TurkFish — HMRRI | Mikha'il | Serseri

Published: 2017-09-17 21:04:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 3877; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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He's finally here.

[Name] Mikha'il (Michael) Caulfield

[Age] 33 Yrs
[Birthday] February 14th
[Gender] Demiboy
[Island] Serseri
[Occupation] Police Officer

[Height] 6'4"
[Weight] 220lbs


Very tall, meaty man with cool dark skin and dark brown dreads that lighten to a brownish-orange at the tip. His eyes are a dark blue, accompanied by the world's thickest eyebrows. He's got a beard and he has this weird particular way he shaves it. Don't ask. His nose is huge. There's probably a city inside. But it makes his round little face more handsome somehow. Probably. I THINK IT DOES. The man is full of muscle. Just a big, meaty boy. His hands are huge and, for the most part, pretty gentle. He's got a big chest and a tiny waist. Don't think about real world compatibility too hard. Has a scar all the way down his left thigh. Overall, he's got that hot dad bod.

[ Family Background ]


Mother | Aliyah Caulfield | Photographer
Father | Logan Caulfield | Financial Assistant who cares


Sister | A'isha Caulfield | Dancer (?) | gattofisch  


mother's side
Grandmother | Abril Boulos | Former Singer, retired
Grandfather | Jafar Boulos | Former Cook, deceased

father's side
Grandmother | Ann Caulfield | professional grandma (retired)
Grandfather | Horace Caulfield | professional grandpa (retired)


Late Wife | Celia Caulfield | Deceased


Daughter | Savannah Caulfield | trouble-making teen | Ahbbii  
Dog | Melanie

[ Personality ]

 Benevolent | Dedicated | Courageous | Humble/Modest | Patient | Protective 
 Selfless | Sentimental | Ambitious | Domestic | Tough
 Dependent | Disorganized | Paranoid | Vulnerable | Repressed | Awkward

Mikha'il is a very hardworking man who, when he's not concentrated and on the job, probably has the sweetest disposition a person could have. He's brave, strong and willing to face anything head-on if it means keeping his family safe. Mikha'il is protective of his family and tries his hardest to get them to a high place where they'll have a safe future even if he wasn't there. He works a lot to earn enough money to pay for whatever his daughter desires and to have enough to put away for her, too. But he still tries his hardest to also be around enough to spend time with her. His schedule is often at odds with his health because he spends so much time between work and doting on Savannah and Melanie that sometimes he forgets to sleep. But to him the selfless acts are worth it.
Mikha'il doesn't think much of himself, and will often deflect the conversation if anyone ever tries to praise him. He's very modest when it comes to....anything, really, and is admittedly quite shy outside of situations he deals with with work.
Mikha'il relies a lot on the people around him to make him feel valid. While he's independent in the sense that he can take care of things like bills, cooking, doing laundry, keeping clean and those sorts of things, Mikha relies heavily on the existence of people who also care about him to function. Without Savannah he'd probably fall into his depression again, which is why the idea of her growing up is so incredibly terrifying to him. He's always worried something will happen to her, and while he tries his best not to suffocate his daughter with his attention, he does get a little too clingy and protective of the ones he loves.
When it comes to work, Mikha'il is a completely different character. While he's still friendly and amicable to most strangers, he also seems to morph from a giant cushy man to a giant...not cushy man. He's very serious when it comes to work, and while puppy dog eyes might work on him coming from his daughter or his K-9 companion, they won't work even a smidge on him when he's taking down a suspect. He takes his job very seriously.

[ History ]

*Trigger warning for abusive parental content*

Mikha'il was an only child for a good few years, and his home life was decent for some time. Watching how his father descended into alcoholism when Aliyah announced her second pregnancy wasn't very pleasant, though. Mikha'il was old enough to have gained vague memories of a loving father. A proud, yet tired, business man who played watered down versions of sports with his scrawny little son. Who loved and was proud of the photography business his wife had grown and maintained. Who liked to whistle while he worked in the garage, and teach his son every little thing about the car he drove. But as soon as he hit the bottle, he hit it hard. Mikha'il was never sure what turned him to it. Aliyah would never tell him, and he was too young to understand any clues that could have helped him.
All he knew was that as soon as his little sister, A'isha, was born, his mother took the brunt of Logan's anger. Nothing was physical, not for a few years. Most of it was just yelling back and forth, hurling insults at each other across the house while Mikha'il turned on A'isha's nursery rhyme cassette tapes as loud as they would go and shut the door to their room.

Mikha'il tried to ignore the woes of homelife when he was at school. He'd always been a sort of sheepish kid, his friend group more forced upon him than he was to it. There was Ron, who Mikha'il considered his best friend. The boy was a little bit of a brat but he tried his best to include Mikha'il in everything he did, and Mikha'il enjoyed listening to the other boy rant and rave about his new favorite video game or the comic book his big brother brought home for him. There were also Mike and Vinny. A lot of people tended to confuse Mikha'il and Mike a lot. They looked absolutely nothing alike; different hair, different skin, and Mike was a solid foot taller than the other. But somehow two "M" names were just too much for the other kids. And then, of course, there was Celia. Mikha'il called her his best "girl" friend. Really she was his only "girl" friend, but the sentiment remained. The rowdy group of socially awkward teens were good for Mikha'il, and his sister, too, it seemed. Celia especially loved having the two over when Mikha'il would hushedly call her and ask if they could come over. She was good with little A'isha, and did well in taking Mikha'il's mind off of what they'd just left behind at home.

His home situation didn't get any better as Mikha'il grew older. It turned physical, apparently, while Mikha'il was at school one day. He came home to find his mother hunched over a pot of cold coffee from earlier that morning with tears in her eyes, and his little sister cooped up in her room. Acting the responsible tiny adult he thought he was, he went and called the police, who, after listening to two tiny children babble on about a problem and their mother quietly apologizing for the disturbance under her husband's watchful eye, the officer's left.
The event left Mikha'il shaken, especially when he came home to the scene more and more often. Nothing was life threatening, but the guest bathroom was covered in quickly emptying cover-up and Aliyah couldn't hide the bruises on her arms so well when Mikha'il stood beside her doing the dishes. Wanting to protect his mother, the boy decided to join the weight lifting classes his high school offered. If the police wouldn't do anything, he would. Ron and Celia became even more protective of their friend when this happened. The three were inseparable. When Celia learned to drive, they went everywhere, the group of three, +1 when they could get the quickly growing A'isha to join, would go out and just...spend time together until curfew had passed. And sometimes it was just Celia and Mikha'il...he asked her to prom one night under the stars, which earned him a big kiss- his first.

Mikha'il was 17 when he finally tackled his own father to the ground in a scuffle, and finally, FINALLY, action was taken. Not because of the beatings his mother had received, but because of the brand-spankin-new knife wound all the way down Mikha'il's left thigh. It became quite the story at prom a few days later, when Mikha'il turned up with a crutch so he wouldn't rip the stitches he'd only just gotten. Mikha'il didn't really want to talk about it, but Celia and Ron were proud, and happy to weave a nice lie for him.
Free from his father, Mikha'il could finally look to a much brighter-seeming future. He was about to graduate, his mom was healing and much, much happier, he had the best friend a guy could ask for and a girlfriend that he was sure one day he would marry. And he had a plan.

Mikha'il began at the police academy immediately after graduating. And...he also found out he was going to be a father. Celia seemed nervous at first, but after the initial shock, Mikha'il was ecstatic. He offered to get a job and stop his training for the time being, but Celia forbade it, and urged Mikha'il to continue pursuing his dreams. A job wouldn't hurt, but he would be a police officer! 

Savannah Caulfield was born in the middle of Mikha'il's second year of training. They were a little young to be parents, but Mikha'il vowed to be the best dad on the planet. And the best husband. He proposed to Celia with their newborn baby girl held softly in his arms. Mikha'il graduated from the police academy and had begun looking for a town to settle down when he discovered the rail road islands. Looking around at images and reviews of the island, him and Celia made an executive decision that they could move there. The small family moved to Nomie island, where Mikha'il would become an officer and Celia would feel safe to raise their daughter while she worked from home as a tailor. They held a wedding ceremony on Ki Island at the resort. Everything was perfect.

Until Celia fell ill. Savannah was hardly older than 4. And while Celia would live a time more to watch her daughter grow, her illness was terminal and sudden. Before Savannah even turned 6, Celia had succumbed to her illness, leaving Mikha'il in shambles. Savannah didn't understand, it seemed, why her daddy moped about, or why mommy wouldn't come home. Mikha'il made little attempt to explain anything to her, and it wasn't until he found his daughter weeping alone on his bed one day that he came to a realization. He'd lost one love of his life, he couldn't let that affect the love of his daughter. She was the light and love of his life. He spoiled her rotten, and forced a smile back on his face because he had to be strong. He was a single dad, and he'd be a damn good one.
He picked up the recipe book Celia had left behind, and became somewhat of a gourmet chef. The term's...loose...but he's still pretty good at it. The house still seemed...empty, though. Mikha'il tried to fill it with memories, had friends over for Savannah to play with, and invited his family and Ron to come visit often. He even got a puppy for his daughter, a little great dane mix named Melanie. But it was just...too much. Mikha'il decided he couldn't take the feeling this house gave him anymore, and he decided to move. Savannah was about 10 at the time, and Mikha'il decided he felt safer moving to Serseri now that she was able to hold herself up. She was a trouble maker, and the only one he could tolerate. Serseri was full of trouble makers, and they really, really seemed to be in need of more police force.
Mikha'il and Savannah still remain on Serseri, the former feeling much happier with the change of scenery. He still misses his wife dearly, but tends to stuff that down. He loves his dog and his daughter very much.

[ Lovein's ]


Pansexual Panromantic

Looks - People shorter than him is definitely a must. Mikha'il enjoys being the big spoon. Short hair is nice, but he also likes curly stuff, though neither is really required. Blue eyes are also...Goddess he'd die.

Personality - Mikha'il would never admit it, but roguish people really stir him up. He'd probably never pursue someone like that for fear it would endanger his daughter, but nevertheless, the mysterious behavior is a turn-on. In terms of a long-lasting relationship, though, Mikha'il is looking for someone kind. Someone who will love his daughter just as much as they love him, if not more. They must be good with kids and dogs, or at the very least, be willing to try and interact even if they're painfully awkward. Because Mikha'il sees that with Ron all the time and that shit's cute.

Activity - Not for a very long time

? Long Lasting Relationship
? Quick Fling
? Multiple Relationships
X Friends With Benefits
✓ Unsure
? Other

Love Interests - None

[ Relationships ]

 Romantic Relationship

() Unsure , Wary
() Fear
( ) Dislike / () Hate, Despise, Wish Death Upon
() Acquaintance
() Friend
() Good Friend / () Best Friend
() Attraction /  Lust
() Crush / () Love
() Admire, Respect

Name | @ user
[Entry 1] :bullet: "...feelings..."

Serseri Island


Nomie Island


Anura Island


Trojan Islands


Divinity Island


Ki Islands


[ Extra Information ]

Voice Actor: c
Smell: Blueberry pancakes & Vanilla


 Anything involving his kids

+ Taking pictures/Making photo albums
+ Cooking/Baking
+ Peach pie
+ When people play with his hair
+ Dad jokes
+ Wrestling w his dog
+ Learning new things, especially languages
+ Holding Savannah really high above the ground because she's tiny and he's lorge
+ Pastel colors
+ The smell of aftershave
+ Foam soap
+ Hot chocolate

- Reptiles
- Sour candy
- Carbonated/sparkling water
- Being alone
- Late nights
- Alcohol 
- Cold weather
- Loud music (unless it's his, of course)

 People/situations that put his fam in danger
 The soap that has the little grains in it what tf


Mikha'il is always on the health train. Especially after Celia's passing, Mikha'il tries to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Any time Savannah falls ill he'll take off work for however long it takes to nurse her back to health. He's sure she's taken advantage of faking being sick for the fact that her daddy's so gullible. But the fact is Mikha'il is terrified to lose his baby girl to something so simple as even a cold.


- Mikha'il has this thing where he can't date girls that look anything like Celia. Long, dark hair and green eyes is a no-go, especially together. It turns him on for sure, but he'd feel like he was using the other person and he doesn't need that emotional baggage. He's convinced no one does.

- Mikha'il loves cooking and will cook for any and all occasions if time permits.

- Mikha'il is a man of the law but he would kill for his daughter without a second thought. BUT he's not painfully overprotective of her unless it comes to germs.

- Mikha'il is kind of a germaphobe and yet his whole house is a disaster and also sometimes he rolls in mud with Melanie.

- Mikha'il owns an albino Great Dane and her name is Melanie bc melanin. She's trained to be a K-9 unit.

- Mikha'il owns like 5 aprons all with different puns.

- Mikha'il rarely has his hair down. It's always up in a bun and most of his co-workers don't even realize he has long hair bc it's always tucked up in his hat.

[ Roleplay Sample ]

From a roleplay between me and @/NamelessHaven;

The ghostly mer watched the poor merman in front of him with some sort of pity, though his face was otherwise mostly blank, his eyes half-lidded and looking almost tired. He remembered faintly seeing merpeople like this before. However, most common were rainbow fish merfolk, when he'd been alive. Some clownfish. His family hadn't moved around much when he was young. Diversity was small, and usually fleeting.

The look of...well, he wasn't sure if he could even judge emotion on others anymore, considering he had so little of his own. But whatever expression the blue merman wore, it pulled his thoughts back from the clouded past he could remember. And he froze on instinct when a shadow passed over them. He could go right out there and not be harmed by this thing...probably. But still, his most basic feelings told him not to move. When the shadow had passed, his heterochromic gaze landed once more in front of him.

"That thing hurt you?" He whispered, lowering his voice from where he'd been calling before. "I'd offer to help treat your, uh..." His gaze wandered to where the other was bleeding from, "that" His gaze wandered back up. "But, uh, can't." His hands would phase right through anything he tried to use to help. Though, he did have some weak form of telepathy. Sometimes it came in handy. He supposed creatures like him used it to haunt others and be spooky. He tended to use it help sea snails sometimes.

The other wasn't freaking out on him yet...had they not noticed his appearance? Well, he couldn't blame them, given the situation. He supposed he could help. He had nothing to loose in luring the creature away. "Here buddy, you find somewhere to hide. I can lure that creep away, if you want." He offered, jabbing his thumb upwards towards where the shadow had been.

Contact information:

✓ Notes

✓/X Chats (depends on my availability)

✓ Skype (TurkehKitty)

✓ Discord (TurkFish#6805)

✓ Google Docs

X Comments

Preferred method of RPing: Lit - Paragraph

G - 18+
- I am 20 and will not go above an adult rating with anyone UNDER 18. 
- If anything happens (and you are under 18) we will fade to black. Otherwise, we will discuss beforehand what we are comfortable with.
- I'm not big on smut, but if the time calls for it I may be okay with it.
- I can do a little blood/violence but I get a little iffy if there's large amounts of it! (I'm a teddy bear, fight me)

Mikha'il & Art (c) Me TurkFish
Blank App:  Serseri App

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Comments: 9

k00k3y [2017-10-04 00:06:30 +0000 UTC]

Sucha sweet guy with sucha melancholy backstory. My heart 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to k00k3y [2017-11-15 23:35:05 +0000 UTC]

THIS IS A RLY LATE REPLY BC I DIDNT SEE IT BUT THANK YOU KOOK!!! I'm v excited to have my boy comin' in weeps

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GrilledandCheesed [2017-09-18 12:11:53 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to GrilledandCheesed [2017-09-18 17:47:59 +0000 UTC]

Same tbh she's such a good girl I love her,

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LordFluffers [2017-09-18 05:03:05 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to LordFluffers [2017-09-18 05:30:11 +0000 UTC]

I'm ready for my dad boy i been planning him for a dang year and hes finally here

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LordFluffers In reply to TurkFish [2017-09-18 22:46:08 +0000 UTC]

Dad fest begins!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

lunacove [2017-09-17 21:14:53 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to lunacove [2017-09-18 00:37:33 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0