This is the beloved but sadly deceased mother of the blond twins. Her children took after her completely in terms of physical resemblance, which is probably a blessing. She was known to be a very humble, kind, gentle, forgiving in nature and a very polite yet strong woman that left a deep lasting impression on everyone she ever came into contact with. This is not to say that she never became jealous of her husband's many concubines or never became angry at him because he loved his drink far too much and was always threatening to go to war with some nation or another, because she did - but she never cursed her fate or hated her husband or his concubines. She truly was a remarkable woman.
While she was alive she was known to frequent the lush gardens of the palace almost as much as she frequented the library. She loved reading and being outdoors and being as far away from the palace, her so-called gilded cage, as she could get and stayed away from it for as long as she could. She was also, oddly enough, fond of horseback riding although this hobby of hers was abruptly stopped soon after she was married.
No one knows if she ever loved her husband, or he her for that matter, but it was never questioned that she loved their children dearly.
The circumstances surrounding her premature death are highly suspicious, but the details have been kept very hush-hush, and no one has ever investigated or tried to dig further into it as they fear that the truth could potentially cost them their lives. No one may ever know just what happen to the beloved Empress Consort, or why.
Her two beloved children were especially devistated by her passing, but her son seemed to take it the worst between the two as he was always with and near her. She even managed to leave an impression on her hardhearted warmonger of a husband and Emperor; after her untimely death in a fit or rage, grief and drunken madness he immediately disposed of (He had them all killed and burned to ashes, even the ones that were pregnant and any living children that they had born.) any and all of his concubines and their children that shared even a passing resemblance to the Empress Consort, and he has not taken any more concubines with similar coloring to her since. In fact, he does not speak of her at all.
I imagine that this is what she looked like while in the earlier stages of pregancy, it's a shame that I couldn't make her look pregnant in this image - it would've been nearly perfect then.
I did not create the awesome game used to create this original character.
Here's the link to the game:…