TriffRaff — 7x7 profile: the half species

Published: 2013-01-12 19:18:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 9893; Favourites: 108; Downloads: 160
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Description When I first started creating my Vistallah setting, I didn't have any sort of plan in mind. I simply needed something neat to draw, and wanted some sort of backstory for it all. As I came up with new things to draw, I added new concepts to the setting, and the world was slowly cobbled together. But the bigger the setting got, the more I felt it needed some structure. Some unifying theme that would make it something more than just a random patchwork of ideas...

And now I've come up with that theme! And I think its a clever theme. Its not perfect--in large part because I'm trying to shoe-horn previously existing ideas into a structure they weren't designed for--but I think it will suit my purposes. It will give some structure to the setting, it will put an upper limit on the number of creatures in the setting, and it gives me a great excuse to do profiles for everything in the setting, all in one place!

So here's the theme: 7x7. There shall be 7 categories of creations in Vistallah. And in each category, there shall be 7 entries. For a total of 49 sentient, non-inherantly-evil creations.
There shall be 7 Real Species.
There shall be 7 Half Species.
There shall be 7 Covenant Races.
There shall be 7 Shape Shifters.
There shall be 7 Denisens.
There shall be 7 Gods.
And there shall be 7 Goddesses.

Let's continue with the 7 Half Species:

The Seven Half Species
The first of the four sets of created races are the half-species. Their name comes from the fact these races are incomplete when compared to real species. Specifically, they lack a gender--typically the male gender. In order reproduce, they must find a way to fill this void--they must find a member of one of the Real Species to take the place of the missing gender. When mating is successful--there may be additional conditions that need to be met to produce any of the larger creatures--the ensuing offspring will always be a full-blooded member of the Half Species.

Each Half Species was created by one of Vistallah's Gods or Goddesses. As such, they are devoted solely to their particular patron. They pray only to that deity, not denying others, but simply not paying attention to them. In return, have a special relationship with their patron. The deity responds to them more readily than to others, and the Half Species are often used--subtly, but undeniably--to enact the will of the patron. The Covenants, Shape Shifters, and Denizens are similarly created, and have similar relationships. Each deity--the 7 Gods, and 7 Goddesses--therefore is responsible for 2 creations.

Ivojurn--The Queen
In a word, an Ivojurn is majestic. They were created by Allanna--the Queen of the gods--in order to embody everything a queen should be. Beautiful. Powerful. Willful. Inspiring. And most importantly, they are giant, so that these attributes are clear and visible to all.

Just as their creator intended, most Ivojurns act as rulers over land and laborers. Although they thrive as administrators, they can be warrior-queens when necessary. Its also worth pointing out that Ivojurns are not always the sovereign ruler over their territory. They sometimes act as a vassal, ruling at the behest of another ruler. And on occasion, they can even be found acting as a mere fixture in some royal court. However, in any case, they are without exception found a position of power.

Ivojurns are extremely powerful creatures. Along with Drakes and Yettis, they are among the most powerful (sentient non-evil) creatures in all of Vistallah. Almost uniquely among giants, they have the ability to use magic. Like all giant creatures, Ivojurns produce their own innate magical energy, which is used to help negate the some of the unpleasant side-effects of their enhanced scale. (ie, preventing their bone structure from collapsing under its own weight, etc.) But unlike most other giants, Ivojurns generate more magic than is required for this task, and can put that excess magic to other purposes. Like Humans, they can channel their magic through artifacts to power pre-set spells. In addition to this, Ivojurns are also extremely to tough and resistant to magic and most conventional damage.

However, the power of an Ivojurn comes at a cost. A great cost. While most giants have reduced nutritional requirements--ie, magic lets them survive on less food than it would take in our real world--Ivojurns do not. Instead, they must eat the same amount that it would take to sustain a creature their size in our real world. This is a huge amount of food, and it is the reason that Ivojurns are always found in positions of power. An Ivojurn requires so much food that it is simply impossible for her to procure that much food herself. Thus, she must have subjects to supply this food to her.

Additionally, Ivojurns need to be surrounded by gold, silver, or jewels in order stay healthy. The way these materials interact with magic helps keep her body stable and whatnot. Conversely, iron and steel disrupt the magic around her, and should be kept as far from Ivojurns as reasonably possible. Because of this, Ivojurns take bronze weapons and armor into battle, and are careful not to take undue wounds from the iron of her enemies...

Yetti--The Hunter
Yettis are creatures of the winter. Not only are they are they built to survive the winter, they are built to thrive in it! And nothing makes a Yetti happier than ensuring that her friends enjoy the season as much as she does...

The Yettis were created by Royan--sometimes known as the king of the gods, but usually just called The Hunter. They were created specifically to be companions during hunting expeditions. In the mythic ice age of Vistallahn pre-history, hunts always took place in horrid conditions--conditions that no woman could happily survive. Thus, hunting and adventuring were lonely prospects. The Yettis were created to rectify this position. Their size and fuzziness meant that they could not only survive arctic conditions, but could do their work in such conditions, and could do so without loosing their good humor! Which was doubly important, because the only thing worse than having no women around is having only angry women around...

While the ice age and the time of mythic adventure is over, the Yetti are still around. And still living life to its fullest. They look for adventure wherever they can find it, and always seek to share that adventure with someone special...

A Yetti is one of the most physically powerful creatures in all Vistallah. However, she has no magical abilities--save for the innate powers of negating the side effects of her size. Indeed, all of a Yetti's naturally-produced magic goes into making her low maintenance. All but the largest of Yettis can survive on little more than it would take to sustain a bear in our real world.

Yettis do have one great liability; they were designed for a world that is much colder than the Vistallah of the present. While they thrive during winter, they simply cannot survive a Vistallahn summer. (And their physics-negating magic just isn't set up to negate over-heating.) Thus, a Yetti must hibernate through the warmer months. As spring comes, she must find a place where the temperature is consistent and fairly cool--such as a cave or artificial cellar--and will fall into a stupor for the entirety of the summer. This is a vulnerable time for a Yetti, so it is best that she finds a secluded location to sleep in. Or at least a place that is watched over by friends she can trust...

Kimodo--The Traveler
As a Yetti is creature of the winter, so a Kimodo is a creature of the summer. They are vaguely reptilian--though still warm to the touch--and hibernate through the cold season. Thus, its not uncommon for a Kimodo to share a home with the Yetti--each sleeping through alternate seasons, and each watching over the other while they sleep. Alas, this isn't a perfect set-up, as Yettis and Kimodos also have diametrically opposing personalities. While Yettis are outgoing and cheerful, Kimodos are typically cautious and withdrawn. Usually. Most of the Time...

The Kimodo is the the creation of Tavas--The Traveler. And like their patron, they spend much of their time traveling. However, when on their own, they typically do not travel from city to city, or from any particular place to any other. Rather, they often simply travel from one sunny, secluded alcove to the next. In addition to being cautious and withdrawn, Kimodos are also quite laid back. Cheerfully so at times, but very casual just the same.

Like the Yetti, and many other larger creatures, Kimodos cannot actively use magic. On the other hand, they are very low-maintenance for their size. However, the Kimodos do have one semi-magical ability. Like a chameleon, the Kimodo can change color to match her surroundings. Most of the time, this happens reflexively, without the Kimodo even thinking about it. The drawback to this ability is that their clothes do not change with them. This is not a pressing concern for most Kimodos, however, as the divine taboo against total nudity is felt more keenly than the need for complete camouflage...

Epeira--The Priestess
The Epeira is the spider-woman of Vistallah. And like all female spiders, they are much larger than any males they may encounter. Unlike true spiders, however, they do not eat their mates. They have much more important things planned for their mates...

Physically, the Epeira is quite large, and somewhat spider-like in complexion. She has eight eyes--two normal eyes, and then three across each brow-line. She has eight limbs--two human-like arms, and two human-like legs, and then four additional spider-legs coming out the base of her spine. Also protruding from her spine is a tail-section, tipped with silk-producing spinnerets. The silk she produces is worked by the spider-legs, and can be spun into webs, or woven into fine silk fabrics. Epeira-silk is the only silk available in Vistallah, and is thus quite valuable. For it is only given to those who can win the Epeira's favor...

The Epeira was created by Minnette--the Priestess--and embody the desire for ritual perfection. Epeiras tend to live in secluded dens--or parlors--which they seek to turn into something wholy different from the world around them. An Epeira will seek to control and personalize every aspect of her parlor, and are similarly controlling of of any guests who enter the parlor. While this may sometimes come across as menacing and scary, its (usually) meant in the best way. After all, everything an Epeira does in her parlor is for a purpose, and she always sees that purpose as a good one...

Sprite--The Artisan
As the Epeira is based on the spider, so the Sprite is based on the bee. Like bees, Sprites come in several varieties; workers, warriors, and of course, the queen. And Sprite society functions as a beehive might. The workers dutifully see to the society's needs, the warriors selflessly defend the society, and the queen rules and directs it. Since Sprites and sentient and thus a little more complicated than bees, there is also an overseer/officer class of Sprites, who aid the queen by making small decisions and by directing workers and warriors in the field.

While Sprites do not have a 'hive mind' in the sci-fi sense of the word, they do have a hive mentality. They all work for the good of the hive, and to fulfill the will of the queen. To do anything else is simply...unthinkable.

Nearly all Sprites live in a hive. Most often the hive is custom built by the worker Sprites, but occasionally it takes the form of a re-purposed castle. At the hive's center is the queen, who rules the hive and is the mother of all who dwell in it. Like an insect queen, a Queen Sprite has a stature that dwarfs that of her workers. She is thus immediately identifiable as Queen, even to outsiders. And outsiders are often welcomed--under guard--into a hive. After all, there are no drone Sprites, and every daughter does need a father...

Sprites were created by Emallie--the Artisan. They were created to work, and they love to work. Whether they are building or maintaining their hive, collecting and processing food to feed the hive, rearing the young of the hive, or serving the queen directly, a Sprite is always busy. And even when all the hive's needs are met, Sprites still find other ways to spend their time. Sprites are the paper-makers of Vistallah--processed wood pulp, and all that--and many hives find additional crafts to specialize in. And when a Sprite is given leisure time, she spends it 'busily' socializing.

Lamina--The Wench
The Lamina are the snake-women of Vistallah. From the waist on down, they have the tail of a snake. But from the waist up, they are all woman. What happens at the waist....Well, that's part of what makes these women so alluring...

The Lamina are the creation of Sappher--the Wench. Sappher is the goddess of all things shamelessly feminine. And Laminas are indeed shameless. They know that they are alluring, and they enjoy flaunting that fact. Alas, they are also pretty scary--and genuinely deadly--so they know that they must flaunt their alluring side even more to cover up this fact. And, if they're being candid, most Laminas will admit to enjoying the twinge of fear they instill. It makes the romance that much more exciting!

Laminas come in three different varieties: The Lamina, the Laminaconda, and the Laminiathon. Each bloodline has their own distinct characteristics, and, since each variety is female-only and can only mate with men of other races, there is no inter-breeding between the bloodlines.

First, there is the Lamina. The basic Lamina is the size of a real-world snake. The woman-half of the Lamina is smaller than normal, sized such that her hips match the tail of the snake. Laminas are venomous, though they actually inject that venom only when they choose to. Despite this potential danger, Laminas are often kept as pets by larger creatures. This gives the Lamina a safe and secure home, and gives her 'owner' a very affectionate companion.

Next, there is the Laminaconda. These creatures have a regular-sized torso, but an extra-large tail sized to match her hips. While not venomous, the size and strength of their tail more than makes up for this, giving them the option of simply crushing anything they choose. Laminacondas are rarely kept like their smaller cousins, but they can still sometimes be found in and around other habitations. They usually live in caves or crevices, though sometimes the entry to these burrows will be in the house or barn of a friend.

And lastly, there is the largest of the Laminas, the Laminiathion. These creatures have the body of a giant sea serpent, with an oversized torso to match. Laminiathons are uniquely suited for the sea, often having a pair of pelvic fins at the waist, as well as a dorsal/ventral fin running the length of their tail. Laminiations also have special lungs that extend down the tail to help them stay submerged for long periods. Lastly, Laminiathons have much more sensitive eyes than their surface-dwelling cousins. This lets them see well under water, but means they rarely surface in full daylight. While Laminiathons are most often found in the oceans, they can theoretically live in any of the major waterways of Vistallah, and are known to migrate...

Cullid--The Princess
So far, each of the half-species have been female-only. This is typical of Vistallah, as all the deities prefer to play with the female form. The male gods are eager to make women more desirable and exotic, while the goddesses enjoy making females who are powerful. Thus, there is an almost universal focus and female monsters. Almost universal. There are a handful of exceptions. Four, to be precise, one in each of the four classifications of creations...

And for the half-species, that exception is the Cullid! A pint-sized man with a pair of bird-wings sprouting from his back. Almost like a hand-held angel. Cullids are almost always bare-chested, since a shirt would interfere with the wings, and carry a minimum of baggage with them. Often, their only possession of note is sword. Like the sword of Human, the sword is magical, but its powers are limited.

Cullids are the creation of Sorraurra--the Princess--and represent Sorraurra's ideal man. They are proud and handsome, bold and adventuresome, sleek and powerful... And yet, because of their size, they pose no threat to a woman. Sure, a tiny magical sword could hurt a girl, but physically a Cullid is unimposing. To seduce a woman, a Cullid must truly seduce her--he must win her favor, using nothing but his charm. And even once he has won the woman's favor, the Cullid is wholly at the mercy of his lady...

All worthy Cullids live by a chivalric code. They search for a beautiful maiden, pledge themselves to her, and to their best to serve her for the the rest of his life. All in return for a few acts of kindness from her...

As an all-male race, Cullids are in the unique and somewhat awkward position of forcing women of another race to bear their young. This is made doubly awkward since very few women would actually marry something as insignificant as a Cullid. (The chivalric code of the Cullid skips over marriage. He shouldn't expect a woman to devote herself solely to him, and the fact that she has a husband doesn't mean that she doesn't need him watching over her) Fortunately, Cullid reproduction is almost as insignificant as the Cullids themselves. Gestation is only a couple months, and produces no visible signs. After that, an egg is laid, which soon hatches into a Cullid toddler, who is then raised by the father. All this is certainly awkward for a woman, but is easily hidden, should she need to...
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Comments: 10

Keihaas-Art [2015-05-01 03:37:48 +0000 UTC]

Really like the concept you have going on here. Very original and you've been keeping up with it! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BoomGTS [2013-01-12 21:32:43 +0000 UTC]

Yeesh Ivojurns need a ton of special needs that they need to attend to just to get through a simple day!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TriffRaff In reply to BoomGTS [2013-01-12 22:19:26 +0000 UTC]

I maaaaaaaay have overstated it, but yeah, they're definately high-maintenance ladies.

Which makes them all the more special when they are around!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

simpleswede [2013-01-12 20:31:59 +0000 UTC]

I was scared that you would get rid of some of my favorites, but luckily I was wrong

Cool to see a size comparison to all the species.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TriffRaff In reply to simpleswede [2013-01-12 22:22:14 +0000 UTC]

Ultimately, not very many of them got the ax. Although a few of them may still get switched out if better ideas come around. Everyone in this picture is fairly safe, though.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GoldGecko [2013-01-12 19:52:22 +0000 UTC]

Is that a spider?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TriffRaff In reply to GoldGecko [2013-01-12 22:18:11 +0000 UTC]

Well, its a spider-inspired monster...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GoldGecko In reply to TriffRaff [2013-01-12 22:59:03 +0000 UTC]


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EdgedWeapon [2013-01-12 19:36:01 +0000 UTC]

These are definitely interesting.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TriffRaff In reply to EdgedWeapon [2013-01-13 22:42:08 +0000 UTC]

Good to hear.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0