Quick Note: This series will be wrapped up by the 20th entry. A nice even number. Now, on with the show...
Terapusmordax: These creatures are the largest of a group of flying rodents endemic to Skull Island. They are also among the most aggressive flying predators, often congregating in large packs consisting of dozens of individuals. They dwell in large caverns within the higher mountains or sometimes near Spider Pits, their broad wings well-suited for soaring over the island’s volcanic updrafts by night in search of prey. They usually target smaller flying creatures, but they have been known to occasionally gang up on larger florafauna, especially if one should venture too near their roost. Their multijointed teeth can disembowel prey with surgical precision, sometimes taking victims back to their lairs to be eaten alive, avoiding competition with other hunters like Psychovultures, with which fights are common. Terapusmordax will often pick at their own skin with their teeth, encouraging the development of infectious tumors which they are immune to, but can be distasteful to others. Their social structure is reminiscent of naked mole rats, there being a dominant female responsible for most reproduction. Subordinates will offer smaller kills to their queen on a nightly basis, and thus, she will attain a far greater mass than those of her subordinates. She rarely leaves the roost, but will defend her nest violently against all intruders. Wingspan: 20 to 25 feet (average), 50 to 65 feet (queen).
Megavolt: Megavolts are large amphibians of the temnospondyl clade that prefer the warmer, volcanically-charged springs and waterways, where charged currents are more common. Their eel-like bodies contain long rows of battery-like muscles that can store a massive charge of electrical energy, gained from their turbulent surroundings. Mated pairs will defend their territory together, each being alternately positively and negatively charged, maintaining each other’s energy levels and flow. Their manipulation of electric fields is so precise, they can lock onto smaller animals’ bioelectric patterns and pull them directly into their mouths at close range. Larger prey within their sphere of influence is electrocuted and constricted. Such Megavolt swamps are well avoided, but the bones of deceased individuals are sometimes harvested by the Iwi for their lingering electrical properties. Length: 40 to 50 feet.
Hell Hummer: These highly mutated members of the clade Trochilidae are common across much of Skull Island. They usually feed on nectar and small insects, though they are also known to take blood from larger creatures, using their serrated bills and tongues as needles. Their most glaring feature is the hyperdevelopment of the brain, which has split the skull and forms a tumor-like mass upon their heads. The entire surface area of this structure seems able to process sensory information related to sight, hearing, smell, and air pressure. It also appears to link swarms of the birds together into a single collective hive mind, which can number in the thousands. Hell Hummer swarms act much like eusocial insect hives, constructing camouflaged nests to store food and eggs, all members being capable of reproduction via parthenogenesis. Should the nest be threatened, they will ruthlessly attack the enemy. They are able to store certain types of poisonous nectar and other plant fluids within their several crops, and will divebomb enemies to puncture the skin and inject their venomous load. Certain chemicals they store are highly volatile when combined, and as a last resort they will literally bomb the intruder with suicidal self-explosions in defense of the collective. Wingspan: 3.5 to 4 inches.
Thorn Horn: These ceratopsians are much more mobile than their larger, more sedentary relatives, the Ogreceratops. And whereas Ogreceratops are more biolithic, Thorn Horns integrate much more plant matter into their florafaunal biologies. Their serrated horns resemble very hard petrified wood, and are often coated in mosses and vines which serve to better camouflage them within forested areas. The blooms of these plants also aid in mating rituals. Their horns and armored hides make adults difficult prey, even more so when they travel in family groups. Young Thorn Horns are sheltered within the center of the group, feeding on shed vegetation of the adults, thus beginning their own symbiotic plant colonies. Length: 55 to 86 feet.
Lycaesaurus: Among the smaller predators of Skull Island’s jungles, Lycaesaurs are nonetheless efficient stalkers and killers of selected prey. Their patterned skins and leaf-like dorsal appendages make them hard to spot among thick foliage. They are able to scale the complicated twists and turns of Super Jungle understories and canopies with ease thanks to gecko-like pads on their feet and superb sense of balance. Like many residents of such environments, they can unfurl hidden patagium to glide across spaces too far to leap across. Best suited for low-light conditions, packs of Lycaesaurus, led by a dominant pair, will pursue and harass prey for miles before it is too exhausted to fight them off any longer. They can also handle insects and small game alone, though they often share their kills with their immediate families. They’re notorious nest raiders among birds, often cooperating as pairs to distract the parents while the other party takes the eggs. Length: 3.3 to 4.5 feet.
Malevulosaurus: These hardy synapsids are dangerous residents of the more barren upland regions of the island. Though aggressive toward most intruders, adults will tolerate each other in popular sunbathing areas. Territorial disputes are still common, though, and they will display their colored sails, manes, and quills before coming to blows with their knobbed heads. Malevulosaurs are opportunistic omnivores, preying on anything they come across, be it dead or alive, and digging for nutritious roots and radiation pockets. The search for food will occasionally led individuals on journeys between mountains where they are most vulnerable to other predators. They can dull their colors to darker green and black patterns for better cover and also to absorb more sunlight to fuel them. The Cloud Plateau is a common seasonal destination. While the sun is often obscured there, the plentiful radiation springs and wider selection of prey in the form of young Slurpasaurs makes the trip well worth it. Length: 25 to 35 feet.
Creature Inspirations:
Terapusmordax: Creatures of King Kong 2005, and Leaf Wing toy figures of Kong: Skull Island 2017.
Megavolt: Monsters of Hanna Barbera’s Godzilla Power Hour 1979.
Hell Hummer: Mutated Hummingbird of Godzilla: The Series 1998.
Thorn Horn: Styracosurus of Son of Kong 1933, and Monoclonius of Phil Tippett’s Prehistoric Beast 1985.
Lycaesaurus: Lycaesaurus and Gladiodon of The World of Kong artbook 2005.
Malevulosaurus: Creature of The World of Kong artbook 2005, and Dimetrodon creatures of Unknown Island 1948.
Additional ideas with help by Lediblock2. Thanks. 😊
Comments: 40
soloaxe5 [2024-04-20 02:02:40 +0000 UTC]
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Xhodocto385 [2019-03-23 21:50:51 +0000 UTC]
hoping for weirder kaiju based on invertebrates.
anyway i have a suggestion, could you do a less silly and more monstrous take on the Ultraman Kaiju called Kanegon?, it must be something like a non-humanoid monster like a Tridacna Gigas a.k.a a giant clam, with colorful insides and it's many eyes being eyestalks, they are biolithic organisms that feeds on rocks, but they prefer gold.
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DinoGamer13 [2019-03-17 00:22:31 +0000 UTC]
I have VERRRYYYY mixed feelings on this ending soon.... as it’s still pretty cool and ya know, it’s ending, but also mainline KR is on the way again, so.......
also, I asked if there were more MH references, and admittedly, when I worked on my own SI I went a little bit overboard with them. On the topic of MH, I notice the Thorn Horn’s face looks like the Monoblos head. Finally, u probably didn’t see the ideas on my comment on SIM ( skull island managerie) 15. So please look at those. That’s about all I have to say, except great work.
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Jack89xx [2019-03-16 21:34:02 +0000 UTC]
Where are the Skull clawlers?
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victorsztorc [2019-03-16 08:36:41 +0000 UTC]
What are you bringing in next
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DinoDragoZilla17 [2019-03-15 11:45:50 +0000 UTC]
Awesome as always!
So only 4 more of these to go until more of the main Kaiju Revolution series? I’m going to be counting down to that! It will be like Christmas has come early 🙂
Also, are the Lycaesaurus descended from gorgonopsids like in the source material?
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Reptilic1999 [2019-03-15 04:08:37 +0000 UTC]
I wish this was like a survival horror game where the sole survivor of a failed FATHOM expedition to the island has to narrowly survive the sinister, monstrous Kaiju fauna of Skull Island with the sole purpose of getting off the island while discovering its many secrets.
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Transapient In reply to Reptilic1999 [2019-03-15 05:24:24 +0000 UTC]
That could indeed be very cool, as alot of the adventure would be up to what the player does or where they go. I wonder if there ever will be some sort of official game along those lines for some incarnation of Skull Island.
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TheWatcherofWorlds [2019-03-15 02:47:16 +0000 UTC]
I am super on board with this island actually being a gateway to a bigger world somehow, would make for a very nice survival game like to survive Kaiju and maybe get a walker type mech vehicle
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Transapient In reply to TheWatcherofWorlds [2019-03-15 05:22:31 +0000 UTC]
I think I recall another kaiju project on DA years ago with a similar idea. The name of the artist unfortunately eludes me, but it was basically about finding and exploring a contaminated parallel universe where kaiju are common.
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Eldertyrant682 In reply to Transapient [2019-03-18 20:09:48 +0000 UTC]
Do you plan on doing Kr of
And Ramarak ?
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TheWatcherofWorlds In reply to Transapient [2019-03-15 06:23:05 +0000 UTC]
Hot damn.
why hasn't anyone done so?
I mean we have Ark but its only slightly fantastical and the roaming animals are relatively small
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TheWatcherofWorlds [2019-03-15 02:19:53 +0000 UTC]
Ayy Charles Knight style Styracosaurus!
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Xhodocto385 [2019-03-15 00:06:09 +0000 UTC]
my fave is the Hell Hummer since it has a bloated brain that is also a multi-sensory organ, i'm expecting the Skull Island monsters to get even weirder near the end and at the end of the menagerie, will they?
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Transapient In reply to Xhodocto385 [2019-03-15 00:21:56 +0000 UTC]
Depends on ones definition of weirdness I suppose.
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Xhodocto385 In reply to Transapient [2019-03-15 00:29:13 +0000 UTC]
in this case i define the weird monsters to be like with unusual body shapes, based on invertebrates but more bizarre, etc.
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kaijulord21 [2019-03-14 23:40:26 +0000 UTC]
One question has been nagging me for a while, why, when King Ghidorah attacked Skull island, didn’t some of the larger creatures aid in defense of it? You have mentioned many times about the overly aggressive nature of many of the creatures, and with KG being an intruder on the territory’s it seems like the biggest kaiju endemic there would attack.
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Transapient In reply to kaijulord21 [2019-03-15 00:41:15 +0000 UTC]
Many were just obliterated when he made his rounds of the place, so they hunkered down after witnessing that and sensing the massive power gap between them and KG.
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Transapient In reply to kaijulord21 [2019-03-15 02:26:28 +0000 UTC]
Ghidorah is the King of Terror after all.
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SaurArch [2019-03-14 22:00:34 +0000 UTC]
Nice one, I particularly like the designs of the thorn horn and the Malevolusaurus and the shift in focus towards the smaller creatures of skull island. Btw are you planning on making any creatures based on Land of the Lost?
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54godamora [2019-03-14 21:06:37 +0000 UTC]
1. that rodent looks scary
2. the megavolt i mistook for a highly elongated descendant of dakosaurus
3. monstrous humming birds. wow
4. did the ceratopsian from the good dinosaurs- shudders- also play a part?
5. so i take it the lycaeosaurus are gorgonopsids?
6. when i do my dimetrodon speculative animal- which will be in the distant future- it will be either like a komodo dragon with a sail or alligator with a sail. the latter being a reference to one million bc
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Transapient In reply to 54godamora [2019-03-14 23:40:36 +0000 UTC]
Interestingly, I too once thought of sailed crocodilians as part of another project, but currently im a bit undecided on their final inclusion.
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54godamora In reply to Transapient [2019-03-15 00:01:12 +0000 UTC]
i see. not in look but behavior: either the dimetrodon will be adapted for semi-aquatic life or be like a komodo dragon and have it be venomous
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Lediblock2 In reply to Transapient [2019-03-14 23:46:10 +0000 UTC]
If you need help, you know how to call!
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Transapient In reply to Timoshauru5-VII [2019-03-14 23:43:30 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, I...wait a minute, are you referring to the Hummingbirds, or the Terapusmordax?
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MagnusTonitrum [2019-03-14 20:39:46 +0000 UTC]
Jesus who would think a Humming Bird of all things could look so terrifying
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Transapient In reply to MagnusTonitrum [2019-03-14 23:42:00 +0000 UTC]
Indeed, the American animated series certainly had a good creature design department.
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MagnusTonitrum In reply to Transapient [2020-03-29 08:03:25 +0000 UTC]
I need to watch it one of these days, I was born a little too late to watch it, probably gonna find the episodes on YouTube or on DVD
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