Stelace — . : GOA : . Found

Published: 2020-04-13 05:22:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 275; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 0
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Boy oh boy do I have a lot of ideas for these kids :^)

Now let's see if I'll actually follow through w/ them

. : : .

Original Protector: Chance

Name: Found

Alias: Second Chance

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Height/Weight: 172.72 cm [5'8"] | 65.77 kg [145 lb]

Element: Lightning

Job: Healer > Alchemist

Status: Partially Possessed


Calm | Rational | Patient

Blunt | Observant | Self-assured

Vindictive | Cruel | Borderline amoral

  Found almost always has a resting bitch face, and that's practically the crux of his personality-- Haha jk,,,,, unless,,,,?

  On principle, if you don't mess with him or Chance, he has no reason to ruin you. It's as simple as that.

  He tends to be a rather quiet and reserved person, preferring relative solitude and distance as opposed to Chance's desperate friendliness and altruism. Found is also a lot more self-serving in the sense that he prioritizes his and Chance's needs before other people -- as it should be. That isn't to say that he'll refuse to help you; he will, if he thinks you're worth the time and trouble, and he doesn't have anything else to do. He's a reasonable guy, and sometimes he's courteous enough to allow you to try what you want. It all really depends on the situation and context.

  However, Found can also tell what's generally on people's minds most of the time, and is quick to pick up on subtle changes in body language and situations. As such, he's good at judging what other's intentions are and whether or not he should humor them or cruelly shut them down before they can do any harm to him or Chance. He knows that he's not above consequences, but neither are you. He is perfectly capable and willing to inflict pain on others if he deems it necessary, and warranted, and he can hold grudges until the end of time.

    Found doesn't care who you are. Found doesn't care what you think. Found simply doesn't care.

    You cross him, and he will not think twice about cutting you down or leaving you to suffer alone. You help him, and he'll be more inclined to return the favor with some semblance of kindness. If Chance likes and cares about you, then he'll try to be more patient and "nice" to you -- only for Chance's sake, not because he particularly cares for your well being.

  In essence, Found is a mostly neutral asshole who calls things as he sees it. He doesn't care if he's seen as a monster or evil; he dishes back what he's been served with full force, and morals don't seem to really matter to him. Found doesn't actively pursue cruelty, but it is a handy tool that he'll use as often as needed.

Likes: Peace and quiet | Green tea with honey | Being indoors | Rainy days (normal rain, not OR rain) | Reptiles and insects | Salty foods | Stars and the night sky 

Dislikes: Small and fluffy animals | Being in crowds | Hot, sunny days | Bright and obnoxious colors | Other Doppels | Being mistaken for Chance | Anything related to the OR



Click here if you wanna read the story anyways.

Tl;dr Chance overworked himself and ended up collapsing outside of the tombs during the peace time and Found moved in for the kill. He jabbed at Chance's insecurities and fears but Chance ended up laughing at that because wow the irony this guy claims to be everything I could've ever wanted and yet he's sorta unaware of the hypocrisy of it but also it was a pained laugh--

Chance then proceeded to be baby and appealed to his suppressed sense of self-hatred and loneliness, thus pacifying his doppel by killing him with kindness. His doppel had a bit of an existential crisis and Chance helped him through it, and they decided to wait for a better solution to their whole ordeal of "hey I wanna take over your body so I can be my own person" and "hey I have people I deeply care about and want to be there for them" than just,, full possession. Luckily, that came in the form of partial possession! 

Also, Chance gave his doppel the name "Found". Please appreciate the symbolism.


Found is the manifestation of what Chance desperate;y wants and really doesn't want -- he's strong, he doesn't care about other people or what they think, he's able to say what's on his mind, and he does what he wants, when he wants. Chance is too much of a pushover baby to allow himself to indulge in such selfish behavior, so that's what Found's main focus is. Sure, Found can be very insensitive, but hey, that's just par for the course.


Chance | The "original", and the fool | Found deeply cares for Chance and is fiercely protective over him. He himself doesn't believe that he deserves the kindness that Chance shows him, but he's also very keen on making sure other people don't take advantage of Chance's kindness, either. He's aware that Chance is a selfless pushover who will stop at virtually nothing to help people, so he often serves as the voice of reason and will forcibly take control of the body in order to make sure Chance actually gets the rest that he deserves.

Generally, he tries not to do anything particularly heinous for Chance's sake, but as outlined earlier, you'd best be careful not to fuck w/ him or his little brother.


▶ Found's design is a reference to (and stolen from) a completely different-yet-similar character named Axum. I'm not gonna say much about him because that's a story for a different time
▶ The front of the tag reads Jīngshén (精神) and the back of the tag reads Xiànshí (现实). Jīngshén means "mind", "spirit", or "psyche" while Xiànshí means "reality". Again, this is a reference to Axum whoops--
▶ The cracks underneath his eyes is a reference to how frequently Chance cries. It was a reference to a really, REALLY old picture that was titled smth like "If tears left stains/scars, they wouldn't be so easy to hide",,,, or something like that. Honestly I went to go dig around to see if I could find that original picture/artist but as far as I know it's been lost to the void-- Sorry aaaa
▶ Found is a stale cinnamon roll. Just right. Just edible.
▶ Don't actually eat him tho plz
▶ The fancy quote in his info section is the beginning lyrics from The Dreamer by I The Mighty

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