昔々、ある日、ある若者は彼の娘の時間を封じ止めた。"永遠に眠むればいい" と、彼は考えていた。我が儘な策のために...
*Ancient binding*
Long ago, one day, a young man sealed and stopped the maiden's time. "Better she sleeps forever", he thought, for the sake of a selfish plan... After the binding, he lost great deal of his magic. With regret he bid farewell and walked away.
However. He did not know, the maiden knew his pain, knowing even his struggles. Watching it all this time. Though her body nor time did move, even though she lay in ice, she was always by his side. Always watching over him. With another power. Looking from above, she wondered. "When shall awaken, the heart...?"
*Muinainen sinetöinti*
Kauan sitten, sinä päivänä, eräs nuorukainen sinetöi ja loitsi neidon ajan pysähdyksiin. "Nukkukoon iäisyyden," ajatteli hän, itsekkään suunnitelman johdosta... Kuinka ollakaan, loitsuun kului paljon hänen magiaansa. Katuen hän jätti hyvästit. Käveli pois.
Vaan hän ei tiennyt, neito tiesi hänen tuskansa, jopa vaikeuksiin asti, katsoen tätä aina. Vaikkei tämän keho liikkunut, jään sisälläkin oli, neito oli aina hänen lähellään. Aina katsoi hänen peräänsä. Toisenlaisella voimalla. Ylhäältä katsoen, ajatteli neito, "milloin herääkään hänen sydämensä...?"
Wanted to draw this scene for so long, didn't first understand why it wanted to come out now (now that I wrote it out I think the text told me). It has so much in it, for me, I can barely pull it out in one work. It's getting all the more live in my mind. Btw, the paper size is A5.
We'll, it's sort of "turning point" in the past of the story. "Where it all started" but the story itself is not that time, but hundreds/thousands of years after. X'D My research on Iron Age Northerner's clothing's polished the image in my mind more. Yes, I did write the Japanese description first, my heart speaks that language sometimes and the language does to my heart. (Hope there isn't much errors.) Was inspiring to translate it into three different languages. ^^
Well, the snippet gives a little hint on Farrvaarh's skills and greater aspect of soul. Funny my mid forehead tickled as I wrote it. ^^
Art, characters, story © TheStarlightPrincess
Staged history presentation (speech in English):…
David Wells channel Tokentube:…
Masaru Emoto - Memory of Water:……
Somavedic Green Ultra new age healing device:
(blocks wi-fi, 5G, assists in body's natural healing, tried it at an acquaintance, It's a blessed being! ~ ^^) My review here .
Medbed (future without hospitals, healing bed for every home <3):…
Our Senseless Toil Victor Schauberger (1933-1939):…
Free energy device by high-educated university professor:…
Big things promised to happen 2021, the year of... building new. Huge things happening behind the scene.
Stay grounded! Stay close! Remember your power, your sovereignty,
hug each other, show the smile and love from the bottom of your heart~.
It all comes to light bit by bit~!
Well, see you later!