SozinThis — Rabbitstar

Published: 2016-03-10 04:35:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 3582; Favourites: 58; Downloads: 5
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Description General Information

[Name] Rabbitstar~ And don't you forget it!
[Nickname] Uh, none, obviously. 
[Age]  24 Moons
[Gender] 100% female and 100% awesome
[Sexuality] Awesome Sexual. I'd need to find someone as awesome as me.... as if. 
[Season of birth] Summer


• Rabbitstar was actually named after Rabbittail, her grandmother. However, as she grew, or well.... aged (since she hardly grew at all) she definitely grew into her name, er, aged. She has a very rabbit like appearance, large ears, very slender, lithe body, very wide bright eyes. Her pelt is a fiery orange and copper, with thick black marbled brown tabby stripes and her eyes a forest green. Alright, alright, and though it's a ouch subject her size is very similar to that of a rabbits... aka she's very small in stature, but just don't tell her I said it. It may be the truth, but i'd rather like to keep my tongue as a working part of me, and she's pretty, well extremely, sensitive about that. 
• Rabbitstar has no accessories; she thinks they are a sign of insecurity and immaturity, of which she is neither. for the record. (her words not mine) 
• Cornish Rex x Singapura 
• Very small, About 6 lb.'s
• Short, but soft. Very thin. 
• Sleek, skinny, lithe

Clan Information
[Birth clan] Birchclan
[Current clan] Birchclan
[Rank] Leader
[Mentor] [ Previous ] Stoneclaw
[Apprentice] [ none ]
[Past apprentices] Fishleap

| Negative Traits |
 Disrespectful -
 Inattentive -
 Rash -
 Judging / Shallow -
 Immature -

| Neutral Traits |
 Spiritual -
 Curious -
 Dramatic -
 Passionate / Emotional -
 Immature -
| Positive Traits | 
 Forgiving -
 Smart -
 Energetic -
 Hard working -
 Brave -

Grandmother | Rabbittail 

Mother | Morningflower

Father | Firecrest

 Siblings | Robinwing ( brother ) Browntail ( brother ) Quietbreath ( sister ) Leafpaw (Sister) Sagepaw ( Sister ) 

 Best Friends | --, -- (OPEN, must be Birchclan warriors)

 Past Crush | Brackentail ( Brackenpaw at the time )

| Parents |

 Morningflower was extremely shy, even as an apprentice. She was hard working, and stubborn, but very quiet and very shy. She avoided everyone, and any tasks that forced her to be around others. She trained hard, even as a warrior she practised and honed her skills over and over. Firecrest, an older warrior, was a outgoing, chatty, social able tom who was always surrounded by friends. One day, a friend of his, Stripejaw, said Firecrest could befriend just about anyone. Whitefur mentioned that this wasn't true  no one could befriend Morningfower the new warrior. 

 He took the challenge, and the next day requested to be on hunting duty with Morningflower. The next day, when Morningflower quietly requested not to be hunting to avoid this, he requested patrol duty with Morningflower. The continued on for a few seasons, till she finally started to not mind his company, though of course she never let him know. He filled the silences though, and her silence allowed him to stop and take a breath and learn to appreciate the silence. 

 Before she knew it, he was asking her to be his mate, and telling everyone she agreed before she had to answer - which was good because she didn't want to and he already knew the answer. Of course she would. 

 Whitefur, who had apparently had feelings for Firecrest, resisted this... But she never would go so far as assert herself as formal competition and such things never even fazed Morningflower or Firecrest. The next early spring, Morningflower was pregnant, and by late spring, four little kittens where born: two tom kits and two she kits. 

| Kit Life |

 There where four of them in all, Quietkit, Brownkit, Robinkit and a spunky little runt of the litter they named Rabbitkit: After Firecrest's mother Rabbittail. (Who had earned the name as an elder when she had lost a large portion of her tail.) It was unusual, for there to be two bearing the same name in the clan, but the leader at the time allowed it due to Rabbittail saying she was honoured to be remembered in such a way. Rabbittail had once been a very respected warrior, almost in line for deputy had she not turned it down saying she wanted a family life instead, so the leader thought that if it was what she was ok with, Starclan would have no issues with it either. 

 Rabbitkit, however, grew up to be nothing like her grandmother; although her and her siblings loved her grandma and visited her often to hear stories. Rabbitkit was spunky even from her young age, constantly poking and prodding and others just to get a rise and taking on any challenge. She was like her father in that way. However, she had inherited her stubbornness from her mother, Morningflower and Firecrest both said she was the biggest lawful in the smallest package. In any tussle with her brothers, she won most of the time. Sometimes Robinkit one as well, the two where fairly evenly matched. Brownkit always seemed a paw step behind, but he was such a loveable goof that it never seemed to bother him or anyone else. Quietkit watched these, and was the one the other siblings went to for companionship and quiet solitude. She was soft and sweet and shy like her mother had been. 

 And so they grey up, playing and sleeping and being kits as kittens are. They got sick, got better, got dirty, got cleaned often. Morningflower was left thinking it was a miracle at all the rowdy bunch made it to apprentices. 

| Apprentice |

 Quietkit's mentor would be Sootstain, Brownkit's mentor would be Willowfeather. Robinkit's mentor would be Stripejaw. and Rabbitkit's mentor? Rabbitkit's mentor was Tigerfoot. 

 Tigerfoot was the current deputy. 

  Tigerfoot trained her rigouresly, as any mentor would, but also because she was his first apprentice since he had became deputy. Rabbitpaw knew he wanted to prove himself, and she was so darned competitive this complimented her well. She'd prove them all for sure! She'd be the best darned apprentice the world had ever seen! Her arrogance should have been turned down a notch, except that Starclan never really taught her otherwise... She was a really great apprentice. No, she wasn't the best at everything all the time... But everyone was quickly able to see her catching on the teachings quickly and efficiently adapting those learnings very easily into graceful movements and a sharp intelligence. Her personality was a little more tricky. Sharp tonged and sassy to say she got along with the other apprentices would be the understatement of the year. She made a friend, Brackenpaw, because she hated injustice... and Brackenpaw had a tendency to get picked on. . . A lot. His mother had been loner who has simply came here promising to become the best warrior, gotten pregnant, and then left once he became an apprentice. Or at least, that's what Rabbitpaw had heard. Brackenpaw's mother nor father where around, but when Rabbitpaw went to seek answers no one would really talk about it. 

 During her apprenticeship she grew closer and closer to her grandma of all cats. She loved her stories, which always held true to the clans morals and ways of life. Rabbitpaw used those stories as motivation to push herself harder as she worked with Brackenpaw, who also often tagged along for story time. Rabbitpaw was tied at the hip with Brackenpaw, and neither of their mentors seemed to mind this. She remained close with all her siblings as well, along with her mother and father, but spent most of her days between truing with her mentor and Brackenpaw, and listening to her grandma's stories. When she had troubles, it was her grandma she always went to, like when halfway through her apprenticeship her mother went back into the queens den and Rabbitpaw was unsure how she felt about that. It was her grandmother who opened her up to the wonderful possibilities of getting to be an older sister. 

 Soon, she and her siblings became warriors, and she earned the name of Rabbitfoot, and Leafkit and Sagekit where born to their mother. Rabbitfoot had been a little sad that her mother had missed her warrior ceremony because of going into labour, but as soon as she saw her two new sisters... Suddenly everything felt right. She loved the little buggers. 

| Warrior / Deputy |

 Shortly after becoming a warrior, 18 moons old,  the leader of the time passed away to illness, and Tigerfoot became Tigerstar. During this time, she was given her first apprentice: Fishpaw. Fishpaw was clumsy, but tried hard... So Rabbitfoot took a liking to him. He was not the only one she took a liking to however. Her friend, Brackenpaw, Brackenthrush now, had begun to seem more... handsome in her eyes. 

 She confessed this one evening during a stroll, and he explained that he actually already had a mate - Blackwing. Rabbitfoot was confused, where they not perfect together? And Blackwing- Blackwing was a-

 Suddenly she understood, and accepted his rejection without taking it to personally. How could she? If Brackenthrush was into toms, she honestly had no intention of judging him. She supposed, if he was happy, she could be happy for him. . . and she was! She really was! She just smiled and said if they ever needed a baby momma she was the gal. He laughed and agreed. 

 Her training with Fishpaw was going well, really well considering. She was actually quite proud of herself and had grown close to the grey tabby tom. He was like a little brother figure... 

 A fox was heard to be on the territory. Rabbitfoot immediately volunteered, or more accurately shouted until they agreed, to be on the patrol to go scout. Her, Fishpaw, Creekflight, Tigerstar, and Brambleweed Tigerstar's deputy went out. It had been protested at first that both leader and deputy go, but with a larger amount of queens than the clan had ever seen resting at home with kittens... Tigerstar insisted he didn't want to take the chance. Besides, they where just the scouting patrol to see how close it had gotten to the camp.

 Brackenthrush came to her, asking her to carry his child for him and Blackwing, but she had Fishpaw to train... So she painfully declined and the friend she and known for years and been so close to begged her to reconsider. She said she loved him, but getting pregnant wasn't on her list of life plans right now. She couldn't do it. She had her loyalties to the clan and its well being first and foremost.

 They grew apart after that, and when her grandma died and he wasn't the shoulder she leaned on she stopped speaking with him altogether. 

 They split into groups, her and Fishpaw with Brambleweed, Creekflight with Tigerstar. Soon, they heard yowling, and rushed over to find the fox had lead a surprise attack on Creekflight and Tigerstar. Creekflight had noticed just in time, letting out the yowl. 

 Rabbitfoot let out a scream as the fox shook Tigerstar, of whom he had caught around the neck, till the tom lay limp. She expected him to get up, to fight back to live. Everyone froze... But it never happened. Finally Creekflight leaped to rush in to try and help, and Rabbitfoot, Brambleweed and Fishpaw did the same. Quickly, the fox realized he was at a loss, and started to back up. . . But Rabbitfoot was seething with anger. She chased after the fox as it went to run, despite the calls of Creekflight and Brambleweed to let it go. 

 It was a foolish idea. As soon as she was alone the fox turned on her. She ran, as fast as she could really, the fox hot on her heels. She was fast, she had always been really fast, and thusly the butt end of a lot of rabbit jokes on her name, but for once she was grateful. She weaved through the tree's as fast as she could, but even with her speed she could see it was only getting closer and closer. 

 Up ahead was a cliff, and she ran right towards it. Heart thumping madly with fear. So this is how it felt to be the rabbit, the prey, running for your life. She quickly veered left at the last second and the fox turned as well - but not sharply enough. It went tumbling down the ravine - but it's jaws took a patch of fur on her rear end with her. She had never been more scared, and furious now. 

  Creekflight and Fishpaw finally caught up to her, sawyer staring over the ravine. 

 She began to sob, big heaving breath choaking on her tears. She had never been more terrified in her life, and her hind rump would look ugly forever!  

 "Brambleweed went to take Tigerstar's body home, he was your mentor right? We should go hold vigil." Creekflight said, and Fishpaw came up and brushed against Rabbitfoot. 

 She sniffed, but looked to her apprentice, who was now at least as big as her, looking to her. 

 "I don't understand, he just became leader." She said, as they walked back, looking to Creekflight. Creekflight shrugged, and they headed back to camp. Creekflight went to go update Bramblestar on the news. 

 To where the camp was in uproar, and Brambleweed, no.... Bramblestar, called to them.

 And asked Rabbitfoot to be his deputy, for avenging the leader. She persisted, saying she had not trained her apprentice. Brambleweed then asked for Fishpaw to come up, and gave Fishpaw his warrior name - Fishleap. He promised to honour it upon formally receiving his nine lives. The clan cheered for Fishleap and Rabbitfoot had never felt so proud of her apprentice.  

 In the vigil, she got a chance alone to speak to Bramblestar, and Starclan's lights first began to shine.

 "He always spoke highly of you, said you where the star that shawn far brighter than he had seen in a long time." 

 She sighed, then asked the heavy question.

 "Shouldn't he have had nine lives?" 

 Bramblestar sighed.

 "He did, and then he lost them in quick succession. It was one tragedy after another, but he didn't mention it because he didn't want to scare the clan, and all of them where in things that he gave his life to fix... So they would never have bothered the clan if they had known he had given his life to it." Bramblestar said. "Thats what a leader is, you die... over and over... for your clan. Sleep now, Rabbitfoot." he said, chuckling.

 "because from now on, if you weren't before, you will be laying your life on the line for your clan just by living and breathing and doing your best." 

 The words where weird, but she shrugged it off. 

 That night, She saw Tigerstar in her dreams... He said not all are fit to be leaders, but to be leader is to accept the chance of death- and live anyway. He told her to live every day. To breath. To be.

 She awoke, and the clan was in turmoil once more.

 Bramblestar had left. Never to return, saying he didn't want to give his life for the clan. Since he had never yet gone to receive his nine lives, suddenly, all eyes where on her.

 She wasn't even two years old yet!

 "Well, uh, guess this means it'll be me huh?" 

| Leader |

 It was spring once more... and she was two years old. Her brothers had grown into fine warriors, Robincall had even taken on a mate. Her sister Whitebird was expecting kittens, Brackenthrush's. Apparently her sister could think of no better honour then to allow the two tom cats a chance at a family with her. Rabbitstar had thought she'd be angry, but she wasn't. She was really happy for all three of them, and even more so sure that having kittens had not been the life set out by her from star clan. 

 Her mother and father retired to the elders den. 

 Fishleap had become a warrior, although she had begun to notice him hanging out a lot with the apprentices - with his sisters especially Sagepaw and Leafpaw. Rabbitfoot suspected he had a crush on one of them... but couldn't be to sure.

 She had chosen Creekflight to be her deputy, mostly because she felt out of control with everything and with the fox his presence had calmed her, and his movements and actions had shown him to be respectable as a warrior better than anyone else she could think of.... She hoped Starclan would favour this... And that he'd grow to be such an old fart he could one day be leader when she gave her life for this clan, all of them. Which she would do.

 Because that was who she was.

 She was a leader.


[Favorite food] Mouse

[Standards] High

[Theme music] Anything you 


[Strange habits]


Rp Example(s)

Must be at least three to four sentences long, if not more. I'd like to see skilled role-players take the positions of the higher ranks, along with members.

Art (c) Foxibau  
Design (c) Biirdi
Character (c) SozinThis  
Group (c) It's Admins
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Comments: 5

Misuzee [2016-03-10 11:34:29 +0000 UTC]

I love the way you draw cats omg ;u; The face is so pretty! <3
Adorable design <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to Misuzee [2016-03-10 13:58:35 +0000 UTC]

 Foxibau did the artwork xD I just didn't make it to writing the credits down last night

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

saairyrd [2016-03-10 07:50:36 +0000 UTC]

'Awesome sexual'
That's my sexuality too what a great one

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to saairyrd [2016-03-10 13:58:54 +0000 UTC]

Pretty much

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

catcanoe [2016-03-10 04:55:04 +0000 UTC]

Such a pretty design!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0