Flash is the middle child of the SunDash kids, with drama-queen magic-prodigy attention-whore Glitz Blitz as an older sister, and adorable agender visually impaired Buccaneer Blaze as a younger sibling. As such, he was kinda overlooked as a child, but was no less loved, and his parents made sure he knew this. Other ponies didn’t pay him much attention though.
Being a unicorn living in Canterlot and the son of an element of magic and Sunset Fucking Shimmer, Flash attended Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, despite not actually being anything too special. Sure, his magic is above average, but only by a little bit. If he tried harder, he could really be great, but he doesn’t, so he isn’t.
And really that’s an excellent summary of Flash; he could be very good at an awful lot of things, but he doesn’t try very much, so he never realises his potential. Because of this, he got his cutie mark way after most of his classmates, though by that point he kinda stopped caring.
He also dropped out of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, and neglected to carry on his studies anywhere else. It is of note as well though that neither of his parents cared about this. Sure, they spent a fair bit of money putting him through that school, but it’s not like they’re poor and couldn’t afford it. Rainbow was kinda miffed at his lack of drive, but she herself didn’t exactly do well at school and would have dropped out herself if she’d been allowed so she thought he just wanted to pursue a different kind of life, one that wouldn’t require a highschool diploma. Sunset also didn’t care; so long as her kids are happy and not hurting other people, she’s fine with whatever they do.
Hell, Flash isn’t even the only one of his friends to drop out of CSGU; the school is quite demanding and rather expensive, so a lot of ponies don’t make it to the end. Either they find they can’t handle the workload, or their parents can’t afford it anymore for one reason or another. And it wasn’t like he failed out because he didn’t like paying attention in class and would rather hang out with dead people than do his homework either, unlike some ponies I could mention (gee, I wonder who that could be).
Despite all of this, though, Flash just feels like a massive disappointment to the family; he doesn’t know what interests he has that could lead to a viable career, and he has absolutely no plans for the future. He thinks that his parents are lying to him when they say they don’t care about him being a bit lost for the moment, which causes him to put a ton of pressure on himself to do well at things, but he also doesn’t have the motivation to do anything so just sort of.. Doesn’t. And then feels terrible about it.
In an effort to look like he was at least doing something with his life other than dicking about in his bedroom, Flashbang gets his ass out of bed one day and signs up for the royal guard. Seems like an easy enough job, right? Just stand around and look pretty, yell halt if you see someone doing something fishy, and chase them vaguely down a corridor until someone more competent comes along and sorts them out. He’s a big and bulky dude, it shouldn’t be a problem.
Woooo, you guys finally get to meet Bucc's older brother!! Hope you all like him