SunnPie — [HighHolt]: Jun Kaufman

Published: 2015-02-24 02:12:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 1097; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 4
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Description Got this guy done on Saturday, but forgot to post him ^^ History is still a WIP
Check the bottom of the description for the UPDATE LOG


Name]: Jun (yah-oon) Kaufman

Age ]: 22 years old

Species ]: Arctic Fox

Birthday ]: January 16th

Gender ]: Male

Pronouns ]: He / Him

Sexual Orientation ]: Asexual

Romantic Orientation ]: Biromantic

Personality ]: 
[ Positive ]: Benevolent - Gentle - Intuitive
[ Neutral ]: {sometimes} Calm - Soft-spoken / Quiet - Aloof
[ Negative ]: Skittish - Poor-Judgement - Too Trustworthy

[ Explanation ]:

Jun grew up in a fairly tight-nit community, so friends were easy to come by. He was known amoungst the children of the town, and would often read and teach them. When first approached, he seems like a gentle spirit, however that doesn't mean that he's always calm. He can be easily startled, so he is on edge sometimes due to this. From the environment of Everfall, it wasn't an easy town to get in and out of, so strangers were uncommon, leaving him to become foolish to the practice of judging another's character and personality. He does pick up on emotions fairly easily, however he wouldn't be able to tell whether someone is planning something insidious or whole-hearted, unless it was shoved in his face. 
Since the townspeople had really no reason to lie to each other, he grew up assuming that everything that someone would tell him was true, so he tends to trust people too quickly.

Likes + Dislikes ]: 

[ Likes ]:
+Cloudy Days
++Young children

[ Dislikes ]:
--Extreme Blizzards

Hobbies ]: 

- Reading [Does this pretty much 24/7]
- Collects bookmarks
- (Used too) Working at the library
- (Occassionally) Painting
- Studying the plants around him [Since entering the valley of Highholt, he's been exposed to a lot of plants and flowers that didn't grow back in Everfall ]
- Weaving [ Has made some of the furniture in his house from stalks and twigs he's found ]

Hometown ]: Everfall 
Backstory ]: 
[ When You're Young and Innocent ]

Jun Kaufmen was born to two loving parents, in the far secluded wintery town of Everfall. It had been a chance meeting, his mother had journeyed to the cold town to do some field research, his father working in the same field. They'd been colleagues, and the chemistry that eventually formed between them seemed perfect. Those around them could tell they were meant for each other. It took a while for them to admit it, but pretty soon they were to be married.
After his mother moved in, she was soon expecting Jun. It was your average life. 

As a young child, Jun was quiet the shy child. He was quiet and shy, and even though he had trouble making friends, he had some. Growing up in the cold seemed was the young fox's entire world. Areas with green fields and tall trees seemed like a fairy tale. Jun would often listen to this world that his mother would describe in wonder, imagining the different creatures and colors that that life showed. However, he was content with the ice that hung from his roof and the snowflakes that fluttered like falling leaves to the ground.

[ Learning More than Wanted ]

When he entered middle school, lessons became more in depth, and the once pure world seemed to slowly slip away as he learned about the darker pasts and harsh realities. One of these was the sanction of relationships within the kingdom. Jun, still a little young to understand anything past a book, accepted these as facts of life. For if it was in the textbooks, it was true right?

One day, after learning a particularly grueling history lesson, he decided to ask his parents about it. 
"Did this really happen? Did people really do this?" . Realizing that with age, the questions would never end, they explained everything, as well as how the world isn't like pure white snow. It came as a shock, but due to overbearing curiosity, he asked more and more. Pretty soon, the moon was above their house in the dark sky. 

After that revealing lesson, Jun had a bit of a different look on life. He tried keeping an open mind, accepting the 'facts' given to him, but also questioning and seeking different views on the topics.

[ Why In the Night Sky Are the Lights Hung? ]

When going into highschool, it was a tiny school, so everyone who'd been in the same grade knew everyone. Jun still talked to childhood friends, yet he seemed more aloof now. Daydreaming had become a habit to him, and the worlds of green and colors were in his mind again. As well as with the growth, dating and relationships had become common within the school. People started dating and breaking up, yet Jun only seemed to watch this from afar, observing these happenings. When he'd be asked if he had a crush, or had 'his eye on anyone', he'd only shrug and say no, telling them that "he had school to worry about". 

At the moment, it was only shrugged off as him being to absorbed with his studies, but his parent's who'd raised this young daydreamer, they could tell that maybe their son wasn't going to find his 'special someone'. One time during his later high school years, they sat him down and asked about relationships, and he only told them,

"I am not looking for a relationship....I just want to know more". 

That seemed to confirmed growing worries, and from their experiences within their respective fields of study, they explained to him what sexualities were, as well as identifications. At this point, this was almost illegal, however it didn't mean death for them. The king had outwardly spoken against anything that challenged 'the normalities of society', yet hadn't been enforced yet. Jun listened with interest, and went to bed that night with racing thoughts about who he was.

He continued on through the rest of his highschool life, keeping one secret tightly bound within his heart. However, at that time, he'd begun to volunteer at the primary school he'd gone to all those years ago. He found himself liking the children, enjoying teaching them of green leaves and bright blue skies. 

[ Why is the Earth Moving Round the Sun?

After graduating, he went to the equally small college within the town, not quite knowing what to focus on. He'd taken up a part time job at the local library, and between that, college and helping out with the children in the town, his life seemed content. In that time, he had come out to his parents, telling them that he would never look for a physical relationship with anyone. Wise with age that showed in wrinkles etched on their faces, they accepted this, knowing from birth that their little puff of snow wasn't quite going to fit in. He decided to keep it between them, and the small family strengthened their bonds.

However, it would not last forever.

After a few years, Jun found himself with a passion for teaching, and was beginning to go through to get his degree. That when the knock on their door brought bad news. Visitors were not uncommon, actually, Jun had quite a few, from children in primary school, and those who were now growing up, would come by to hear a new story or get help on this one hard homework problem. However, when his mother opened the door to the strong build of an officer, something was wrong.

The officer simply stated:
" By the decree of His Majesty".
And left a crisp white envelope with the royal stamp on it. Within, it revealed this, "Hello to all of my citizens in The Western Summer. I have a very important announcement that you should not ignore. I will be rounding up some of our citizens to go on a very important journey. No need to be alarmed, but some of our non-conforming residents here are lacking in some vital education, so my men and women will be helping them.
You must report to the station by midday tomorrow, or use of force will be put into effect."

It turned his blood cold, and the shocking news from the king sent the house silent. Seeing that his father was about to get upset, Jun merely said:

"Father, no need to worry. I will go, and I will be fine."

So that night, he went to packing a light load, making sure to pack some keepsakes from home, one being an old leather-bound journal, and a small album of pictures. Within the next day, he arrived at the station, seeing that alongside himself, other citizens he'd grown up with, or knowing were in for the same journey.

Unbeknownst to him, this journey was not as pure white as it seemed.

[ In the City Only for a While ]

The beginning of the train ride seemed nothing other than normal, other than the constant stops to force other citizens onto the train. What concerned Jun the most was the beat up state that some passengers were in when boarding the train. Back at Everfall, he'd only seen light struggles when boarding the train himself.

Around halfway to their destination, a meeting was called by someone among the passengers, and everyone gathered within one cart. Jun had attended, however staying at the back. The meeting was held by a lion named Maple, and another arctic fox named Aspen, whom seemed to be around his age. As he looked around at the other passengers, it pained him to see young teens who were in the middle of highschool aboard the train.

"Some of you might still believe this is some sorta’ fricken vacation! But if you want my opinion then you ought know I don’t think anything of this vacation. I should not have been forced onto a train for a “vacation”!” 

Jun's ears had pricked up by then, and listened to the rest of the conversation between her and Aspen. In the end, he'd voted on Aspen's side, rather not wanting anything violent to happen to them. And so, the train continued to chug along, bringing them to their fated destination.

[ So the Landscape Before You Looks Just Like the Edge of the World ]

Pretty soon, news began to sweep through the passengers like a whisper amongst the brush, as the sight of mountains on the horizon alerted them to their destination. As the days passed, their worst fears came true when they saw the train heading directly towards the mountains, most of civilization left behind them in the smoke of the train.

Pretty soon, they arrived in the hidden valley ranch of Highholt, where an abandoned civilization was only marked down by the old houses spotting the wide valley. Tall mountains surrounded them, with only the train tunnel a way of escape. There, they were left with meager supplies to fix up, and move into the old rusted lean-tos that'd be their shelter. 

A little less than a week passed, and Jun had fixed up one of the lean-tos that was located higher up on the terraces. He'd found old books within the shack, and had fixed and built various things to make the house his own. After the allotted time of building, they were gathered back down in the main meeting area, and told of their jobs.

There, it was an uproar of protests, and some action of the military was taken against a few of the citizens. The whole time, Jun had lowered his gaze, not wanting to see the carnage in front of him. They were assigned roles, as apparently they'd be spending the rest of their lives there farming, as a slave force. Jun was placed in the group of Planters, who were tasked with following the toilers and planting the seeds in the holes that they made. 

Unknowingly, Jun found himself sighing in relief of his position, because yes he was tall, however he had pretty much no extra body strength, and was more adapted for speed. Plus, it'd give him a chance to study the plants that they were to grow up and close. 

[ Extras ]:
[ Current Possessions ]:
- Leather bound journal [ These cream white pages are still blank with journeys to come ]
- Spiral Notebook x2 [ Blank paper for writing letters ]
- Envelopes + Stamps [ Materials for letters to be sent ]
- Small Photo Album [ Has few pictures of family, as well as some of the children he tutored. Lots of pages and still unfilled ]
- Pens, Markers, and Pencils [ For writing stories to come ]
- Camera [ For capturing the colors that don't exist back in Everfall ]
- Set of Clothes x3 [ For warmer and cold weather ]
- Book x6 [ Field guides and reference books. One is a compilation of classic literature ]
- Small set of Watercolors + Pain brushes [ Has a basic palette of colors and small sized brushes; paints in :Leather Bound Journal: ]
- Extra hair ties and ribbons [ One can never have too many hair ties! ]
- A stack of unsent letters [ Where are they supposed to go? ]

Small House
- A Hammer [ Why is that lying around? ]
- Extra nails [ Make sure not to step on them! ]
- Make shift bed [ Has a mud base, with grass and straw for comfort, then has a cover woven out of straw, and a blanket and small pillow brought along from the train; Sounds as comfortable as it gets! ]
- Old Book Shelf [ How did this ever hold books? ]
- Old Books [ Many old weather beat books found on : Old Book Shelf: Ranges from children story books to old outdated reference books ; Who would leave these behind? ]
- Fixed-Up Table + 2 Old Chairs [ Made for company? Who knows! Make's for a good seat next to the window! ]
- Old Oil Lamp [ For those late night readings! ]
- Old Set of Dishes [ Mis-matched dishes for meals. Old, rusty silverware and chipped porcelain ]
- - Plates x3
- - Bowls x4
- - Mis-matched glasses x5
- - Spoons x5
- - Forks x4
- - Table Knives x3
- - Teapot x1
- Woven Floor Mats x3 [ Hand-woven floor mats made of straw, to cover the dirt floor; No one wants to wake up with dirt on their feet! ]
- Backpack [ Items within listed above ; To carry things on a long journey! ]

[ Trivia + Extra Facts ]:
- Once the train passed out of Everfall and into warmer regions, he began to paint more, as well as document the scenery he saw on the train
- Theme song: Blue Spotted Tail by Fleet Foxes (Some of the sub-headings from his history are lyrics from the song)
- He is generally open to learning new things, as well as looking for new hobbies, as reading, journalling, and occasionally painting can only go so far. 
- Has a bit of social anxiety, but does want to make friends! You will have more luck if he is approached.
- Is a bit obsessed with botanical life, as it was a past career of his mother, and reading references books on different kinds of plants and flowers helped spur this interest.
-- Anything having to with flowers will instantly get his attention
-- Ironically he loves tea
- He has two piercings in his right ear, as it was almost uncommon for someone growing up in that mining town to not have some sort of metal embedded into their body. 
-- Considered getting a lip piercing but decided against it
- He wears a lot of sweaters + light colors
- Back at Everfall, he'd let the children he read to braid his hair. Sometimes he'd walk out of the library with intricate braids in his hair, other times it was a mess. But he still let them do it anyway because he didn't mind.
-- Wakes up with fairly crazy bed head
-- Will occasionally put his hair in a bun
-- Let his hair grow out in high school
- Majored in Biology in highschool, and was going to college to get a Bachelor's degree in Wildlife Biology

Roleplay Example ]:
When his eyes blinked open again, the first thing that entered his mind was, ‘Why does it smell so bad?’
However, that was the least of his questions when he stopped to take in his surroundings further. Three words came to mind and dark, stingy, and gross was all he thought of. The only alluring part of this scenery was the glowing fungus spotting the trees and ground around the clearing. Incidentally, they weren’t the only ‘alluring’ thing there, as he soon found out.
He shifted in his spot, and looked to his side as he noticed a cat with…quite the look. If you looked at her from one angle, you’d see a quick, clean killing machine, with eyes the color of ice..well something that’d make ice look like a melted puddle. On the other hand, the other side of her looked like a living corpse, with injuries to her face that produced a never ending dribble of blood from the empty eye socket. Never the less, his curiosity was piqued at the interesting build up of this cat in front of him.
At her question, he pondered at the list of current possibilities of where he could be, and only one, conclusion that could make some sense. He was currently smack-dab in the middle of the Dark Forrest. At the mention of her name, he dipped his head to her, giving her one more look over before clearing his throat.
“Nice to meet you too…Icefang,” he grumbled in reply, “I do wonder the reason myself as to why I’m in literal ‘hell’ at the moment, however I assume you have some inference as to why I’m here,” he replied, his eyes narrowing. The she-cat was somewhat….off putting. She carried an air like she was queen of the world, yet she was one of the lone criminals trapped here by their starry ancestors. Thoughts ran through his head as he sighed and shifted so that he too was sitting up.
“I am Lynxshade, by the way, a senior warrior of Thunderclan,” he said, introducing himself with a voice that seemed to portray the guard he was holding up around himself. 

[ Update Log ]:
- 2/27/15 - Added HISTORY and EXTRAS
- 3/6/15 - Accepted into the group ; Fixed some grammatical/spelling errors ; Added TRIVIA + EXTRA FACTS to the EXTRAS section
- 3/26/15 - Updated HOBBIES and TRIVIA + EXTRA FACTS sections
- 3/26/15 - Updated EXTRAS: CURRENT POSSESSIONS and HISTORY sections
- 3/28/15 - Updated ROLEPLAY EXAMPLE section 
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Comments: 16

SnowInTheVeins [2015-03-07 19:04:01 +0000 UTC]

Wow~ He's well written~

I like him. uwu

Would you perhaps, be up for some roleplay? 

Be it now or later, I can wait uwu

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SunnPie In reply to SnowInTheVeins [2015-03-07 19:25:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! 

And I'd love to! Would you like to rp through notes or skype?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SnowInTheVeins In reply to SunnPie [2015-03-07 19:33:58 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome! uwu

I prefer notes~ ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SunnPie In reply to SnowInTheVeins [2015-03-07 19:41:03 +0000 UTC]

Cool! Do you think you could send the first starter?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SnowInTheVeins In reply to SunnPie [2015-03-07 19:56:13 +0000 UTC]

Sure uwu

Give me a moment~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

emptycoyote [2015-03-06 10:22:00 +0000 UTC]

Would you like to rp with my character Marcus ; v You have such a cutie!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SunnPie In reply to emptycoyote [2015-03-07 05:02:28 +0000 UTC]

Ahh thank you, and I'd totally love too! Would you like to through notes or skype?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

emptycoyote In reply to SunnPie [2015-03-07 05:16:22 +0000 UTC]

Notes would be best for me. : >

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SunnPie In reply to emptycoyote [2015-03-07 06:54:26 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! Do you think you could send the starter? .v.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

emptycoyote In reply to SunnPie [2015-03-08 02:22:32 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

normallergy [2015-03-06 06:37:08 +0000 UTC]

awesome character!!
i have an arctic fox from the same place too! we should totally roleplay n w n

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SunnPie In reply to normallergy [2015-03-06 07:20:27 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!!!
And I would love too! Would you like to rp through note or skype?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

normallergy In reply to SunnPie [2015-03-08 05:52:36 +0000 UTC]

skype or notes are fine!!
maybe notes for now would be more preferable? n w n

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SunnPie In reply to normallergy [2015-03-08 05:57:00 +0000 UTC]

Notes sound good to me! Do you think you could send the starter? .v.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

holyteeth [2015-03-05 10:48:36 +0000 UTC]

ooo he's extremelly well written !!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SunnPie In reply to holyteeth [2015-03-06 02:27:48 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!!! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0