During the Age of Ultron storyline, Angela is revealed to be alive and has been pulled from Heven as a result of Wolverine's damage to the Omniverse.[3] In a combination of rage and confusion, she charges towards Earth from outer space, only to be intercepted by the Guardians of the Galaxy , causing her to join the team.[4]
During the Original Sin storyline, it is revealed that she is Aldrif, the daughter of Odin and Freyja, making her sister toThor and Loki . She was "killed" as an infant during Asgard's war with the Angels of the Tenth Realm, called "Heven." This crime resulted in Odin severing the Tenth Realm from the other nine as punishment for their attack. Thor learns of his sister's existence when he is exposed to the secrets of Uatu , the Watcher 's eye, by the Orb . He returns to Asgard to confront his mother about his sister's existence, and subsequently travels to the Tenth Realm with Loki to learn more about his sister.[5]