StarKite1 — Role Model

Published: 2018-12-01 17:48:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 1856; Favourites: 183; Downloads: 7
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Kinda creepy picture this time, but I didn´t draw it like this because I thought it was fun or anything. No, I drew this picture because I have something to say about our current society again.

Since a few weeks, I´m new on Instagram (even if I´m not really active on there, but I have an account) and when I was scrolling through endless rows of different pictures, I noticed how many pictures there are of beautiful girls in nice dresses and other outfits. Then I remembered an article I´ve read quiet some time ago about how many girls want to be skinny and look like models because they don´t feel beautiful otherwise.

And yeah, it´s true. I personally even have a few friends who kinda think that way. Many young girls at my age think they are too fat so they don´t eat enough anymore to loose weight because they have seen all those super skinny models on TV or on the Internet, like for example, on Instagram.

These are the Role Models of our time. Teens see these pictures and think "They look beautiful.". And then they look in the mirror and might think "I´m not beautiful. I want to look like that model on Instagram.". So they go on diets, do lots of sports and use tons of make-up to achieve that goal.

I don´t mean to say that it´s wrong to use make-up or to do sports or anything. People can do whatever they want. But what I mean to say is that there are borders which should not be oversteped.

Many girls are already skinny. They don´t need a diet or anything. But they do it nevertheless because they think they need simply because they have seen some model who is skinnier and they think that being as skinny as them makes them more beautiful.

But the point is:

It doesn´t!

In my opinion, being skinny has nothing to with being beautiful. As well as using tons of make-up. You are beautiful no matter how much make-up you use or how skinny you are. But sadly, thanks to commercials, TV, Internet etc., the new trend is, that being skinny means being more beautiful. If you´re not skinny, you´re automatically not beautiful. Or at least not as beautiful as someone who is skinny. Even the models are getting skinner and skinner every year and so gets society, or more exactly, young girls.

Because this is the "ideal form".

But I´m saying, it is not. There is no such thing as an "ideal form". Or at least you cannot simply define it like this. The ideal form is the form in which you feel best. It doesn´t matter whether you are skinny or not and it also doesn´t matter whether you look like some Instagram-Model. You are allways beautiful.

And besides all these super skinny models who look like some mannequins aren´t really beautiful. Because the key to real beauty isn´t being skinny or looking "perfect" or anything like that. No! The key to real beauty is feeling beautiful no matter what anyone else says or what you see on the internet.

Look at my drawing: she is skinny, but despite she is not beautiful.

If you feel beautiful, then you are beautiful. And nothing can do anything against that.

All this fuss about being skinny is also very unhealthy. Many girls stop eating to loose weight or they develop an eating disorder just because they think, they need to do this. Just because they think it makes them beautiful. But it doesn´t. It´s even harming their psychical and physical health.

And the goal to look like a model certainly isn´t worth that price.

Let´s be honest, we´ve all caught ourselves sometimes when we think that we are too fat and need to loose weight. But we don´t do that because it really is that way. We do and think it because we see all these "perfet" people on TV and think that we need to be as "perfect" as they are.

But perfection is unreachable. It doesn´t even exist. Because it´s everywhere, all around us, all the time. We just need to realize it.

Just because these "role models" look like that, it doesn´t mean they are beautiful. All these role models are on TV for the wrong reasons anyway.

Last but not least, let me tell you one last thing:

Don´t think you´re not beautiful because you don´t look like a model. Think the exact opposite. Think that you are beautiful because you don´t look like a model.

If you are able to do that and just be content and happy with yourself, you have reached the real and only beauty there should ever be.


Attention Folks! Okay, so there really is something wrong with this text because it only tells half of the truth. There is something missing in here and it is something very important.

When I was drawing this picture and later writing the text, I realized that this topic has, like so many other, two sides of a coin. But I lacked the words to point out the other side of it and so I just published it without talking about this side of the topic at all. As I think about it now, I come to the conclusion that this may have been a mistake since there ARE two sides about this and if I´m writing about this, I have to reflect both of them. And I didn´t. That was stupid and harsh.

So one side you can see above. But that´s not all this drawing is and should be about. No, there is more behinde this than just this simple, one-sided view.

There are people there who a skinny by nature. They can eat whatever they want and it doesn´t change anything. I´m one of these people too. They may like it. But maybe don´t like it and try to do something against it, but it sadly just doesn´t work.

These people (could) feel offended by the text I wrote above this edit. And I can understand that because basically I said above, that they are not beautiful because they are skinny. At this point, it doesn´t matter that I didn´t mean to offend them and that this wasn´t the message I wanted to tell. Because they interpreted it like this and I have no power above how people understand my words. This is a good example for how careful we need to choose our words when talking about things like this. It´s not their fault. No, not at all. It´s mine since I was the one who wrote the text and I was the one who left the other side, their side, of this topic out and didn´t reflect it at all.

So, this edit is to finally make things right and tell the other side of the story.

For all those people out there who are skinny or not skinny and don´t like it and want to do something against but simply have no success in doing so: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. This picture has a far deeper meaning than just the stuff I´ve written above this edit. This picture is there to tell you, that you are allways beautiful. It doesn´t matter whether you´re skinny or not, or big or small or anything like that. No! You are allways beautiful! Because in my opinion, real beauty doesn´t have anything to do with your appearance. It has more to do with what you think about yourself and how you see yourself.

As the saying goes: real beauty comes from within.

Some people may say, that this is rubbish because appearance makes the first impression. Hm, yeah that´s true. But the first impression has far more to do with your self-consciousness than anything else because if you think, you are beautiful, then you absolutly are and nobody can say anything against this.

For everyone out there who isn´t content with themself: you are beautiful. And you get even more beautiful if you learn to love yourself the way you are, regardless of what anyone else things. I know, it is hard, but trust me, it´s worth it a thousand times.

Just a few minutes ago, there was a comment posted on this drawing which was talking exactly about that. And it criticised my text. And this is very, very good. Because it pointed out that there was something missing. Until now, it´s definitely one of the best comments I ever got on any of my drawings because it didn´t agree with me. The person who wrote it noticed, that there is something wrong with my text and she didn´t hesitate to stand up and say it out loud. And she did it in public, as a comment for everyone to see. She could have also sent me a note without anyone else seeing it, but she didn´t. And I think, this is something very brave to do. Sadly there are many people out there who don´t say their opinion like she did because they are afraid of the reaction or just too shy. At this point, I wonder how many people already came across this picture in the past 20 hours since it is online and thought the same thing like she and sadly didn´t write it. I guess I will never know.

I didn´t write this text to tell other people what they shall think or do and I also didn´t write it to have everyone agree with it. I wrote it for people to criticise it and point out their own opinion about this topic just like she did. We´re not all the same. We do not all have the same opinions. And this is good. It makes us individual.

This picture is online for something around 20 hours and 385 people saw it since then. But nobody pointed out that there was something missing. So either they didn´t notice or some may did notice but sadly didn´t write it. Until she came along, everybody as far as I know simply agreed with me. One the one hand, this is good since the side mentioned above is also important. But on the other hand, there was something very important missing and either nobody noticed or nobody was able to say it. And 20 hours are a pretty long time.

In the end, I´m very glade that she was so brave and pointed out the missing point of view. She understood what the picture really is about. I think we need more of these people who are so strong and give constructive cristique. We should all set an example like this.

I hope that I was now able to find the right words to reflect both sides of the topic properly. And if there still should be anything missing, I hope that people will point it out just like she did today.


-The Unknown-

Song of inspiration this time:


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Comments: 20

Luvliartlady [2020-05-04 17:44:43 +0000 UTC]

Very, VERY good artwork, and very poignant!! I have always had pretty high self-esteem, personally, although I'll sometimes have moments where I see myself in a photo and think, "Ugh, I don't look so good there." But honestly, I think everyone has those thoughts every now and then, and for me, they are very few and far apart. The only time I would ever want to lose weight would be if it was a health concern - NOT a beauty concern. Losing weight is tough for me (I've never successfully been able to lose more than 10 pounds), but sometimes, I also have to remember: while I may wish I could lose weight more easily (again, strictly for health, not looks), there are other girls out there who wish they could GAIN weight more easily!

You're absolutely right, though: EVERY girl is beautiful! (And honestly, when I see a lot of models on the runway or in advertisements or whatever, I don't think they look particularly beautiful - to me, they just look emaciated and unhealthy!) Again, fantastic artwork!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StarKite1 In reply to Luvliartlady [2020-05-04 18:48:31 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much.

I think the biggest problem with beauty standards is, that everyone has their own version of beauty. It's not something you can generalize. But the fashion industry still tries. Though, they have learned a bit of their mistakes in the past years, there are still things going very wrong. But there are also a whole lotta other problems with that industry...

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Luvliartlady In reply to StarKite1 [2020-05-04 20:20:09 +0000 UTC]


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kyrtuck [2018-12-18 17:17:10 +0000 UTC]

Yes, way creepy!

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StarKite1 In reply to kyrtuck [2018-12-19 07:15:01 +0000 UTC]

Uh, what am I supposed to answer... thanks or sorry?

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Hir0ya [2018-12-07 23:53:24 +0000 UTC]

Cool work

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StarKite1 In reply to Hir0ya [2018-12-08 09:38:05 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

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Reomira [2018-12-04 17:56:06 +0000 UTC]

Great message and well-drawn work!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StarKite1 In reply to Reomira [2018-12-05 06:54:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ElaiaVortex [2018-12-02 13:16:04 +0000 UTC]

Y'know, there is an opposite side of this medal. 
Im a skinny girl. I dont do anything to be like this - it just happens to me. I eat whatever I want, any junk food I want in any desired amount, and I dont get weight. Its just a function of my body, being able to digest whatever junk I throw in my mouth and keep me skiny af. I weight 40kg, Im tiny like a teenager. When ppl approach me they think Im a student or even a schoolgirl - and I am 27 years old. Its so fkn hard to socialize with ppl when they dont take you seriously because of your childish appearance. Last week I was humiliated at bank when the manager asked where are my parents.
And somehow I feel offended by your words. There is no "roleplaying" in my appearance, it wasnt my choice to be like this. I would love to get weight - I just cant, I can eat for days and dont get weight, its impossible! But if you see me on street you'd think "omagad yet another skinny bitch trying to roleplay models on instagram trying hard with all these diets, sports and suffering from hunger, why dont she love herself the way she is?"
And you saying Im not beautiful because I am skinny. Its harsh, man. I do not think Im perfect too, but this body is what I got for this life, no more and no less. Some fat people do not choose to be fat, its just how their body works. And some skinny ppl do not choose to be skinny either. 
I do understand your message was for fat ppl so they dont feel bad about their shape. But you made it looks like being skinny isnt normal, and furtmore, its bad and ugly. "And besides all these super skinny models who look like some mannequins aren´t really beautiful." On the one hand, I do agree with you. On the other - it hurts to hear that.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StarKite1 In reply to ElaiaVortex [2018-12-02 14:38:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for your message. I was prepared for this to happen and I also thought about it a lot when I was first drawing the picture and then writing the text since this is a very difficult topic.

So, yes, you are absolutely right. Of course there are two sides of a coin. There always are with every topic and especially topics like this.

I know that there are people like you out there who are skinny because their body simply functions like this. I´m one of these people too. It´s the way it is and it is okay that way.

I didn´t mean to offend you or anyone else out there and I can understand it when you say, that I did. I´m sorry about that.

There is nothing wrong about being skinny. But I think there is something wrong about being too skinny and still wanting to become even skinner.

You don´t want that. That´s good. At this point, I would like to ask you a rather personal question. Of course, you don´t have to answer if you don´t want to (I know that we don´t know eachother at all and I can understand it, if you don´t want to answer a question like this) : do you feel beautiful? Like are you content with yourself?

I don´t mean to offend you with this question.

When I was writing this text for this picture, I was thinking about this side of the topic too. But I simply lacked the right words to point it out so I didn´t write about it and just published it with the text you´ve read. As I think about it now, I come to the conclusion that this may have been a mistake since there ARE two sides of this and I just left out the one you just discribed. That was stupid. It is important that there are allways both sides reflected.

So, I was actually waiting for someone like you. Someone who criticised me and my text. I didn´t write this text to tell other people what they shall think or do and I also didn´t write it to have everyone agree with it. I wrote it for people to criticise it and point out there own opinion about this topic just like you did. We´re not all the same. We do not all have the same opinions. And this is good. It makes us individual.

You stood up for your opinion and wrote this message to me, pointed out, that there is something missing in my text and said what you thought about it. And you kinda did it in public, since you wrote it as a comment. You could have sent it a note to me. But then nobody else would be able to see and read it. I think this was a pretty brave thing to do. Sadly there are many people out there who don´t say their opinion like you did because they are afraid of the reaction or just too shy. At this point, I wonder how many people already came across this picture in the past 17 or 18 hours since it is online and thought the same thing like you and sadly didn´t write. I guess I will never know.

You are not one of these people. You seem to be a strong person and not afraid at all to stand up and just state your opinion. I think this is something you can be very proud of.

I like you. You seem like a cool person.

So, in the end, I´m really glade that you pointed this out. I think you understand, what this picture really is about. I´m going to edit the text now and add the things you have pointed out. I also would like to mention you in it since you are the one who pointed it, but of course I will only do that if you allow me to do so.

I think so far I´ve said what I wanted to say. I hope that edited text will be better than the stuff I´ve written so far about it and that I will be able to refelct your opinion, which I´m sure several people out there share, properly. Also I hope that you will be answering me since, like I already said, I like you. Would be nice to chat with you a little more.

Oh, wait, there is one more thing I would like to say: for all those people who don´t take you serious because of your appearance. Don´t worry about them. They´re just jealous because their´re already looking old. And besides, I think you are stronger and more mature than they will ever be.

Okay, now I´ve really said everything I wanted to say. Goodbye and have a nice day.^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Luvliartlady In reply to StarKite1 [2020-05-04 17:45:46 +0000 UTC]

Well-said, friend!     

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StarKite1 In reply to Luvliartlady [2020-05-04 18:44:16 +0000 UTC]


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Rose-Hunter [2018-12-01 22:35:28 +0000 UTC]

that's both really creepy and really cool looking 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StarKite1 In reply to Rose-Hunter [2018-12-02 09:12:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rose-Hunter In reply to StarKite1 [2018-12-02 14:02:11 +0000 UTC]

  you're welcome

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kiborgalexic [2018-12-01 19:39:02 +0000 UTC]

Fantastic work!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StarKite1 In reply to kiborgalexic [2018-12-02 09:12:05 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

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TheDevilCaptainLiv [2018-12-01 19:32:53 +0000 UTC]

Awesome drawing!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StarKite1 In reply to TheDevilCaptainLiv [2018-12-02 09:11:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

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