sp3ctra8 — [Old]Mokusei/Mishima Class Flagship

#spaceship #jovian_stellar_empire
Published: 2020-10-31 23:59:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 10081; Favourites: 220; Downloads: 95
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Description Class Name: Mishima Class Flagship. Originally Mokusei Class Flagship

1000 Meters/3280.84ft

Overview/History: Developed in response to the need for a 10 Grand Flagship program, the Mokusei class Flagships were commissioned into service to handle the new program’s requirements for 10 powerful flagships. A total of 7 ships were commissioned into service, The Mokusei, the Shimōse, the Shimane, the Fusa, the Keno, and the Tane. There were plans for 5 additional vessels named the Kōzuke, Ibarak, Mishima, Miyazaki and Kinkō but they were cancelled due to a lack of facilities at the time. Unlike other ships, the Mokusei class does not carry a Type-Number registration. In recent days, the class has been changed to the Mishima following a letter issue between the Supreme Flagship Jovia and the Mokusei.

Grand Flagship Mokusei: The leading ship of the 6 members of the Mokusei class, Mokusei herself was the first to test a prototype computer system. Her design was taken from the Empire of Odin’s Barbarossa class flagship. Mokusei was launched in 2220 and spent a couple months running tests on her new computer system and the prototype Lance weapon. She kept the Barbarossa class’s red livery until 2225 when it was removed for the Supreme Flagship white livery. She’d serve as the spear tip during the Nihon Rebellion 2 years later, cutting a line through the rebellion at the Sakatoko system. Mokusei would later fight against the rebellion with the rest of the Royal fleet at Koumyou. Mokusei would sustain damage during the battle but not enough to keep her from operating with her fleet and launching a strike at the Nihon world of Shikohan. After the rebellion, Mokusei would go into the docks for repairs and overhauls which would take 2 weeks but this changed. After the discovery of the Relic civilization in 2243 and the discovery of the Relic’s advanced mastery of Graviton, Warp and Plasma technologies, Mokusei along with her sisters would be put into the drydock for 2 entire years being refitted with new Graviton based technology. She has since returned to service as she prepares to go toe to toe with Tyranid Hive Fleet Butcher. In 2249, the ship was renamed Mishima as the letters for Jovia and Mokusei would end up being the same so a solution had to be made.

Grand Flagship Shimōse: Shimōse would be the 2nd ship of the Mokusei class and would be launched in 2221 after Mokusei proved a success. Shimōse would operate frequently with fellow battleship Shimane. The Shimōse is identical in every way to the Mokusei with the minor exception of internal structure changes that are shared by the Shimane. The Shimōse would take part in the Nihon rebellion in 2227 with the rest of the Mokusei class but would work with the Shimane in the Kasei system to put down a fleet of Nihon ships that was double the 2 flagship’s fleets put together. During the battle at Koumyou however, the ship was heavily damaged and was unable to continue on the engagement and had to withdraw after the battle was over. She’d be kept in the docks after the rebellion ended and would receive her refit before returning to service in 2245 after problems developed within the vessel’s primary sunlight engines. She is in service and is intending to fight alongside the Shimane and Mokusei against the Tyranid Hive Fleet known as Butcher

Grand Flagship Shimane: Shimane is the 3rd member of the Mokusei class and is launched on the same day as the battleship Shimōse. The ship would see active service in the Nihon rebellion along with the Shimōse as the 2 worked together. Shimane shares the same external and internal features as the Shimōse. During the Nihon Rebellion, the ship would take light damage but would drop back to protect the Shimōse as the 2 captain’s had a bond to work together and fight together. It would remain in drydock for it’s refit in 2243 before eventually returning to service with Shimōse. It is to join the  Shimōse and Mokusei to fight against the Tyranid Hive Fleet known as Butcher.

Grand Flagship Fusa: Fusa is the 4th member of the Mokusei class battleships and would be launched on March 17th 2223 after numerous delays in manufacturing the parts for the vessel’s computer system. When she did enter service, she was hit by a string of incidents and accidents as her name was much similar to the oceanic vessel Fuso. In 2225, she collided with a Type-40 destroyer causing damage to her hull and ripping an entire engine assembly off. During the course of the Nihon rebellion, the Fusa would be taken out of combat at least 29 times during the 15 year conflict only to be repaired and returned to service. She was taken into drydock in 2244 and would return to service in 2246. She is currently undergoing test trials of her weapons in the Tokomiya system’s asteroid belt.

Grand Flagship Keno: The launching of Keno as the 5th member of the Mokusei class would be marked by a day of celebration upon launching. Keno was launched in late December of 2223 and would immediately see action 2 months later against pirates harassing Jovian shipping lanes between the trade hub and Fareen homeworld of Fara, and the world of Iskinda on the far edge of the Iscandar Republic. During the Nihon Rebellion, Keno would be busy against Nihon Pirates along this corridor before taking part at Koumyou. She was able to escape with moderate damage and return to the fight, taking her fleet to the Hishiro system and launching a planetary invasion of the world before returning to fight at Nihon itself. After her refit in 2244 and relaunch in 2245 after quick refit thanks to new parts being built in mass production plants. Keno is currently operating with her fleet against pirates across the current region.

Grand Flagship Tane: the 6th and supposedly last member of the Mokusei class, the Tane was built along the banks of the twin Tane Rivers. She was given her name after the 2 rivers and launched in mid June of 2225. She spent her first 2 years without much before joining the war against the Nihon rebellion early on and was the spear that cut the supply lines through the Nippon Corridor by blocking off transport ships jumping into the Kyo system. She would lead her fleet into catching the Nihon rebellion’s fleet in the battle of Koumyou before chasing it through the Nippon Corridor. After this grand battle, she’d stand guard on the Nippon Corridor before returning to the shipyards along the Tane river to receive her refit. She returned to service in 2247 and launched into action against a Zerg Swarm that had been picked up near the Nippon Sector.

Prototype subspace test ship Ehime: ACCESS DENIED. Inadequate Clearance.

Weapon Systems: The Mokusei class starships are armed with 103 Gravitonic Driver Railguns with 27 at the front, 38 port and 38 starboard. It has 103 Graviton Lasers in the exact same formation[27 Forward, 38 Port and 38 Starboard]. The ship also mounts 26 Plasma Phasers all mounted on the ventral front hull near the front emitters and railguns alongside 48 missiles mounted on the ventral hull and dorsal hull rather than on the engines due to the design of the Mokusei. The ship also mounts within its bow a single Gravitonic Lance to provide a long range precision strike or to clear minefields with special particles.

103x Gravitonic Drivers: The ultimate mass driver design. This generation of mass driver accelerates projectiles through interstitial gravitonic fields, appearing to accelerate projectiles to near light-speed. In reality projectiles are accelerated through coiled warp fields, impacting the target with the kinetic energy of hypothetical FTL projectiles.

103x Graviton Lasers: The ultimate Laser weapon. These laser weapons project ultra-high frequency dark energies through exotic matter fields to produce a hyperluminal gravitonic field deformation along the length of the beam, shredding targets using gravitational forces. The incredible destructive potential is evident as the target is reduced to quark-gluon plasma slag.

26x Plasma Phaser Cannons: Displaying true mastery over plasma physics, these weapons confine high-energy plasmas into multi-dimensional coils, allowing incredible and previously impossible densities of plasma to phase together in one projectile. Incredible destructive potential is evident when targets are impacted by a coil of plasma with nearly a tenth of a Stellar Mass.

26x Inferno Autocannons: The ultimate autocannon. Further advances in hyper-field technologies and fire control systems allow these weapons to store ammunition in a quantum topological manifold, allowing the weapon to warp each projectile out of space-time and into the barrel at FTL speeds before firing. This instantaneous loading mechanism and improvements over older phased projectile functions allow an impossible rate of fire and even greater destruction.

48x Gravitonic Missile Launchers: Innovations in material physics and graviton research allow these missiles to fire exotic payloads of cohesive gravitons. When released, either by missile destruction or successful impact, the gravitons immediately decay into chaotic gravity fields. The extreme gravitational flux is enough to break apart the target’s constituent particles into energy and exotic radiation. Unlike previous conventional missiles, these warheads are almost unstoppable when launched towards a target.

Passive Defenses: The Mokusei class is fitted with specially made shielding and armor known as Gravitonic Superlative Multiphase and Gravitonium Armor. The armor is 9ft thick and the shield has 4 layers making it difficult to pierce. Unlike other ships however, the Mokusei class is fitted with a 1ft thick layer of Crystal-Polymer Bonded Plating. Superlative shields make up the first 2 outer layers, Multiphase makes up the 3rd layer and the Gravitonic shields are the innermost layer and thus are the strongest.

Gravitonium Armor: A concept once thought impossible, innovations in material physics and particle confinement allows engineers to synthesize molecular chains of elementary gravitons. Gravitonium plating can generate useful gravitational fields within the hull, while on the outside a negative gravitational vector field comparable to the gravity well of a black hole is generated. There are few weapons in the galaxy that can even physically touch the outer plating.

Crystal-Polymer Bonded Plating: Increasing the complexity of the crystalline material used in the synthesis process allows engineers to program specific attributes and properties into long chains of crystalline polymers, with chain lengths approaching that of a Double Helix found in DNA. Bonded with each material composing the hull the durability, flexibility, and versatility of ship hulls is now unmatched.

Superlative Shields: Innovations in Quantum Physics and hyper-matter technologies allow these shields to improve upon previous methods. Instead of layering entangled ionic energy fields upon themselves, these shields bind entangled ions into complex networks that wrap around the object flawlessly. This ionic matrix distributes destructive forces evenly around the entire shield, phobiting enemy weapons from concentrating fire upon a single weak point.

Multiphase Shields: Utilizing advances in quantum field manipulation, these shields partially virtualize the entangled iconic matrix surrounding the ship, allowing them to maintain theoretically infinite superimposed energy fields, limited only by the energy available to the shield generators. Given enough time and energy, the quantum superposition of entangled energy fields provides enough protection for ships to theoretically fly undisturbed through stars.

Gravitonic Shields: These shields projecting entropic energy barriers around an object, to compress and annihilate elementary gravitons, resulting in a gravitonic flux that warps space time around the object. Incoming weapons fire powerful enough to pierce conventional shielding will encounter an infinitesimal region of positively warped space time powerful enough to deflect even superluminal projectiles. These shields could theoretically allow a ship to pass through a black hole’s event horizon, if you could find any volunteers.

Active Defenses: The Mokusei class has 40 specially created Point Defense emitters with 20 on the Ventral side and 20 on the Dorsal side. The front 20 are Custodian Type Point Defense mount while the rear 20 are of the Flak Array variant.

20x Custodian Point Defense: This generation of point-defense uses advances in quantum field manipulation to allow each projectile to intercept incoming threats with nearly impossible accuracy. Each munition, containing confined gravitons, harnesses rapid graviton decay and the quantum field deformation created, to move the munition into the gravity fields generated by incoming threats at relativistic speeds.

20x Flak Arrays: These weapons utilize miniaturization technologies to establish arrays of smaller flak cannons, with a higher freedom of movement. These weapons systems can overwhelm enemy strike craft by firing projectiles into every avenue of attack. In addition the munitions fired utilize unstable exotic particles instead of simple molten metals, allowing the flak detonations to shred through strike craft and missile hulls using unpredictable and lethal atomic reactions.

Power Generation: The Mokusei class is fitted with 1 Mk.50 Obari Energy Graviton Reactor as well as 10x Mk.50 [Catalyst] Kinami Fusion Corporation Catalyzed Cold Fusion Reactors. The cold fusion reactors allow the ship to operate if its main reactor is damaged or must be taken offline for maintenance purposes.

1x Graviton Reactor: The ultimate energy generator. The ability to capture and utilize gravitons allow these generations to produce energy without the reliance on mass to energy conversion. Gravitons injected into a confinement chamber form a cohesive flux that indefinitely warps space-time in an infinite spatial deformation. The resulting negative temporal curve allows for the extraction of energy from previous reference frames, producing an infinite energy source.

10x Catalyzed Cold Fusion Reactors: Catalyzed Cold Fusion reactors use muons instead of electrons as the catalyst, allowing much higher results of fusion and increasing the reaction efficiency and power output, as well as retaining the safe nature of cold fusion.

Electronic Capabilities: The Mokusei class is fitted with a Trio of Multiphase Computer systems alongside 9 Graviton Cavitation Refractive Prismatic Sensor arrays and has a Crystalline Targeting Computer. The Mokusei is also fitted with an Ascendant Precognitive Interface Computer System.

5x Graviton Cavitation Refractive Prismatic Sensors: Refractive Prismatic Sensors: Elementary gravitons released from local gravitational fields travel many times faster than light and, before now, remained entirely undetectable. By utilizing the capture and release of passing gravitons, the sensors are able to perfectly map local gravitational flux over a huge range, allowing these sensors to feed telemetry data into on board computer systems. Discrimination algorithms reveal unknown and useful spatial data around the gravity wells generated by stars and planets. The Cavitation installed into the sensors allow the ship to track ships hiding in subspace, weeding them out with ease. Crystalline layers added boost the broadcast signal across multiple systems with ease. The Mokusei class has an extremely powerful Sensor array mounted in a module on the ventral side of the bow section.

9x Nazu[Refractive] Crystalline Targeting Matrix: This special type of targeting computer has been enhanced with Crystallis-infused wafers allowing for the ship to fire with increased accuracy at enemy targets. The Mokusei class has an extremely powerful targeting matrix mounted on the ventral side of the bow.

3x Multiphase Computers: Advances in predictive algorithms allow for specialized computer arrays that can stream spatial data from multiple quantum phases. Adjacent realities can be accessed by processing spatial phase data, allowing an onboard ship AI to sort through realities until it finds one where the future combat scenario occurred earlier. Correlating data from those adjacent realities in real time allos onboard AIs to react to future threats before they appear using successful tactics from adjacent realities.

1x Ascendant Precognitive Interface: With a near perfect understanding of psionic energies, these computers are now equipped with limitless psi-energy streaming systems. The psionic resolution of the onboard precognition arrays allows the combat computers to perform a kinematic analysis of every nearby particle as well as analyzing the constituent energies of enemy crews. The mix of crew precognition and latent telekinesis allos these computers to identify threats and make predictions days in advance.

Stealth Capabilities: Due to the size of the Mokusei, it cannot engage silent running due to the fitting required for this method creating issues with the backup power supply and speed of the battleship.

Utility Capabilities: The Mokusei class is fitted with 50 Tractor beam emplacements allowing it to help tow damaged ships back to the safety of allied territory.
50x MK.5 Tractor Beams: Developed upon older models, the newly made Mk.5 tractor beam is the most common tractor beam used by Jovian ships. It creates a gravity bubble around the target allowing the ship to move it. It can be brought closer or pushed away depending on the setting set by the operator.

Troop Complement: The Mokusei class can carry 2800 troops and their equipment and is fitted with landing Shuttles within the hanger on board. Unlike the standard ships, the Mokusei class can launch its troops down in 28 drop pods, each carrying 100 troops each. These pods are fired out of rear launch tubes located near the main engine units and are used to drop the elite troops on board the Mokusei class ships onto a planet’s surface.

Crew: The Mokusei class carries 2000 Crew on board made up of 500 Officers and 1500 Enlisted crew. This does not include the troops on board the ship. The top officer is usually a Grand Admiral and operates under the authority of the Empress.

Attack Craft: The Mokusei class has a moderate sized hanger bay allowing for carrying of 48 Aircraft alongside and 3 Hizen class Heavy Transport Craft. This compliment includes 24 Fandance Fighters, 12 Fanblade Dive Bombers and 12 Fanbase Torpedo Bombers.

Fandance Fighter Aircraft: State of the art fighters/interceptors that outperform all previous generations. Let the hunt begin.

Fanblade Dive Bomber Aircraft: State of the art dive bombers that outperform all previous generations. Time to put on the real show.

Fanbase Torpedo Bomber Aircraft: State of the art torpedo bombers that outperform all previous generations. Time to Strike from a Distance.

Hizen class heavy transport craft: Designed for planetary invasion on a large scale, the Hizen was built to handle up to a regiment of troops on board. Iit is able to be launched from heavy ships or dedicated troop transports. It will be commonly used in war time and is only a new development after the Himani class transport shuttle.

Speed and Engines: The Mokusei class is fitted with 8 Sublight engines along with 2 Graviton FTL drives and a single Graviton Jump Drive. The Engines are located on the back of the ship behind the heavy armor plates of the front so as to avoid damage from frontal assaults but it leaves the stern open to attack.

8x Graviton Impulse Thrusters: The ability to capture elementary gravitons allows these thrusters to generate thrust by utilizing gravitational force itself. As elementary gravitons are injected into the reaction chamber, a cohesive gravitonic flux field is generated which indefinitely warps space-time in an infinite spatial deformation. Sophisticated spatial tensor-field systems are able to lens the warp field to confine gravitational force into a linear vector out the rear of the ship, producing thrust without reaction mass. The impulse engines used in the atmosphere use highly advanced fusion-powered thrusters which provide the ship with unmatched maneuverability and speed under sunlight and atmospheric conditions.

2x Graviton Hyperwarp Drive: Innovations in hyperfield manipulation allow these drives to purge elementary gravitons into the subspace flux beyond the hyperspace tunnel the ships traverse. Much like how hyperspace is governed by the immense gravity wells of stars, forming hyperlanes, these drives effortlessly format the entangled graviton streams released by the ship, granting the ship computer the ability to dictate the properties of local subspace and translate the ship through hyperspace on a surge of quantum flux.

1x Graviton Jump Drive: The ultimate drive technology, using quantum field formatting to force a topological cavity in the space-time continuum at the target destination. This cavity, existing for mere picoseconds and containing nothing but raw gravitonic flux, allows these drives to translate the local space-time continuum directly to the destination without the need to shred the ship’s quantum structure or filter the destination's quantum structure or filter the destination's quantum signature. Without complex mass-energy functions or energy streams, a true jump drive.

Additional Information:
The Mokusei class is slated for a new hull frame at 2500 meters due to the upgrades and refits on the Jovian Flagship. This change is also to make the Mokusei class different from the Type-55V, Type-55W and Type-60B series of battleships coming into formation. The picture is credited to the Developers of Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These. The template I used was created by Deviantart user EmperorMyric. I commendd you check out his content but I am no way affiliated wwith either him or Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These.

Edit 1: Wow. I was not expecting the Mokusei class to reach 100 favorites in under a week. This is amazing, I thank all of the people who have favorited this image and have them in their favorite Galleries. I am planning for more content like this in the future with individual ships getting their own backstories and history. Once again, Thank you.

Edit 2: The class has been renamed to the Mishima class due to the japanese letters for Jovia and Mokusei being the same letters. 
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Comments: 8

piqous [2022-05-08 08:59:25 +0000 UTC]

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Y-Wolfart [2021-01-30 05:34:08 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sp3ctra8 In reply to Y-Wolfart [2021-01-30 07:32:00 +0000 UTC]

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kaiser-34 [2020-11-02 10:23:28 +0000 UTC]

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Blits-Koalakatto [2020-11-02 07:26:35 +0000 UTC]

That's spike's swordfish II on steroids.

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thormemeson [2020-11-02 02:11:44 +0000 UTC]

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sp3ctra8 In reply to thormemeson [2020-11-02 02:35:24 +0000 UTC]

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thormemeson In reply to sp3ctra8 [2020-11-02 02:35:49 +0000 UTC]

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sp3ctra8 In reply to thormemeson [2020-11-02 02:38:08 +0000 UTC]

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TheRealBeef1213 [2020-11-01 15:30:21 +0000 UTC]

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