TheFearlessHamster — DoD [ Juniper Application Sheet ]

Published: 2015-01-11 21:10:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 2383; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 5
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I do not own the drawing leaf-commune drew it 
I do however, own the design, and character. That is all.
Also, special thanks  to both pastel-narwhal , paesb , and leefeon
for letting me borrow some parts of the layout description


        Current Name: Juniper
         Origin: Juniper, after a berry.
         Pronounciation: joo-nuh-per

        Previous Name(s): n/a
        Nickname(s): Whirlwind (by her father)

        Age: Fourteen months
          Age Joined: At birth

        Gender: Female
          Gender Identity: Female

        Clan: AirClan
          Previous: n/a

        Rank: Apprentice
          Mentor: Amethyst (Sammsy-Chan )

            Religious Beliefs: ★★★★★

    "I guess you could say, because I am apart of AirClan, I am more spiritually inclined, and that is very much the case! But I tend not to think why I am so spiritually inclined is because of where I was born. I do, most definitely, believe in the spirit world, and I honor and respect them greatly. I'll never doubt them! One day, I'll be in the spirit world, but not now! I still very much have a life to live, and I can't wait to start living it! Oh and.. Well, I guess it may sound silly but I still think the Avatar is around.. somewhere. I just know in my heart they won't just sit back and let the clans fall into disrepair like everybody thinks! I'll never lose hope in them, or the spirit world."


          50% Javanese (from father), 45% Oriental Long Hair(from mother), 5% American Curl (from mother)

        Fur Statistics:

    ●○○○○○○○○○ ➟ Rough

    ●●●●●●●●●○ ➟ Soft
    ●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Long
    ●●●●●●○○○○ ➟ Short

        Build Statistics:
    ●●●●●●●○○○ ➟ Tall

    ●●●○○○○○○○ ➟ Short
    ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Slim
    ●●○○○○○○○○ ➟ Muscular

        Overall Description:
    Juniper definitely does have the expected measurements and body structure of an AirClan cat, made obvious by her genes. Although she may not be particularly muscular, she isn't exactly scrawny either. She has a thin layer of wiry muscle that drapes her body, and the sleek furs that cover her rather slim body structure well defines this fact. Perhaps the only places in which her muscles are more obviously defined are in her legs and chest areas. As for her fur, it is of a unique pattern. She has the obvious Javanese points on her face, that covers her muzzle and the bridge of her nose. While the rest of her body resembles that of an Oriental Long Haired tabby of a marbled pattern. Due to the fact that she is 5% American Curl, Juniper does in fact have just a very slight backwards curl to her ears, and if they are studied closely, this curl becomes obvious. She also happens to have quite a feather like tail, as well as tufty fur on her cheeks and chest areas. Juniper is definitely pretty leggy, but not too insanely leggy like some Airclanners. One could say she's average in that respect. She also isn't very small, nor very big, so again, even her size is average.

    Juniper has no scars whatsoever, however she does happen to think they're pretty cool

        Noticeable Traits:

    Very slight curl to her ears

        Known Disabilities:

    Juniper does have a bit of a minor case of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), however this usually rears it's ugly head when she is disinterested in a topic. Other than that, she has no known disabilities.


    Juniper has a feather tied securely behind her ear. She isn't sure what bird it's from, but it's pretty and is a lot like the color of her own fur! It is also accented by a pretty blue stone that her mother found and gave to her when she was a kit. She also happens to have a fang necklace she often wears, that she found during a landslide. At times, she also wears a flower crown made and gifted to her by Astilbe.


    Korra from Legend Of Korra


 = Neutral Trait |  = Good Trait |  = Bad Trait 

        { Optimistic } "Hey now, don't worry! Things will look up, they always do."
         [ synonyms : hopeful, confident, cheerful, bright]

    Juniper always tries to keep her mind on the positive, even in a bad situation. She tends to use this side of her to reassure her peers, if their hope happens to waver, and reminds them why they should remain hopeful. This trait has been instilled within her ever since she was a kit, and this is shown when her mother left her behind in AirClan. She seemed to be cheering on her mother, rather than being sad of her absence. Whenever Juniper is around, it's a sure bet that she has an unwavering and bright smile on her face.

        { Outgoing } "Hey there, I'm Juniper! What's your name?" or "Wow! How'd you do that? You don't mind teaching me, do you?!"
         [ synonyms : extrovert, easygoing, sociable, lively ]
    Juniper has always been an outgoing she-cat. Ever since birth, she has had an insatiable need to meet anything and everyone. The same goes for learning, she absolutely loves to learn, and would go to any length to learn something new or out of the ordinary. She's friendly to almost everybody she meets, and always has an air to excitement to her wherever she goes. Because of this, she has earned the nickname 'Whirlwind' by her father and many others of her clan, even though she'd much prefer her own name given by her mother. But she deals with it, knowing that the name was given with good humor.

        { Brave } "I know you're scared, so am I... But I'm going to do this! Cheer for me, okay?"
         [ synonyms : courageous, daring, valiant, bold ]
    Juniper does feel fear, in fact, she can even feel unsure about a lot of things, strangely enough. But despite her fears, she knows that she simply can't let them hold her back. In order to succeed, she must move forward, and that is precisely what Juniper intends to do. Her fear is her drive, and this leads Juniper to be considered a rather brave and courageous soul, for doing something that most others wouldn't do. She can also be considered brave, or perhaps maybe reckless, for doing things that may very well involve dire consequences. However, she does these things with the best interest for her Clan, as well as to better herself and her abilities as a bender, to be able to help and protect her clan better. Her courage is never ill-willed, and it certainly never does have bad intentions. Her bravery is pure and true. She is very much a lionhearted she-cat, right down to the bone.

        { Adventurous } "Come on now, I really want to see the cave at the bottom of the mountain! I heard it's really cool!"
         [ synonyms : venturesome, gutsy, dauntless, intrepid, spunky ]
    Ever since birth, Juniper has always been a vivacious little she-cat. She was always ready for a good adventure, and often, as a kit she wandered out of the Nursery to do her own self exploring. This trait has definitely carried out into apprenticehood, and because of this, Juniper usually finds herself sneaking out of camp and venturing into other Clan's territories. She knows she'll get in trouble, but that seems to not matter as she enjoys exploring the neighboring clan territories. When she's lucky enough, she'll find herself spying on training sessions, and using the moves she has witnessed in her own bending.

        { Sarcastic } "Oh, and I suppose someone as strong and skilled as you, could teach me?"
         [ synonyms : witty, snide, comical, mocking ]
    Depending on the situation, Juniper can be quite the sarcastic little she-cat. Whether it be in good fun and humor, which is usually the case, she takes on a more comical effect. However, towards those who are well, too prideful for their own good, or simply someone whom Juniper dislikes, her words can be venomous and snide. Which is very unlike a feline whom was born and raised in AirClan, but then again, Juniper isn't your typical AirClan feline.

        { Outspoken } "Well, I disagree. I think the Avatar is still around." or "Hey, I hope you don't mind me asking, but why don't you have a tail like everyone else?"
         [ synonyms : straightforward, candid, honest, blunt ]
    Juniper is definitely unafraid to speak her mind whenever she has questions to ask, or even something to disagree with. She has always been straightforward with any ideas she has, and usually she doesn't waste time beating around the bush. Depending on what Juniper says, the outcomes of others reactions can either be good or bad, and sometimes, there are more bad reactions towards her words rather than good. But this doesn't deter Katniss from saying, asking, or stating what she wants. She seems not to care what others may think of her when she speaks. She also seems to lack a filter at times, so she can very well blurt things out without meaning to.

        { Reckless } "If I die, I die. I'm doing this for those I care for, no matter what!"
         [ synonyms : careless, rash, thoughtless, heedless ]
    When it comes to her clan, or those she is close to, and they're in need of help, Juniper can take on a devil-may-care kind of attitude and rush into things hastily. She usually makes a decision, and delegates with the details later. Because of her impulsive need to protect those she cares for, Juniper can put herself in dangerous situations, not only for herself, but for her peers as well. Sometimes, Juniper's love, and instinctual need to protect what is her's, can come to really bite her in the butt. It's only until later does she realize this, and she apologizes for her brash actions.

        { Hotheaded } "I hate airbending! I wish I could just be an Earthbender or a Firebender!"
         [ synonyms : explosive, fiery, headstrong, rash ]
    Despite Juniper's very likable personality, she wields an anger like no other. It's not like she is easy to upset, in fact, it can be very hard. But the one thing she finds herself getting heated over the most, is traditional airbending. Being as her personality is very different to the element she wields, she can find that doing traditional bending isn't something she excels at. Yes, she is a strong bender, but following the traditional rules of AirClan can be quite frustrating to her. She tries to be more subtle in her bending, as she is normally very head-on, but often times she finds herself getting bored and tries to throw a bit of her own free spirited self into her bending which is immediately shut down. This often upsets Juniper, and can even dishearten her to the point she gets depressed. For she wants to be able to make her father proud, but she simply just can't do it. When she is mad, she can say things she doesn't mean, and this can lead to some complications in relationships she develops. This trait isn't restricted to just her inability to Airbend traditionally, she can also get very mad when her friends and family get hurt, whether it be emotionally or physically. She can also get pretty upset when she cannot excel in other things, and finds that she easily gets frustrated when she cannot succeed on the first few tries. At times, she feels like her inability to be able to succeed in things is her fault, and she ends up blaming herself for these things.

        { Rebellious } "C'mon, lets sneak out of camp and spy on EarthClan!"
         [ synonyms : disobedient, wayward, unruly, disorderly ]
    Rules? What are rules?! Juniper's free spirited self seems to not be bound by things such as rules. Funny thing is, she knows she'll get in trouble, and when she comes back, she'll be given punishment, to which she'll do without complaint. This in which often makes many of those in AirClan unsettled. Due to Juniper's adventurous and insatiable drive to learn and experience new things, she finds that getting in trouble is all worth the risk, and apart of the fun! This may anger many of her superiors, but she seems not to care. At times, she'll even offer to another apprentice if they'd like to accompany her. To Juniper, rules are meant to be broken!

        [ Overall ]
  •  Reckless
  •  Hotheaded
  •  Rebellious
  •  Adventurous
  •  Sarcastic
  •  Outspoken
  •  Optimistic
  •  Outgoing
  •  Brave
        [ Extra Traits ]
  •  Impatient
  •  Overly Protective
  •  Naive
  •  Clever
  •  Tom-boyish
  •  Ambitious
  •  Empathetic / Understanding
  •  Considerate
  •  Reassuring

        [ Likes ]
  • Bugs
  • Friendly / Kind Individuals
  • Mysterious Individuals
  • Those who can keep up with her level of energy and/or humor

        [ Dislikes ]
  • Bullies
  • Those who are too overly prideful/cocky
  • Those who hurt her family and friends
  • Girly stuff / Girly talk

        [ Hobbies ]
  • Exploring the mountain
  • Trespassing on other Clan's territory
  • Spying on training sessions
  • Bending
  • Playing with kits

        [ Goals ]
  • To become a great Airbender
  • To make her father and mentor proud
  • Finding the Avatar
  • One day, she wishes to become Head Monk of her clan, or someone important.

        [ Fears ]

  • Disgracing her father's name as well as her mentor's
  • Giving birth
  • Being tied down
  • Being unable to Traditionally Airbend
  • Having her freedom robbed from her.
  • Being Friendless
  • Being overlooked for the rest of her life
  • Being a disappointment


        Current Mate: n/a
        Previous Mate(s): n/a

        Orientation: Biromantic, Bisexual
        Activity: Pure, virgin
        Mate Status: Open

    "Psh, boys? I'm not the type of she-cat to be held down.. Or well, at least not easily! Plus, there's loads of stuff better than oggling stupid ol' toms all the time!"

        Looking For:
    • Lasting Relationship - ? 
    • Quick Fling - ?
    • Unsure - ✔

        Finds Attractive: [ Newt || WaterClan || Active ]
        Finds Unattractive: [name || clan || active/npc] tba!

    Seeing as Juniper is just an apprentice, she doesn't really have any prominent preferences. Appearance wise though, she really likes unique pelts, it doesn't matter how brightly or dark colored they are, as long as they're unique, they are sure to grab Juniper's attention. She also happens to likes those who can keep up with her, in a sense, whether it be banter or the fruitless energy Juniper seems to have. She also likes those that she can tease whom don't take it too much to heart, and know that her teasing is a way of trying to make friends.


        Basic Statistics:

    Attack: ●●●●●●●●○○   Stamina: ●●●●●●●○○○   Strength: ●●●●●●○○○○   Agility: ●●●●●●●●●○   Defense: ●●●●●○○○○○
    Tactic: ●●●●●●●○○○   Speed: ●●●●●●●●●●   Intelligence: ●●●●●●●●○○

        Skill Statistics:
    Hunting: ●●●○○○○○○○   Tracking: ●●●●○○○○○○   Stalking: ●●●●○○○○○○   Swimming: ●●●●●○○○○○   Jumping: ●●●●●●●●●○
    Climbing: ●●●●●●●●●●   Stealth: ●●●●●○○○○○   Herbal/Plant/Fungus Knowledge: ●○○○○○○○○○

        Bending Statistics:
    Air Blast: ●●●●●●●○○○   Air Bullets: ●●●●●●●○○○ Air Manipulation: ●●●●●●●●○○   Air Bomb: ●●●●●●○○○○   

        [ Wanting to Learn... ]
  • Air swipe
  • Air blades
  • Asphyxiation


    One could say that Juniper's bending style is quite unique. Due to her adventurous personality, she has ventured into other clan's territory and watched training sessions. She tries to implement what she has seen from other benders into her own bending, usually by using stances and basic movements. Juniper is also known to be a naturally strong airbender, despite the fact that she excels more in offensive airbending rather than defensive, seeing as she prefers to face her opponents head on rather than be completely evasive. However, it doesn't mean she can't be defensive/evasive, she's simply better at more offensive/head on attacks, unlike most airbenders, whom do not do too well in close quarters. Her bending also seems to intensify greatly when put under dangerous situations, and/or when she gets mad.

        [ Strengths ]
  • Strong Airbender
  • Good Stamina
  • Very fast and agile

        [ Weaknesses ]

  • Absolutely sucks at hunting
  • Horrible at traditional Airbending style (lack of defense)
  • In general, her skills, other than Airbending (that isn't defensive), needs work.

F A M I L Y    T R E E

        Bay | NPC | Loner - Light brown marbled she-cat with pretty bright blue eyes

        Jackdaw | NPC | AirClan - Silver almost white tom with dark gray points and due-colored eyes. One eye is blue, the other is green.


        Other Siblings:

        None as of yet

        None as of yet

Click Here for Relationships


        Theme Song(s):
        Everything At Once - Lenka
        Anything I'm Not - Lenka
        Reflection - Disney Version & Full Version
        Wanderer's Lullaby - Adrisaurus

        [ Favorites ]
         Prey: Birds, but in general she loves all types of prey.
         Season: Leaf-fall! All the pretty colors intrigue her!
         Time of Day: Dusk. She usually does her sneaking out at this time, so of course it's her favorite time of day!
         Color: The sky. It can be different colors depending on the time of day or even the weather. She finds that she favors all of the colors the sky presents.
         Scent: Wisteria flowers with a hint of rain.
         Place: Truthfully, she really likes forests or heavily vegetated areas. She also really loves Caves.
         Activity: Sneaking out to explore, of course!

        [ Fun Facts ]

  • Juniper's name was originally Ari.
  • Juniper's mother, Bay, is a non-bender.
  • Juniper and her mother are very similar in personality
  • Juniper at times, likes to visit the caves by herself in order to feel more connected to the spirits
  • Juniper has a strong connection with the spirits


more to be written as roleplay goes on.

        Chatper I: Kithood

    After giving birth, Juni's mother, Bay names the kit Juniper. Juniper grows quickly, and Bay is pleased to find that the kit she had given birth to and nurtured was a lot like herself. Outgoing, energetic, adventurous, Bay found herself growing fond of Juniper, day by day. But at the same time, Juniper had reminded her mother of her own self, and how much she hadn't felt like herself in moons. Due to this, Bay makes the decision to leave AirClan once Juniper is able to eat solid food. Juniper, whom never minded being the only kit in her litter, wasn't too sad her mother had left. It wasn't because she didn't love her, because she did, but Juniper had also understood why her mother had left, even better than her own father, Jackdaw, who had grown sad and bitter over the betrayal of his mate. But even so, he never stopped loving Bay, or so it seemed to Juniper. Juniper knew that her mother had to be true to her heart and to her spirit, and being confined in a clan was preventing Bay to be who she was. Because of this mutual understanding between mother and daughter, Juniper finds that she is happy with the thought that her mother must also be happy, for she is no longer a bird in a cage. Jackdaw takes his new status as Juniper's primary caregiver seriously, and he vows to always keep Juniper safe. Juniper finds this admirable of her father to do, to take up his mates place in her own upbringing. As Juniper ages, she grows into her rambunctious and free spirited personality, and eventually, she becomes an apprentice.

        Chatper II: Apprenticehood

    Upon being promoted to an apprentice, Juniper was ecstatic. She was given Amethyst as a mentor. She has no qualms with the choosing, in fact, she feels quite honored to be trained by AirClan's head monk. Her father is also quite pleased with the choosing. Because of this, Juniper is determined to make not only her father, but now her mentor proud of her as well!
    Immediately, Juniper took to her new rank, and it wasn't long until she started causing trouble. Often, she'd escape from the confines of camp to explore not only AirClan's territory, but territory that belongs to the other clans. Due to this, she quickly picked up on the landscapes of each Clan, which proved to be quite handy when it came down to it. During these escapades, she had managed to bump into Astilbe, Evening, Empress, and Minnow on separate occasions, befriending them. Not long after, Juniper was invited to her first Gathering, where she bumped into a tom named Newt. At first, the tom didn't quite find her company appealing, however a second meeting outside of the confines of the gathering had seemed to cement their friendship when the pair went out looking for seashells.
    A few moons has passed since she was first assigned Amethyst as a mentor, and during this time, the two have formed a strong bond, similar to that of father and daughter. This was especially obvious during the times when Juniper's father disproved of many of the things she was doing, as well as the friends she seemed to be making outside of AirClan. Because of these fights, Juniper often leaned on Amethyst, often viewing him as a second father. By this time, Juniper had attended quite a few gatherings, and amassed a group of apprentices. One time, when they were racing during a gathering, a spirit portal had opened. A large spirit dragon seemed to have appeared, and curled around a particular white she-cat, before claiming she was the avatar. Juniper was stunned by the sight, immediately reminding her of the promise she had made her mom long ago when she explained the tale of the Avatar. Juniper would do anything in her power to help the she-cat, no matter what. And that she did as eventually Lazuli had ventured to AirClan to learn how to bend air, during this time, she had gotten to reunite with Astilbe, whom she views as a mother of sorts. Amethyst had even invited them to a sacred place in the mountain caves.
    It seemed that, after Lazuli had went to every Clan to learn the art of each element, that FireClan had decided to wage war. Of course, Juniper only heard whispers of such, and during this time, she was both upset, but worried. Upset that FireClan didn't think of attacking AirClan (as it'd give her a chance to show FireClan, that AirClan wasn't as cowardly as they thought), but worried because she knew her friends would be out there, fighting. One day, Juniper had been elected to go on a patrol which consisted of herself, an apprentice named Turtledove, Sirocco, Smog, Badger, and Amethyst. It was then that FireClan dared to set paw on their territory, and due to the Fire Lord's threats, AirClan was forced to attack in order to defend themselves. Juniper, as reckless as ever, and determined to show FireClan that AirClan was far from weak, she took on the Fire Lord. An action in which she'd soon regret. The pair fought, and although the Fire Lord was much more skilled than she, Juniper was still able to hold her own. Although, she did receive a wound on the chest due to the tom. It wasn't long before the Fire Lord got sick of Juniper's ability to avoid his attacks, did he send lightning her way. However, instead of it striking her, Smog, a nonbender whom she had often picked on for his crush on her mentor, Amethyst, seemed to have taken the blow instead. From then on, chaos ensued, causing Amethyst to abandon a defenseless Turtledove against Azurite. Meanwhile, Juniper, angry at the Fire Lord, as well as herself for causing her mentor and his lover such tragedy, she managed to bend a large air bomb of sorts, that had knocked back the Fire Lord, as well as any cat within it's path. But due to this, Juniper had simply used up too much energy, and fainted right then and there, the last sight she saw being Azurite's blue fire being shot at Turtledove. From what she was told Lazuli had arrived shortly after, however she was too late to save Turtledove from being burned alive. But despite that, the Avatar did her job and broke up the fight, leaving neither clan victorious as each brought back their wounded to their respective clans.
    Juniper had woken up in Pansy's den hours later, and was told of the news. She was later confronted by Jackdaw, whom seemed to act relieved that she was alive for a brief second, before he went on to scold her, blaming her, and her reckless actions, for being the cause of such tragedy. Juniper, seeing the reason in Jackdaw's accusation, accepted the outcome of the battle as her fault, and because of this, she carries much anger, sadness, and regret. She was also left traumatized, often experiencing night terrors of her loved ones dying, and her being unable to do anything about it. Because of this, she had vowed that no innocent feline would die if she couldn't help it.


        Current Status: Open
        Timezone: EST; Eastern Standard Time

        Roleplay Availability:

            Chatrooms - This isn't my most preferred method, but I'm willing to try it.

            Notes - This is perhaps my most preferred method.

            Skype - This is another method I like as well.

            Google Docs - I've never done this before, but I'm willing to try. You just have to explain this method to me.

            Forum - I've never posted on a forum before, although I've been to forum sites, they're pretty complicated to me. But I can try, but I might respond 
            slower than usual considering I need to figure out how to do it.

            Comments - I've actually never Roleplayed in the comments before, but to my knowledge it can be pretty crowded. I don't exactly prefer this method.

        Roleplay Ratings:
        G - Yes
        PG - Yes
        PG-13 - Yes
        R/M - Yes

    Roleplay Example: Taken from a drabble I wrote

Shrewmask thought she had been dreaming. Or more like, she wished she had been dreaming. At least, whatever happened in dreams, were never real. But this, this was certainly real.

Before her lay the frozen, hairless body of the one cat that she could honestly say that probably meant the most to her out of the many cats she had met during her lifetime. Or one of them, at the very least. Curled up, cold and and unresponsive, was Maggotbelly. A cat in which Shrewmask had loved from afar ever since the very beginning of her time with StormClan. It had been moons ago, but she could remember the first day she met him, so warm and kind to her, whom never questioned her strength or abilities as a cat. He had been one of the many few, and now, he lay dead before her. Cold and alone. This wasn't supposed to happen, not like this, and especially, not to him.

The she-cat crouched beside him, her much smaller body trying oh so desperately to curl around him, as if she could somehow, in some weird miracle, thaw him out. But he didn't stirr. He was so stiff. A sound escaped her before she even realized it, as well as the wetness on her cheeks that had somehow had now came to her realization. How long had she been crying? Did she just start? Or did she begin when she had first laid eyes on him, but too numb to notice from the initial shock? She didn't know. But those salty tears streamed, and the loud wails that escaped her left her throat raw and aching. But she didn't stop, couldn't stop.

"Maggot...belly." It was the first word she had managed during her sobbing, and still the way her voice contorted with /emotion/ was extremely unfamiliar to her. Was that her even speaking? It had to be, nobody else was around to see her in such a pitiful state. She pressed herself as close as she possibly could, her body contorting to fit against his. She searched for comfort, just like she had done when she was a kit, and naturally, his warmth would have enveloped her and left her feeling sleepy and lulled into contentment. But there was none of that here, just a cold, empty body of what once was the tom she loved dearly, whom she still loved dearly, even in death.


Maggotbelly.. Dead... It was so uncanny to her. How could he be... dead. How could something so warm, so kind, and so deserving of life, be dead? Left in the cold to freeze; forgotten. No, this wasn't what was supposed to happen! This wasn't Maggotbelly's place! He should have died, old and content beside Littlefoot. Not alone, and so utterly cold that even the blood that pumped through his viens were frozen. This was not his place. No, this was her place. She was supposed to die alone, frozen as no cat wished to sleep beside her. This was not a death worthy for him, he deserved to die at peace, as an elder. That was supposed to be the way he went. 

Slowly, instead of sadness, anger began to fill the void in her heart. Bitter, hateful anger. Who did this? Who left him alone?! Why wasn't Littlefoot around?! Littlefoot... the she-cat Maggotbelly had chosen to spend his life with, and she was nowhere! Did she even care that her mate was dead, frozen solid by the deathly chill of leaf-bare? How could she let such a valuable tom pass in such a way! She should have been around, to keep him warm through even the coldest of nights! Why... wasn't she here.

Why did Shrewmask have to lay beside the tom she loved so dearly, for the first time in moons, but he was not conscious of it? Why did he have to be dead.. Sadness took over her entire being once more, and she just lay there, allowing the warm and salty tears to melt the snow that they fell upon. Why! Why? Why...

Why did he have to be taken away from her just when she was finally used to watching and admiring him from afar. If StarClan was real, why did they decide that it was his time to pass on? Why did every good being that meant something to her, had to be taken away? Why did she have to be alone? It wasn't fun being alone, she had known loneliness for her entire life, but still, the loneliness she had felt in that moment, could not equate to any pain she had felt in her lifetime. Her chest was tight, and breathes in themselves were hard to get in and out of her lungs. Her paws were numb with cold, and she could barely feel the tips of her ears. But all of that didn't matter! It'd never matter! She knew from that moment on, a deep wound had been left within her heart, one she was sure that would never heal. It'd always remain open and bleeding. A life without Maggotbelly hardly seemed like a life at all... She'd miss those times, where she had found strange pride to have lined his nest with feathers. Or to greet him with a small, and barely audible 'hello' whenever she could. Maybe even a privledge to see that smile of his, even though it wasn't her that made him feel happiness. It was all enough to make Shrewmask at least somewhat content. But what now? Would there be any of that anymore? Certainly not! The thought alone tore the already gaping hole in Shrewmask's heart bigger. 

From now on, no Maggotbelly. There would be no way she could have told him she loved him now, her first love. The one of the very few persons she feared for; fought for, lived for. The tom whom she would have protected with her life! The feline whom she had loved without reason... That had never, and would never love her in the same way. He was gone, completely, from her life now. And there was no way of bringing him back. No amount of bodyheat shared would thaw the life back into him. No, nothing could be done. 

So without knowing what else to do, than to feel sorry for herself and her poor excuse of a life, and feel sorry for her dear friend, and beloved, Maggotbelly, she wept. 

"I'm so, so sorry..." She said, the words broken and barely distinguished. I love you she thought. I'm sorry, so sorry.

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Comments: 38

Hngry-f0r-bl00d [2017-05-15 16:43:03 +0000 UTC]

On my profile, it's a cat picture. Her name is jasmine. In fact, her BROTHER is named JUNIPER. You know, that's really funny!😁

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AriaSnow [2015-10-17 21:31:11 +0000 UTC]

Do you want to rp her with Meadowlark? I can do comments or notes. 

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TheFearlessHamster In reply to AriaSnow [2015-10-17 23:04:11 +0000 UTC]

Oh man, sure! I'd love to have Juniper meet him!
We can roleplay via notes, but can you start?

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AriaSnow In reply to TheFearlessHamster [2015-10-18 00:07:36 +0000 UTC]

Certianly can. Got any plots in mind we can do or just want a short rp? I'm fine with either one.

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TheFearlessHamster In reply to AriaSnow [2015-10-18 00:40:12 +0000 UTC]

I've got nothing particular in mind, maybe we can just do a short rp? 
Anything works, really.

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AriaSnow In reply to TheFearlessHamster [2015-10-18 01:10:44 +0000 UTC]

Considering it's late should we do it tomorrow?

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TheFearlessHamster In reply to AriaSnow [2015-10-18 02:10:52 +0000 UTC]

If you'd like! Whatever works for you. c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CattleCats [2015-07-02 03:18:54 +0000 UTC]

I really think that her and Ghost should do an rp ;____;
The admins said I was good to go but they didn't accept me yet??? I guess that means I'm in

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TheFearlessHamster In reply to CattleCats [2015-07-02 03:32:41 +0000 UTC]

I would love to do an rp between Juniper and Ghost!
Do you have any specific ideas? I can see Juniper definitely being interested in his blind eye, since she's never seen such a thing before.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CattleCats In reply to TheFearlessHamster [2015-07-02 03:34:54 +0000 UTC]

I was thinking that they can bump into each other near a river/lake by the mountians.

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TheFearlessHamster In reply to CattleCats [2015-07-02 03:41:42 +0000 UTC]

Yeah we can do that! Just a warning though, I'm going to be slightly slow with my replies. So do you mind starting? 

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CattleCats In reply to TheFearlessHamster [2015-07-02 03:50:51 +0000 UTC]

I don't mind eithier of those things ( :

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SkylineStars [2015-03-23 03:09:07 +0000 UTC]

oh my what a cutie!!
Would she like to RP with Astil? i think they would make a cute pair

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TheFearlessHamster In reply to SkylineStars [2015-03-23 23:55:58 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!!
And of course, that'd be awesome. You can shoot me a note with a starter if you'd like/can, if not I definitely don't mind starting. 
Do you have any ideas in mind?

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SkylineStars In reply to TheFearlessHamster [2015-03-23 23:57:54 +0000 UTC]

np! owo
I'll start if that's ok with you and I just thought of a simple meet and greet/maybe some Astil wisdom?
If you have anything particular you wanna do you can tell me >wo

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheFearlessHamster In reply to SkylineStars [2015-03-24 00:08:26 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I don't have any ideas, but what you said sounds just fine to me! ouo
And it's totally alright if you start! I'm actually multi tasking hardcore right now, so it'd be great, in fact.  xD

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SkylineStars In reply to TheFearlessHamster [2015-03-24 00:47:00 +0000 UTC]

alright B) i'll shoot you a note soon

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TheFearlessHamster In reply to SkylineStars [2015-03-24 00:52:26 +0000 UTC]

Alright, awesome!

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Zannakat [2015-02-23 00:20:52 +0000 UTC]

^^ Welcome!

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TheFearlessHamster In reply to Zannakat [2015-02-23 00:24:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ;o;
all these welcomes, you guys are so nice<3

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Zannakat In reply to TheFearlessHamster [2015-02-23 00:54:52 +0000 UTC]

^^ No problem.

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Saint-Ghostsys [2015-02-23 00:18:11 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to Airclan! Great job on her application!

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TheFearlessHamster In reply to Saint-Ghostsys [2015-02-23 00:18:42 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! <3

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Sammsy-Chan [2015-02-23 00:01:02 +0000 UTC]

She's super adorable <3 and lots of detail! 
We saw nothing wrong with your app~
Congratulations and Welcome to Airclan~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheFearlessHamster In reply to Sammsy-Chan [2015-02-23 00:03:10 +0000 UTC]

Ahhhh! Thank you! I've been so very excited for this group! <3

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Sammsy-Chan In reply to TheFearlessHamster [2015-02-23 00:10:36 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome <3 I am too~! It's gonna be awesomeeee!

And Idk if they've told you yet, but Amethyst is going to be Juniper's mentor uwu It's posted in the Allegiance journal~!

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TheFearlessHamster In reply to Sammsy-Chan [2015-02-23 00:15:39 +0000 UTC]

I didn't know that, holy crap. I'll add that up right now.
That's awesome, I look forward to role playing together! 
Juniper's going to be one heck of a challenge to train. ouo

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sammsy-Chan In reply to TheFearlessHamster [2015-02-23 00:22:47 +0000 UTC]

Lol yeeee~ Saint just let me know XD 
Same here~! It's gonna be a lot of fun I feel! 
Hahah Ame's ready for the challenge. She's gonna have to put up with his ways of teaching ouo 

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TheFearlessHamster In reply to Sammsy-Chan [2015-02-23 00:31:44 +0000 UTC]

Same! Juniper and Ame would make an interesting mix as mentor and apprentice, I bet. xD
Whenever you're up for it, I'd totally love to have them interact! :3

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Sammsy-Chan In reply to TheFearlessHamster [2015-02-23 00:38:09 +0000 UTC]

Yeah~ They're gonna be on their toes with one another, but it's gonna be a lot of fun XD 
Samee~ I'm good for whenever, how would you prefer to rp them? OuO

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TheFearlessHamster In reply to Sammsy-Chan [2015-02-23 00:42:54 +0000 UTC]

They would! But Juniper in the end would want to make him proud, too, even if she might not admit it. Lol. 
Andddd, is notes alright?

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Sammsy-Chan In reply to TheFearlessHamster [2015-02-23 00:47:37 +0000 UTC]

Awww thats adorable <3 And Ame wants nothing more than to see her become an amazing Airbender. Lol, it'll be a fun dynamic for sure! 
Notes sounds perfect! uwu do you want to start or shall I? And where do you want to start the rp at? 

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TheFearlessHamster In reply to Sammsy-Chan [2015-02-23 00:59:05 +0000 UTC]

It really will be! I love it already. <3
You wouldn't mind starting, would you? I'm not really good at starters. xD
Also it could be in camp maybe? It could be morning or something, and he could drag her out of her nest and haul her off to train or something. It doesn't matter to me, whatever works for you, works for me.

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Sammsy-Chan In reply to TheFearlessHamster [2015-02-23 01:03:55 +0000 UTC]

Me too me too! <3 
I'm perfectly fine with starting~ I'll shoot you a note asap! 
That sounds good, we can start it off there and than see what happens~ training sounds like a good idea to start off with! 

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TheFearlessHamster In reply to Sammsy-Chan [2015-02-23 01:06:35 +0000 UTC]

Alright! I look forward to it. C:

/happy squealing noises/

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Sammsy-Chan In reply to TheFearlessHamster [2015-02-23 02:30:58 +0000 UTC]

Sent sent! Sorry that took so long; my fam decided to go out for supper orz

//joins in the squealing <3 

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TheFearlessHamster In reply to Sammsy-Chan [2015-02-23 02:35:48 +0000 UTC]

It's totally okay! <3

zooms to read and respond

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Sammsy-Chan In reply to TheFearlessHamster [2015-02-23 02:36:34 +0000 UTC]

Thank you thank you <33

Cheers you on!! 

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