tapperhed — [LoS] Deryn

#los #kemonomimi #legendsofsisa #characterdesign #lamentobeyondthevoid
Published: 2019-09-29 22:41:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 423; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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Description " Birds have it great. No Job, no Responsibilities- And they just, get to fly away from it all, y'know?.. "

❧ General ☙Name: Deryn of Ransen
Age: 29
Birthday: April 28th
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 152 lbs
Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Falconer
Region: Ransen

FLIGHTY | FACETIOUS | LEERYThis often chipper and chirpy young man has a smile that can light a room. While he isn't Extremely extroverted, Deryn is friendly and easy to talk to, and if you get him blabbering on about birds he'll just never shut up. He's kind and generally compassionate, if a little spacey or 'bird bained', and is loyal to those he considers his family. However, he doesn't handle serious topics well, and tends to have a little too much (forced) lightheartedness in situations to cut the tension while he's sweating bullets. He's prone to folding under pressure, and is often absent when it's a situation he can't handle personally, as he doesn't like showing weakness to people and absolutely hates crying in front of them. If you get him to crack, however, it becomes ever so clear that a lot of his amicable personality is falsified or at least embellished. Contrary to what you'd expect of his general demeanor, he doesn't seek too many people out outside of those he knows or those he does business with, and lives on the relative outskirts of town. It's lonely out there, living only with his birds, but trust issues are a hard nut to crack at times.

❧ History ☙[TW familial death]

Deryn was born fatherless, to a Karou native living in Ransen named Adie. Though he never had a father figure, he never felt he was missing out much- his mother had told him that his dad had walked out, so he frankly had no interest in meeting a guy who didn't want to meet him in the first place. He was raised on the outskirts of town, in a small yet cozy home with just the two of them- oh, and Adie's birds. Adie was a falconer, and while she occasionally did business at market most of their lives were self sustained through her falconry for hunting, as well as working out the small plot of space they had to grow vegetables. From a young age, Deryn had always looked up to his mother; Adie was self sufficient, and basically the only adult figure he had in his life because his interaction with a lot of the townsfolk was minimal. She taught him the ropes of falconry, and he had always been in tune with birds because of the sheer amount of time he had spent around them, her birds a welcome part of their little family. As nice and close knit as their little circle was, it means there was no course of action when something were to disrupt that circle forever.

When Deryn was 14, Adie left one morning to go hunting and didn't return home. He waited up for her, but was advised to not go into the neighboring woods at night so he of course listened and eventually dozed off. When she didn't come home by morning and yet her bird had he panicked and left to search. After hours of searching, he found, just so much blood. Adie had been mortally gored by a beast while out and passed away in an attempt to crawl back home.

While Adie was a good mother, she was fiercely overprotective, and generally distrusting of others. This severely hindered Deryn's ability to survive without her, as he didn't have any connections and living on the land doesn't come easy when you're still just a kid. He took to petty thievery, stealing just enough to last a couple days each as he returned to a cold and empty home. Embittered by the world, he nearly starved in that place, until desperately stumbling out and into an inn he felt would turn him away because his mom told him everyone would but it smelled so good and he was just so hungry- but then, they didn't.

A little kindness goes a long way, and with baby steps this ratty teenager started reaching out to strangers for help for favors, began bartering, and stopped feeling so hungry and so bitter and so alone. Deryn honed his falconry training when he was in a well enough physical state to do so, and started seeing returns on that front, starting up his own cozy lifestyle. Over time his demeanor changed, while still hesitant to start deep relationships he became accustomed to hellos and small talk, and was always so charmed when relative strangers would give acts of kindness. 

Currently, he's doing alright for himself. There's few he's explicitly close to but those he is he cherishes. He spends most of his time in a shack on the outskirts, but he stops by the town center when he needs to go to market or just has some free time to kill. Deryn still lives alone with what are now his birds, but it's not as empty anymore. He still has a little bit of a stealing problem, but he doesn't indulge it too much.

❧ Extra Information ☙ -Deryn's always wearing a simple choker with a medallion that once belonged to his mother.
-He tends to hum to himself a lot and also has a singsongy cadence to his voice.
-He knows how to mimic certain bird calls, it's a fun party trick.

Falconer's Gloves - Main Weapon
Retrofitted falconry gloves, metal claws attached and kept to a point. Much more effective than natural claws alone.

Hunting Knife
Good old fashioned hunting knife. On the larger end as hunting knives go, with plenty of heft.

Deryn's main falcon. Not really a weapon but part of his set nonetheless. Her claws are kept sharp, and talons and beak have dedicated attachments for them when the two are hunting together. She's a breed more common in Karou than Ransen, which may come as confusion for the intrepid bird watcher.

❧ User Information ☙

Name/Nickname: Tap/Tapper
Pronouns: He/Him
Discord username: tapperhed#6009
Timezone: EST
Age: 24

Roleplay preferences: Discord. Most comfortable with para/multi para RP but can adjust to any writing style if need be.

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