opponent, but does help hide the user.

Allure || Steam & Mist || 1/5 || Description - Allows the user to distort and manipulate what a cat sees by creating a thin mist around their opponent.

Cloud || Steam & Mist || 2/5 || Description - The user creates a cloud of steam or mist using water nearby to “cloud” their opponent’s vision, or just to show off in warm or cold weather. Steam elementals like to use this spell to warm up.

Geyser || Steam || 2/5 || Description - Hot gusts of steam shoot out of the ground, burning the user's enemy.

Choke || Steam & Mist || 3/5 || Description - Releases a thick cloud of steam or mist from the user's mouth and/or nostrils, choking anyone nearby. It weakens the opponent(s) and renders them unable to breathe for a few short moments. Steam elementals can also lightly burn the opponent's nose from the inside.

Madness || Steam and Mist || 4/5 || Description - The target is surrounded by a thick blanket of white that can even obscure the ground. It is deathly quiet and can cause temporary insanity as long as the spell lasts.

Hidden || Steam and Mist || 5/5 || Description - The user is able to hide themselves in any shady or somewhat dark place by congealing the air around them and making it appear like the things around them.

 Deep Soak || Mist || 2/5 || Description - Allows the user to evaporate water around them before making the vapor cling to their opponent's fur, in between each small strand. The vapor then cools down greatly, almost to freezing temperature. This slows down the opponent, and, may even give them an amusingly bad fur day.

 Deafen || Steam and Mist || 3/5 || Description - the user creates a mist or fog around the area that catches and mutes nearby noises, even making targets appear mute.

Rank: Bounty Hunter

Strength 2/10
Speed 4/10
Attack 6/10
Tactics 9/10
Stamina 8/10
Defense 3/10

Positive Neutral Negative

| Perserverant / Determined | "I never leave a task half finished."
 Thaddeus knows that if he is going to dedicate time to do something, he's going to make sure he finishes it. Stopping a job half way through is like a waste of time, and he doesn't waste time. In fact, in his work one would even go so far as to say he is meticulous. He does not waste time, but he will spend as long as is needed to make sure he gets what he wants in the end. When he sets his sight on something, someone or some goal, he does not let it go. Period. he is bull headed in this sense, and will stop at nothing until he has reached a satisfactory ending. It makes him a great worker, one you can really trust to get the job done and get it done well. Even if he hates a job, if he takes it he's going to do it till it's done. It takes incredible paitence some would say, but Thaddeus doesn't consider himself paitent, more just avoiding unnessesary frusteration. If a job is half done, is pisses him off. If he fails, well, don't be around when it happens. 

| Not Nosy |  "No secret to force me to keep, since what I saw isn't my buisness."
 He never asks questions, never guesses your reasons for what you do and how you do it. Thaddeus loves to stay only in his buisness. If he happens in on information, even really secretive information, if it is not his buisness he will let it go as soon as he hears it- even if it's about or concerning him. He never cares enough to pester for answers because he finds that a waste of time. The only exception to this, however, is when he thinks not knowing something is getting in the way of his job in which case he will force it out of you. If it doesn't though? Then he really doesn't give a darn and doesn't think h should be spending the time chit chatting and gossiping. Some say he's even not judging but he's plenty judging, he just doesn't listen to what others have said about someone and instead likes to make his own snap desicions by first impressions.

| Logical |  "Well then it only makes sense to do it this way"
 Thaddeus, even as perserverent, determined as he is would never had made it this far if he didn't have some sense to get him where he is today.  Not being nosy is simply never enough to let you climb the ranks of sewer filth to highly respected or feared bounty hunter that he is. It is his ability to reason, his way to come up with creative solutions to get to the ends he desires that truly did get him to this place. He is very good at coming up with intricate, well thought out plans to entrap his prey, no matter when species they are. He's great at elaboarate puzzles, the most elaborate being that of the persin interplay between two cats. He's a smooth talker for sure- but that's more in his calculating and manupulative traits. Still, the abiliity to decide who he will suck up to, and who he will not, comes all from logic and reasoning. He makes quick desisions that never fail him, because very quickly he can assess everyone he knows for how they rank and what good they are to him. He's very good at making the desired first impression, and keeping it the way he wants. In his "hunting" his ability to come up with logical ways to track down his prey served him to no end. That, partnered with a limitliss determination makes his someone to fear should you end up being his "prey." 

| Calculating |  "Well then it only makes sense to do it this way"
 Everything is moves and countermoves, is Thaddeus' favourite saying and he plays those moves well. Everything is well thought out, everything he does has been planned a few steps in ahead, ready for any way the "prey" could retaliate. He hates surprises, so he plans so that nothing ever does surprise him. In his mind, is always a scheme for every single pawstep of every cat around him. It's like an intricate dance where he likes ot think he is the puppateer fo those around him. There will be nothing to keep him from this, nothing to stop him or keep him from his task. If you don't listen to the puppateer, then he very well might just scrap the broken, misbehaving, doll. 

| Manipulative |  "Well then it only makes sense to do it this way"
 To stay on top of thins, especially his play things, Thaddeus has become well versed on how to manipulate others. He's a smooth talker when he finds the need, polite and charming to those it would work for, and then if all else doesn't work ruthless to get his way. He does, always, get his way. He see's cats as his puppets to be moved around at his will. This is no simple chess game, which he could defeat all to easily, this is a play. A play of which he is the director and will be leading his puppets to a climactic finish. Even those ranked above him, that he respects and listens to, are still all aprts of his master plan, still used at will to get what he wants. Bowing down is just one way to a means that he desires. He doesn't mind submitting, if you'll get him what he wants. 

| Possesive |  "Well then it only makes sense to do it this way"
 How to say this kindly... but... Thaddeus takes personal care of his play things. If he considers you one of his puppets he's a child when it comes to sharing: he just doesn't. Cats, tools, animals whatever it is if he thinks it belongs to him, or he wants it to, he will hold on to and not let go. He will happily kill to keep his play things and doesn't want anyone even looking in their direction. He holds them all close to him with threats, lies and whatever else it takes but they are his and his alone. He gets jelous easily, even if he won't show his clingyness it's there in the way he demands total attention. Not even of just his lover, family or friends but of anyone his eyes rest upon with interest. 


| The Love Story |

 Within the followers, to cats where in the lowest of the low ranks. Terribly fed, bitter, and just generally knowing that their life could be better they started to look to each other with romance and love and hope in their eyes. Enjoying eachothers company in shared suffering they fell madly in love. There was power in numbers, and even just the two of them allowed them both to eat better, and just generally live better. Things where starting to pick up.

 Till she got pregnant. Somehow, early on, they knew something was wrong right away. Things where not going right at all. As soon as she started to show other things started to rear their ugly heads. She was getting feinting spells, getting sick often, and the bigger her stomach grew the weaker and weaker she got. 

 The kits, however, where born fine. Especially in comparison to their mother who never stopped bleeding during the birth till she took her last breath.

| Woulda been Hard Without You |

  Things where even worse than before the two had met, because now Thaddeus' father, Zeref, was not only back to his low ranks with little time to hunt and even worse success but now he had three rough and tumble kits to look after. Things could hardly get any worse for the tom, and every day was a struggle. Without the love of his life there beside him, things hardly seemed bareable, much less worth it for these kits. 

 That was when a higher ranked cat came to him with a problem. He and his mate where unable to have kits, but wanted them enough to request his- so long as he never spoke or had contatc to them again. The high ranked tom was very clear: Zeref would have nothing to ever dow ith any kits that went with him. In exchange though, the higher ranking cat would allow Zeref and his remaining kittens to live cofortably with enough food and shelter provided by him. 

 Zeref couldn't part with his kittens, they were all he had left to remember his mate by, and yet, in having them he knew this hard life without her was causing him to resent them... so he met the cat half way. He sent away one of his kittens, a tom. Having a tomkit and a shekit would be enough to remember his love by, especially now that they would be supported. 

| A whole New World |

 Taken to a mother to raise him, where rank of both parents got him to be well fed and well looked after, Thaddeus never knew or questioned them as his parents. They raised him to be respectful, but always get what he wanted in the end. His father wanted an heir, and Thaddeus did well in being exactly that. he followed well in his fathers paw steps, learned quickly to be a good bounty hunter- so much so his parents almost wondered at times what they had created. His cunning intelligence got him were few could go, as he started to be recognized by those ahead of him as someone who could get a job done. Through out this his father was his teacher, giving him found and stolen ability stones along the way to learn teh ways of his ability. His father hadn't exactly been thrilled with the power of steam, but Thaddeus soon changed his, and everyone elses, mind.

 For every ability stone he earned, he learned how to use it to make him one of the most deadly of bounty hunters. He trained himself extensively in paw to paw combat, so that he didn't need his powers for fighting, he could kill a cat with his own teeth and claws. That left him one deadly opponent, because with steam being his ability you didn't even see him coming until it was to late. Quickly everyone around him started to learn his name, when his father finally allowed him to become full fledged bounty hunter he let his true arrogance show and started refusing any jobs that didn't interest him.

Unless there was some challenge he let a rookie do it, and because of that he had trained a rookie or two in his time. Well, trained isn't the right word. He took on a few rookies, let them follow him if they could keep up and gave them the assingemnts he deemed to boring till they were ready and had earned enough ability stones to do well on their own. 

  | Foggy Days and Misty Eyes |

Things changed one day very drastically. It was late in to his life as a bounty hunter, and by now he was well respected but with that came fear, since he was far from calm and sensible. He had gotten into more than one rows and he always won and he rarely did so without tooth and claw. He had grown many admirers, but their where enemies he and gotten along the way as well, ones who didn't like his rank within the bony hunters and blamed it on the fact that he was the grandson of the Captain at the time. (he, of course, wasn't even this but to this day has no idea he was adopted.) 

 Three large cats backed him into a corner one day, and he faced them with confidence, immediately letting his eyes light up as the fog began to roll in and he began to plan his escape.

 Only then his fog quickly dissipated as a breeze tugged at his pelt.

 "You think where idiots!" one of them sneered, the ring leader and when Thaddeus looked at his element stone he saw the air symbol emblazoned upon it and his mind began to go vow rate likelihood of him winning this fight... and it wasn't looking good.

 "Well yes in fact I do, if you think that's the only ability I have. That was just an easy out incase you didn't want to lose. . . or Worse." Thaddeus growled. 

 The ring leader laughed.

 "As if, I know all your moves." Thaddeus glared at him, but his eyes flickered to the ring leaders companions, the first being a wiry tom cat of the fire element and the other-

 A steam element.

 Now, Thaddeus was not nearly emotional as he sometimes came across, so horror was beyond him, but he was quickly seeing he was at a large disadvantage, but he reused to faulter. He tried to grasp at anything that could help him, since even though his paw to paw combat was good he had no surprise factor, and no elements to help him, and there was only one of him and three of them.

 His paw hit a large stone.

 The three cats loomed closer, and he smiled, which stopped them.

 "Your fools." Thaddeus said, and they glared at him.

 "Call us whatever you want on your last breath." The ring leader hissed back, and Thaddeus gripped the stone in his paws tightly, feeling powerful once more, in control. He had this.

  He flung the wrong towards them and they looked is surprise and horror - 

 "Only a fool doesn't use his surroundings!" thaddeus called out, fog licking at his heels and filling the area for his escape, but he stopped quickly.

 All three where literally shaking in fear, looking at him with wide eyes, their pelts dripping.

 Thaddeus looked back at his own paws.

 "That wasn't steam!" the steam user hissed.

 They tucked tail and ran, and Thaddeus watched them go, proud, but a little confused.

 Once they where out of sight he decided to let it go, they and been fools after all so they here hardly worth his thoughts, and padded on away, till he passed the rock he had thrown at them. Dull, grey in colour, but flat.

 He flipped it over innocently, only to lose the breath out of his lungs when he saw the engraving on the other side.

 Hardly believing it, he flashed his paw out, and water came forth, sticking to his fur.

 The chill ran though his body.

 The water was cold, not hot like the steam he should have.

 This was the mist element....

| Respect will Reign for the Mighty |
 Thaddeus went home to tell the captain of this, only to find everyone huddled together, whispering. He soon found out the captain had been murdered. 

 Thaddeus, though not at grief with the idea, found it hardly believable, so he went to the captain quarters anyway.

 And in there was a sleek black tom, who was certainly not the captain he had knew and as he turned around and faced Thaddeus, something changed in the air.
 "Who are you?" Thaddeus asked, his tone curious, perhaps a little threatening.

 "Kaa, your new captain."

 Thaddeus didn't have to ask what happened to the previous one. 

 "Well Kaa." He said with a smirk, realizing this was his chance. Kaa had no way of knowing who he was, or his life here.

 "Prepare to meet your biggest asset."

 Kaa smiled in return, earning Thaddeus' respect.

 "prove it."

 | A new fantastic point of View |
**based on rp events up until July 15, 2015**

 Moons after, Thaddeus became one of Kaa's most trusted bounty hunters, and most feared, along side the electric elemental Zoriel. Though Kaa shared Thaddeus' gift only to Andus, Thaddeus knew that even without knowing, others treated him differently. He was confident with good reason, no one dared challenge him. They either respected him or feared him, and both where fine by him. He was sent on only the most dangerous bounty hunts, often alongside Zoriel. 

 That was till they up and left and went in search for the regions... which they stumbled upon as they where all in what they called "a gathering"

 Thaddeus had approached as a silhouette in the fog, striking fear into the hearts and minds of all the region cats as Zoriel and Kaa emerges from his hidden depths, but he kept his face shrouded in this mist. Fights broke out and the two Bounty Hunters Thaddeus respected most struck fear into the hearts of all - but he stayed hidden.

 This lead to him, with some minor bruising for effect, stumbling upon a gorgeous spotted she cat one day, as he had gone out fro a stroll after they and all been punished for acting rashly and without Andus' orders. They where put on short leashes with strict rules: no harming anyone. 

 Fine, Thaddeus wouldn't harm them - yet.

 But as the she cat batted her eyes towards him, concerned as he told her how he was a loner that had been attacked by followers, he found himself able to live through the boredom.

 They met again a few moons later, when he returned from a bounty hunt far out of these lands with Zoriel. Again, he was struck by how feisty she seemed for being lumped with all those wimpy region cats. She intrigued him, and he planned to reel in her heart so he could smash it to pieces when he revealed who he was and shattered whatever she loved most. 

 Of course, to do that, he'd probably have to get permission from Andus, since killing her family was a little bit within the "no harming rule" laid down by the Lord.




Kaa : Respect : Kaa has lost some respect from Thaddeus as he continues to remain on a  short leash. He respects Kaa completely, and wouldn't disobey but Kaa no longer has his undying faith and loyalty now that Thaddeus is beginning to suspect that Kaa got them in this mess because of those pesky emotions, and Thaddeus can't be contained like this forever. 

Zoriel : Ally / Comrade of Sorts : They work together, so it would mean more work for him if Zoriel where to perish, so Thaddeus supposes he'd do what he could to keep him around. Update:// Zoriel is considerably the tom Thaddeus now enjoys the most. They make good ally's, balancing each other out well and being able to stand each other almost always. Thaddeus considers Zoriel to be the rare cat that if he died, Thaddeus might actually go so far as to miss him slightly. 

Esmeralda : Lust Interest / his Favourite Plaything : Esmeralda keeps him from going insane from the boredom of aging to be good and keep his paws to himself, violently at least, Andus and Kaa never said anything about using his paws for other things. And boy, does he plan to use them, among other things. Es has his interest for now, and those sashaying hips of hers grab his instincts as a tom more so than he's had to suffer by any other she cat. 

Any Extra Information:

- He takes huge offense to anyone who hints he has one fo teh weaker powers, do so and be put on his hit list
- he is heavily trained in paw to paw combat, since his power isn't good offensively. His battle tactics include cloaking the world in mist, then slitting your throat befor eyou even know he's there.

RolePlay Sample:

 Glowing eyes emitting fog from around him Thaddeus entered with a smirk, but he kept in his place as he knew it well to be. After al, Kaa would have his ass if he did anything tonight. he knew the plans, but he certainly didn't think their was nearly enough blood shed in them. After all, what was the fun of all this scares, for what? Some revenge on someone? Thaddeus did not hold Kaa's attachment to others, they where simply pawns in his own achievement. Cross him and you become a new interesting piece within the puzzle, but certainly not someone he would care to this degree. Certainly, if it wasn't for the ultimate respect he had for the tom he would not even follow the tom here but his respect for Kaa was the only thing that held close as something akin to attachment. He would not disobey as they walked in. he found a secret enjoyment watching the throws of cats faces suddenly wrench into fear, knowing he had caused that as only the glowing eyes made himself visible from beyond the fog. This was his safety net. From beyond Kaa, as he stepped out to address them, they would know he was there but they would not know who he was. He made it certain the fog was thick enough to mask he and Zoreil's features where more than masked enough. It would serve nothing for them to be known, especially when Thaddeus got no greater pleasure than teasing his new playthings. Perhaps he'd even entice a she cat or two.... Killing someone in love with you was always more fun, since they where more torn in their expressions as they died and pure hatred was so boring in his own mind. 

  He let his glowing eyes trace across the gathering place, just as Kaa had said it would be. He took note of whom he saw, and whom looked like a good prospect for a bit of fun. If Kaa wouldn't let him kill anyone now he knew the black male must surely have plans for him to kill later, since Thaddeus was easily bored. If he did not get a new bounty project soon he would have to pick his own, whether or not Kaa approved. Of course, Kaa would always approve, since Thaddeus made good choices. He would choose a perfect victim, if he was made to choose. Someone innocent, but with enough power and respect to shake those around the victim to the core. yes, Thaddeus couldn't help but purr at the very thought of watching them cower as a loved one died, and having no idea who did it. The fog was rolling, my friends.

 And they had all better be prepared for death. 
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Comments: 22

PandoraRose22 [2015-03-03 17:30:02 +0000 UTC]

He looks to perfect to be evil QuQ
I love his design and everything <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to PandoraRose22 [2015-03-03 21:48:03 +0000 UTC]

Ha ha ha but he's so much more fun to rp because he is so

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PandoraRose22 In reply to SozinThis [2015-03-04 04:10:38 +0000 UTC]

Awe, I bet <3 He is the cutest Follower so far <3
Lotus would be infatuated with him XD A cute follower, oh gosh

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to PandoraRose22 [2015-03-04 04:13:23 +0000 UTC]

well he's always happy for new playthings.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PandoraRose22 In reply to SozinThis [2015-03-04 04:14:29 +0000 UTC]

PSCHH what smexy, tom-cat, follower isn't X) 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to PandoraRose22 [2015-03-04 04:27:07 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kitonika9 [2015-03-02 19:57:47 +0000 UTC]

Any chance you think he could meet Es as that starving loner act? She's too kind to pass up that opportunity no matter if its an act or not.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-02 20:13:30 +0000 UTC]

omg that would be so much fun LOLOLOL the potential is REAL plus pretty spotted babies potential yes? MWA HA HA he's such an ass.

 I'll send a start.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to SozinThis [2015-03-02 20:16:13 +0000 UTC]

Potential indeed - she has an eye for the tall dark and handsome XD Spotted babies yes! She gonna be upset and curious to fin out he's actually the enemy

I can't wait!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-02 20:26:58 +0000 UTC]

ha ha ha

  she's not even angry though because by then he's totally got her swooning. . . . And He'll probs come up with some sob story to make it seem like he has feelings that cause him to be where he is. LOL

 What happens to the followers? Do they all get killed in the end? 

  totally have a plot going where either he will die, or Sozin will. Depending on who becomes more loved by me at the end of this. Well, and if I EVER get a chance for a high rank imma be taking it. ha ha ha. I hate not being able to help when I know I'm active enough to be. Thaddeus might just have to take control over all the followers. LOL

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to SozinThis [2015-03-02 20:46:35 +0000 UTC]

Probably - poor Es. Though they'll both make sexy babies cause of their genes and Es's genetic history of exotic cat breeds lol

Nah - they'll remain forever since you can never really get rid of a cult can you? I see them being similar to a cult and once you have followers, there is no death in that part.

Lol That plots good - Kaa being good again also leads to another plot that I have too but I'm not revealing until he is good. Until then, he's evil *evil laughter*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-02 20:54:58 +0000 UTC]

oh good, My Thaddeus can stay <33 

 MWA HA HA HA much plots very awesome, wow. 

  im so excited for this plot omg. Im leaning towards Thaddeus since he seems more fun at the moment then Sozin... but it's pretty close since Sozin's tattoo's are so fun.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to SozinThis [2015-03-02 20:57:14 +0000 UTC]

Thaddy - he's evil in the way he twists ones hearts and all.

Plots are very fun eue

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-02 20:58:50 +0000 UTC]

Ya, and he jet dun even care. He's my first evil bar and I love him, poor thing doesn't even think he's doing anything wrong LOLOLOL

"but WHAT, where all SUPPOSE to die sooner or later, Im just making it quick QQ "

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to SozinThis [2015-03-02 21:13:13 +0000 UTC]

XD Why is it the evil ones are the handsome ones? Esmeralda - watch out cause he's just gonna use you and break your heart gurl!

Kaa: No you idiot! Only the Regions die! Not you my valiant tom in arms - listen to me

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-02 22:58:24 +0000 UTC]

psh, he may not TOTALLY break it. I mean, he won't lose a plaything unless she becomes uninteresting, and he' SUPER possessive so once she's a plaything she is HIS plaything and he will be uber protective. ha ha ha

 Thaddeus: *snuffles* you dun care, your LEAVING US HOW COULD YOU 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to SozinThis [2015-03-03 17:23:27 +0000 UTC]

Well considering Es is a feisty flirt, she'll be of much interest for that particular side of her (as well as her exotic beauty). Though any bavies conceieved from them are just gonna be confused on loyalties and all...

Kaa: I'm still YOUR BOSS though, idiot! *uses Necromancer*

It will be a long while to that eventually happens and Kaa is a good guy again though, so he'll be around lusting after everyone he meets, playing with them, beating others up and probably murdering those off-stage. Oh and being a diva to the poor Initiates.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-03 22:34:45 +0000 UTC]

oh good, I want that whole Kaa x Thaddeus loving ~ Thaddeus is such a sweetie omg. Him and Zoriel.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to SozinThis [2015-03-03 22:38:07 +0000 UTC]

Yea - when he's not being a jerk to others lol

I can see Kaa being a right diva to the poor Initiates though - like he treats them like servants not worthy of licking his paws and make them do tasks for him which are silly (such as fanning out mist if they have that element lol). I have a feeling Kaa is close to Thaddy and Zoriel to be specific actually...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-03 23:11:19 +0000 UTC]

ha ha ha yes I have teh feeling those three are a little trio, working well together

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to SozinThis [2015-03-04 16:55:06 +0000 UTC]

The unlikely trio of the Bounty Hunter circle - it is official XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-04 16:59:08 +0000 UTC]

lololol fo sho

👍: 0 ⏩: 0