Vanhelsing1117 — The Truth

Published: 2007-11-13 21:46:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 4499; Favourites: 203; Downloads: 0
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Description I've spent a great deal of my time thinking about things most people don't think about untill far later in their lives, and many not at all. I am not like other kids. I do not judge untill i can make a logical, educated assumption. There are things in the world that don't have difinitive proof, despite the misconceptions of both scientist and religious extremists. I'm far form knowing what really goes on. There are so many things a mortal, imperfect mind will never be able to comprehend no matter how many times I try (it drives me nuts), but these are the conclusion I have come to:

"First there was nothing. Then in 6 seconds, 98% of everything came into existance..." -The Big Bang Theory

1. Read Genisis, the beginning of the Bible. Now, go read about the Big Bang Theory. Make a Venn Diagram. Now go read what came after that in Genisis, then read a little about evolotion and pre-history. Make another Venn Diagram. The only thing that Creation talks about poetically that science describes literally is what happened before us; The involvment of a God, angels, and the fall of Satan. But in our modern world, there have been more than enough cohesive secular documents, historical writings, first-hand accounts, and documented occurances to point in that direction. As we learned the the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, logic rules. And evidence with holes is better than no evidence at all, which is shockingly the amount of evidence that sceptics have. I beleive in a seperate, living evil. If anyone can come up with a difinitive counter to that beleif, I'd like to hear it. And please, no comments saying "because that's not scientifically possible." Excuse me, but we arn't even 100% sure how LIGHTNING works. Flight used to be the same way. Don't be arrogant, you want to prove me wrong, read into the subject and tell me what you think, untill then you don't know what you're talking about as far as I'm concerned. And don't go saying "we are/arn't the only intelegant life in the universe" either, that's just REALLY arrogant...

I believe every species constantly moves toward perfection in the form of evolution, but I think Darwin isn't right and here's why: Darwin's theory of evolution is that every so often, a mutant comes along, and if that mutant is more fit, he will survive, and pass that mutation onto future generations who will, in turn, survive. While this concept is true, I don't think it could count for all of the changes that take place over millions of years, there has to be something else too it, as far as I'm concerned. Nobody can say they really know what takes place over millions of years because nobody's lived that long, as well as what took place millions of years ago, so let's not rule anything out.

The same scientists that people swear know how the earth formed are the same ones that thought eggs were bad, then eggs were good, then eggs were bad, and then the yellow part is bad but the white part is actually good.... all in the same century. Science is constantly changing and a discovery tomorrow might contradict everything found yesterday. There are many, many holes to fill...

Politicians shouldn't be allowed in politics.

Jesus turned water into wine, not guns to commit hate crimes and justify the actions of the wicked. I have a multitude of quotes under my belt from Jesus, Buddha, Confucious, Tao, and Mohammad talking about how WRONG that is and how we are all supposed to be PEACEFUL, and I didn't twist the meaning to what I wanted them to say, either.

"Ask and ye shall receive." is somehting alot of athiests quote. First of all, if you haven't evne PICKED UP a Bible I don't want to EVER hear it being mist quoted like that. If you read the rest of that passage, you'd know that the only thing we;'re guaranteed is the courage and fortitude of the Holy Spirit (something i ask for all the time, and get), second you're supposed ot say "thy kingdom come", how's that? Third, if you're praying out of SPITE and not really praying at all, don't expect to be ansered. God has enough things to worry about, Satan and all that, don't expect Him to alter reality just for you, so don't expect a pony to be standing on the front lawn tomorrow morning.

If the Indian in the comercial was crying for nature back in the 70's, he's probably killed himself by now...

Lust nd Love are two VERY different things. You think you know the difference, but you probably don't. Love is DIEING for someone, Love is doing everything you can for and with someone and THEN thinking about getting physical. I've only seen love, it's going to take along time before I know how it feels myself, I only hope I can find it in time.

You don't have to like it, but this what I've found. If something like this make you fileld with anger, you have to ask yourself why exactly do you beleive what you do? Do you hate that guy because he aggrivates you or did someone tel lyou to hate them? Do they have no friends because they push people away for has nobody given them a chance? Do you hate God because he did you wrong or because that's how everyone else acts? Do you really beleive anything? A very wise man once told me this: "Faith is like fine steel. If taken out of the fire, cooled, and never re heated, it will break at the slightest pressure. But only a blade that has been plunged back into the fire, rapidly cooled, and plugned in again will stand strong." If you've never once questioned what people have told you, wether it be religon or about people, you've never really beleive anything, you've just been told.

Amen. God Bless America.
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Comments: 133

Abstract-scientist [2014-04-27 12:37:05 +0000 UTC]

I think the entire bible is just a metaphor...

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Greatkingrat88 [2013-05-26 19:14:39 +0000 UTC]

So funny to see a stamp on "The Truth" be so chock full of ignorance.

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PrincessElemix In reply to Greatkingrat88 [2013-07-25 01:06:13 +0000 UTC]

What it ignorant towards?

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Greatkingrat88 In reply to PrincessElemix [2013-07-25 08:57:55 +0000 UTC]

It makes some very broad stroke assumptions about the big bang theory and evolution, and so forth, which are flat out inaccurate. It's so dumb that either the person writing it is legitimately stupid/ignorant and immature, or a troll of some kind.

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PrincessElemix In reply to Greatkingrat88 [2013-07-25 20:13:21 +0000 UTC]

First of all just to let you know. Ignorant and stupid do not mean the same thing and they're not interchangeable.

Second, who really cares. People like you should know to ignore uneducated opinions on deviantart.

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Greatkingrat88 In reply to PrincessElemix [2013-07-25 21:49:04 +0000 UTC]

I am quite aware of the distinction. I am saying that the statements on this stamp is both ignorant and stupid. 

Well, anyone with a basic education, maybe? I don't believe in ignoring ignorance.

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PrincessElemix In reply to Greatkingrat88 [2013-07-26 02:58:41 +0000 UTC]

Okay good.

Well what makes you think you can change this person's mind? When someone is glued to an idea, no matter how ridiculous they'll stick with it. Just save your self the effort and ignore it.

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Greatkingrat88 In reply to PrincessElemix [2013-07-26 10:51:07 +0000 UTC]


It would feel highly cynical to think people can never change their mind. People need to be challenged, especially if their views are ignorant.

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PrincessElemix In reply to Greatkingrat88 [2013-07-26 13:18:35 +0000 UTC]

The only way I see this people like this changing their minds is under an extreme circumstance where they wouldn't have a choice. there will always be closed minded people like this and with that I see no point in bothering.

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Greatkingrat88 In reply to PrincessElemix [2013-07-26 13:24:27 +0000 UTC]

Not everyone is absolutely set in their mind about an idea. Some people can change, do change, but they might need a nudge to do so.

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Thinker1988 [2013-01-19 20:35:23 +0000 UTC]

Supporting the truth? Then try to support that you'll never know it completely.

I understand you have a passion about a fiction, but don't say you want logic because you search for something that it's pointless to pretend that it's not the exact opposite of logic and try to prove your points with the fact that we don't know many things. Not a nice move to make yourself look like you want logic.

And what is exactly that skeptic try to prove but fail? Skepticism means either proving something, or not affirming it, that's all (and possibly not calling evidences some jokes that don't prove anything). It's never been about pretending to know everything. If we knew everything, we wouldn't need to study and prove things.

But sorry if I consider very improbable that something that was entirely made up without logic and purposefully to attack logic, is anything similar to the truth that is studied logically now. Usually very few things are what they was believed, even things supposed rationally, let alone things affirmed irrationally.

We don't know lightning works? Cool! Then there's still a chance it's god who causes them!

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BlissClouds [2012-12-05 04:41:13 +0000 UTC]

I also support the truth. Ignore the haters, they'll all die off eventually.

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complexdiagnosis [2012-10-05 22:30:02 +0000 UTC]

I do agree with your statement here, but the stamp itself gives the impression of arrogance, even when you blame others for it. Not to be rude, but it seems kind of invasive/demanding.

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HeiMantaHei [2012-09-15 13:25:25 +0000 UTC]

What's the truth... Will we ever know...?

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FunnelVortex [2012-08-24 12:08:19 +0000 UTC]

Maybe you could try getting out of church and going to school for once.

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zarhx [2012-06-29 01:47:46 +0000 UTC]

The truth is something we don't know yet, in terms of where we came from and where the universe came from (: So I suggest you go to fucking college and start exploring space physics, bitch, so you can GET US THE TRUTH.

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SoemGuy [2012-04-10 03:55:43 +0000 UTC]

Well, in my opinion, 6 seconds and 98% is a tad better than 7 days and 100% percent. Anyway, it wasn't 6 seconds, because who knows how long it was there for? Religious theories go something like this: 'An entity that was forever there created the universe. Where did it come from? It was always there!' Aesthetic theories go a bit like this: 'A little point of matter created the universe, and who knows how it got there.'

See any similarities? I sure do, and I'm not sure I like either side of this debate. The religious thinkers describe the world through 'feeling,' and the books written from so long ago. It's certainly inaccurate, but certainly leaves things up to themselves, while still being the very essence of arrogance; A bit like what I detected in this. However, that doesn't necessarily mean a lack of humanity; in fact, the very essence of humanity lies within our beliefs.

However, atheists explain the world through something solid. Something we can all comprehend. Science. It will explain why it rains, explain why earthquakes happen, create new ways to bring the world together.

This doesn't necessarily mean good. The nuclear bomb, the modern weapons of war.

On the religious side, the Crusades, all the smear campaigns the Church did.

There is no end to the conflict of which side is 'right.' The flame began burning long before any of us were born, and will not stop doing so until long after we have passed.

Hoo, boy. That was more like something I would write for a school assignment than what I would write on a comment board. Then again, considering this will get covered by SO MANY OTHER comments- Why not?

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Greatkingrat88 [2012-04-04 09:50:45 +0000 UTC]

You do realize that Darwin's flaws in his science was due to insufficient data, right? Modern evolutionary biologists know better.

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RGB64 [2012-03-31 19:34:51 +0000 UTC]

The Big Bang theory doesn't state that there was nothing. It states that everything expanded from something no bigger than the head of a pin.

This is what happens when someone tries to comprehend science as they did religion.

When you cherrypick science, you only understand it less.

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RGB64 [2011-12-04 08:13:51 +0000 UTC]

And note: How can we have descended from a man and a woman who only had sons?

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Greatkingrat88 [2011-11-10 20:53:58 +0000 UTC]

The same scientists that people swear know how the earth formed are the same ones that thought eggs were bad, then eggs were good, then eggs were bad, and then the yellow part is bad but the white part is actually good.... all in the same century. Science is constantly changing and a discovery tomorrow might contradict everything found yesterday. There are many, many holes to fill...

Science updates itself as new data comes in. Perhaps previously evidence indicated eggs were bad for you, then new data came in to make this evidence falsified, and yet more data came in to lend credence to the preceding theory...
That this somehow makes science untrustworthy is an unfair misrepresentation. It is because science updates itself as new data comes in it is of any use to us. Religion, on the other hand, has not updated itself since the bronze ages.

Now, the bible isn't really evidence for anything. It's a mythical collection of judeo-christian tales, with no real archaeological validity. It isn't actual evidence.

While this concept is true, I don't think it could count for all of the changes that take place over millions of years, there has to be something else too it, as far as I'm concerned..
Saying "there has to be something else to it" without even offering a serious alternative is just an arbitrary, baseless assertion. There is a scientific consensus on the theory of evolution being the best explanation of why organic life looks the way it does. There is no controversy regarding this, the scientists agree because evidence points them hither.

Now, as for god... the way I see it goes as follows:
Assuming we do indeed have an immortal soul, and that there is indeed a deity who wants it, then commiting it to any deity is a humongous commitment. I would not ever commit my soul- if I have one- to any religion without hard evidence that this is the right faith.
And as I have yet to see such evidence, I live my life as an atheist, trying my best to be a decent human being.

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Apo-el [2011-04-20 15:18:38 +0000 UTC]

I can't say I fully agree with all of the points you made, but I can stand beside the central idea.

"Never stop questioning. Man cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of life, infinity, and the marvelous fabric of reality."
-Albert Einstein.

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Hepzebar [2011-04-04 20:38:03 +0000 UTC]

Your opinion isn't the truth. You seem very arrogant yourself. Though you could prove me wrong I guess.

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TillShilohComes [2011-03-05 04:38:36 +0000 UTC]

Actually atheists do pick up Bible's, they then go straight to the concordance looking for what will help their agenda, and ignore all the rest. Rally intelligent of them, because they get a skewed idea of what is within and it is so easy to defeat their silly rants.

Amen and bravo!

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sobercollegekid23 In reply to TillShilohComes [2011-10-28 00:40:29 +0000 UTC]

As do Christians.

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TillShilohComes In reply to sobercollegekid23 [2011-10-28 20:26:47 +0000 UTC]

Some. But atheists (the rabid kind), make it their life's work to pluck verses. I find it really funny that one of their favourite catchcry's is 'you can't use the Bible to prove God exists', yet they try to use it to prove he don't?

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sobercollegekid23 In reply to TillShilohComes [2011-10-28 23:46:18 +0000 UTC]

Except atheists don't do that at all.

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TillShilohComes In reply to sobercollegekid23 [2011-10-29 23:02:04 +0000 UTC]

You must not be talking to the same atheists as me, because I see it constantly & NONE of them know what they are really quoting because they don't really read the Bible, just pluck things from it by looking in the concordance. Words like 'kill', 'slavery', etc.

Atheists most definitely do! Not all, but many.

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sobercollegekid23 In reply to TillShilohComes [2011-10-29 23:12:54 +0000 UTC]

Those who are blinded by their faith cannot see the light.

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TillShilohComes In reply to sobercollegekid23 [2011-10-29 23:22:00 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for describing the atheist faith of the 'religion of unbelief' so well! Could not have said it better myself.

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sobercollegekid23 In reply to TillShilohComes [2011-10-29 23:28:01 +0000 UTC]

I wasn't referring to atheists, really.

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TillShilohComes In reply to sobercollegekid23 [2011-10-30 04:03:43 +0000 UTC]

I was.

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sobercollegekid23 In reply to TillShilohComes [2011-10-30 04:06:05 +0000 UTC]

Atheism isn't a religion, though. Atheism, by its very nature, denies religion.

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TillShilohComes In reply to sobercollegekid23 [2011-10-30 04:58:21 +0000 UTC]

Take a look at the home page of the American Atheist Association, looks like a religious blog to me. Also, if they do not believe there is a God, why do they bother to try so hard to prove it, argue over something they do not belive exists? And to top it off, they tell Christians, they 'can't' use the Bible to prove God exists, yet then they use it to try and prove He does not! ?

I have had atheists 'preach' this 'religion' to me. I got nothing against anyone who chooses to not believe in God. God gives all free will to choose (Christian teaching), so, fine, up to them. What i do object to, is an atheist telling me I am 'stupid' because I do believe. My faith is reasoned faith, not blind faith. When atheists say to me 'where is your proof' & I say God's Word, the Bible, they say, that's not proof. Well, maybe not to them, but it is to me, because I have read it and studied it for years, even questioned it, and it always proves itself to me, everytime.

With all respect most atheists are atheists because , they do not want to follow God's rules for living right, they had a bad experience with other Christians, they are mad at God, their parents raised them that way, whatever. But they also do not have a proper understanding of God, and or God's Word.

I believe in God, but I ain't stupid & my faith is not blind, it is reasoned, just as some atheists have reasoned their non belief, but cannot disprove the existance of God. Way I look at it, we will all know the truth one day, so we can discuss it, but why fight over it?

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sobercollegekid23 In reply to TillShilohComes [2011-10-30 18:23:01 +0000 UTC]

"With all respect most atheists are atheists because , they do not want to follow God's rules for living right, they had a bad experience with other Christians, they are mad at God, their parents raised them that way, whatever. But they also do not have a proper understanding of God, and or God's Word."

With all respect, you are incorrect.

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TillShilohComes In reply to sobercollegekid23 [2011-10-31 10:07:22 +0000 UTC]

Ok, your opinion, I can respect your right to it. We might not be talking to the same atheists?

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ayame18 [2011-02-12 05:18:56 +0000 UTC]

Like your statements here.

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Dalek1965 [2010-12-17 03:51:31 +0000 UTC]

I've already realized that nobody can handle the Truth. Period.

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Apo-el In reply to Dalek1965 [2011-04-20 15:13:02 +0000 UTC]

You're obviously a huge fan of H.P. Lovecraft.

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Dalek1965 In reply to Apo-el [2011-04-20 23:17:24 +0000 UTC]

In a way.

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Sushi-Ice-Cream [2010-12-03 20:15:52 +0000 UTC]

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GinnyStoleMyMan [2010-10-18 04:07:04 +0000 UTC]

If I may, The Big Bang was not the beginning of the universe, nor was it actually an explosion. It was an expansion. The chemicals for everything were already there. No one's suggesting that for no reason it suddenly appeared. What the universe was like before the Big Bang remains a mystery but the evidence is there to support the theory. I'd normally go more in depth but Physics isn't my best area. I would advise doing some more research on your own as I'm not exactly an expert in this area.

As for how you described Evolution, your description was actually very over simplified. It isn't that every once and a while a mutant occurs, it's that thousands of mutations occur every generation. You are correct to say there must be another driving force, and there is: Natural Selection. Those who are better suited for their environment are the ones who will go on to pass their genes along when they reproduce. For example, say there is a population of Beetles. Most of them are Green however due to a pigment mutation one out of every 50 of the beetles is born brown. Now factor in a predator than can only see the green beetles as the brown ones manage to camouflage better. The Brown Beetles would be more likely to survive and pass on the brown gene. In a nutshell, that's how evolution actually works.

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EonOrteaShadowmaster [2010-09-14 06:23:24 +0000 UTC]

I'd like to point a few things out.
Mutations happen constantly, so it's not "every now and then". Life also had closer to 3 billion years to evolve to its current state, plenty of time. And when sexual reproduction came along, creatures got to recombine their genes, creating a sort of "evolutionary explosion". Besides, evolution does not move towards "perfection". It moves towards "what's suitable for now".

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windrunner21 [2010-02-08 00:33:19 +0000 UTC]

amen! same here!

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titanicfreak1912 [2010-02-02 18:43:18 +0000 UTC]

im an athiest myself but i havent goe ito much research as you have but i believe i know enough to be able to choose what i think is true.
this stamp is awesome wish i had that membership thing so i could use...

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tam2u [2010-01-11 12:08:32 +0000 UTC]

This stamp is now in my journal [link]
Thanks so much for sharing

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manty4 [2009-10-31 19:00:24 +0000 UTC]

evolution is a load of crap.

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ILoveBadGuysInMovies In reply to manty4 [2015-10-30 18:18:31 +0000 UTC]

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mothermultiverse [2009-10-25 23:47:18 +0000 UTC]

I agree

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Tabbykat35 [2009-07-20 22:22:53 +0000 UTC]

Very true and very respectable. [link] Here's a limerick type of poem you'll probably appreciate. I think there's nothing more stupid than arguing over religion because no one knows for sure, and saying people are stupid for having faith is just ridiculous. It's no one's business what brings a person comfort and peace.

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